2015-04-07 16:54:09 UTC
I'm a 15yo girl and my younger sister is 12. (for sake of simplicity I'm gonna use female pronouns in this q).
I've always considered myself VERY open minded in this dept. I questioned my sexuality for awhile, and I have a solid amount of gay and trans friends and fam, who I 100% love and support in every way. My family is very liberal and I was raised to be very accepting. My sister told me she was gay about 6mo ago, which I had been suspecting for years. Im totally fine with this and don't see her any different. But, she came out to me as genderfluid abt 2weeks ago, and I have been trying so hard to understand this ever since. We had a huge fight after this bc I impulsively said it sounded like a mental disorder & she got really mad, understandably
Basically I need someone to explain to me exactly what being genderfluid is, bc my sister said it was like she felt like a girl some days and a boy other days, and this just doesn't make any sense to me. I get being trans, but idk how a persons gender can change... Can someone explain this??
I am starting to believe she is more trans than gendefluid as she cut her hair and mostly dresses/acts like a boy, but idk if I will ever see her as anything but my sister. She told me she wants to use male and female pronouns depending on the day. Which is really hard..I just need advice.
(Pls don't hate/say anything negative abt my sister. I support her no matter what, I'm just confused)
Thank you