2013-08-11 08:33:23 UTC
Atheist have of course the big bang theory, but the big bang theory does not tell how the singularity originated. Basically the theory says that there was nothing and then at some point something happened and a point of incredibly hot and dense energy appeared, then it started rapidly expanding outward in perfect unity. The hot energy called "plasma" is expands so far out that it cools down and become matter as we know it. Creating stars and planets with left over debris and eventually us. That's it, of course as the theory states it was a "big bang" but that still can not tell us how the singularity appear originally.
You also have M- Theory
M-theory states that there are 2 rug like universes side by side that can bend and curve and there is a force in between the too rugs that you can think of the fourth dimension pulling them together. And when they meet and massive amount of energy and mater is created you can think of this like the big bang. Afterwards the rugs push away and cool off until they fourth dimension pulls them back together for another big bang. This happens again and again forever no start no finish just this.
And you also have string theory
String theory or the theory of everything is the theory that there are 11 dimensions 10 normal plus time
String theory takes a while to explain so I will not explain it.
And of course there are other theories but though are the main ones
But which is harder to believe these theories or religion in general I mean seriously I have a firm understanding of all of theses theories and in fact it is my job but I am still a christian man. So how do you do it how do you live with no purpose because lets say there is no god then all of your feelings and thoughts are just chemical reactions in your brain so really why should you care what is happening you don't really have a purpose for being here other than to reproduce. How can you live like that?