Why do Gay Men's voice's change after they find out they are gay?
2006-04-03 23:17:32 UTC
I dont understand why their voice changes when they come out of the closet, also do you think people are born gay? I dont think so...
Fourteen answers:
2006-04-09 03:37:44 UTC
I think the voice changes because they relax themselves...they no longer feel like they have to hide and pretend. Although I know many gay men whose voices didn't change after they came out of the closet. And I know a small few of gay men who purposely raise their voice in pitch when they aren't around gay men (not sure why) or an even smaller few who do the opposite..only raise their voice pitch when around gay men.

As for being born gay. Yep, I think so. I can't remember a time when I wasn't romantically interested in guys. Growing up I remember seeing girls kiss boys and thinking "I want to kiss the boy". I remember in elementary school watching the girls chase the boys and then when the girls would catch them they'd kiss them, the boys usually pretended to hate it. I wanted to kiss the boys. I'd see the girls and boys that were 'dating' and they'd be holding hands and being all close and think, I want to hold the boys hands. And I was quite happy being a boy myself. I had no desire to be a girl. Puberty hit and those romantic feelings were then coupled with sexual attraction for the young men. I had several crushes on guys throughout high school. Now I'm still happy being a guy and still romantically and sexually attracted to guys. I have never been romantically or sexually interested in girls. Never. For me being gay is just being who I've always been. Maybe it's different for other people. I'm just being myself...the way I've always been.

I was never abused.

And just to set the record correct:

I come from a two parent home. I was equally close to both my mother and father. I have a younger sister.

My beloved came from a two parent home. He is very close to his father and his stepmother. He has a younger brother. He was not abused either.
2016-12-10 20:59:16 UTC
Gay Man Voice
2006-04-05 10:54:03 UTC
Some men are just effeminate. Straight or Gay. Maybe many of these new lispers were covering up and overcompensating for so long, now they can be free. I have never experienced this myself. Friends say I act the same as when I was in the closet. But people are individuals and have different circumstances. SO not all do, and not all "voice changes" are gays.
2006-04-04 11:52:58 UTC
I was never abused and i am gay thank you kindly. And i knew i was gay the same day you knew you were straight thank you kindly again. And the stupid stereotype of the voice changing has to do with media, that is not the way it really is. I won't lie that some gay guys may sound like that, in fact i have a gay guy friend who does, but that is only one out of the probably 50 that i know, not only am i gay, but im in theatre! So, i would kindly suggest that you don't go around making assumptions and acting like you know, its one thing to ask a question, its another to just act like you already know!
2006-04-04 01:45:07 UTC
look, it's irritating enough that you claim to speak on behalf of a group of people that you don't know all of and aren't a member of, but it's worse that you put it here, in the gay and lesbian section, where a lot of gay and lesbian people who are already tired from having to justify their entire lives have to read it.

Some gay men are camp, and as some guy already pointed out, some of us aren't, and there are too many gay men in too many places to be able to say how many of us are whatever it is you're complaning about.

And either way: don't ask us to explain why we are. Don't ask us to justify who we are. It's so disrespectful that I can't even explain it without swearing.
2006-04-04 00:10:09 UTC
I was born gay, I am going to live gay (the way god made me), and I will die gay. When I am judged by god I will still be gay. When he asked me what did I do with my life I will tell him I lived a gay life! Then when the gates of heaven open up I will float right in to meet with all my other gay friends who have gone before me!!!! Then we will all have a gay ole time!!!!
2006-04-03 23:26:50 UTC
People do not choose their sexuality. Just ask any heterosexual man or woman. Did they choose to like the opposite sex? Of course not. Same with gay people. We do not choose to like people of the same sex. That is just who we are naturallly attracted to, because that was in us when we were born. As far as the voice of a gay man changing, it does not "change". I think you are referring to a gay man feeling comfortable around certain situations, where he can act more naturally, and of himself, rather than trying to put up a front like all of us gay people have to do in every day straight life. When we are comfortable, or around other gay people, we let our guard down and our true personalities are more likely to come out. If you see that as a "voice change", it is not. It is just being in more of a comfort zone. I think you must admit that you act and speak differently when you are around your friends you are comfortable with, then you change when you are around strangers, or people at school or your work. We all have comfort zones, gay or not.
2006-04-04 00:59:23 UTC
I have no proof of this, but I think when two men or two women start having a relationship, especially a physical one, that after a time it starts doing something to their bodies, and changes them. seriously.

I believe people are fooled into think they are gay, actually I don't believe in gay people, I believe all gay people are confused heterosexuals.

Of course, I'm just a narrow-minded what do I know? In actuality, I don't agree with homosexuality, but I hate people that treat them like crap because of it. I will love them like I do anyone else, they are human and my Savior died for them as much as He did for me, and anyone that He died for has to be special.
2016-10-09 07:30:53 UTC
Hal's excellent in this one alot of gay men obviously have female tone of their voices and frequently deepen them as a way to hide it in significant social situations (like in college earlier popping out) as a fashion to slot in My voice has continuously been extra deep and shoots up in tone after I get excited or scared. basically organic particularly
2006-04-03 23:25:10 UTC
i dont think they change, i just think you are looking for a change in thier voice... and the gay man being around other gay men they adapt to the gay language...if you listen to thjier voice how has it changed from before they let you know they were gay???

well i think most are born gay but as for my self i chose to be lesbian for 17 years... totally lesbian and when my last lover comitted suicide i was over it...
2006-04-07 20:33:08 UTC
My voice cerntainly never changed, unless you count puberty, which just made it deeper. And of course you're born gay, just they way that a lot of people are born straight.
2006-04-03 23:25:59 UTC
Well Cuse Gay Means Happy And They Wanna Stay Happy (Fags)
2006-04-04 08:14:47 UTC
That's silly! Mine didn't. Most people assume I am straight. I can say that when a lot of gay people get around each other they act silly and get stupid. Just like some of my black friends who are straight when they get around other black people. They act more ghetto. AND they admit that they do it. I am basing this off my life experience of friends.
2006-04-03 23:21:27 UTC
Its the gay thing to do. No one is born gay it is a choice to be gay.

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