Why are so many republicans anti-gay?
2016-12-02 19:35:08 UTC
They think about gay sex more than gay people do.
364 answers:
2016-12-05 08:59:21 UTC
First off not all republicans are anti-gay. There's actually an organization called Log-Cabin Republicans which is a group for LGBT republicans. But the reason a lot of republicans are anti-gay is because most of them are part of the religious right and they think it's still the 1950s.
2016-12-03 22:14:00 UTC
As a republican, a conservative republican, I find homosexuality unbiblical. I am a follow of Jesus Christ.

But I am not anti-opinion. Every person in this great country of ours has the opportunity to raise his or hers voice. Let it be known. Have your desires heard and help make American better. I think that the Republican party has opened up to the Gay community more than ever, but the Gay cummunity needs to get out of the lime light and stop presenting them self Far left group. That has to be one way or no way.

People jump on Christians or Republicans for opposing gay marriage. But the flip side is true, you can't yell the christian republican to change his view because it's not equal with a certain person or group.
2016-12-03 14:57:59 UTC
I don't really think this is a political or religious issue at this point. I think this is just an issue of how you were raised. If you were raised believing being gay is wrong, for whatever reason (such as religion), then you're going to be anti-gay. I was raised to just be nice to everyone and not judge people and I was raised by southern Christian republicans. Many people now don't actually care, they just don't want it shoved down their throats. I'm gay and I don't even like having it shoved down my throat. Everyone just needs to chill and leave each other alone. Dating women has no impact on anyone but myself and the woman I am dating. I don't flaunt it or try to make people accept be because I respect their opinions. Most people don't even know I'm gay, but when they find out, they're super cool with it because I'm a normal person. Being gay doesn't have to define you.
2016-12-04 23:44:51 UTC
Religion drives many preferences. Morals should not be compared to the Bible. Many animals are gay, so yes, it is natural. There is no good argument against it. It's just your sexual preference. No big deal. Trump isn't anti-gay, but yeah, a lot of Republicans are. That's because Republicans are generally more privileged and high-class, thus, there morals are altered. This is not always the case...
2016-12-04 17:40:09 UTC
Religion drives many preferences. Morals should not be compared to the Bible. Many animals are gay, so yes, it is natural. There is no good argument against it. It's just your sexual preference. No big deal. Trump isn't anti-gay, but yeah, a lot of Republicans are. That's because Republicans are generally more privileged and high-class, thus, there morals are altered. This is not always the case, it is just a bit more often.
2016-12-04 02:29:41 UTC
I'm a Republican and I'm not "anti-gay". I'm not gay, but I have gay friends who are some of the nicest people you're ever going to meet. To generalize Republicans as "anti-gay" is just wrong. I do not give a hoot or a holler what somebody does in their own time, what color their skin is, what religious beliefs they prefer, etc... Everybody is OK with me until they give me some reason to believe otherwise. Enough said.
2016-12-03 19:24:37 UTC
They are not necessarily anti... gay but many of them take all views into consideration. There wasn't anything wrong with giving everyone including gay people the right to a marriage license. But for example most of them didn't agree with the whole bathroom policy because that isn't something thats based on straight or gay and bathrooms include EVERYONE even children. Some people don't like knowing other people's business even if they believe in their mind that they are the opposite gender. Bathrooms are for privacy and avoiding seeing anything that should be private at all costs no matter what beliefs are. If someone wants to see what's private thats what pole dancing and hooker joints are for. Also it gives pedophiles the chance to disguise themself and lie because a lot of crimes take place in bathrooms since there is privacy. Republicans like to look at the WHOLE picture and not just one small dot on the map.
2016-12-04 10:04:16 UTC
They are not necessarily anti... gay but many of them take all views into consideration. There wasn't anything wrong with giving everyone including gay people the right to a marriage license. But for example most of them didn't agree with the whole bathroom policy because that isn't something thats based on straight or gay and bathrooms include EVERYONE even children. Some people don't like knowing other people's business even if they believe in their mind that they are the opposite gender. Bathrooms are for privacy and avoiding seeing anything that should be private at all costs no matter what beliefs are. If someone wants to see what's private thats what pole dancing and hooker joints are for. Also it gives pedophiles the chance to disguise themself and lie because a lot of crimes take place in bathrooms since there is privacy. Republicans like to look at the WHOLE picture and not just one small dot on the map.
2016-12-03 15:12:17 UTC
Republicans in general tend to be old school conservatives. (not as the current meaning of the word "conservative") Along the lines of Baptists, Born Again Christians, Catholics and some other so-called "religious" groups. They value their learned beliefs over any sort of logic. Note that the overwhelming majority of republicans are white. This was illustrated in the century from 1900 to the year 200. During that century only 2 black republican congressmen were elected, while at the same time more than 60 black democrat congressmen and women were elected to office. Most religions label homosexuality as a sin. So it is not so much a political leaning as it is learned values. Just as all bigotry must be learned.
2016-12-04 06:14:40 UTC
Because so many gay activists are anti-Republican, anti-morality and anti-family.

Ever been to the NYC pride parade? It should be for 18-and over only!

There is a nice gay couple at my gym- they keep to themselves and don't bother anyone. If all gays were like them, there wouldn't be a problem.
2016-12-04 09:57:55 UTC
I am neither republican nor democrat, but I know many anti-gay republicans. Their reasoning is that in the Bible, homosexuality is condemned. I am a Christian, and I don't agree with homosexuality. I also don't think my religion should prohibit certain activity that does no harm in a secular government. Gay people aren't going to stop being gay just because legal marriage isn't allowed. If it doesn't affect you, then you shouldn't be concerned.
2016-12-04 00:53:59 UTC
I can't speak or anyone else...... but I will admit that I don't believe in this gay issue because there is fur to much "you know what" surrounding the whole issue. For example; Gays claim to be born gay and that being gay is not a choice. Nevertheless, there is no consensus among scientists that renders/provides any conclusive evidence that support such claims. Consider the following; There are numerous gays leaving the homosexual life style on a daily basis (for what ever reasons). Now, gay claim that being gay is not a choice..... so how do these gays leaving homosexuality have the ability to make the choice to discontinue their participation and practice in homosexuality? It clear seems to me that gays have been lying through their teeth and playing the general public like fools.
2016-12-03 20:57:33 UTC
Why are so many Democrats anti-religion (anti-Christian)? What? You don't like this question because it's not true? Now you know how we Republicans feel. That being said, if someone is not 'for' gay marriage for example, contrary to your stunted view of the world, that does NOT make someone 'anti-gay.' If a liberal is against certain aspects of middle of the road Christian beliefs, does that make them anti-Christian?
2016-12-04 18:40:52 UTC
Because many Republicans are christian, have adopted the rules of the bible, and therefore think being gay is against the will of god. Kind of ridiculous if you consider the bible also claims cutting your hair and wearing pants as a female are both sins.

Many often attempt to justify their not having to serve gay people due to their religious beliefs. Granted 70 years ago southerns were probably making a similar argument against blacks during segregation, that they don't have to serve black individuals because they don't support their identity. If a white individual refused to serve a black individual because of their race in this day and age, it would be regarded as entirely racist and socially unacceptable. Why is it not the same for an individual refusing to serve a gay person due to their identity?

People continue to make the same mistakes time and time again, discriminating others without recognizing the similarities to past conflicts in society.
richard m
2016-12-03 03:00:17 UTC
Honestly its because many republicans are conservative both socially and fiscally. Religion is a big part. Misinformation is another. But think about many old time dems are the same way. Think dixie-crats and the likes of zell miller ( One time Georgia governor) and even bill clinton at one time. He did after all sign into law DOMA, (although he later said he regretted doing it). Robert byrd is also one of the racists that later repented to win the hearts of liberals. (but his thoughts abouts gays have never been changed he still hated them until his deathbed.) My point in this story is that even the democrats have the infestation of disgusting behavior that is homophobia and racism. Many moderate republicans are actually for same sex marriage. Log cabin republicans are an example.
2016-12-03 07:18:31 UTC
Tbh Im not anti gay but I'm not pro gay either. I firmly believe in a separation of church and state. It is up to the church whether they want to marry them or not. Gay marriage as a right should not have been banned by the government period but it does not mean any church is obligated for that matter to marry a couple that doesn't condone to their belief. It also doesnt mean a church can tell the government to close down another affiliayed church because they married/didn't marry a gay couple. I'm atheist but I defend the difference in rights that the government and church have. I'm not gay so it's none of my business what they do with their lives.
2016-12-03 20:44:48 UTC
like a couple people have pointed out, a big influence is how you were raised, but not just that, it's how you were INFLUENCED.As a child, you take note of every and I mean every thing their parents do to learn. Sometimes it is good, and sometimes it is bad. As the child grows up and become a teenager, they start to formulate their own beliefs and views, and become more like adults. But how they have been raised, and how they perceive this affects how they are as an adult. Kids don't have as much experience as adults in the world, but that does not mean they are stupid. Propaganda as well can lead people on. It's all over the media. As a person, you have a set of morals, and propaganda can easily trick unwise people into believing it. The propaganda goes for the morals of a person, and can hamper with the accuracy of the actual problem. Unfortunately, propaganda has a good way of hiding.Many people are tricked into thinking the propaganda is true, and are tricked into thinking anything
James G
2016-12-03 21:42:07 UTC
The Bible is anti-gay. Most Republicans identify as Christians. Many Christians are anti-gay.
2016-12-03 04:33:18 UTC
Muslims are easily 10x more anti-gay and violent about it too. How come liberals never dare bring up faults with their precious Muslims tho?

I have a few gay friends that have actually become conservative recently because they don't like the fact that Hillary Clinton/the DNC are bought out by radical Muslims, and want to bring in 550% more Muslims without background checks, even though like 95% of the Muslims believe in sharia law. Democrats do not care about gay people, they use them for votes
2016-12-02 22:22:37 UTC
To say America wasn't founded and based on Christian ideals is extremely idiotic and false (just saying, seen maybe one or two people say it wasn't)

Anyway, i wouldn't say they're all "anti-gay", but they're against having it shoved down their throats and having their religion forced to adhere to something that it is viewed as a sin within the religion. I'm a Catholic, don't care for what gays do, let them have rights and be free of persecution, but I don't want to be forced to do something I don't want to do. Say I were a priest, instead of being attacked by society for my religion and not wanting to go through on a marriage ceremony, I should be able to practice my religion as I should, not the way others want me to. Just a small little example.

Fun fact, there are gay people who are Republicans, so to say "Republicans are anti-gay" is extremely broad and incorrect.
2016-12-03 10:10:39 UTC
Because they might be eating too much cheese and are constipated?

Seriously I do not know but keep in mind there are a lot of them who are gay and keep it a secret. I know one who is working for Trump and he is Republican and gay. It is not a sin to be gay and I think you missed the point of the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 5:

Matthew 5:17 “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.”

Prior to this scripture he said:

14Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Please consider this: Jesus never wrote down his own words and Matthew was supposed to be a disciple of his and he was talking about how Jesus said if we believe in God we are like a promising light of encouragement before the world and try to help and encourage others and do not hide your words of encouragement but let them shine before others.

When you do good works you glorify others and bring joy to your father in heaven. So to say words against Republicans is not really what God is about. Remember Jesus wouldn't even take over ruling the world when he visited humanity and he just wanted to help people love God again without so many man made rules.

In Matthew chapter 23 he condemned the pharisees and scribes for making so many man made rules that it was impossible to please God. Since Jesus was only concerned about helping comfort others when they were oppressed I do not understand why you feel this has anything to do with being a Republican.
2016-12-03 13:45:41 UTC
Do you have any idea how many Republican elected officials have been exposed as Gay? They're all afraid of being exposed as Gay or Pedophiles yet they will block any and all efforts to extend the time period (statute) for child molesting charges; doesn't it make you wonder why? Ever wonder why Republicans are so obsessed with what Gays do or don't do in the privacy of their homes? What's it matter to the the Republicans?
2016-12-03 05:49:52 UTC
I'm not so much anti gay as I am against the ideal that being gay is a normal alternative to being straight. It's clearly not normal, their organs do not even match up. When I come across gays who admit they have a problem, I'm OK with them. When I meet gays who want to convince me that I'm the one with the problem, I refuse to back down.

(Notice, at no point did I mention religion or Christianity. It's a myth that religion is the source of anti gay ideas. Anti gay ideas are a healthy biological need that helps maintain our species)
2016-12-04 12:32:49 UTC
Well, I'm a Conservative Republican and I believe that being gay bashes against the Bible.

It is located in the Bible that it should be only a man and a women not a man and a man and a woman and a women.

Here's how I see it: Most Southerners and Country Folk are Republican so therefore most Southerners believe in Jesus.
2016-12-03 14:56:49 UTC
Not all, but many republicans are some denomination of Christian. If you are republican you are most likely either well-off or a christian who does not support thing like abortion and gay marriage. Like I said not all but it seems to be the majority. For example I am a christian but consider my self pro-choice under circumstance and fully support gay marriage and I just so happen to be middle class so I am democrat. Unfortunatley, yes the bible has alot of things in it that seem immoral to open minds like us and honestly if you dont question some things in it at some point then theres something wrong. It is completley natural, after all God gifted us with a mind of our own!
2016-12-03 16:41:27 UTC
Republicans are generally conservative meaning their values are old-fashioned. Since gay marriage only recently became acceptable, they still are holding on to the old view of stigmatizing it. I too think homosexuality is gross, but I don't think people should be told by the government about what they can do if it doesn't hurt anybody. There are bigger problems than what ~4% of the population does in bed. If opposing it leads to SJWs sending you death threats and protesting, then it's not worth contesting it.
Big Lance!
2016-12-03 16:12:38 UTC
I don't know how one quantifies a vague generalization about a certain political body of people? When the issue of sex and or anything sexual comes up 99 percent of folks consider it a private issue not open to others. So considering sexuality is a private issue and most folks do not worry about anothers preferences be it food sex or football team... I don't know any Republicans or Democrats views on homosexuality or heterosexuality honestly and it's impossible to say across the board how a nations entire political body feels about sex. Honestly a majority of folks dem or Republican don't have any opinion one way or another nor do they care... When slick Willie was in office he pushed legislation for military members called don't ask don't tell.. Basically the military standard was don't ask about sexuality and don't tell anybody about your preferences and honestly this was a fair shake on things why? Well honestly it's none of anyone's business and who cares what folks do sexually
2016-12-04 11:05:53 UTC
It's not that they hate gays or solely due to religious beliefs, they are just pro-procreation. They believe that people should have more kids to contribute to society.

But yeah lolol you do bring up a good point, would 't be surprised if some of them were in the closet xD There are Republican gay civilians after all.
Atsa me Atsa you?
2016-12-03 10:03:26 UTC
Some people claim for those that are gay, will go to hell....some state for those that have an abortions, will

also go to hell, to me, there is no such place and why should ANYONE on the face of this earth care if someone else...uh hum...goes to hell???

I am a republican....there is absolutely NO way I could explain to you how much more often I would rather be around most gay men, than straight ones.....!!!!! MOST are not rude, a lot of them are very artistic, patient, caring and happy. I think those that are against gays, are not happy with themselves, especially when they see GAY people are usually happy!!!! I don't understand WHY gays offend some thing I would like to add, don't care for their parades....don't rub it in our faces that you are of the same sex.....what I do behind closed doors is my business....why gays do behind close doors is THEIR business....both sides just keeps their private lives just that....private!!!!
Shelley E
2016-12-04 14:07:32 UTC
I used to be a Democrat. I am now an Independent because of STUPIDITY like this. Not condoning homosexuality doesn t mean they are "anti-gay". Anti-anything has a connotation of wanting to persecute, or kill someone. Democrats should look at their own selves. Their candidates all support the importation of military-age middle eastern "refugees" who in their own countries have Draconian laws against gays, including the death penalty in 7 of the 22 they control. American News is highly suppressed. You Democrats out there would do well to get your heads up out of the sand and look at what those refugees are doing in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France, Netherlands, read surveys taken of their attitudes towards western women and gays, and ask yourselves do you really think they will change those attitudes magically if they set foot on American shores? It s the same idiocy with comparing gun owners to folks with small penises. Ask yourselves if that were true, what about the Inner-City Drug Dealing Gang Bangers who are all armed, and according to the CDC & P perpetrate 80% of gun homicides in the USA: Do THEY also have smaller penises? smh Doesn t that go against all stereotypes you guys hold? I believe in live and let live. The GLBT lifestyle is not for me, but I would NOT tolerate the ABUSES that the people that are importing Sharia Adherents to the USA have in store for them should they (Sharia Adherents) ever reach critical mass in the USA. Not endorsing is NOT the same as persecuting.
2016-12-07 15:09:08 UTC
I am a bisexual republican male, and I am in no way anti-LGBT. It's probably my only liberal tendency.

To answer your question, statistically, lots of Republicans are Christians, and while the bible doesn't directly criticize homosexuality, it says to "be fruitful and reproduce" and seeing as how homosexual don't reproduce, many see this as unholy. I think a few parts of the bible, just like the Constitution, can be outdated. I personally believe that homosexuality is not, and shouldn't be a problem.
2016-12-04 11:41:22 UTC
It's all about religion. Republicans are mostly Christian, and Christians believe homosexuality is against the will of God. A lot also fall into the fall belief that American is a Christian country and should be ruled by Biblical values. This is simply not the case. In fact, the core of our nation, democracy, is a 'pagan' custom invented by the Greek Athenians, and the Bible says to not take up the customs of pagans. So the Bible forbids democracy.
2016-12-06 16:17:00 UTC
The Bible does say some unfriendly things about homosexuality in a half dozen verses.

Yet it is interesting to note that not one of those verses quotes God on the subject.

God in fact has never said anything negative about homosexuality yet he did provide the Ten Commandments, Gods rules for man to live by. Clearly then God is willing to express his views on important matters. Therefore I ask, what matters were important to God as he totally ignored homosexuality.

God did say he is my God. I shall not worship false Gods. I should not belittle him.

I should work hard but I should also rest at least one day a week and on that day I should connect with him. I will honor my parents. I won't kill, I won't be unfaithful. I won't steal or lie or let myself be jealous or lust after my neighbors wife.

Now clearly upon reading them you realise that God knew about sex, how us humans can't keep it in our pants so he has laws covering sex yet no mention of the gays.

Maybe then rather than God having a problem it was just some men who had the problem as it was just men who wrote those often quoted anti gay verses. Not Gods words.
Lori O
2016-12-04 01:17:28 UTC
I know a ton of Democrats that are anti gay too. I don't think there is anything wrong with being anti gay. I also don't think there is anything wrong in being gay either. We don't all have to think and believe the same things.The problem comes from not minding your own business. Leave others alone and take t care of your own life
jacob f
2016-12-04 06:32:11 UTC
I'm a Republican and I have no problem with what people do behind closed doors. It's the gays that sue businesses because they don't want to provide services to them because it violates their religious beliefs like the gay couple that sued the bakery for not making a cake or the Lesbos that sued the Christian invitation maker. If gays want people to respect their views they must be willing to accept others.
2016-12-06 09:19:16 UTC
If you look up the definition of republican it does say that they are anti-gay. However, most Christians are as well. Look just because someone doesn't believe in it doesn't mean that they will not respect the human being. Lets stop trying to force straight ppl to change their belief systems! The world is made up of contrast and it is ok to not accept something that is against your faith! Jesus Christ!
2016-12-04 15:03:51 UTC
When I was in high school, being gay or "queer" as they called it then was not acceptable. We had several that were probably gay, but they kept it in the closet or they got beat up. Things were different over 50 years ago. All of the blacks (******) lived north of the tracks, sat in the balcony at the picture show, had their own school, separate rest rooms and water fountains and did ride in the back of the bus. I'm not saying all of this was right and I didn't agree with it but that was just the way it was until de-segregation started doing away with a lot of it.

This was in Oklahoma and not the deep south.
2016-12-04 21:31:20 UTC
When people consider gay folks, they are usually looking at this people thru blinders call Religion. They have had their minds twisted by the rules set out by their religious up bringing. They can't understand that all people are very different, and they only want people to think of their values as the correct way.

Religion has polluted people's thinking process and they will not accept gays as equals in our world.

Republican's tend to be conservative religious people who think the way I mentioned above.
2016-12-04 11:32:38 UTC
We don't liberals like to put labels on all of us a large number of us are opposed to gay marriage, this mostly due to religious beliefs, however none of us really care about it one way or the other, because it isn't anyone's business how a person lives there life. Despite what the liberal media has lead you to believe republicans don't want to run your life and don't push our beliefs on to any one. People jump on Christians or Republicans for opposing gay marriage. But the flip side is true, you can't yell the christian republican to change his view because it's not equal with a certain person or group. I tend to keep my opinions to myself unless someone asks me my opinion I never try to push my views on to other people like liberals do. I hope my answer didn't offend anyone that was not my internet if it did.
2016-12-03 08:45:29 UTC
This is a prime example of why people that don't know the Bible shouldn't talk about it. Stoning gays in the old testement was a punishment for sin. The old law focused on giving fair punishment for everything; in most cases it was death.

Also, Matthew 5:17 WAS NOT JESUS SAYING THAT HE SUPPORTED IT. While he would have, that's not the point of the verse. YOU HAVE TO READ IT IN CONTEXT NOT JUST ONE VERSE YOU DOLT. The verse in context ties into the creation of the new law and is not following the old law. He's saying that in order for the old law to not apply to us anymore, someone can't just come and destroy it and give us a new law, but someone had to come and live up to the perfect moral standard of the old law, thereby "fulfilling" it. Think of it as a contract. In order for the contract to not apply anymore, you cannot just destroy it. You have to fullfill and do what it says.

2016-12-03 07:45:05 UTC
You also have to take into consideration, the United States was practically built on religion. Religion was also taught and studied so im sure it was passed down as far as to now. Most gays, lesbians, etc i know are athiest only because they know what the bible says about them and they have a hard time believing it. Most christians, jews, catholics, disown them bc of the same reason, just they believe exactly what it says plus more. I dont think it gives them the right to hate though which is the problem now.
2016-12-02 22:02:17 UTC
Thats a ridiculous remark. Many democrats are anti-gay as well Hillary Clinto said she was "anti-gay" 7 times in the last 10 years leading up to this presidential race. I beleive it should be left to the states to decide so its not just one person deciding it (the president)
2016-12-03 02:44:30 UTC
I'm just anti-sodomy, whether done by gays or straights............

That is because biologically, the anus is an exit, not an entrance.

Re:Update 2: Have you ever read where Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone"

Your post is actually 'exhibit A' as evidence that Biblical literacy is at an all time low.
2016-12-03 14:48:51 UTC
Republicans aren't anti gay. They just hate how l democrats give all these rights to the light community with no regard of else's rights
2016-12-03 13:54:40 UTC
The republicans I know feel this is a non-issue and are not anti-gay. Maybe you've been too willing to believe the left-wing media?
Jon B
2016-12-03 21:12:55 UTC
I'm a conservative Christian Republican...I'm also an American..I am NOT personally I don't believe in homosexuality or gay marriage because of my personal beliefs..that said I know in the Holy Bible it says that being a homosexual is a "sin" so I just look at it as that's their sin and EVERY man is a that's between them & GOD...Jesus Christ himself said "let he without sin cast the the 1st stone"if they want to be gay that's THEIR business & its NOT the Federal, State, or local Government's business to dictate & say who can marry who..I swore an OATH to the US Constitution & in that glorious document it says that ALL men are created equal NOT all STRAIGHT men are created equal it says ALL men are created equal...Also the Supreme Court Ruled that banning same sex marriages is UNCONSTITUTIONAL....
2016-12-10 18:04:48 UTC
well, why are so numerous democrats anti-religion (anti-christian)? what? you don't like this question 'cause it's not true? now you know how we republicans feel... that being said, if someone is not 'for' gay marriage for example, contrary to your stunted view of the world, that does not make someone 'anti-gay...' if a liberal is against certain aspects of middle of the road christian beliefs, does that make them anti-christian?
2016-12-05 09:49:23 UTC
Not all Republicans are anti-Gay

As Leo Obsy MP once so famously said in the House of Commons "He with the loudest voice has the most to hide."

In other words, those who keep banging on are often at loggerheads with doubt about themselves.
2016-12-05 02:46:38 UTC
They aren't as anti-gay as Pixel is ignorant.

I mean, you can't get more anti-gay that Muslim in countries with Sharia law where gays are publicly hung at street corners. Hillary and Obama were for them. So as the Dem leaders wanting to bring Sharia law to the US, like Dems died to own people as property.

I find your question to be an expression of your own bias and intolerance to other who believe differently than you.
2016-12-02 21:01:01 UTC
I think it's probably because a vast majority if republicans are Christian, I'm a republican and I just don't really care about the whole gay thing. I would vote for gay rights. But it just isn't that important to me.
2016-12-04 22:41:20 UTC
There's a difference between being "anti-gay" and being in favor of traditional marriage. I have no problem with LGBT people at all. I just don't believe we should change marriage to fit everyones lifestyle
2016-12-03 12:27:02 UTC
Being anti-gay is a dying breed, people like Mike Pence are some of the last of that breed. The people who vehemently oppose gay rights..oddly sometimes have been found to be gay themselves. Preachers, politicians, priests etc. Remember Larry Craig?
2016-12-03 01:24:55 UTC
Who says we are anti gay ? Did you ever think that we just might be sick of this horseshit being front page news for months on end and the country rots from within ? I don't car who takes it in the seat or how many idiot males claim to be a wife but I am sick of hearing it nonstop. Ditto for the rug munchers too.
2016-12-04 19:36:08 UTC
I would like to think it's because the Republicans have enough sense to realize that respecting people who are utterly useless is counter productive. Gay's can't contribute in the most vital way by reproducing. By accepting gays your only encouraging people to be worthless losers.
2016-12-02 23:48:19 UTC
Here's a novel thought... Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married... It really is that simple.

Let's apply this logic to something that republicans support, shall we?

So, I don't like guns... Is it fair to say that they should now be illegal? or maybe, I could just choose to NOT get a gun... That was simple, wasn't it?

This is why Republicans are so widely considered uneducated and brainless...
2016-12-03 06:50:30 UTC
Because they attempt to interfere with our religious rights to worship as we see fit. HGTV program Chip and Joanna Gaines are being ridiculed by homosexual community for attending church that preaches on Sodom and Gomorrah by exerting pressure on their employers. God is not politically correct. He doesn't have to conform to sin. Most Republicans are Christian. We have a president-elect who is not politically correct (Thank you, Jesus!). The LGTBQFPXYZ community may have won a Supreme Court decision to enforce acceptance on the public, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I wouldn't bake them a cake either. Jesus will be here in the flesh to rule this miserable mob with a rod of Iron in 7 years. Then we will no longer hear about them because they'll be gone or set free from their demons.
2016-12-03 11:47:03 UTC
It isn't just the Muslims who prosecute gays. In India, you can go to prison. That's actually the case in all but about 15% of the countries around the world. There are NO countries in Africa and the middle east that condone gayness. In fact, in many countries you will NOT be prosecuted for killing a gay or lesbian.
2016-12-04 23:32:57 UTC
False premise...

Most Republicans believe that a person with same sex attraction should not be hazed or treated as an inferior as long as they are respectful of others and respectful of people who have the natural opposite sexual attraction which allows humans to procreate. Its the loud advocate homosexuals who are trying to recruit and trying to get homosexuality out in the open for little innocent kids to see and to be negatively influenced thereby, that the Republicans don't like.
2016-12-03 22:44:59 UTC
Just about all forms of sex is a sin in the bible. It is a sin to masterbate too. Somewhere in the OT it is considered for a man to spill his seed. It is a sin to commit adultery. Premarital sex is a sin. It is a sin to have sex for any other reason than to procreate.So sex for the fun of it is sinning. It is a sin to look at a woman and lust after her. It is a sin for a divorced woman to remarry. Oral sex is a sin. Sodomy is a sin. It is also a sin for man to have sex with another man.

Unless you are a man married to a woman and want to start a family, then it is sinful to have sex.

I have to pray about it...because most sex acts are sinful according to the Bible. I guess the gays get picked on about it because people want to not admit to their own sins.

I am Christian, and realise most people aren't perfect as we all are sinners. Unfortunately some more conservative Christians are very literal on what the Bible says. Some of the Republican Party pander to the more Conservative Christians. They want to speak to the right and say that they represent family values, tradition, morality, and such stuff as that.

For many years the gay lifestyle was hidden and kept secret. "Polite" people didn't speak about it unless in bad jokes or in hushed tones. If anyone was outed then they could have been fired from their jobs, put in prison or psychiatric hospitals. They weren't accepted into society very well.

It is only in modern era that gay people have come out and become more mainstream. The Republican Party is slow to catch up to the rest of the country. Younger people are becoming increasingly more tolerant and even accepting of gays. Many of the younger people tend to be more liberal than the old farts who still hold on to the past notions that being Gay is some kind of choice or that it is deviant behavior.

I used to laugh at gay people and tell stupid jokes...I used to feel that gays were odd or something different. I grew up and grew out of that type of thinking as I matured. I realise now that gay PEOPLE are just PEOPLE. I quit laughing at those joke as they are no longer funny. I have several gay friend whom I love dearly. I wouldn't want anyone mistreating them. I won't talk behind their backs as they are genuinely good people. I have to get to know people to stop acting like I was afraid of them. I had to step outside my comfort zone to be more comfortable with the type of person I wanted to be.

I don't know what the real reason so many Republicans are anti-gay....I guess for some they just don't know or want to know any gay people. Maybe some are just hateful. Some are just ignorant. Some truly believe they are justified in their view.
2016-12-05 03:45:34 UTC
Because those anti-gay Republicans derive their morals from their stupid plebian religion, instead of common sense.
2016-12-05 02:14:06 UTC
Gay sex is weird,anti-religion and anti-human culture. The republican party is a right wing party with less liberal ideas.These are the reason why most republicans are anti-gay.
2016-12-03 16:54:16 UTC
SUMMARY: the gay community spreads deadly diseases, but they could easily stop it-yet don't. And that gives me a ton of work to do.

I don't support the Gay community because according to the CDC, men who have sex with men (MSM) account for about 70% of HIV transmission, and more than 70% of Syphillis transmission each year in the US (despite being 2% of the US population). Both of those are deadly diseases that are 100% preventable and cost nothing to prevent. The gay community is constantly educated about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, yet repeatedly puts up those large transmission numbers.

Conversely, white straight males in the US who don't use IV drugs have such a low chance of HIV infection that the CDC typically doesn't recognize it in presentations.
2016-12-03 17:53:40 UTC
I'm not "anti-gay," as in I hate homosexuals; however, as a conservative, I adamantly oppose any effort to legalize same-sex "marriage" and support the right of the states to choose to or not to regulate homosexual behavior.

Also, conservatives do not obsess over this issue. It's simply one of many sins that our society is threatened by, although we do acknowledge that this is an issue that must be addressed, as it is a hot-button issue for Democrats and the far-left.

And, if anything, the Democrats are more "anti-gay" for not warning homosexuals about their destructive lifestyle. It's like a doctor refusing to tell one of his patients to stop eating fast food all the time. He's doing more harm by not telling his patient to stop eating junk food than telling him that he's going to be fine, which will surely lead to consequences.
2016-12-03 08:47:42 UTC
"They think about gay sex more than gay people do."

Wrong. The gay life choice is an obsession of libtards. They just can't stand the fact that they can't get EVERYONE to think as they do.

Well, little whiner, all you can do is go back to your safe space and log on to forums and social media and spew out your hatred against those that don't agree with you.
2016-12-10 02:33:19 UTC
i am neither republican nor democrat, but i know numerous anti-gay republicans... their reasoning is that in the bible, homosugaruality is condemned... i am a christian, and i don't agree with homosugaruality... i also don't think my religion should prohibit certain activity that does no harm in a secular government... gay people aren't going to stop being gay just 'cause legal marriage isn't allowed... if it doesn't affect you, then you shouldn't be concerned...
2016-12-03 17:58:08 UTC
Not as much as the liberal media tells you. It stems from core values often associated with religion. I am from the mid south and I am 42 now. But when I was close to 14 I was caught "posing" with my male best friend. His mom didn't tell a soul but we both got a painful but especially embarassing thrashing on the butt with a yard stick. I was mortified at the entire experience. But at the time I felt I had really done something very bad, and so I had.
2016-12-02 22:14:06 UTC
It seems most republicans are actually all very religious. They think that America was founded with Christian ideas, but our forefathers strictly believed in the separation of church and state, and at least a couple of them were atheists. Some went so far as to say America would be a better place if religion didn't exist at all. Since the Bible says homosexuality is wrong, and a lot of republicans have christian beliefs, they think its wrong. But history has shown us that a lot of these people were actually closet homosexuals. I guess, in other words, its ok .. As long as you don't go parading around, act like you're straight, don't attempt to marry your sexual partners, oh and most importantly; be as hypocritical as possible, by going around and bashing people for doing the same thing you do every other Friday night at the motel 6. They're hypocrites. That's why!
2016-12-04 12:31:17 UTC
I find republicans in the US so over hypocritical, you can't just trust that type of people living in this country. It's a monster living within ourselves and we cannot allow this type of people to eat ourselves up. I hope they die out with the rest of the population of hunger because one cannot be without sin and still live on this earth. May god never have mercy upon their soulless beings and be without any faith. How can they be called christians when they fear god of casting them going to hell. A real christian is not one to avoid their own damnation. I hope they get killed by a thousands of people so they can stop talking about how good they are when there really is no people living without sin. Christians have sinned too and any other ordinary person, otherwise you are sinning of vain.

To me, there is no real christian and there are only wannabes. Really bad people who pretend to be christian and the whole world knows it.
2016-12-04 18:37:36 UTC
Most Republicans are devout Christians and they believe in the old ways. One of the sins (according to them) is man shall not ly with man. As a straight man I don't care about anybody's sexual orientation. I'm not a bigot or a homophobe.
2016-12-03 11:05:49 UTC
The Republicans said they wanted to build a "Big Tent". I always though they built a "Big CLOSET". Anyone THAT fixated about gay people, pro-choice, same-sex-marriage, transgender issues, immigrants, and a LONG list of other things, definitely has some internal issues they need to address. If they had any misfits, as they thought they were, Repub families seem to have been far more likely to alienate them or drive them out. Dems just figure that what the heck - their whole TREE has assorted fruits, nuts, and flakes in it - the whole bowl of granola - so they get over it.

As far as the Biblical injunctions - if you dig back thru the translations of translations of translations of translations, you are more likely to find that passage referring to people who are IMMORAL - sleeping around with a cast of thousands. My favorite *biblical ranting* story referred to a guy who had tattoos of Bible verses on his rib cage, about homosexuality. Funny - the NEXT line in Leviticus (I think . . ) condemns tattoos . . .
2016-12-05 07:05:18 UTC
"Why are so many republicans anti-gay?"

Most people are not lgbt so they have had no personal reason to question the lies and misinformation about the lgbt from the republican leadership and religious right.

The republican leadership panders to the religious right to buy the votes of their followers.

Conservatives think christianity says it's wrong, they have been misled, the bible does not speak to loving committed same sex relationships.
2016-12-05 01:10:38 UTC
You Know . . .
2016-12-03 16:49:39 UTC
You're a bigot for alleging that only Republicans are "anti-gay".
2016-12-02 20:44:42 UTC
Well, most of us are Christian and the bible says Homosexuality is wrong.

Although many use the Old Testament against Christians, saying that we condone the murder of gay people (Hint: We don't. That's the muslims.) The Old Testament doesn't represent Christianity. The Old Testament is like a history book and the new testament is the law book.

Jesus abolished every law in the Old Testament besides the Ten Commandments. In fact, the Jews follow the old testament. Why don't they get **** for that?

Anyway, I identify as a Republican and I'm not against gay marriage. I am, however, against a church being forced to marry a gay couple. The church should have a right to refuse to marry a gay

2016-12-03 11:02:51 UTC
2016-12-03 19:15:49 UTC
I am republican, and so is much of my family, and none of are anti gay. Most republicans are pro traditional marriage. I personally am not, because it doesn't directly affect me, so I don't care :). Plus it makes others happy :)
2016-12-03 04:18:10 UTC
Why are so many republicans anti-gay?

Cuz you're another whining, lying sore loser cuz Hillary lost & you have a GAY agenda > a lot of peoplle ( Dem & Rep ) don't like GAYS, especially one's with GAY AGENDA'S > most agenda's only benefit corrupt politicians and selfish, uncaring people, not all Life & People !
2016-12-02 21:22:02 UTC
It's because it's not just the right, it's the RELIGIOUS right. Their stupid magic book tells them to hate homosexuals, so they hate homosexuals. Just like the Muslims. In the Muslim countries, gays are actually executed, so I guess the republicans have a ways to go to get to that level, but the point is, they're driven by the same parts of what is merely a different revision of the same holy book. If they would just have respect for the first amendment of the constitution and separation of church and state and stop trying to legislate their cult of evil on us all, I would be politically more aligned with them myself since the REGRESSIVE left politically is a religion unto itself.

This is also the reason why it was LOOKING... for a WHILE... that Trump might be a breath of fresh air, that he was going to NOT be an INSANE theocrat extremist (like, oh, say, Rick Perry, the guy who held the rally to pray for rain, and thought it was a disgrace gays can serve in the military), an actual right-wing politician who wouldn't try to fight against civil rights in the name of Jesus. Unfortunately he's already falling far short of the wildest hopes, bringing into his cabinet such GREAT thinkers as Sarah Palin.
2016-12-04 08:34:43 UTC
Your question belies your assertion. YOU and YOUR ILK are the ones obsessed with claiming Republicans are anti-gay with NO clear evidence of SYSTEMIC anti-gay bias. As usual, you foster the lie along with the media.
2016-12-03 17:20:14 UTC
Because conservatives adhere to the social views of an old society, a society that discouraged homosexuality due to it's conflict with religious morals and liability to disgrace immediate family members.
2016-12-03 23:02:44 UTC
first,bullshit they should be pay attention to other things more important then this instead of people life sex and their way of living. where is the freedom ?

second,gay people were born gay naturally so if religion is your reference pick something else which has more ethic and morals.

third the end of world will not come because of some people who didn't fellow god instructions to know how to play with their sexual organs.

fourth people fair the difference, heterosexual are threaten by homosexual because human will distinguish or terminated of the face of planet. I guess homosexual cant give birth the end of human.


let the peoples live their life.
2016-12-03 08:46:22 UTC
Because they are standing up for the health of people.

Homosexuality is due to trauma of a person. It may be soul trauma that the person is born with. It is ill health, nothing more. It can be cured with following a nutritional balancing program and many other health programs.

It is not beneficial in the long run to practice homosexuality.
2016-12-03 05:08:06 UTC
Radical Christians Are Just Like ISIS. They Hate Gay, Lesbain And Transgender People but use ISIS as a scapegoat like Nazi's did to Jews.
2016-12-04 00:27:22 UTC
As a straight liberal democrat, I understand a lot of the anti-gay rhetoric to be a result of conflicts with simple understands of the bible. And I mean literal interpretations. Taking the bible literally is what has led to thousands of years of violence and death in our world. Maybe it is time we wake up and think about the meaning behind the words and not the simple (yes, simple) translations.

In Judaism interpretation of the law is what has preserved its place in human history. Jews survive because they have adapted their tradition and teachings.
2016-12-03 12:55:33 UTC
It is not so much about "religion", or just plain old common sense, as it is about understanding God's perfect will as mentioned in Geniesis and the true-story of creation where we were made male & female. A little refresher can be found in the New Testament in Romans chapter one(The AIDS Chapter).
2016-12-03 23:23:05 UTC
It's not necessarily "anti-gay" it's more so, following what God wants us to because we were created for the opposite sex, so the idea of going against the ideal marriage and not carrying on the human population as God intended makes the fundamental building blocks to opposing the idea of same-sex.
mike b
2016-12-03 14:41:37 UTC
It's not the "Republicans" per say. It's the conservative movement. There are conservatives in both parties. They go by what the bible says in a literal translation. These are the same people who believe the world was created in six days, when science has proven with concrete evidence, it took billions of years.
2016-12-04 20:27:45 UTC
I'm a Republican and voted for Trump i have nothing against gay people i support the idea of them marrying and adopting i have gay friends of both sex. i believe illegals do not belong here and i am against abortion as a women i think it's a barbaric practice.
2016-12-04 18:14:39 UTC
2016-12-03 17:10:05 UTC
when the catholic church developed a widespread problem with pedophile-priests, and was shamed and prosecuted (very-lightly) by the american legal system,( also in a large number of other countries); the leader of the american catholic church visited congress and the house of representatives. the GOP political leaders were offered the support of the catholic church if they would free the church from the stigma of their sins and crimes against american citizens. it is the revulsion of the ultra-conservative churches against their own guilt that has promoted the exclusion of gays from bathrooms based on the projected-assumption that the gays are all evil child-molesters.they deflected the pedophile-priests as gays, and the american legislature and the congress controlled by the GOP, lifted the stigma of the crime of raping children and being pedophiles from the church as a special social class, and as transference, placed the blame instead upon the gay community.

this releases the "guilty party" from paying the price to justice, and puts the blame of societies' sex-guilt, solely upon a group of "innocent-people" , who wanted nothing more than their own freedom to live.

this is the kind of social-injustice which the GOP, the fundamentalists, and the conservative catholic church, call "their righteous justice in the united states".

deny everything and blame someone else: is the the conservative maxim.
2016-12-04 18:06:54 UTC
I'm not really into politics. However, I'm not against the person or weather or not they choose to act on the feelings of who they are attracted to. I just don't believe it was Gods original plan for humanity, but rather it's because son he taken everything and distorted it from how God originally intended it to be, inuding our sexuality.
2016-12-03 06:06:04 UTC
Can I share something with you, a little reality, about 60% of this nation is "uncomfortable" at least with homosexuality, they don't protest, they for the most part don't hate, or accuse, but they don't like the lifestyle. They have this attitude, " what you do behind your bedroom door is your business, it's not mine". Most are not even for "gay marriage". It really has not been a massive part of anyone's protest, most people have their own life to live and they don't want to mess with YOUR GAY LIFESTYLE.Most American's view it as a "unnatural" lifestyle, but they just keep silent about it, people of all political persuasion.

Here's another shocker to you, so hang on to your gay chair and don't fall off. Many people do not agree with the "sexual orientation" model, of "I can't help it, I'm born the way I am" They just don't. Especially if you look at raw scientific data there is NOTHING definitive to prove the theory. Most American's just go along with the belief, I personally don't, but many do.

You can borrow this from my "born again Christian" life, I'll let you borrow it, we might have something in common here. When you profess something don't expect everyone to line up and pat you on the back and endorse what you believe in, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT!!!! From my perspective, my savior told me they hated me((Jesus) they'll hate you(some of them). Don't expect your gay lifestyle to be any different, most people will leave you alone for the most part but don't expect them to agree with you and stroke your gay side, because they won't.

You should be thankful to people like me that even though I disagree with your lifestyle I believe what you do is YOUR business, not mine. I work in medicine, and I'll give you care to the best of my ability, like I would anyone else, but I'm not going to your, "EMBRACE ME, EMBRACE ME!!" New Years eve gala event, in Somewhere, California.

You took Matthew 5:17 out of context which is typical, but if your going to use that scripture to support your point what do you do with John 8:1-11?????????????????
2016-12-03 07:09:50 UTC
Republicans are racist, homophobic bigots that can't accept there are different people in this world. They're all brainwashed Christian *******. I don't care if someone is gay. Doesn't affect me in any way.
2016-12-02 20:37:03 UTC
It's kinda a stigma on the Republican Party.. But they aren't all like that. They are anti-establishment (like smaller government) . It's actually Dems that thrive off creating stereotypes so they can get the minority votes . Don't worry.. Trump is pretty moderate too .
2016-12-04 01:27:44 UTC
It boils down to religion, yes. Its a shame the republican party is marred by so called christian ideology.

My partner and I are homosexuals and republican. While religion hinders what the party is about, it isnt really the foundation of the GOP.

Also, no one thinks about gay sex more than me.
2016-12-03 16:22:07 UTC
2016-12-04 18:09:36 UTC
Because homosexuality is immoral.

And saying that Jesus Christ didn't have a problem with homosexuality?! The New Testament, in the Bible, says that homosexuals will not be allowed to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Homosexuality, aka sodomy, is one of the worst kinds of sexual immorality. If Jesus Christ had considered adultery and formication to be a sin, then you had better believe that He considered homosexuality to be a sin. Because homosexuality is worse. It is an abomination in the sight of God.
2016-12-03 13:04:59 UTC
Homosexuality is a sin. That's why. America was founded as a Christian nation and the majority of the American population still claims to be Christian. True Christians are extremely opposed to homosexuality and transgender stuff, sex change, etc.
2016-12-03 13:35:50 UTC
There are no anti-gay REPS. None. REPS just don't agree with punishing non-gays by giving gays preferences no other groups have.
2016-12-04 19:24:14 UTC
Many republicans are conservative and Christian, thus they dislike gays. I am independent, but also Christian. However, I am a large supporter of gay rights. I find it condescending when people say, "God is against gays" because while the Bible says that it is wrong for a man to sleep with another man, Jesus and God teach people to be loving and accepting of everyone. So by not accepting gays, are you not going against God? Be kind to all, and leave the judging to Jesus and God.

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
2016-12-03 20:03:57 UTC
Because many republicans are either bigots or religious nut jobs that think hating gay people makes them morally superior.
2016-12-04 20:40:09 UTC
Because running around with another man's penis in your rectum is disgusting and sets a terrible example for our children. Do you want your child to contract syphilis from sucking the semen of 12 men out of a strange man's anus? Or how about your daughter getting herpes from a filthy dildo at a lesbian sex orgy?
2016-12-03 05:03:26 UTC
They don t really care about it. Anti-gay is just an issue that crooked politicians use to get people to vote for them.
2016-12-04 09:54:35 UTC
God understands more than you or me. So when he creates matrimony between man and wife and says being gay is not okay Christian's listen. Faith can be hard to accept but becomes easier when you realize God is always right.
2016-12-03 14:25:28 UTC
Because more than half are christians. The Bible says gay people will be destroyed, but Christian religion is about love not hate. Plus gays have destroyed many Christian religion, for example the cake deal.
2016-12-03 16:09:06 UTC
Old closeted white men. Remember Roy Cohn
2016-12-04 09:32:51 UTC
Cause vast marjority of those Homosexuals are mentally unstable with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder.
2016-12-04 05:32:55 UTC
for a islamic view , GOD made a MALE and a FEMALE for each other , so if a guy want a guy and if a girl want a girl , that's a mental disorder or a mental psychology problem that science isn't showing us because they wanna destroy this world , (sorry if i made some english mistakes) i hope i helped :) peace all
2016-12-05 01:02:47 UTC
because they are literally anti-christ.

they claim to be christians yet they cant follow the teaching of christ which are to love your neighbor. jesus never personally said anything about homosexuality so basically republicans are anti gay because they claim to be christians when really they are anti christ..

kinda strange eh?
2016-12-03 08:07:15 UTC
Because many republicans are conservative and believe in god and the Bible which basically states marriage should be between a man and a woman
2016-12-02 19:36:44 UTC
They can't help it, they're born into families that teach them the values of racism, sexism, homophobia, islamaphobia, and xenophobia. That's why they voted for Donald Trump. Republicans want to see the rights of women, immigrants, minorities, muslims, and homosexuals suppressed. They like seeing people that they don't like oppressed and in poverty.
2016-12-04 19:16:32 UTC
Some liberals are as well. However, republicans tend to be more religious and most religions do not promote or accept homosexuality.
2016-12-04 11:24:16 UTC
well heres a thought, gay **** was promoted by pedophiles and is now promoted to make depopulation occur, the government hates us and wants us to stop reproducing, its unethical its unatural andits immoral, its gross dangerous and causing destruction. Degrenerates will not take over society any longer, this nasty practive of perverted section of pedophilia, trust me there is no diference etween homos and pedos theyre the same crap.
2016-12-03 22:50:26 UTC
A majority of them are religious and most religions generally preach that love is meant to he between a man and a women. Political and religious birws are usually passed down from generation to generation.
2016-12-04 05:00:13 UTC
I think it's because of religious beliefs, but you can't enforce your beliefs on people in a country with free religion. It's wrong.
2016-12-03 13:07:38 UTC
How you get your orgasm is between God and you

We simply feel it's an overreach of federal law to fund education or make queers a protected class .... You already have the same civil rights as anyone else
2016-12-03 23:10:51 UTC
why are so many (insert POC type) anti-gay? simple, it's religion. believe it or not, there are conservatives who don't give a chit if people are gay. it's belief in a phony baloney sky fairy that mucks things up
2016-12-04 07:43:57 UTC
Matthew 5:17 KJV "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill."

Leviticus 18:22 KJV "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." And verse 23

Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion." And verse 24 "Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things, for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you."

Homosexuality (gay) defiles a nation and God will cast out this nation. This is why America is suffering today as well as abortion which is innocent blood being shed. God forbids the shedding of innocent blood.

Jeremiah 7:6-8 KJV "If ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt: Then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever. Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit."

The Word of God is Truth and whatever else you hear are lying words. Christians have turned to the Republican party because of abortions. The Republican nominees have spoken against abortion, but as a Christian my trust is in God and not Government. God is my protection and provision and not the government. The current government is flaunting homosexuality in the face of God and with abortion already on the government's record, God must judge America. On 9/11 God let down His protective hand over America. That means we are open to invasion by our enemies. America needs to repent, turn from promoting wicked ways and go back to standing on the Word of God, the Holy Bible. The Government and wickedness of people have promoted homosexuality to the point of same-sex marriage. This has never been condoned by God.
2016-12-03 08:09:53 UTC
I think homosexuality is wrong and against nature i am not a republican but I believe in family values. The man and woman are made for each other,however you can do whatever you want in your house but not in public places. my humble opinion.
2016-12-04 19:05:24 UTC
Because Marriage should only be between a man and a woman and not changed by the Supreme Court.
2016-12-06 22:29:10 UTC
They aren't anti-gay. They are just pro-normal
2016-12-06 10:05:08 UTC
Sorry if telling you to get your ding dong out of my kid's face when you're prancing along in a pair of speedos right in front of him makes me anti gay.
2016-12-03 10:49:40 UTC
i dont believe the gov. should be in marriage at all.we have freedom of religion go out and start your own church and get civilly united.most people in both parties could care less what anyone does in their bedroom.its your choice quit raming it down peoples throat.why do you think we care.start caring about straving children,education,and more important stuff than how someone has sex.quit trying to make your issue important it not.
2016-12-03 17:49:14 UTC
2016-12-03 08:15:09 UTC
2016-12-02 22:58:56 UTC
Many conservatives are (or claim to be) people of faith. Weather that be Christianity, Catholic, etc. The Christian Holy Book, the Bible, condemns homosexuality. Therefore, conservatives tend to oppose homosexuality, it's logical.
2016-12-03 23:38:37 UTC
Why are so many Democrats anti-religion
2016-12-04 23:40:05 UTC
seems like people, regardless of their political views, just carry a lot of hate with them. Sucks that the same people that preach love and equality, go around fussing about what a person does in there personal life lol
2016-12-03 11:28:34 UTC
Why are so many gays anti-republican?
2016-12-04 05:27:09 UTC
Because Republicans have Christian values which is often interpreted that homosexuality is a sin.
2016-12-04 22:48:52 UTC
2016-12-02 20:33:17 UTC
Not all republicans are homosexual. I am not, and no one I know are homo. This is just a stereotype based of off the republicans that are showed to the people on tv. Just because republicans may not be your specific politic party, please do not stereotype us. A lot of republicans support the LGBTQ+ community.
Gray Matter
2016-12-04 07:01:29 UTC
Because of the polling power of the world’s largest concentration of evangelicals – 94 million to be exact. These people tend to be depressingly ignorant of anything else except the Bible and behavior as expected by the religious.
2016-12-06 21:03:35 UTC
As a republican I don't give a **** what you are as long as you don't try to go in the girls bathroom as a guy pretending to be a women.
2016-12-04 22:15:33 UTC
2016-12-03 07:28:32 UTC
Why do you think that? Most are just sick of the hypocrites preaching tolerance and celebration of diversity while showing none of either for those with opposing views. We really don't care which hole you put what in. Just stop shoving your sexual deviance in our face and expecting us to approve of it.
2016-12-03 09:59:42 UTC
And no doubt some of them are closet gays, just like some of them are pédophiles, or cheat on their wife etc. Humans are humans, never mind which party they affiliate with.
2016-12-03 06:42:35 UTC
Gays have higher drug use rates, std rates, higher percentage were molested as kids, higher mental illness rates.

they are still good people but it is foolish to take pride in a lifestyle that has so many negative aspects
2016-12-03 06:42:21 UTC
Because the majority of Republicans or Conservatives are sexually repressed. (some are closet self loathing gays themselves and dont know it). They are uncomfortable with their own bodies, urges and sexuality.

Everything not missionary position to them is taboo or sodomy.
2016-12-03 23:48:36 UTC
Republicans were raised to keep their sex lives private. An in your face concept is out there now, and is quite repulsive.
2016-12-03 03:40:52 UTC
It's sad really they have a crippling mental illness called organized religion
2016-12-04 16:32:31 UTC
2016-12-03 12:27:24 UTC
That accusation is not true,look up the Log Cabin Republicans!
Ellie Petro
2016-12-02 20:11:32 UTC
mdk68gto, ase certified m tech
2016-12-04 08:50:06 UTC
it is not so much just republicans. i am a rep and frankly, i dont care about your sexuality, s long as it does not cross over a few lines or enter my bedroom. with that in mind, there should be no issues.
2016-12-04 12:38:56 UTC
Stop listening to media bullshit thats all this stuff is and sorry but LGBT and all of that stuff should not be anywhere near Politics if Religion cant be there as well
2016-12-03 12:41:36 UTC
Because they are republicans. They don't think about people's true love
2016-12-02 22:45:29 UTC
Porque en mi opinion esta campaña se creo para usar libremente el odio, homofobia, y etc....solo a dañar
2016-12-04 02:41:35 UTC
We aren't. Most of us don't care about gay people. We just want lower taxes and more freedom
2016-12-02 21:10:31 UTC
republicucks will see that clowns like the killer of the pulse nightclub

patrons would never have been allowed into the land

republicucks voted to pass the 64 civil rights act, 15 years before most demicucks were born

tell us the last hate crime against a gay bro?
2016-12-03 17:58:29 UTC
Utdigx xigcgcog ohffhfo gift u h g gig gcti ig itcctiftify gcigci ottii otctiivt gi
2016-12-03 21:14:06 UTC
It hurts when their leaders take them up the b(tt. Also, Republicans are anti-almost everything.
2016-12-06 10:16:42 UTC
People who are strongly anti-gay have latent homosexual desires themselves. Otherwise they wouldn't be obsessed with the matter.
2016-12-03 22:59:49 UTC
Republicans are gayer than Dems lol good attempt.

So, why are Democrats so racist, misandristic, heterophobic, and Christianphobic?
2016-12-03 04:09:34 UTC
Because most Republicans are Christian, and it goes against Christianity.
2016-12-02 20:11:25 UTC
1. Closet Homosexual.

2. Ignorant to a homosexual's lifestyle.

3. Bigot.
2016-12-04 02:51:39 UTC
Because Republicans want you to focus on minorities rather than their corruption by getting the rich even more rich.
2016-12-03 09:04:12 UTC
Because they wont accept their own sexuality. Liberace was a staunch Republican and virulent homophobe....all the while having his rear end pounded by his toy boy!
2016-12-04 07:27:31 UTC
2016-12-02 19:39:49 UTC
The conservatives are, not all Republicans. The Log Cabin Republicans certainly are not.
Ngoc Bi
2016-12-04 08:16:41 UTC
Best Action Movies 2016
2016-12-04 12:27:09 UTC
I'm not anti gay but I'm anti feminism.
2016-12-02 21:02:18 UTC
If I ask you why so many democrats favor gay? How would you answer that?

It's just one of their values they pursue.
I was wrong once
2016-12-02 19:37:09 UTC
Because they want to control people. That's why. All that talk about "freedom" is obviously bullshlt. The only freedom they believe in is the right to have machine guns.
2016-12-03 09:38:20 UTC
They have there own methods they use at home for their gay alternative life styles. The community won't have them
2016-12-03 05:06:23 UTC
well, why are so numerous republicans anti-gay?

cuz you're another whining, lying sore loser cuz hillary lost & you have a gay agenda > a lot of peoplle ( dem & rep ) don't like gays, especially one's with gay agenda's > most agenda's only benefit corrupt politicians and selfish, uncaring people, not all life & people !
2016-12-04 19:17:26 UTC
Repression and some just accidently

lock any suppressions inside a closet.
2016-12-02 20:43:48 UTC
Yes. It is because of religion. Religion and the Republican Party go hand in hand.
*~Panther Moon~*
2016-12-03 23:54:20 UTC
That's because most republicans are in the closet.
2016-12-03 07:02:23 UTC
I have no respect for gays and I'm a democrat
2016-12-02 19:42:21 UTC
About 5% of the nations inhabitants are gay, I am pro the other 95%.
2016-12-03 08:26:14 UTC
I guess you haven't met Milo yet.

Milo Yiannopoulos: What The ‘Alt-Right’ Is Really About (Full Interview)
The Sheepdog
2016-12-04 21:36:41 UTC
I don't give a flying **** who someone messes around with.

Homosexuality doesnt carry any weight whatsoever on my political compass.
2016-12-03 06:20:04 UTC
They don't want them teaching or keeping kids or poisoning kids minds or changing definition of marriage and being put upon by them .
2016-12-05 03:28:27 UTC
because the Republicans are generally more conservative which includes me and just because I'm against same-sex marriage doesn't mean I hate homosexuals
2016-12-03 00:47:41 UTC





2016-12-03 12:41:33 UTC
2016-12-20 05:58:40 UTC
the bible is anti-gay... most republicans identify as christians... numerous christians are anti-gay...
2016-12-04 22:52:26 UTC
because your are gay you see you had started the gay rights moment when you grabbed that mans *** and got massive erection and then you grabbed that dick and you stroked it well and licked the man juice like it was ice cream on a hot summer day call me sometime and we can arrange something i can make you feel good bb ;)
2016-12-03 17:42:42 UTC
Because all issues divide up into liberal and conservative positions and being anti gay is the conservative position and the Republican party is the conservative party.
2016-12-03 07:50:48 UTC
If they want to live a lifestyle that goes against all moral codes and want to spend an eternity in hell, that is their choice. They are free to do so.
2016-12-04 07:27:32 UTC
2016-12-06 20:02:03 UTC
I am a conservative Christian and the church I attend is open to everyone. Don't blame religion from what I understand Jesus accepts us all as we are.
2016-12-04 12:12:47 UTC
Because like FBI Director J. Edger Hoover, they are still in the closet.
2016-12-03 10:16:42 UTC
Simple answer, because gays are liberal, which makes them anti-white, anti-christian, anti-male, and overall anti-American.
2016-12-03 14:52:17 UTC
Republicans have socially conservative values. And traditionally, homosexuality is frowned upon.
2016-12-04 09:31:24 UTC
as a republican I just get tired of hearing gay s getting their panties in a wadd because they always want this that or the other thing.
2016-12-04 19:55:32 UTC
It's not that they're personally against it, it's just that most of them are religious, therefore they have religious reasons against it.
2016-12-03 15:50:04 UTC
The bible has been edited a bunch of times I don't know why you would put that in update.
2016-12-03 08:07:09 UTC
As a man I prefer a woman over a man's anus.
2016-12-05 06:19:21 UTC
Because they have extreme right wing views and believe in traditional and long kept views
2016-12-05 03:50:27 UTC
Linda R
2016-12-03 09:14:22 UTC
Because we ALL know, for a fact, being gay is a terrible sickness.
2016-12-03 11:41:23 UTC
Why are so many Democrats/progressives pro gay?
2016-12-03 16:44:44 UTC
There's no evidence of that.
2016-12-03 16:18:31 UTC
They're trying to confirm their masculinity so no one knows that they're all the way in the closet. They put dildos up their *** every other day in their privacy lmao.
2016-12-06 03:20:26 UTC
2016-12-03 17:37:53 UTC
There's no excuse as louder than homosexuality ...
2016-12-04 13:53:00 UTC
Because republicans are pseudo-modest and hate everything else
2016-12-03 16:21:46 UTC
We just don't like GAY NAZIS telling us how we are allowed to think,or having our lives threatened just for having religious beliefs....

2016-12-03 23:59:59 UTC
Because they're "Christians" and Christians don't judge people, right guys?
2016-12-03 12:23:57 UTC
Calti ko
2016-12-03 00:40:50 UTC
I am sure there is a correlation between leaning conservative politically and having conservative religious beliefs - whichever one effects the other would probably be the latter.
2016-12-07 10:54:34 UTC
Because we did not lynch enough back in the 50s so now we have to listen to their squeaky voices
2016-12-02 21:50:28 UTC
Darlin if your gay and don't like being bashed because of it THEN STOP BEING A F'CKING HYPOCRIT BASHING OTHERS
2016-12-03 03:00:01 UTC
Set in there ways
2016-12-03 12:41:20 UTC
Why does Hillary Clinton take MILLIONS of dollars from countries that EXECUTE gays and lesbians?!
2016-12-03 19:43:34 UTC
Because many are religious, and homosexuality is not auspicious in the eyes of religion.
2016-12-04 11:16:46 UTC
Homosexuality is a tolerable curse for the individual,and the LGBT is a morass of disgustingness.
2016-12-03 01:06:14 UTC
A last-ditch attempt to prove their masculinity.
2016-12-03 19:40:16 UTC
because gay guys have this thing where they put their ***** in other guys azsholes. Honest. They do. Its pretty fvkkin gross.
2016-12-02 20:09:20 UTC
Too many reasons
2016-12-03 04:12:11 UTC
Because religion spreads hate.
2016-12-03 04:43:07 UTC
They like men
2016-12-02 19:40:22 UTC
You support LGBT because every woman who marry converts to lesbianism ??
2016-12-03 19:45:30 UTC
They're probably just jealous that we get a parade for having sex and they don't :)
2016-12-03 18:32:00 UTC
Closet cases.
2016-12-07 08:07:39 UTC
and whats wrong with being anti perverted
2016-12-03 15:21:27 UTC
Thou shalt not judge,sayeth the Lord lest yee be judged.
2016-12-03 11:26:11 UTC
I'm not anti gay and I'm trump as ****
2016-12-04 10:56:48 UTC
I think it's about how people areally raised
2016-12-03 06:51:25 UTC
Why be Gay first of all
2016-12-04 13:27:55 UTC
Because if a man likes another mans pee-pee its called a chemical imbalance!
2016-12-04 03:29:38 UTC
I'm republican and i don't mind gays.. it doesn't bother me so i really don't care
2016-12-03 04:16:57 UTC
I think actually all republicans are very religious and conservative!
Blake Griggs
2016-12-04 18:06:00 UTC
milo yiannopoulos Nuff said
2016-12-04 15:03:27 UTC
They're fascists.
2016-12-04 20:01:05 UTC
because they are by 'n' by male wife beaters and females that like being beaten by men.
2016-12-04 17:56:36 UTC
because republicans are usually religious
2016-12-03 19:10:43 UTC
Maybe they are jealous that some men have a lot fun.
2016-12-02 21:29:22 UTC
I'm republican and I support LGBTQ
2016-12-02 20:11:22 UTC
Because it isnt natural or right. Just because animals do it doesnt mean anything. Animals can be mentally ill too.
2016-12-03 17:11:24 UTC
Because they're fascists.
2016-12-03 08:37:20 UTC
Oldy world and maybe repressed.UK politicians seem to get into all the time and whenever they can.
2016-12-03 09:15:14 UTC
Just the men who are closet homosexuals and women who feel threatened.
Corey Rudy
2016-12-04 18:49:46 UTC
Because they are disgusting repulsive and not human beings
2016-12-03 12:04:55 UTC
A lot is religion based.
Girrrrl Luvaaaa
2016-12-04 21:07:06 UTC
Because their religious nuts
2016-12-04 13:14:45 UTC
They are more traditional and less have acceptance towards change
2016-12-04 09:14:51 UTC
They're not.
2016-12-03 17:34:10 UTC
Cuz I want two points you gay
2016-12-04 12:00:05 UTC
because they''re old time traditional they don't want to open or expand their minds
2016-12-03 13:49:09 UTC
most of them follow their religious practice (christianity) even though their religion preaches tolerance to everyone
2016-12-03 02:42:32 UTC
2016-12-03 23:35:14 UTC
because homosexuals fund isis and support child ufo abduction.
2016-12-03 07:28:44 UTC
its cause they are brainwashed religious evil who live their life according to a book and their genitals and not according to the brain. their brain doesnt do the thinking,tis their genitals and their religious book that does it for them
2016-12-03 01:57:06 UTC
Xj ar un
2016-12-03 23:54:34 UTC
2016-12-04 04:33:05 UTC
Moral, they can not swallow the sick ideology of a man marrying another man, or woman and another woman.
2016-12-05 02:53:35 UTC
They are offended by gays trying to push their gay lifestyle
2016-12-03 01:03:42 UTC
We don't like mixing our sex with sh!t. Deal with it.
2016-12-03 23:42:13 UTC
Why are so many democrats gay?
2016-12-03 09:53:45 UTC
Why are so many Democrats liars?
2016-12-03 06:02:57 UTC
Because its hate goverment
2016-12-02 22:47:35 UTC
Yes it is because they believe in fairytales aka religion
2016-12-04 09:51:26 UTC
Cause theyre all old fuvks
2016-12-04 12:44:09 UTC
Because they're in the closet
2016-12-06 07:14:45 UTC
2016-12-03 14:04:46 UTC
Most muslims are homophoblic its their right to feel that way .
2016-12-03 10:18:50 UTC
Because freedom.
2016-12-03 20:59:29 UTC
Because they are conservatives, and cons are anti-everything non-white, christian, heterosexual, etc.
2016-12-03 03:49:27 UTC
If you really had to ask that question, you would be far to stupid to understand the real answer.
2016-12-04 06:51:09 UTC
How did you come this brainstorm, a drunken hunch? Sober up.
2016-12-04 08:49:47 UTC
Ask them
2016-12-03 22:02:41 UTC
They aren't... but why are so many liberals liars???
2016-12-03 15:22:34 UTC
They aren't....
2016-12-04 02:00:47 UTC
Because Catholic hates gay
2016-12-03 13:19:12 UTC
2016-12-03 17:23:13 UTC
Jesus Christ never said its ok to gay lol
2016-12-04 16:35:48 UTC
The daughter of Dick Cheyney is gay.
2016-12-04 21:41:32 UTC
grew up in a different time friend
2016-12-02 19:39:04 UTC
because of morals, doesn't have to be about religion
Mike Cooper
2016-12-03 15:33:53 UTC
Because it is neither natural nor necessary.
2016-12-02 20:09:40 UTC
They strictly adhere to the bible, which does not favor homosexuality
2016-12-03 23:32:11 UTC
Because apparently god hates gays
2016-12-03 15:34:39 UTC
**** they gay the gay are gay don't worry the straight won't go to he'll
2016-12-04 14:48:46 UTC
Because maybe ther gay
2016-12-03 03:21:43 UTC
They hate hongkongese pigs.

hongkongese are all gays.
2016-12-04 03:53:26 UTC
who cares?? gays are anti hetero
2016-12-06 14:58:26 UTC
I think that is just how some people are. I'm democrat and I think that why they do this. Also can you answer my question thanks.
2016-12-03 11:22:39 UTC
Because they're Christian.
2016-12-03 04:08:57 UTC
they are scared that people will find out that they are gay if the support the gay community....
2016-12-04 23:02:45 UTC
I'm not sure
poornakumar b
2016-12-05 02:00:33 UTC
May be, they follow the Bible to the letter and in spirit.
2016-12-04 10:46:53 UTC
repubs consider gays as liberal and threat to their votes
2016-12-03 12:27:35 UTC
2016-12-03 22:44:56 UTC
2016-12-03 12:59:11 UTC
There nutjobs
2016-12-03 15:18:54 UTC
i have found thru experience that the one pointing a finger is always the guilty one [do u get the message ?]
2016-12-04 18:33:18 UTC
So, eh, so maybe you are mistaken. So, eh, so maybe you're wrong.
2016-12-03 17:29:27 UTC
a lot of them are just more traditional
2016-12-04 16:04:09 UTC
self hate
2016-12-03 17:48:29 UTC
It is wrong there is a reason why there are male and females !!!!
2016-12-05 03:46:20 UTC
It s cuz they gay and gays suck man
2016-12-03 07:51:09 UTC
perry m
2016-12-04 16:43:23 UTC
Because sodomy is a sin and its the only sex that queers can have
2016-12-03 20:37:32 UTC
jam toast
2016-12-03 19:48:21 UTC

2016-12-03 17:54:10 UTC
Because they see it as wrong.
2016-12-03 21:36:35 UTC
2016-12-03 19:33:52 UTC
2016-12-03 15:26:11 UTC
Annoying vegan AF
2016-12-04 20:25:07 UTC
2016-12-04 08:36:28 UTC
They are gay themselves
2016-12-04 11:09:10 UTC
This is funny
2016-12-03 18:21:55 UTC
Cause they are haters
2016-12-03 08:15:31 UTC
maybe it is because they still believe in the Bible and Christian morals
Jack E
2016-12-08 08:01:51 UTC
I am just sick of hearing about it all the time.
2016-12-04 01:27:31 UTC
There has lot of reason for that.
2016-12-03 08:49:42 UTC
Because they are are still in the closet.
2016-12-03 13:51:39 UTC
2016-12-02 20:10:53 UTC
Christian values
2016-12-04 09:32:38 UTC
Because you're gay. Queer.
2016-12-04 19:46:41 UTC
They just are
2016-12-03 17:04:53 UTC
Because they are stupid and close-minded
2016-12-03 20:39:47 UTC
they're christians :/
2016-12-04 15:19:41 UTC
It's nasty
2016-12-05 19:34:12 UTC
Because they are in the closet.
2016-12-04 17:08:50 UTC
Because its WRONG
2016-12-05 08:14:37 UTC
I have no idea
2016-12-04 10:33:02 UTC
Not all are, but some are some are not
2016-12-03 09:47:40 UTC
not too sure, they should be more open to homosexuals.
2016-12-03 07:15:10 UTC
2016-12-04 06:10:55 UTC
cuz they're bigots.
2016-12-03 13:21:44 UTC
Religion is stupid
2016-12-03 06:14:25 UTC
2016-12-04 18:40:11 UTC
2016-12-04 10:26:09 UTC
**** *******
2016-12-03 10:15:28 UTC
cause the follow bible and its anit gay
jason w
2016-12-05 20:34:17 UTC
2016-12-03 12:20:23 UTC
not always this case
2016-12-03 08:25:57 UTC
Because anal sex is painful
2016-12-03 15:15:08 UTC
because its no normal
2016-12-04 12:10:32 UTC
2016-12-03 03:17:00 UTC
They arent . you are overly sensitive :


Hillary for PRISON ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
2016-12-03 16:22:37 UTC
not necessarily
luis l
2016-12-05 01:57:35 UTC
2016-12-04 16:55:23 UTC
because gays are ****** up
2016-12-03 20:08:43 UTC
Because there assholes
2016-12-03 18:55:50 UTC
Because u are
2016-12-04 10:17:29 UTC
dont know
2016-12-03 22:55:51 UTC
2016-12-04 03:36:16 UTC
they're assholes. that's why.
2016-12-04 05:54:09 UTC
2016-12-03 13:16:54 UTC
2016-12-03 21:13:31 UTC
not true
2016-12-04 18:16:42 UTC
2016-12-04 01:48:21 UTC
2016-12-04 00:34:14 UTC
do you gay nos?
2016-12-03 10:06:49 UTC
2016-12-03 17:48:28 UTC
2016-12-04 19:41:27 UTC
2016-12-04 03:49:42 UTC
there christian values
2016-12-02 19:43:16 UTC
or is that just you?
2016-12-03 17:17:43 UTC
2016-12-04 19:54:13 UTC

so true.
2016-12-04 05:54:38 UTC
**** gays and **** you
2016-12-03 05:54:45 UTC
2016-12-05 22:05:45 UTC
2016-12-04 16:09:18 UTC
2016-12-04 11:55:37 UTC
2016-12-03 13:05:53 UTC
2016-12-04 13:33:18 UTC
2016-12-02 23:07:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.