Alexander, it is very irresponsible of you to write things like that. You are making up your "facts" to fit your own fears - either that or you are just passing on a lot of junky pseudo-information, which is just as heinous !
True scientific facts are available if you look for them, instead of just passing on the junk put out by Vigilante Mommies of America, who want their kiddies terrified off all sex except between heterosexual married couples and in the missionary position, while he thinks of God and she thinks of Martha's Vineyard.
AIDS is probably due to the sniffing of nitrites (poppers) by gay men and the breathing of nitrites pesticides and fertilizers in Africa, as well as the poisonous “medications” prescribed. In other words, it seems to be a form of blood-poisoning.
There are currently well over 90 retroviruses classified as HIV. Which is tested for? They look for antibodies, because no virus has ever been isolated !
Each time a patient turns up with AIDS and the test shows HIV negative, they search for another and dub it a mutation. There are millions of viruses out there, so it's no big problem and how could he have AIDS without having "the virus"? The definition of AIDS has now been changed, so that anyone who has AIDS must have some form of HIV, otherwise he simply doesn't have AIDS, hence the necessity of finding yet another “mutation”.
Gay men are constantly exhorted to get tested for HIV. Gay publications are full of ads for this. Well-funded trusts exist with the sole aim of battling HIV and “helping” people found to be positive. Do you think the officers of these foundations want to lose their jobs and the perquisites that go with them?
This scare means that more gay men get tested than any other group, so, accordingly, more or them are found to be "HIV positive".
Retroviruses are pretty evenly distributed throughout the population, but who is testing housewives, nuns, fathers of families?
I seem to remember that one of the first people to contract AIDS in the US was indeed a nun. She is no longer listed, as no “HIV antibodies” could be found in her system. One of the first in Germany was the wife of a farmer who insisted she never even visited the nearest city, the farm, where she had charge of ... wait for it ... the pesticides and fertilizers, i.e. nitrites.
I seem to remember that one of the first people to contract AIDS in the US was indeed a nun. She is no longer listed, as no “HIV antibodies” could be found in her system. One of the first in Germany was the wife of a farmer who insisted she never even visited the nearest city, the farm, where she had charge of ... wait for it ... the pesticides and fertilizers, i.e. nitrites.
Don't report me for ”abuse” till you have informed yourselves.
I think John Lauritsen (google him) gets pretty near the truth.