I have had just read the two books based on gay marriage, “Gay marriage” by Jonathan Rauch and “why you should give a damn about gay marriage” I have had to say these books are meant to be heard, the people needs to be heard.
Yes the politics always gets a lot of angry protesters and angry demands on many sides, both for some things, another anti on some things. It forces the balance in many things on which they may or may not come to pass according to the law. Will it be the prejudice and hate that will prevail, or will the justice and goodness be the victor?
The fanatic religious followers and leaders have been battling on with their desire to make amends of the religion request be passed into laws, but is rejected. Which I believe it should be rejected, for religion is will become a chaotic mess that’ll create imbalance and throw the world into the darkness and tragedy.
The battle between pro and anti gay marriage continues for years and still presses on. I myself am by far for gay marriage.
When I have finished reading the “Why you should give a damn about gay marriage.” I found myself thinking, why are anti gay marriage fanatics so blind with their hate and paranoia? I believe America is by the most paranoid society I have met. They have led themselves to believe the sky will fall if things change, like if gay marriage will be legalized, the world will burn. But it has been legalized in few countries, and the world is in no serious danger. In fact, not a speck of danger ever occurred with gay marriage. Things turned into an ugly mess when gay marriage was not legalized.
If you read the, “why you should give a damn about gay marriage.” You would be saying the same thing about why we should give a damn. If by anything, marriage would not only be good for the country and the growing families, it would also create strong bind in many things, and lessens the tragedy many has to go through. Without the gay marriage, it doesn’t just hurt the gay people, it also hurts heterosexual people too. Read the book to understand, I implore you.
Many people felt that if gay marriage were given the right to be legalized, and then it would open the door to polygamy, bestial, incest, and more. As Jonathan Rauch said in his book, they have potential harm that gay people don’t have. Thus homosexual marriage wouldn’t hurt anything. It doesn’t harm the marriage in any way. It’s not like gay people would walk around with bombs in their pants during gay marriage.
I bring myself to think, I love cats, a lot, but I never thought of marrying them since it sounds retarded. Animals cannot do anything that would be beneficial and they cannot do anything with the legal terms either. With polygamy, it is high potential that it would be messy and cause multiple problems. We’ve seen what incest could do, it has created birth defects and mentally retarded children. And as Jonathan said, we’re pretty sure people would just avoid incest as possible, however, some may not be willing to heed from getting into incest.
I have never thought of marriage is anything but love. It scares me to believe people would marry one another without actually loving them. Some says it’s about procreation, but there’s many that can’t produce children or some that don’t want children.
In some one reads Jonathan Rauch’s book, “Gay marriage” they would understand how silly it sounds to say marriage is procreation only.
Plus you can’t marry someone you don’t love. THAT destroys the traditional marriage, and makes a mockery in marriage rights. For example, someone marries one for money and they don’t love each other. Is this what people wants to see? Do people see domestic violence, child abandonment, child abuse, martial rape, adultery, and so much more as a traditional American family? If you reply no, then you should understand it’s folly to suggest Gay marriage possess a threat to marriage. If you think, yes, you need help, seriously.
Reasons I believe gay marriage should be legalized
1)gay people CAN love.
2)It strengthens the country and traditional family values.
3)Homosexuality can provide better and healthy home for orphans.
In the American marriage constitutional rights, gives rights for the rights for men and women. There is many major arguments over whether or not to allow gay marriage. I see no problem with the idea of legalizing gay marriage.
What protection does a marriage needs against gays? Within the marriage of both women and men, there has been lots of sham marriage. There were marriage that fails, and marriage that has turned the world inside out. There have been very high divorce cases between heterosexual couples. Things have not really turned well even for the children. Too many parents abandoned their own children, disowned them for many reasons, committed murder on a family member, committed adultery, family members seems to scatter miserably.
Gay marriage is nothing different from what heterosexual marriage can provide. When it comes to two men, they want to provide same service to their country by being a family. What gay couples do is their own business as is heterosexual couples’. What gay people can do for the country is help keep the country strong as hetero couples can do. They can raise children well as heterosexual couples can. They can apply for jobs that They can keep the country going strong and well. There is a chance of less divorce rates in homosexuals. They can raise children very well and most likely be more like the American’s ideal of traditional family.
The marriages of gay couples are seen as a meltdown that brings the country to mass destruction. They, the America society, feel that allowing gay marriage to be legal in many or all of the states would bring chaos. They feel that gay couples would weaken the family value the country has built. Politics and religion needs to provide solid proof that gay marriage can be dangerous, not by their homophobia. Through the bible they believe marriage is a tradition between men and women and always has been. With that being said, the tradition of the marriage is vague because it shown no solid reason why gays should not marry.
The rights of gay marriage should be legalized not because of someone’s belief, but by solid proof that it brings no harm. A blind rage against each other’s belief and homophobia keeps things from being set right. The marriage is about love and upholding commitment to each other and the country they serve under.
I have just read the book “gay marriage” by Mr. Rauch. And from what I read, I think it should be certainly heard.
The people that are against gay marriage feels threatened by the fact it was gay people that wants marriage. Some feels that by letting gay people marry, it would open the door for those who are into incest, polygamy, bestiality, and/or underage child marriage. There is some who I think, by making fun of it, that people would want to marry inanimate objects.
We have seen what those things like polygamy and incest could do and it seems like it would hurt marriage, unlike gay people, gays are very much like just any other heterosexual couples.