2008-12-10 21:25:51 UTC
I need some help on my issue and hopefully you guys can give me some insights. I welcome constructive criticism, just don't be rude and offend anybody. Once again, this is a very long post.
A little background: I'm Asian, 20 years old A/B college student, I’m Catholic, I'm not sure of my sexual orientation, I consider myself to be "on the fence", and I haven’t date anybody, yet.
It's about this guy, white, I met earlier this semester in my class. In that class usually I just sit by myself solo, but one day he approached me outside of class in the waiting area, we greeted and quickly became friends. From then on I moved to where he sat and sit next to him. Everybody in class we talked and laughed whenever we can, it was fun. We have one thing in common is we love to play videogames and we liked the same games, I thought that was cool, lol. We just hang out in class and that’s it, since he live kinda far from where I live. I added him on facebook and sometimes I talk to him about class, sometimes we joke around and all that. Again, it was fun. One night we talked, and somehow I told him I haven’t date anybody yet, he was surprised. He talked about his first date with a girl and it ended up being his first heartbreak. I said sorry that I made u brought it up, he said it’s ok, he called it “male bonding, I guess”.
Anyways… As time went on, I started to have some feelings for him. This is not the first time I have some kind of feeling for a guy, happened like twice so far IIRC. I kind of wanted to stay friend with him, and kind of going the other way. Those feelings inside me just made me go crazy. He’s a religious guy, he’s Christian, and from what I’ve seen he’s really following the words of God.
One day, Sunday night, I decided that I want to talk to him about it. So, I just put on my facebook the status that says something like “I realllllly wanna get something off my chest”, hoping that he will see it and talk to me, and to my surprise, he did message me in facebook. Of course, he didn’t know what to expect. We talked and we talked, and eventually I told him about my feelings for him. I was surprised at how nice he was while we talked, didn’t get freak out and all that. He actually led me on until I really get it off my chest. I told him I don’t want to be called gay. I was very scared while we talked, and I told him to keep it confidential. So far, he’s done a good job at keeping that secret. He told me that he’s NOT gay (yes, he cap it) and he said that the Bible forbid homosexuality. I already know those that he’s not gay and about the bible. But I still wanted to tell somebody anyways (I haven’t talked to anybody about this yet, he’s the first one). He said he can help me spriritually, and told me to pray to God to get rid of these feelings and temptations. I told him I need some time to think, and I said good night.
The next 2 days I tried to talked to him on face book and continue our conversation, but he didn’t reply. On Wednesday, that’s when we have class together and it’s exam day, he didn’t talk to me in the waiting area, and I was scared to talked to him. After the exam is over, he didn’t even talk to me either, and act like we didn’t know each other. That night I tried to talk to him on facebook again and he replied. I told him I wanted to continue our conversation, he said he don’t want to talk about “gay” stuff. So, I just asked him one more question, do you still consider me your friend? He said, I just consider u to be a nice, smart guy. And that means no, I was very sad when I read that. Then we didn’t really talk much after he said that, and he deleted me on facebook. It’s been about a month since then. We still have the same class and looks like next semester we will again. I want to be friend with him again and hope that he can accept me for who I am, I really do…
I came upon this section of Yahoo! Answers and I read around a little bit. I read and like the answer that we can’t choose to have feelings for somebody, it just happens. So, I accept the fact that sometimes I do have feelings for guy, and I kind of want to feel it and kind of don’t. I talked to my mom about homosexuality and about the rules of the bible and all that, she said the same thing as the guy did. I didn’t tell her about me, though. I’m scared…
So, I’m really confused about this whole thing. I was hoping to let time go by and maybe it’ll go away, but it doesn’t look like it. That’s why I’m ranting in here hoping somebody can help me. Thanks for reading it, what should I do? I’m not ready to come out yet, if I’m gay.
P.S. Thanks again for reading.