"Know your role?" More like, "We know you're a troll."
1. If you don't research a question like this, your being offensive is your own fault - you could find PLENTY of answers with a fast internet search.
ORIENTATION IS INNATE. Gay men and lesbians have brains that function more like their opposite-sec het counterparts:
Brain structure: http://www.pnas.org/content/105/30/10273.full
It may be genetic but there is not a 'gay gene;' apparently factors interact and the mechanism has not been figured out yet.
It is not a choice because just about all Earth creatures form some same-sex bonds - only humans get all frantic about it.
Religion is a man-made structure, an attempt by human beings to define, organize, and thus have the illusion of control over natural forces. Humans seem to have an innate need for ritual, but the function of organized religion has been enslaved by politics in most cultures.
ALL patriarchal religions are focused on keeping male control of the social structure. This includes degradation and marginalization of women and LGBT because it puts an exaggerated priority on the ability to impregnate. This is not "divine will," this is merely male ambition.
As a representative of a religion that murders gays and lesbians, your opinions are clearly biased and negative. The only reason I can imagine that you are on this site is:
And btw, there are gay muslims.
Very courageous people, but in my opinon it makes more sense to leave a religion that preaches hate in the name of the Creator of all life. Because, see earlier link -- being gay is natural.
Being homophobic is not.