2009-10-28 22:40:43 UTC
So,what is there in a Muslim man that these Hindu women are so attracted to? I don't blame Hindu women for this.But where is this leading to? ..I mean because these Hindu women after conversion, give rise to babies who would obviously be Muslims...So is Hinduism going to decline after some hundred's of years because of this,added to the other conversions into Christianity by the scheduled castes?
I have few questions.Please try to explain me.
1. Was Hinduism so liberal and moderate since its birth?
2.Are Hindu women so innocent?
3.Are the Muslim men planning to convert non Muslim girls into Islam as told by many of Muslim men because if they do so, they would go to heaven check this out..…
4.Do Hindu women consider in their mind that Muslim men as more dignified and more moralistic and more cultured than most of the Hindu men?
5.Are Hindu men really not that civilized and cultured and moralistic compared to Muslim men?
6.It is just a coincidence and nothing to worry about?
7.Or it is just like the scenario of many white women love black men just because experiencing black is different n thrilling types?