2007-11-13 09:02:52 UTC
we were 2gther for 1 year and 2 months
we both decided on it because ti was best for the time being,it was nto a good situation so. today is 5 days of being broken up but thing is we have still have major feelings for one another
but like.he said u know break ups are not easy, well i tried to get back with him and he kept saying no after no, and well yesterday, we had a long talk online and he has said he has been feeling all weird confused, and feels that he misses me major. and wants 2 get back with me (maybe) we are going to talk and see what happens today after school, i am going to stop and visit his school but im not sure what to do. because also yesterday, before we had teh talk which was late at niight i had talked 2 a friend and well, it led ot me sucking his, d*ck, and i feel soo horrible because i am not sure if i shoudl tell him *my ex* because what if we do get back together,
or what if he does not want to be with me. i know i shouldnt have.. :(