IAM asking gayS and lesbianS you really like the same sex you look at?
2006-03-18 08:00:36 UTC
IAM not lesbian (thank god) but I can't understand how it can passibale 1 men like other man and think he's hot
or one women like other women ...
do you consider it as a some kind of illness
because in the nature the same sex animals haven't sex with each other ....
I CAN'T GET IT ..........
Eleven answers:
2006-03-18 08:54:10 UTC
I am not even going to waste my time and reply to most of what you are saying because you said yourself you CAN'T GET IT. But I just wanted to point out that you are wrong about animals and homosexuality, there is large numbers of research that shows homosexual activity in animals, all types of animals. So who says it isn't natural?

Here are just a couple of links to studies done on it. One artical is even from the national geographic.

So maybe you should REALLY know what you're talking about before you get on a homophobic rant.


Ok since you really want to know. Then no I don't see it as an illness, and to me it is prefectly natural. As another poster said, I can still look at a man and see him as good looking, but when it comes to sex I am just not interested and i actually get grossed out at the thought some times.

Can you think of a man that you know that you would NEVER want to think of sexually and if you did it would totally gross you out? Like a family member or maybe some nasty dude that lived down the street or the plummer with the hairy crack? Thats how I feel when I think of most guys sexually, I don't want any sweaty stinky .....thing coming anywhere near me.

Now women on the other hand...true some of us can be sweaty and stinky and nasty but over all women are just beautiful, everything about a woman is beautiful, inside and out.
2006-03-18 12:07:08 UTC
I am a lesbian woman, and i have a partner who i think is completely gorgeous. We're getting married this summer infact :-)

(yes there are countries where gay/lesbian people can get married to their partners..thankfully i live in one of them!)

You're heterosexual it seems, and that's fine, a lot of people are.

But there are also a lot of gay/lesbian/transgendered people in the world too.

I couldnt tell you exactly what it is that makes me attracted to women rather than men, i just am.

I mean i can look at a man and say that he's a good looking guy, but i wouldnt want to have sex with him. Perhaps because i've found the person i want to be with for the rest of my life...and she's a woman...and i'll never cheat on her.

I don't know what else to tell you, maybe you'll never understand the same way i'll never understand why some people hate homosexuals so much.

All i ask is that you don't hate gay/lesbian people for being who they are...we're just people who don't have any desire to sleep with the opposite sex...and prefer to form relationships with people the same sex as ourselves...thats all!
2006-03-18 08:16:46 UTC
Yes, I thank God you're not a lesbian too - or you'd hate yourself. I've read a lot of stupid questions aimed at the GLBT community in this forum, but this one may get the prize. Actually, in the animal kingdom there are some animals that are gay, so you should watch those nature shows more often. It's not an illness, honey. Not like, say, bigotry. If you don't get it, you don't get, and I think that asking about it in an insulting way proves that you don't want to get it - you just want to comment about it and show your disapproval.
2006-03-18 08:53:31 UTC
You really have never looked at a woman and thought, "Wow, she looks good"? I find that hard to believe. Most of the straight women I know are perfectly comfortable acknowledging when another woman looks attractive. To put it another way, I'm a lesbian, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate beautiful men. I just don't want them in my bed.

And no, I don't consider it an illness.
2006-03-19 18:08:11 UTC
I know that you can't help your ignorance in this subject. I am a happily married woman (to a man!) But I am very attracted to women. They are beautiful and soft and emotional. I have had one lesbian experience and enjoyed it very much but I still prefer men. Maybe you should try it just once. Don't knock something until you try it! I have also learned that a lot of homo phobics end up being exactly the opposite! Just a little food for thought!
2006-03-18 10:47:04 UTC
I'm sorry I can't quite understand the nature of your question, since it's expressed so poorly. You can't understand how it can be passionate because you're straight. Trust me, there's plenty of gays and lesbians who can't comprehend how straights can find the opposite sex attractive or be passionate with them. As for animals, there are many, many species in which homosexuality has been well documented. I suggest you get your facts straight, but then I do realize it must be difficult to study such things if you're nearly illiterate.
2006-03-19 02:05:58 UTC
Nothing wrong with a person who likes being with somone of the same sex. If they are happy with someone of the same sex who cares, let them be. maybe you do not understand because you are not meant to understand.

Gays and lesbians harm NO ONE I'll say it again they harm NOBODY. They are people with feelings, thoughts, ideas, talent, ect.. just because they choose to be with someone of the same sex does not mean that they should be treated differently.

It is sad really sad seeing people make hateful remarks towards gays and lesbians.
2006-03-24 01:57:21 UTC
the question is "do you consider it an illness?>correct?" personally I think it is a God-given blessing!!!!!

It is great that you don't get it...yet it makes it obvious you are hiding something in yourself to bring it up rather childishly. i will pray that whoever you come to the reasoning that your life is seeking, and life is too magical to wonder about what doesn't suit let it be what it is...not your thing...and move on with life
2006-03-20 19:53:59 UTC
I see what you're asking. consider this, homosexuality is more a preferance than a choice. Imagine a burger. One burger has lettuce, the other burger has tomatoes. let's say you don't like tomatoes, so you pick the one with lettuce, and I choose the tomatoes. So who is right and who is wrong? niether, you only lose if you don't eat your burger. So please enjoy your burger, however you have it prepared.
2006-03-21 19:46:00 UTC
first you need to spend some time with a dictionary your English is atrocious second the reason you don't get it is you think it's a joke so you will never get it
2006-03-18 12:22:14 UTC
You'll never get it because you're obviously 100% straight..nothing wrong with it, just not for me!!

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