Can I share something with you, a little reality, about 60% of this nation is "uncomfortable" at least with homosexuality, they don't protest, they for the most part don't hate, or accuse, but they don't like the lifestyle. They have this attitude, " what you do behind your bedroom door is your business, it's not mine". Most are not even for "gay marriage". It really has not been a massive part of anyone's protest, most people have their own life to live and they don't want to mess with YOUR GAY LIFESTYLE.Most American's view it as a "unnatural" lifestyle, but they just keep silent about it, people of all political persuasion.
Here's another shocker to you, so hang on to your gay chair and don't fall off. Many people do not agree with the "sexual orientation" model, of "I can't help it, I'm born the way I am" They just don't. Especially if you look at raw scientific data there is NOTHING definitive to prove the theory. Most American's just go along with the belief, I personally don't, but many do.
You can borrow this from my "born again Christian" life, I'll let you borrow it, we might have something in common here. When you profess something don't expect everyone to line up and pat you on the back and endorse what you believe in, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT!!!! From my perspective, my savior told me they hated me((Jesus) they'll hate you(some of them). Don't expect your gay lifestyle to be any different, most people will leave you alone for the most part but don't expect them to agree with you and stroke your gay side, because they won't.
You should be thankful to people like me that even though I disagree with your lifestyle I believe what you do is YOUR business, not mine. I work in medicine, and I'll give you care to the best of my ability, like I would anyone else, but I'm not going to your, "EMBRACE ME, EMBRACE ME!!" New Years eve gala event, in Somewhere, California.
You took Matthew 5:17 out of context which is typical, but if your going to use that scripture to support your point what do you do with John 8:1-11?????????????????