I have found that, when most people say "I was born that way" what they mean by implication is... "this lifestyle is the lifestyle I was meant to live, this is the person I have been all along and I have now discovered and am living according to my nature."
So we have two questions...
the one asked "are some people genetically born with a predisposition that goes contrary to their physical parts?"
and the one implied... "if they are, does this mean that it is a morally right lifestyle to live?"
Those who have confided in me that they think they are or may be gay, always meant that it was a self-discovery that this is not a thing they will struggle with or a temptation they will face but a right and good lifestyle they ought to embrace.
I don't think this is the case, please let me try and give reason.
regardless of the answer to the first question, I think the implication of the question is false.
Suppose one is born predisposed to homocide (I am NOT equating homosexuality with homocide, just exposing an error in thinking) would it mean that homocide is ok for them?
Suppose a person is predisposed by genetics toward intense selfishness? or jealousy? or rage?
This doesn't answer the whole issue of homosexuality, but I think it makes sense to say...
Whether a person is born predisposed to something it is not enough to say that they should act it out. If so, there would be quite a lot of adultery with no one to say it's wrong, cause after all, guys are predisposed to it.