2012-03-25 14:52:24 UTC
When we are together we always have fun and go explore new restaurants or just chill in and watch movies. despite all this there is something has always bugged me about him. he is a night owl, is currently laid off and is always with friends but rarely ever answers the phone for me in the evening hours. Sometimes I just want to hear his voice and say good night. I am not particularly a phone person and like texting but sometimes its nice to just SAY I was thinking about you and hear their voice...Ive never been one to talk someones ear off.
Last night was really the last straw for me tho. I wanted to see him after an amazing Friday night together. we were texting on and off all day as we always do, but when I tried to call he declined it. (rang 2x and went to VM) he texted back "sorry I am cooking".... this struck me as funny b/c it is clearly easier to have the phone on your shoulder and talk than using 2 hands to text. 5 minutes later he texted, "I just finished eating and am going to bed, tty tomorrow" it was 9pm on a Saturday (keep in mind this guy is a night owl) when I sent him a text asking him if I could just talk to him he said no. pissed off I texted that I didnt believe him and that he must think I am a fool (yes a bit over the top) but a big part of me felt like I would be a fool to believe that he couldnt talk to me for 1 minute or that he ate a meal that quick.
Am I being over sensitive or should I be reasonably concerned? Should I just move on from this guy or should I check myself??