can you turn a uncommitted, platonic male into a husband?
2011-03-05 06:49:38 UTC
will a uncommitted, platonic male ever be a good husband type for me? I do get emotional and need his support a lot, he has shown in the past that he can't handle that.

I dunno what to expect, if hes going to change for me or I am just dreaming my future away?
Five answers:
2011-03-05 06:57:59 UTC
Clearly he's not going to change, you should get someone better! you deserve better
2011-03-05 15:18:09 UTC
You answered your own question. You said he is not committed, he's a platonic friend. No way will he be a husband. You are wasting your time with him. I'm sure he enjoys your company, but that doesn't mean you should stick around to see if he will propose. That's way too far fetched. Please don't waste your time on someone who isn't even giving the slightest clue to whether he likes you or not. You can find someone who is willing to committ without taking so much from you (emotionally, physically, and financially).
2011-03-05 14:52:47 UTC
He wouldn't and couldn't change and you'd be wrong expecting him to. He's not the man for you.

Find someone else who's everything you need.
2011-03-05 15:29:58 UTC
To answer the title, No, keep looking.
2011-03-05 15:00:47 UTC
you can't change him, he has got to want to change and from the sounds of things he doesn't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.