1) Can tell the difference between their, there, and they're? I feel bad for those who do not, "they're" lacking in basic english. It is a failure of the education system and "their" parents. "THERE", I said it.
2) Loves most kinds of animals, assuming they aren't the ones that will kill you? Love them all, even the deadly ones. Tigers are AWESOME. Most great cats are cool too.
3) Thinks seeing really old couples is cute? Only the really old couples that are still in love. I don't enjoy seeing the old couples that fight and argue, yet remain together for some other reason. That makes me feel bad for them.
4) Is often seen on the phone, texting, checking email, IMing, or updating Facebook/Twitter? On phone? Seldom. Texting? Almost never (big fingers), Email? Several times a day, most days. IMing? Don't have anyone worth IMing or maybe. FB? Every night. Twitter? EEEEWWWW!!!!! NEVER!!!!
5) Likes plaid? What about stripes? Plaid is sexy, especially on women. Stripes? They can be cool too.
6) Is weak to words? Only when written or spoken by the right person. They mean Much More that way. <3
7) Is afraid of vermin or insects?Spiders. I had a BAD experience with spiders when I was young. That was followed by a WORSE experience with tarantulas. Arachniphobic ever since. Don't like most bugs anymore either. Mice and other rodents though. They can be cute.
8) Would rather drink water or juice instead of soda? Sorry, gotta have my Mountain Dew and Pepsi. I like others, but I couldn't give them up. But I still need water ever day as well. I'm under doctor's orders to consume 150-200 oz. of fluid per day. That much water just gets WAY to boring.
9) Is taller than 5'6? 6'0". Sorry, but I'm a large man.
10) Has brown eyes? I've been told I have amazing brown/green eyes. But the color shifts between them based upon my mood and sometimes they have little golden flecks when you look close.