Actually, everything in life is a mystery. We humans are designed to put labels on it, to make sense of all this, that we are experiencing right now, so we don't freak out... such as calling what's above us, the sky or space, or blue or black, or stars or calling each other humans, etc. We think we are correct, but what if blue was really called black or rat?
Everything that you are experiencing is EXACTLY like a dream. What if reality was a dream, and a dream was really reality? The only difference between the two is CONSCIOUSNESS AND UNCONSCIOUNESS.
Animals are not aware like we are, so they live reality like living it in their dreams. They don't know the difference between the two. What us human have what other creatures don't have, and that is intelligence/brain. Our brain gives us the ability to be aware of what's really going on. If we didn't have that, we would live without knowing that we are living.
Your answer is that everything is an ILLUSION. Your brain is the only thing that makes the illusion appear real, such as seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling.
if I bopped you in your brain, you will get brain damage, which means that you may go blind, deaf, loose sense of feeling, etc. Now, the only thing left that makes you aware still, is your memories of experiencing life so far. If I tamper with that too, you will loose all sense of Consciousness.
Again, what I am trying to say is that Life and dreams are the same thing. Dreams are just memories from your past, present and future lives. The human brain was created by the universe, star dust. The star dust holds the secrets to the mysteries of life. In order to tap into that knowledge, one must sleep and dream or do psychedelic drugs to explore the mysteries that is locked away in their brains.
You get what I am trying to tell you?
Don't be scared but everything around you is all an illusion, because it's all in your head. It's your brain that is projecting this so called life out through your eyes. That's why, if you go blind, you no longer see life. If you go deaf, you no longer hear life. If you loose sense of physical touch, you won't feel life physically. You see, it's your brain that is playing mind tricks with you. Life is just an illusion, so nobody really exists, but you. You are God playing with your own powers. You are the one who put yourself here into this existence that you are experiencing now.
It's not rocket science. Don't be scared of the truth, embrace it and enjoy it.