Good grief, how much stereotypical crapola can a person pack into one question?
Do me a favor, watch these videos, and then lie and tell me you'd know these women were Transsexual if you passed them on the street.
Transwomen are in every possible field you can imagine...
In MOST CASES, you CAN'T tell a Transitioned person was born Transsexual, otherwise people wouldn't transition. The reason you think the way you do is because you happen to only notice the transwomen who have trouble passing. The girls who pass well wouldn't appear to be anything other than normal girls to you. pj knows all about "transexuals" because she lives in that marginalized world where people have turned their birth condition into their identity because they're too lazy to do the work necessary to overcome it. A person becomes a "transexual" when they have no choice. The vast majority of women born Transsexual live their lives like every other woman, no more or less visible than anyone else in society. Wanting to correct a birth condition, put it behind you, and get on with your life isn't giving in to fear, it's taking charge of your destiny and not allowing an unfortunate physical condition to determine WHO you are. The blind, deaf and physically challenged have been doing for over a century. Why can't Transsexual people?