Am I gay if I'm dating a Transgender girl?
2012-08-20 08:03:17 UTC
I have been dating this girl and she told me she was male to female transgender and she told me that we was post op and all that stuff.

She looks like a real girl, like REALLY good. She looks so good you wouldn't even be able to tell unless she told you.

At first, I didn't care about it much but than my friends started calling me a fag and saying that I'm gay and stuff like that.

Now, it's just screwing with my head. I don't know what the hell to do anymore. I've always been attracted to females but now I'm questioning it because she was born a male and I really don't know what's going on anymore. Am I gay??
23 answers:
2012-08-20 08:10:34 UTC
No, you're not. The people being mean to you, just don't understand what transgendered really means. It does mean you're dating a biological guy (meaning she has a penis) but mentally, 'he' is a 'she', so you're actually dating a girl.

You can't love genders, you just love who you love, and you happen to be in love with a woman born into the wrong body. Post op, means (I believe) that she'll be having surgery to become a full-out woman, thoughshe won't be able to have children or anything like that.

Anyway, good luck, and I wish ou both a happy life :)

EDIT: Wow, a lot of the people on here don't seem to understand that transexual (transgendered) means someone the opposite gender of wha ttheir body shows. Remember that your body isn't your mind. I'm a straight transexual guy, (Meaning female to male) but having been raised as a girl (with princess stuff and all) my life has been really confusing. The few people I've told about this don't really understand, except my ex-girlfriend who called me 'Shaun', and refers to me as her brother now that we're not dating.
2016-12-20 21:04:17 UTC
2016-04-05 04:03:06 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Dressing and looking like a boy doesn't make you trans. It's not purely aesthetic. Being trans means that you are mentally one gender but your body developed as the other. If you were born physically female and you are mentally male, you are a transgender MALE. A transgender girl is a woman who was physically born male but is mentally female. A gay guy dating an ftm (female to male) guy still means he's gay, because an ftm guy is just that; a guy. Being trans is a very serious thing. It is not dress-up. It is a serious medical condition.
2015-08-18 22:20:36 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Am I gay if I'm dating a Transgender girl?

I have been dating this girl and she told me she was male to female transgender and she told me that we was post op and all that stuff.

She looks like a real girl, like REALLY good. She looks so good you wouldn't even be able to tell unless she told you.

At first, I didn't care...
2014-07-19 14:49:56 UTC
No. If she is transgender, as opposed to transvestite, she is a woman: in the UK she can be legally recognised as such. If she is post-op it does not mean she is 'about to have surgery' as the first answer says: 'post' means 'after', she has already had surgery and will have female genitalia as good as her surgeon could create. She will also have natural breasts as a result of oestrogen treatment.

All this information is available - on serious medical sites - on line to anyone who can be bothered to look. Your girlfriend will have male chromosomes but she can't help that, and she won't have a womb though she would almost certainly have liked one. But otherwise she's female, through and through.
Roger M
2016-01-08 21:10:10 UTC
It's confusing cause if you were any other animal .. And we are just that .. You wouldn't be attracted to a gender(what's between the ears you say) you would be attracted to their sex...for the purpose of maintaining the population of a species ... In any animal species failure for males to be attracted to their opposite would ultimately result in extinction... Just saying... It is what it is and everyone should do what makes them happy.... but if everyone was like this and we had no IVF we would be in trouble as a species
2016-10-06 03:34:31 UTC
Dating Transwomen
2016-12-16 14:40:34 UTC
Tg Dating
2012-08-20 08:08:51 UTC
You are not GAY!!!!!!!!! Cause you were attracted to her when you didn't know she was a male right? So it's not your fault. Also people that are Transgender like your girl friend its not her choice or fault she decided to be a girl. For an example your girlfriend was born looking like a boy but a girl was trapped inside of a boy body so they go and get surgery done and make them self look like the opposite.

But this does not make you gay!!! and if you still love this girl but other people are bugging you ignore them its not her fault!!!!!!

So continue on and have a happy life!
2012-08-20 08:23:55 UTC

You liked her as a person and that person is a girl. And you were attracted to her as a woman before she told you, weren't you?

Being transgender is a birth defect. If it wasn't, almost all governments, even the ones in the middle east and far right religious ones wouldn't recognize it as one and allow you to legally change gender. Any psychology book that touches on gender will tell you her mind was a different gender from her body before.

Sad truth is, many people out there are transphobic. Don't listen to your friend.
2012-08-20 08:33:46 UTC
No your not gay your straight don't listen to your friends she's just has a birth condition she is a female Good luck in your relationship
2015-05-04 15:48:04 UTC
To the individual who posted this question originally, I'd like to say to you that the most worrisome component to this is the fact that you have so called "friends" who are obviously downgrading you because of this situation. Ditch these bastards ASAP, because that is not what a friend is supposed to do.
2012-08-20 08:24:27 UTC
Your question reveals that you and your friends have fallen for the old, old, old lie that says trans women are "really" men. Do yourself and the world a favour and unlearn this lie. Trans women are always women, even when they don't look ike it. There's nothing to "tell"; your girlfriend is, was and always will be a woman.

Here's some science to prove it for you:
2017-03-09 08:42:24 UTC
Danial Amini دانی
2015-10-06 02:40:26 UTC
yeah you're a fag. Doesn't matter if it's a her now. You're basically f0cking a dude.
Bears Mom
2012-08-20 08:07:12 UTC
No...the person you are dating is now a female so you are not gay. You were attracted to a woman and she is a woman. I just wonder why this private information was shared with your friends. Of course if you are dating this woman you have the right to know but it is truly nobody else's business.
2012-08-20 08:21:06 UTC
are you gay no are you sleeping with a male yes. you are attracted to females and you are with someone who looks like a female your eyes cant tell the difference but i give yu credit for your mind aint telling you other wise. that whole thing he is now a female i dont believe that he is still male and you are with a male does that make you gay no depending on your definition of gay if your definition is a person who is sexually attracted to members of the same sex then your not gay cause you cant tell he is a male if your definition of gay is someone who has sex with someone of the same sex then your gay but i follow more of the definition of someone who is homosexual to be someone who is sexual attracted to someone of the same sex. your in a grey area you can say but in all if he didnt look like a hot female you wouldnt of ever been with him so your not gay but i do give you credit man have fun
2012-08-20 08:13:59 UTC
you are not gay.. you just lost a little something most people on the internet call ''pride'' sorry man but she tricked you.. you also lost the game ;)

Peace out!
2012-08-20 08:07:45 UTC
no. not at all. she's a girl. female. woman. not a guy. no wee-wee. you on the other hand need to grow a pair and tell your friends to fcuk off and die.
2012-08-20 08:33:00 UTC
I knew Jessie the Almighty would be trotting out that same answer that she cuts and pastes when someone asks this question.

I love the way her "science" is always developed by people sympathetic to the cause. That makes it the exact opposite of science.
2012-08-20 08:17:23 UTC
You have fake merchandise. You are not gay, unless it has a penis. But you are dating a gay man. It's really wierd how that works, but technically, yes, you are gay. Because deep down, that is still a man.
2012-08-20 08:07:12 UTC
"I have been dating this girl and she told me she was male to female transgender"

No you were not, you were dating a man.

"She looks like a real girl, like REALLY good. She looks so good you wouldn't even be able to tell unless she told you."

I doubt it... I can spot a drag queen off a mile away.

"Am I gay??"

Yes, and he was born a male, not she. It is a man, not a woman.
2012-08-20 08:04:36 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.