2011-07-26 03:12:24 UTC
How does a guy go about asking a straight male about experimenting?
I'm interested in trying this out as a one time thing. I don't think I act more masculine or feminine, but people assume I'm straight from how I carry myself (I'm pretty quiet). I have never been with a guy. Currently in college, and the reply of 'get him drunk' sounds like an awful way of getting my question accomplished (not sure if people were trolling me when they said this).
I don't find myself attracted to obviously flamboyant gay guys. The ones I like are straight, or straight-acting gays/bisexuals, and if they are the latter, I assume they are straight. And I don't exactly have a good gaydar (since I'm bi/not good at this).
The most I'd want to do is a handjob (to a guy, not receiving one).
Part of me thought watching porn together would do the trick, but I don't know how that would play out. Or maybe comparing sizes and see where it leads.
In college right now.
Or will telling a guy I'm bisexual from the start workout if he is the curious one?