hey would you say this girl is interested in me? ok so there is a women on a work placement at my work place who is a lesbian, a few weeks back she added me on facebook, we got chatting on there, i then sent her my number saying text me if she wanted to, well anyway whilst we was texting i asked her if i could take her out for some food but she send a text back saying she cant as she is on a work placement and that she might get in to trouble, so i was like fair enough, well l;ast week she had her hair different i told her that the old style suited her much better, she came out with i'll have it like normal just for you babe!? as a joke i said style your hair like that on a weekend for me lol and we'll go for a meal! she laughed and said yeah ok?? also whenever im in the same room as her i always catch her looking at me,or whenever im alone she'll talk about lesbians and stuff, she seems flirty with me aswell and acts completly different around other colleagues, but her placement finishes in about 2/3 weeks i was thinking off asking her out on a date but im not sure if she likes me in that way? i dont even text her anymore either as i dont wonna make a fool off myself lol, i have only ever had one girlfriend before so i dont havnt a clue! HELP me people as i really like this girl but not sure what to do..what would you do if it was you?? thanks and sorry for bad grammer x