I'm sorry but I don't feel that gays should marry. To me a marriage should be between a man and a woman.
I do not agree with you since I don't feel that they are just like any other happy couple. They are not like a happy heterosexual couple. A happy heterosexual couple is not criticized for choosing to marry another heterosexual, a happy heterosexual couple doesn't have to deal with the prejudice and finger-pointing that a gay couple would have to deal with. And even despite all of the hurdles, the gays still go through marriages. And I applaud that for everyone should fight for what he/she believes is his/her right.
However, before I get banned from answering any more questions, I should say that I strongly believe that gays who form a meaningful relationship should be allowed the same rights as married people. By "meaningful relationship", I mean the following: Couples who simply adore each other, feel that they cannot live apart, should be given these rights.
It is unfair for a gay couple to not have insurance because his/her significant other is of the same sex. It is unfair that a significant other cannot decide whether or not his/lover of a lifetime should be operated on, given a transfusion, etc. etc. It is unfair for a loving gay couple to not be able to adopt because they are of the same sex.
I believe that LOVE HAS NO GENDER. How can you put a gender on love? That would be like putting a gender on hunger, thirst, anger, etc.
Also, if a gay couple has lived together for many years, adopted children, and then separate, they should have the same rights that a heterosexual married couple would have. There are places where common-law marriages are recognized. The relationship of a gay couple should be recognized the same way.
It should be done in a way similar to a marriage, but we must avoid the relationship of certain people to be considered a marriage. We all know those people, and they exist in heterosexual marriages also. Those people who marry for money, etc. etc. But, if someone has lived together as a couple for years, they should be given the same rights as a heterosexual couple.