The Snappy Miss Pippi Von Trapp
16 years ago
I see a lot of questions here at Yahoo Answers from men who assume that all gay men have to do it. Even if they're scared of it, or not interested in it, or even repulsed by it, they seem to be operating under the belief that it's an activity that they'll eventually HAVE to participate in.
I tried it a couple of times in my earlier adulthood and did not like it at all, so I simply stopped engaging in it. Over the years, I was fortunate to encounter plenty of men who likewise were not interested in it. So I'm certainly not anti-anal, but it's a bit alarming that so many men nowadays seem to think it's their only option for sex.
So, why is there this prevalent notion of anal sex being a required activity? Is it because so many men ARE into it that some others feel pressured to do it? Or is it just the lemming mentality of being compelled to do what others are doing?