All throughout my life, I've felt different from other guys. Although I love watching football (soccer) now, I've never liked playing sports, and when I tried to I felt incompetent, self-conscious and awkward. At school, I've always been poor at the subjects boys tend to excel in (math, science, physical education) and excelled at the subjects girls tend to do well in (english, history, art, philosophy). When I was 12-13, I noticed myself becoming more attracted to boys than girls, and thought I was gay. However, while I WAS indeed attracted to other boys, I wan't attracted to them AS a boy, and this confused me deeply, so I repressed these feelings, and ignored them for several years, yet they remained inside of me, and welled up at times, causing me great distress. When I was 16, the feelings started again, and I couldn't ignore them away, so I started abusing painkillers, and they helped me stop the feelings. A few months later, I quit the painkillers, but the feelings didn't come back. I started dating a lot of girls, and had sex several times. It didn't feel right, not the sex, or the emotional side of the dates. Although I'm not overt with my femininity (I tend to keep it to myself, as being open about it just asks for trouble), other guys have always been able to pick up on my femininity, so I get called "******", "sissy", "pansy" a lot by random guys. Last night I had a dream, in which I was a pretty girl, wearing girls' clothes, shopping, flirting with boys etc. I was so happy, so, so happy, and now all the feelings have come flooding back. I can no longer deny it, I am a girl. But I'm 17, I've already gone through puberty, and I'm fairly masculine. I have a very deep voice, big feet and hands, a big nose, and broad shoulders. So I'd have to get very many surgeries, and train my voice to sound more feminine. However, all of these surgeries would be painful, would take many years, and cost so much money. And worst of all, I have to come out. Coming out as gay is one thing, but coming out as TRANSGENDER is much more difficult. Everyone's perception of me would forever change. I think my father would disown me, and I'd lose friends. I really don't know what to do. Should I risk it, come out, and save up all my money for years of difficult procedures, and finally be able to be my true self, or should I just keep it to myself, and life my life as I have been, quietly accepting my identity as a woman, and keeping it as a secret from all but my most accepting friends?
Thank you for listening.