Christians: Questions about homosexuality.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Christians: Questions about homosexuality.?
Sixteen answers:
2009-08-24 19:58:03 UTC
1. Christ did die for everyone

2. He also died for the homosexuals, there is no were in the bible were it says he did it for everyone, but the homos

3. Homosexuals are not harming me? I think its wrong, I also think the "christians" you are talking about are wrong for what they do and all the sins they commit

4. homosexuality is very unnatural, just in the way humans are made, its just not suppose to happen that away, and I don't think I can really go into details. Im sure you know what they are

5. I consider myself an intelligent follower of Christ, and homosexuality does not occur in the animal kingdom in the way you think it does. Animals have sex to reproduce, not for pleasure. sometimes you can see a female "humping" another female... There not really having sex... there just humping, but they are not getting any please out of it. (if that makes Sense)

6.I believe homosexuality is unnatural one because it doesn't produce any babies, and if you want to take it back to the bible the city that God destroyed was filled with homosexuals, but what alot of "christians" forget is that it was also filled me straight people having sex before marriage.

7. I think if you are married and you are able to take care of your children and raise them right then yes, but if you are some sixteen year old just wanting to have sex and you end up pregnant,.... no

8. can;t you just ignore the stupid people who cant ignore homosexuality?

9. They are not evil, There is this thing about sin. In the bible it says a sin is a sin, there is no sin greater than another, so being gay is just the same as someone gossiping, or something telling a small lie. The other thing that makes being gay so much bigger is that is it more noticeable and you cant hide being gay like most people hide there sin.

Everything I said I do not mean it in a bad way, and I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I feel sorry for the "christians" who get so caught up in gay-bashing, because they will be judged for it.

Hope this helps.
2009-08-24 19:45:36 UTC
-- I want to add to #5.

Homosexuality may actually appear in the animal kingdom as much as in the human species.
2009-08-24 23:27:40 UTC
1) Did Christ REALLY die for everyone?

According to the bible, yes.

2) If so, why do you exclude homosexuals?

Only Humans exclude homos. Christ, himself never said anything about it, or against it.

3) How are homosexuals harming you?

They don't. Most Christians use Homosexuality for political momentum

4) How is homosexuality unnatural?

It isn't. Most Christians follow what was dictated to them from a misinterpretation of any source in the bible, so long as they can make it fit their agenda.

5) Are there any intelligent Christians that know homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom as well (just not often)?

Yes, there are. Many refuse to admit to it as it would discredit any arguement they have built to support their theories.

6) Do you believe homosexuality is only unnatural because it produces no children?

Some do. Many refuse to admit to it as it would discredit any arguement they have built to support their theories.

7) Do we really need more children in this overpopulated world?

Some Christians will try to use the bible to justify their socialy irresponsible behavior. Some will say the breed due to natural reasons, i.e. bio-clock Others will agree that the world is overpopulated.

8) Why can't you just ignore homosexuality?

Again, It furthers political agenda. Ignoring it leaves them with fewer topics to fight over politically.

9) How, exactly, are homosexuals "evil"?

They aren't. Some claim behavior, and try to Quote the destruction of Sodom and Gammorah. In all actuality, those cities were not destroyed due to homos, but oither sins and defilements. The mis interpretation is due to scribal error and mistranslation through the centuries. Any Christian worth their salt will tell you it's not homosexuality, but adultry that is considered the sexual sin.

10) If God hates homosexuals, why did he allow them to exist?

God doesn't, according to Christ. To further religious control over the ancient peoples, and to encourage population of their races, Sexual deviances were deemed bad to scare people into compliance with religious rule to further the agenda for the time. We see this now with Shariah Law in Islam. A MAN decides what is to be observed and the religious community enforces it to further the social control of the people, and land it in habits. It was MAN who said god hates homos, not god.

Also keep in mind the god of he old testament differs greatly than christ's god. And most of old testament law was for ancient times. Christ complied with local law to maintain peace, but clearly gives the only way to be "saved" in the bible.
2009-08-24 19:51:56 UTC
I'm a Christian and I'm also gay.

Christ died for EVERYONE therefore we are all equals. The Christians who say and do the ignorant things they do are hypocrites or extremists, and a lot of times both.

There's a site that refers to the bible verses that these so called "Christians" use as an example of the bible saying homosexuality is wrong, when in reality they have twisted it and altered it from the real meanings. And many of the verses they point to are actually about prostitution and idolatry with rituals involving huge orgies, etc. And others are actually about people capturing and enslaving young boys and forcing them to do obscene acts. This is NOT homosexuality, yet they will tell you it is.

Check out

There's nothing we can do about ignorant people and their views. But I think it's important for anyone who is gay to know that they don't have to abandon their faith because these people say you aren't worthy. It's ridiculous. And to these bible licking once a week Christians, hate, judgment, ignorance, idolatry, adultery, slandering, etc are all sins - yet straight people commit those sins everyday. So they have no right to point fingers.
2009-08-24 23:16:30 UTC
I am Christian and I do not in any way believe that homosexuality is wrong/evil/unnatural etc etc. I believe that Christ died for EVERYONE. I'm sorry that some people have made you feel any other way. I have many, many gay friends whom I am very close with. I have never and will never have a problem with it.
2009-08-24 20:02:14 UTC
I m not going to tell you what god (or that of other religions) has to say about this

I think almost all religions are against homosexuality

Christians are pro-life so anyform of sexual contact other than whats represented between a man and a women goes against procreation and the the "humane" morals in other word call it "sin".

I'm not going to tell ya whos whats right and whats wrong

Im not homosexual and i have no problem with them, i don't think they are evil, they are humans, they havent killed anyone that i know of So ill live the judgement to a higher power(not another human).
Talk Softly & Carry a BIG Stick!
2009-08-24 19:49:26 UTC
Good questions. Too bad that the "Christians" who have issues with LGBTs will just use this question/answer to slam us. And those Christians who are being Christ-like are having to defend their beliefs so they don't get clumped in with those other "Christians".
2016-09-12 14:50:03 UTC
First off.. Telling a Christian they can not use the Bible as a supply is absurd! That is what we are living by means of. You can name it what you desire brainwashed, sheep, now not having a brain of our possess.. I rather do not care. The Bible is what I are living my lifestyles by means of. I received the next from a piece of writing known as "What's improper with being homosexual?" The complementary constitution of the female and male anatomy is definitely designed for the average husband-spouse relationships. Clearly, layout in human biology helps heterosexuality and contradicts homosexuality. The combo of female and male allows for guy (and the animals) to supply and nurture offspring as commanded in Genesis one million:28 “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” This command is repeated to Noah after the Flood (Genesis eight:15-17). But procreation isn't the one motive God made individuals as sexual beings. The BUWA document affirms “that sexual intimacy among husband and spouse is well, and is meant by means of God for bonding, delight and procreation.”7 Thirdly, God gave guy and lady complementary roles with a purpose to make stronger the loved ones unit. Woman was once to be the helper that guy wanted (Genesis two:18). However, the lady's position because the helpmate is absolutely now not an inferior one. The enterprising God-fearing lady in Proverbs 31:10-31 is an inspiring position mannequin. As for the individual who commented that Christians declare that being homosexual is improper, however they pass residence and sleep with their boyfriend/female friend.. You're correct it is improper and a sin is a sin. I wholly disagree with a individual being homosexual. Am I going to hate that individual? Absolutely now not! This entire homosexual bashing factor has received to give up! Do I feel they're going to pass to hell in the event that they retain to are living that way of life? Yes, however so will a individual who lies and gossips with out asking God for forgiveness.
Gwennie B
2009-08-24 19:49:37 UTC
I think your first problem is believing that all Christians feel this way. The good ones exist.

But, to attempt to answer your question from that anti-gay perspective:

1) Yes.

2) Those who do not abide by God's law have not accepted Jesus into their hearts, and thus cannot be saved by His grace.

3) How are adulterers harming you? That still doesn't make it right.

4) Because it does not fit into God's plan as laid out in Genesis.

5) Yes.

6) And because it flies in the face of Scripture.

7) That would be a cry for more birth control, not more gays.

8) Again, they want to save people's souls and bring them to God. Ignoring people is not an option if you want to save them from where you think they're going.

9) They defy God's word.

Again, I'm not a homophobe. I'm bi and very much pro-gay, but these are the religious arguments I've heard.
Religious Does Not = Christian!
2009-08-25 13:38:00 UTC
Tell me about it. I have some additional points, if you don't mind. Sorry if I'm a bit redundant. You are absolutely right.

Let's break this down like rational adults.

1. Gay marriage doesn't hurt anyone. If you don't like gay marriage, don't have one.

2. There are hundreds of documented cases of gay animals. Just because someone doesn't bother to study biology doesn't mean they can claim it doesn't exist. As for those who say animals are disgusting, they are much less cruel and vicious than humans. Most animals don't kill for fun. Those who kill for food don't keep their prey locked in a cage, wounded and suffering and being tortured their whole lives. Watch the video "meet your meat," then tell me that humans are more decent and pure than animals.

3. Procreation - Yes, the world isn't overcrowded enough. By all means let children rot away in orphanages, because dammit, we need to kick out more babies! The Earth isn't overpopulated enough!

4. Procreation - only people who can have children together have the right to get married - so old people and the infertile don't have that right, either?

5. Raising children- Hundreds of psychological studies have conclusively found that the only difference between kids raised in gay homes and in straight ones is that the kids in gay homes tend to be nicer to people who aren't just like them. Less racism, sexism, religious intolerance, etc. How horrible!

6. Marriage is a legal document. Unless you chose to have a ceremony in a church, it has nothing to do with religion.

7. The Constitution clearly states that there cannot be one religion elevated over all others (that's why our forefathers came here, duh). Because many religions celebrate gay unions, OUR religious rights are being violated by banning them. Oh, right, we're inferior to Christians, huh?

8. Even if it were a choice (yeah, every single gay/bi person in the world is lying about that *eye roll*), so what? Religion is a choice. So we can forbid you to build churches, right? After all, you CHOSE to be Christian.

9. Adam and Eve both had brown eyes. So anyone with blue eyes is an abomination, right?

10. Since your god said that when a man takes a wife they should be as one. The omission of any mention of staying single and gay relationships, they are automatically forbidden. Anything not mentioned in the Bible is automatically bad.

11. Jesus made it clear that instead of doing unto others, we should force everyone to live by Christian laws even if they aren't Christian.

12. God said eating shellfish is an abomination too, but he didn't mean that one, really.

13. The Bible is obviously the best moral guide a person can have. After all, it tells you all the proper ways to have slaves, instructs you to set up a fair price when selling your daughter into slavery, and it's always very reasonable about the specific ways we should stone our disobedient children.

14. Gay marriage hurts all other marriages. You'll wake up in the middle of the night and say "Oh no! Two men just married each other in another time zone! Our marriage is less valuable now!"

15. Gays can't have love, only lust. All those 90 year olds who have been together 50+ years and look like they would snap like a twig if they had sex are obviously together only for lust.

16. It's just like any other sin. Should we allow murder or the rape of children? Because of course murder and rape do the same amount of harm as being gay.

17. Other countries have permitted gay marriage and are doing just fine. But we're different. We'll collapse and be ruined.

18. People will marry dogs. Because a dog is recognized as a human being and can consent to marriage and sex. Dogs and gay people are about the same level.

19. The "I find it gross" argument is perfectly valid. I find dogs gross and disgusting. I think I'll ban dog ownership.

20. Churches will be forced to marry gays. Sure they have the right to turn anyone away for their religion, divorce, race, refusing counseling, having tattoos etc., but they'll be forced to marry gays.


Can anyone dispute these arguments? It's impossible.

"I think almost all religions are against homosexuality" This is not true. It's just that most people have never even heard of more than three religions. There are 10,000 in the world and most are less bigoted and have no concept of hell anyway.

As for the city that was supposedly destroyed for homosexuality, maybe these guys should actually read their damn Bible instead of using it as a weapon:

"Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy." Ezekiel 16:49
2009-08-24 19:53:55 UTC
1) Did Christ REALLY die for everyone? Yes

2) If so, why do you exclude homosexuals? They are not excluded

3) How are homosexuals harming you? What's the point of that question and what has it to do with the rest in the series?

4) How is homosexuality unnatural? Look at the VAST majority of nature. I think you'll easily get your answer.

5) Are there any intelligent Christians that know homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom as well (just not often)? Of course, but it is such a small percentage of the human population as to make it insignificant.

6) Do you believe homosexuality is only unnatural because it produces no children? No, because it is extremely selfish. Me first and only ME!

7) Do we really need more children in this overpopulated world? Absolutely not.

8) Why can't you just ignore homosexuality? Because they find it necessary to smear it in everyone's face.

9) How, exactly, are homosexuals "evil"? Homosexuals are not evil because they practice homosexuality. BUT their behavior is.

10) If God hates homosexuals, why did he allow them to exist? Good question. Some of us will get a chance to ask him when we get there.
2009-08-24 19:54:05 UTC
1) Did Christ REALLY die for everyone? Yes, the good Lord died for our sins!

2) If so, why do you exclude homosexuals? I don't exclude homosexuals. They are welcome to my church and God will only be there for them when they decide to repent. my grandson is a homosexual and I know in my heart that he will find Jesus and be saved.

3) How are homosexuals harming you? They aren't the worst people in the world but I certainly don't appreciate them corrupting these young children with this trash. I also don't appreciate them attempting to redefine the word marriage.

4) How is homosexuality unnatural? God created man and woman for the purpose of reproduction. It's right there in the bible. Be fruitful and multiply. Two men or two women together is ABNORMAL. That's the bottom line!

5) Are there any intelligent Christians that know homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom as well (just not often)? Animals are not expected to have morals. Therefore, that's irrelevant.

6) Do you believe homosexuality is only unnatural because it produces no children? Precisely

7) Do we really need more children in this overpopulated world? There is nothing wrong with being fruitful and multiplying. The Lord put us here for a reason and that reason is not to engage in same-sex relations

8) Why can't you just ignore homosexuality? Not when my grandbaby is gay!

9) How, exactly, are homosexuals "evil"? Homosexuals aren't evil. They are confused and misguided.
2009-08-24 20:27:48 UTC
Another question:

10) If God hates homosexuals, why did he allow them to exist?

God hates the sin of homosexuality, he didnt design us that way, it is wrong. God gives us a choice so that we may chose Him so that our love would be real for Him.

Additional Details

1) Did Christ REALLY die for everyone?

Yes He died for all, even you.

2) If so, why do you exclude homosexuals?

It includes all people, He died to remove that penalty of sin that causes people to die for their sins, no more stoning, we only

are sent to hell for our disbelief in Jesus. Jesus said to repent and to sin no more. Jesus does not want us to live in sin. If you die rejecting Jesus as the Son of God who died for you and is Lord and Savior then u will be judged for every sin at the judgement. Once u accept Jesus you will be a new person that doesnt want to be involved in sin and want to live a new life in Jesus.

3) How are homosexuals harming you?

homosexuals are trying to make what has always been wrong to be normal and just as wholesome as the covenant between man and woman. So they are spreading dangerous lies by trying to influence people to accept it as normal and ok to God.

4) How is homosexuality unnatural? God created Adam and Eve and married them and they were able to make children together in the marriage.

5) Are there any intelligent Christians that know homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom as well (just not often)? We are not equal to animals. We are to care for them but they are animals who are not subject to Gods commandments. Yes there are intelligent Christians, they are doctors, scientists, lawyers and college grads as well.

6) Do you believe homosexuality is only unnatural because it produces no children? It does not look right and we are all given a conscience to know its not right but deception is bringing immorality into the world.

Anything can be perverted to fulfill lusts of the flesh. It is a perversian of what God made good.

7) Do we really need more children in this overpopulated world? There are populations dying out without children, I have 2 children, they are doing well spiritually and in the world to make a difference. Many of the 3rd world countries are being oppressed and some are having too many children because they are involved in immoral relationships and for wrong purposes like people being raped so that another race may be born, raped because they are a certain people and this is their punishment. Try and help those people to be able to farm and work and go to school and read and write. Get involved in helping them.,

8) Why can't you just ignore homosexuality?

I cant ignore the lies whatever they may be, pornography on tv and an attack on public prayer, abortion, euthanizing elderly.... we will make a stand to expose lies. It endangers our whole way of life.... AIDS is still a number one killer in immoral relationships and wrong lifestyles in the USA. A study says 1 out of every 4 teens has an STD, is that from sex in a faithful marriage?

9) How, exactly, are homosexuals "evil"? Homosexuality is evil, the push for homosexuality is evil, You can become straight if u want to, many are making that decision. You can repent and get right with God, hell is eternal so you dont want to go there and u cant ignore that or make up a better ending to suit u, God has a plan for you to give u hope and an abundant life, :).God bless you.

4 minutes ago
2009-08-24 19:50:14 UTC
I want to add #11 did God really say homosexuality was a sin? I've heard the "a man shall not lie with another man" thing, but does that mean he made it a sin?
2009-08-24 19:59:50 UTC
First off I do not believe in your christain hell. I am a proud Pagan with Asatru beliefs. christanity was based off of my old religion. I dare you to research it. Just take a minute to imagine if all of us GLBT people went to hell. I am telling you there would be one hell of a population problem plus not to mention there would be one hell of a party!
2009-08-24 19:49:56 UTC
Nobody said that God hated homos.

Homos are not created.They choose to be that way.

It is totally un natural and according to Romans chapter 1 verses 26 & 27,it is PURE SIN.

My dog sniffs other dogs butts too but that doesn't mean that I would.



This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.