Answer this simple question....................?
2006-03-27 11:27:23 UTC
Why is it that there are some many questions out there about how gays shouldn't marry? Why not just one person who speaks of the truth like how gays should be allowed to marry? Gay should be allowed to get married. Gays are just like any other happy couple.
23 answers:
My Big Bear Ron
2006-03-27 17:58:12 UTC
I speak up as often as I can, and here's my usual answer.

I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it. Sheer insanity is the ONLY force driving anyone to oppose Gay marriage, for there is NOT ONE consequence resulting from gay marriage that would harm anyone / anything anywhere in this universe.

Gays can make marriages worthy to be admired.

Gays can effectively lead children into adulthood.

Children raised by Gays are not harmed/damaged in anyway.

Gays have careers, own homes, participate civily in communities all over the place.

Gays pay taxes and contribute much to the economy all over.

Gay marriages will NOT threaten the human species.

Gay marriage will NOT affect "straight" marriages.

Gay marriages will NOT diminish the number of "straight" marriages commencing from year to year.

To be sure, Gay marriages will require levels of responsibility equal to all the tasks that come with the package. In many ways the scenario will be no different than heterosexual marriages.

This is NOT a religious matter.

This is a civil matter.

This is about love, affirmation, responsibility with family matters and life decision matters.

This is the 21 century of reality. Gay marriages will NOT contribute ANY harm to the life of things on planet earth. Only the insanely driven and/or sleep walking bigots would think otherwise.
2006-03-27 23:47:06 UTC
I'm sorry but I don't feel that gays should marry. To me a marriage should be between a man and a woman.

I do not agree with you since I don't feel that they are just like any other happy couple. They are not like a happy heterosexual couple. A happy heterosexual couple is not criticized for choosing to marry another heterosexual, a happy heterosexual couple doesn't have to deal with the prejudice and finger-pointing that a gay couple would have to deal with. And even despite all of the hurdles, the gays still go through marriages. And I applaud that for everyone should fight for what he/she believes is his/her right.

However, before I get banned from answering any more questions, I should say that I strongly believe that gays who form a meaningful relationship should be allowed the same rights as married people. By "meaningful relationship", I mean the following: Couples who simply adore each other, feel that they cannot live apart, should be given these rights.

It is unfair for a gay couple to not have insurance because his/her significant other is of the same sex. It is unfair that a significant other cannot decide whether or not his/lover of a lifetime should be operated on, given a transfusion, etc. etc. It is unfair for a loving gay couple to not be able to adopt because they are of the same sex.

I believe that LOVE HAS NO GENDER. How can you put a gender on love? That would be like putting a gender on hunger, thirst, anger, etc.

Also, if a gay couple has lived together for many years, adopted children, and then separate, they should have the same rights that a heterosexual married couple would have. There are places where common-law marriages are recognized. The relationship of a gay couple should be recognized the same way.

It should be done in a way similar to a marriage, but we must avoid the relationship of certain people to be considered a marriage. We all know those people, and they exist in heterosexual marriages also. Those people who marry for money, etc. etc. But, if someone has lived together as a couple for years, they should be given the same rights as a heterosexual couple.
2006-03-28 06:50:49 UTC
Yes. And isn't it pathetic how people opposing gay marriage just keep repeating like parrots the same old arguments against it? Those have been answered a million times! But they won't hear, all they want is to preach. Dialogue is impossible with them. So why should you bother? As a straight guy, I cannot possibly see how the fact that gays (or lesbians) could marry would affect our everyday life. Will our wives love us less, because we're "married" and so are two men or two women? So, we use the same word: "marriage". Big deal! What's the problem? Are these prude people's marriages so weak that they depend on the name marriage? Is their love for their spouses so faint that anything happening outside their couple can make it fall apart? Well, if that is the problem, then don't blame the gays for it. It's not their fault you cannot love.
2006-03-27 20:29:47 UTC
Where did marriage come from? Was it the Bible? If so, then why do gay people want to take something the Bible condones like marriage and practice it when it clearly is against homosexuality? God doesn't hate gay people but he can't bless a gay marriage, it grieves Him. What purpose would it serve for gays to marry? It would only be a mockery.
2006-03-28 02:53:39 UTC
I find it extremely amusing all the time when I hear the religious rhetoric against gays.

It's amazing that they never consider the fact that Jesus himself could have been gay.

He never married.

Prostitutes were his best girlfriends.

He always hung around 12 other guys.

He was a meek gentle man.


I highly doubt he would be so vehement against gay men. So I suppose it was a great thing that he died for "ALL" of our sins, including us gays and lesbians who unfortunately were born this way.

Perhaps the straight people can ask why they were born that way and can understand that they cannot change themselves to be gay? I wonder why. Perhaps they can check with their local priest.
2006-03-28 02:13:16 UTC
Are you talking about marriage in the legal sense or marriage in the religious sense. They are very different.

Churches in my opinion are free to allow what they want to allow - they need to be prepared for the outcry - if they don't condone mixed race marriages, for example I feel they have the right to refuse them.

Legal marriages allow two people special privileges under the law - tax breaks, inheritance breaks, cheaper insurance, etc. This is the sticking point in my opinion. The Bible and religion, based on a government that calls for the separation of church and state, should not be included in this regard. The government is set up to provide for the people - all the people, not just those in power, not just those with money, not just those that cry the loudest, not just those, whose lives are traditional.
2006-03-28 06:17:10 UTC
Because many people are ignorant. They cant open up their mind and realize that marriage is a contract of love between two people. It is not defined by what sex you are. Just because marriage has been between a man and a woman for ages does not necessarily mean it has to be that way. If religion or ethnicity or anything alike are not an issue anymore, there is no reason why gender should be.
2006-03-27 19:50:25 UTC
There are many people out there who think being a homosexual is wrong in the eyes of god. This is sad because god created everyone in his image and gay people are just as much a part of god as any of his other creations. but there are people who think heaven is an exclusive club and no one will enter except people just like themselves. I think they are in for a rude awakening. it is not a sin to be homosexual and homosexuality has been a part of human civilization since humans first walked the earth millions of years ago. in the eyes of god everyone is loved by him unconditionally. it doesn't matter who you are or what you did as long as you believe in god you will get to heaven. That is why he sent jesus down from pay for your sins no matter how bad they are. if you have faith you will get to heaven. Gay people have to have faith in themselves. Who is stopping them from getting married? The hell with the government and the law of the land!!!! if you love someone and want to have a ceremony to bless your union take matters into your own hands and do it yourself and forget about all the idiots who disagree with your beliefs.The point being that you have to make your own way and if you want to marry the same sex then go right ahead. you dont need the government to tell you it is ok. just do it your self and get creative.!!!
2006-03-28 02:17:25 UTC
The Institution of marriage was conceived to ease and share the burden or duties of raising children.It really doesan`t have any thing to do with two gay people.I believe it is an effort by mean people to hurt an Institution other people care about who do not approve of gay lifestyle.
2006-03-27 19:37:02 UTC
I'm not gay, but I agree with you.

I can't help but to laugh when someone brings religion into the mix with marriages. It's being a hypocrite. "Swinging," "threesomes," and "adultery" are not forms of keeping a marriage sacred and's defiling it...yet soooo many straight marriages have these things going on in their marriages, and yes, even the religious ones. The saying about Vegas could also be said about the bedroom. "What happen in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom."
2006-03-28 02:40:34 UTC
That's a good point. People are closed minded and are a little fearful of things that would be consider "abnormal". I say the gay/les/trans/etc community should march on washington and demand equal rights as straight people. Its not right to be living this way now.
PaPa Norm
2006-03-27 19:45:17 UTC
I don't care what your sexual preference is, I just don't see the need in 2 men getting married. Or anyone for that matter, the only reason for marriage is that the children conceived will have a mother and father and not be branded with the OLD label of bastards. This is my opinion!!~:()=
2006-03-27 19:40:58 UTC
because people don't like change just like when black people got out of slavery now there are a lot of them that are more important than white people and whites don't like it! so if gays get married then one day we may have a gay president and people don't like that idea!
everything's eventual
2006-03-27 19:36:07 UTC
Because to let other people live in peace and relative happiness would for some be an affront to their "higher moral ground" ....ridiculous isn't it!!! I wish certain people would stop thinking that they are a better judge of how a person lives their lives than the person that's living it!!!
2006-03-27 21:08:19 UTC
Search my answers and you will find that I have come out time and time again in favor of gay marriage.
2006-03-27 20:17:43 UTC
You have to realize that accepting gay and any relative stuff, for religious and "straight" people mean to put in discussion their Bible transaltion and their concept of family! That's hard to do!
2006-03-27 20:02:19 UTC
There's so many questions because this section is close to the religious section, thus bringing them all in by the hordes with the firm idea that everyone in this section is going to hell 'less we change our ways.
2006-03-27 21:36:25 UTC

Put me in the gay marriage support camp too :-)

Nothing wrong with commitment and love between consenting adults ;-)

Gender is incidental.
2006-03-27 19:30:59 UTC
Many people are closed minded and must question anything that isn't "normal" in their happy little world.
2006-03-27 19:53:16 UTC
you are right i think that if they want to ruin their life like the straight couples that get married more power to them.
2006-03-27 19:40:13 UTC
God made Adam and Eve .. not Adam and Steve. Marriage is for a man and women.. not a man and man or women and women.
2006-03-27 19:34:39 UTC
cause so many people are religious and religious people think that the law should cater to their beliefs.
2006-03-27 19:41:11 UTC
You tell 'em hipps.

Get 'em.

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