Just some guy...
2010-01-24 00:00:35 UTC
My emotions were mixed: denial, depression, and then simply wondering how
someone with such a high IQ, such a powerful mind could have such a "disorder". I will tell you that I am perfectly straight (have a girlfriend). This, however, does not help me, as 85 to 90%of all cross-dressers are sraight, and 65%of them have girlfriends/wives.
Well,what I need is to know what to do: should I fight the urge, and deny ever having it? Or should I take the more serene route, and accept it as my personality? Should I tell someone or keep it bottled up, safe and secure? I would NOT enjoy telling my parents about this. Should I tell my girlfriend about it and hope she can help? (I have a one- in-four chance of her accepting me as a cross-dresser after all as girls often understand this problem.)
Please hear my plea, I only want to live a good life. I ask you please not to post rude things about my unusuallness, as I know at least one person will do anyways. I understand I am nowhere near the only person who knows what it's like, and all help is greatly appreciated in this time when I risk looking demented and/or perverted in front of society.