any amount is not enough, not only will you not get the type of guys you like, but also, if you become a hustler, male prostitute, you dont get to choose, they choose you, also, once you find out the prices, remember this, those prices are for bareback sex, no condoms, and most have engaged in more sexual partners, then you have, so the possibility of catching, STD's, AIDS, or any other sexual virus is a given, then while all you were trying to do was make a little extra cash, now has turned into a death sentence, or at the very least, pain and high medical bills, so go ahead, become a male prostitute, gay hustler, and take your life into your own hands and throw it all out the window. In the states in NYC male hustlers can make money but the services are not all that inclusive, most make just enough to pay for a night in a motel and fast food for a day.
Imagine this, you sleep most of the day away, waking at around 6pm heading out to walk up and down streets, after not being picked up for three days straight with no food to eat anymore and your frig empty your ready to do the wino in the dark alley just for a few bucks, god knows what he has, maybe he hasnt washed for a month so his junk smells worse then anything you have ever smelled before, so bad it makes you gag, and at the last minute you deside not to do him after all, then desperate you head back down the street and finally some low life scumbag desides to pick you up, you tell him your prices but he says sure then changes the prices right before you shoot off, not only ending your night, cause once you blow your load your night is over with, and you had to settle for way less at that, so go ahead and become a hustler.