Why do atheists exist?
2013-08-11 08:33:23 UTC
Let me give you this long explanation on why atheist shouldn't exist although most of you will just be way to stubborn to even consider my question and just call me stupid for asking it.


Atheist have of course the big bang theory, but the big bang theory does not tell how the singularity originated. Basically the theory says that there was nothing and then at some point something happened and a point of incredibly hot and dense energy appeared, then it started rapidly expanding outward in perfect unity. The hot energy called "plasma" is expands so far out that it cools down and become matter as we know it. Creating stars and planets with left over debris and eventually us. That's it, of course as the theory states it was a "big bang" but that still can not tell us how the singularity appear originally.

You also have M- Theory
M-theory states that there are 2 rug like universes side by side that can bend and curve and there is a force in between the too rugs that you can think of the fourth dimension pulling them together. And when they meet and massive amount of energy and mater is created you can think of this like the big bang. Afterwards the rugs push away and cool off until they fourth dimension pulls them back together for another big bang. This happens again and again forever no start no finish just this.

And you also have string theory

String theory or the theory of everything is the theory that there are 11 dimensions 10 normal plus time
String theory takes a while to explain so I will not explain it.

And of course there are other theories but though are the main ones

But which is harder to believe these theories or religion in general I mean seriously I have a firm understanding of all of theses theories and in fact it is my job but I am still a christian man. So how do you do it how do you live with no purpose because lets say there is no god then all of your feelings and thoughts are just chemical reactions in your brain so really why should you care what is happening you don't really have a purpose for being here other than to reproduce. How can you live like that?
Fifteen answers:
2013-08-11 08:37:37 UTC
Because there is insufficient evidence of a "deity," particularly one so vindictive and vicious as the entity described as "jehovah" in the bible.

Saying something "should not exist" because YOU do not think it should exist is hardly sufficient reason when the truth is that atheists DO exist.

It's kind of funny; you're denying the existence of actual, palpable human beings while defending an unprovable dogma.

I suggest you study up on science a little more. The intro to "Big Bang Theory" is not a sufficient grounding in physics to allow you to pontificate. BBT is a sitcom.
2013-08-11 08:39:15 UTC
You left out the steady-state hypothesis, the cyclical universe hypothesis, and the modifications to the Big Bang Theory that account for the creation of the monoblock. And I don't even keep up on these things, so I'm sure there are others out there.

You present a false dichotomy. If one does not accept any of the current theories for the origin and evolution of the universe, it is not therefore necessary to accept any particular religion's theory iin their place. One can simply take the position that no one actually knows where the universe comes from.

Additionally, just because you find something relatively easy to believe does not mean anyone else will be in the same position. Faith is not an absolute thing, you know? And faith is, after all, what you're talking about.

Lastly: if you're not a troll, as you seem to be insisting, why did you post this in LGBT? Surely R&S or Physics or even Homework Help would have been more logical.
2015-08-28 22:20:51 UTC
Let me give you this long explanation on why atheist shouldn't exist although most of you will just be way to stubborn to even consider my question and just call me stupid for asking it.

ME; self fulfilling prophecy


Atheist have of course the big bang theory, but the big bang theory does not tell how the singularity originated.

ME; uh huh

Basically the theory says that there was nothing

ME; you're an idiot

and then at some point something happened and a point of incredibly hot and dense energy appeared, then it started rapidly expanding outward in perfect unity.

perfect unity? are you sure? that raises a lot of questions

The hot energy called "plasma" is expands so far out that it cools down and become matter as we know it. Creating stars and planets with left over debris and eventually us.

ME; you skipped abiogenesis

That's it,

ME; no no no, you included "us" but skilled abiogenesis and evolution. they are NOT the same theory.

of course as the theory states it was a "big bang" but that still can not tell us how the singularity appear originally.

You also have M- Theory


String theory takes a while to explain so I will not explain it.

And of course there are other theories but though are the main ones

But which is harder to believe these theories or religion

ME; Reliogion says bats are birds, amongst other things. so Science.

in general I mean seriously I have a firm understanding of all of theses theories and in fact it is my job but I am still a christian man. So how do you do it how do you live with no purpose

ME; what has "purpose" got to do with Science?

because lets say there is no god then all of your feelings and thoughts are just chemical reactions in your brain so really why should you care what is happening

ME; because the chemicals in our brain make us. duh.

you don't really have a purpose for being here other than to reproduce. How can you live like that?

ME; so... the meaning of life is sex? AWESOME!
2013-08-13 02:27:39 UTC
You are a man?

You seem more like a 14-year-old.

"how do you do it how do you live with no purpose because lets say there is no god then all of your feelings and thoughts are just chemical reactions in your brain so really why should you care what is happening you don't really have a purpose for being here other than to reproduce. How can you live like that?"

2013-08-11 12:11:34 UTC
You Christians are such crude thinkers and defamatory supposers of what non-Christians think. You have never, I ween, being fundamentally ignorant, so much as heard of, much less read, a long, Latin poem called 'De Rerum Natura,' which is basically about the atheistic atomic materialism of Democritus, and which begins with the loveliest, most vivid poetic evocation of the goddess Venus ever written. What kind of atheism is this? You might wonder--but you don't. Most of the people who you know as atheists have, in their time, believed with all their little hearts in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy--and encourage their children to believe in them too, and don't mind if they fill their heads with precious twaddle about the Christ Child born in a manger in the little town of Bethlehem. Why do you suppose?

Let's put it this way: When I look at the Deep Field images of the Hubble Telescope I am even more filled with awe and reverence than you are, 'cause I don't need Santa Claus (or the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny) to explain it to me.

And speaking of things which are just molecules in my brain, these include: Strawberries on the stem washed down by a glass of Vouvray, Mozart piano concertos, the poetry of John Milton, images of the Blue Mosque at Isphahan...Keep your filthy Abrahamic religion off of them!
2013-08-11 16:34:34 UTC
LOL your profile picture is the L symbol. Like L from death note? Please, it's an offense for someone like L ( a genuis) to be compared to you. Now, about your question... The reason scientist haven't said how the singularity originated is beacuse they don't know. Pretty simple. Stephen Hawkins, Carl Sagan, and many other brilliant minds are working on this, but at the moment they say they don't know. Now take the L off your profile picture, it's a disgrace.
2013-08-11 11:05:10 UTC
An honest question about physics or astronomy or space would be in the Physics or Astronomy & Space sections. But, since you asked here:

Atheists are just people who don't believe in any gods. We don't have to know all the answers to reject "a magic invisible being did it." However, I've done some research:

Just because you don't understand something, such as the origin of the universe, does not mean that your god or any god did it.

Short answer: Modern physics shows how the Big Bang (and thus the universe) grew from nothing but a random quantum vacuum fluctuation, creating the energy and matter as it expanded - with the balancing negative energy in the gravitational field. This doesn't make sense in Newtonian physics or our Newtonian experience, but it does in the physics of quantum mechanics and relativity.

Long answer:

For thousands of years, people have said that their gods were behind what they didn't understand -- life, morality, lightning, stars, earthquakes, the origin of life, the world or the universe, etc. Positing a god to supposedly answer a question solves nothing. It's just lazy thinking that adds an unwarranted level of complexity and stops you from asking more questions.

It used to be that science couldn't answer the question about the origin of the universe or of the Big Bang, but that didn't mean we should make up an answer (such as a god) and say that it was the cause. Within the last few decades scientists have discovered some good answers. Of course, a scientific explanation is more complex than simply saying, "God did it."

Quantum mechanics shows that "nothing" does not exist. There are always quantized particle fields with random fluctuations. Quantum mechanics also shows that events can occur with no cause.

There are many well-respected physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Sean M. Carroll, Victor Stenger, Michio Kaku, Alan Guth, Alex Vilenkin, Robert A.J. Matthews, and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, who have created scientific models where the Big Bang and thus the entire universe could arise from nothing but a random quantum vacuum fluctuation in a particle field -- via natural processes.

In relativity, gravity is negative energy, and matter and photons are positive energy. Because negative and positive energy are equal in absolute total value, our observable universe is balanced to the sum of zero. Our universe could thus have come into existence without violating conservation of mass and energy — with the matter of the universe condensing out of the positive energy as the universe cooled, and gravity created from the negative energy.

I know that this doesn't make sense in our Newtonian experience, but it does in the physics of quantum mechanics and relativity. As Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman wrote, "The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment. So I hope you can accept nature as she is — absurd."

For more about the Big Bang and its implications, watch the video at the 1st link - "A Universe From Nothing" by theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, read an interview with him (at the 2nd link), or get his new book (at the 3rd link). See the 4th link for "The Universe: Big Bang to Now in 10 Easy Steps." And, see the 5th link for "Quantum scientists make something out of nothing."

"The total energy of the universe is precisely zero, because gravity can have negative energy. The negative energy of gravity balances out the positive energy of matter. Only such a universe can begin from nothing. The laws of physics allow a universe to begin from nothing. You don't need a deity. Quantum fluctuations can produce a universe."

- Lawrence Krauss, physicist

"The cosmic microwave background radiation is one of the many reasons that we know that the Big Bang actually happened."

- Lawrence Krauss, physicist
2013-08-11 08:50:05 UTC
First of all not all LGBT people are atheist. and second, ignorant people full of hatred that think they are "religious" are the reason some people are atheist. but from reading your last question i wanna say that being gay isnt a mental illness its proven scientifically that its totally normal. Get your facts straight. k? "you don't really have a purpose for being here other than to reproduce." Um I think Thats why heterosexuallity is more common than homosexuallity plus have u heard of sperm donation? Your point in invalid. Have a nice day. :)
2013-08-11 08:38:32 UTC
Atheists don't have the big bang theory. Physicists have the big bang theory, and it is very, very well supported now by a variety of unambiguous evidences. It is essentially beyond question that it happened, you can take it as a given, the rest of the scientific world does.
UVa guy
2013-08-11 09:09:57 UTC
It's religion that has turned so many to atheism in the first place. I am more of a deist; I believe there is something greater than ourselves, and that we do move to another plane after death. I was raised a Christian, but I have met so few real Christians that I move away from it.

As Gandhi said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
2013-08-11 08:40:32 UTC
Being atheist doesn't always mean I am hard core science advocate and have substantial knowledge about string theory, It does mean however I feel association with any blind-belief religion bogus and unproductive. It doesn't mean I disrespect religions, but does mean I do wish to be part of it.

And atheists are not always de facto stringent science geeks [for lack of a better word], they can be very much spiritual for example, Buddhists are atheists.
2013-08-11 08:55:06 UTC
So God created everything...even atheists. Period.
2013-08-11 08:45:32 UTC
You guys are really going at it this morning, huh? Hahaha kind of ironic that it's a Sunday morning, and instead of being at church, you're bashing Atheists because you're insecure about your own religion. Such a tool.
2013-08-11 08:36:12 UTC
" but that still can not tell us how the singularity appear originally."

who says it does? why does that suggest god? why would it imply magic?

"This happens again and again forever no start no finish just this."

sure, you can argue it, but I can also argue the incapability of the logic you employ by invoking god, or magic
2013-08-11 08:37:36 UTC
SO if there is a "god," then our lives automatically have purpose? Your argument is not logical, at all, and your choice of Category is awful.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.