I joined a message group for homechurchers. One person started calling me a hypocrite because of a view I had. I literaly spilled my guts to this group over a problem/view I had and they threw stones at me and one called me a hypocrite. I left the group and let things settle down. 8 mos. later I try to rejoin and make ammends because I got too personal with them. The moderaters and owner of the list started going to the other members asking for their advice. Then I get this email from one of the members who in the past ridiculed me saying I should take medication. The owners/moderaters went to him and asked his opinion. I think they might have gone to other members also. I think they were gossiping about me before I was even accepted back into the group. Oh, by the way that memeber who they confided in suggested that I not be allowed to come back because the group in the past did not meet my needs, and it won't now either. I'm just upset that the people who owned and moderated the group did not make the decision themselves but went to one of the members who attacked me in the past. Should I be angry at this? That they were already talking bad about me when I haven't even been accepted into the group again? I just told them to foreget it. If the owner and moderaters didn't have sense enough to talk to me about it, but had to go to one or more of the members then maybe I would not get the propper support if I joined it again, but they will let people say whatever they want to me with no moderation.