Can ANYONE, give one legitimate argument?
☮ wickey wow wow ♀♀
2008-05-22 10:48:10 UTC
About how homosexuality is "immoral".

Main Entry: im·mor·al
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)i(m)-ˈmȯr-əl, -ˈmär-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1660
: not moral; broadly : conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles
— im·mor·al·ly \-ə-lē\ adverb

I'm curious as to what "moral principles" homosexuality goes against. And "moral principles" do not include the Bible, which is a book open to anyone's interpretation and belief which is open to anyone's interpretation....

For instance, it's very obvious that murder is against moral principles, unless of course it's self defense. It's obvious that physical abuse against a child or another human being is against moral principles.

So I'm wondering who has a legitimate argument, that actually holds water...
Fifteen answers:
2008-05-22 10:55:07 UTC
I doubt there is. And there is at least one argument in the Bible that shows it is not "immoral".

Jesus said: If you do not love your brother, whom you see, how can you love God, whom you do not see?

So next time the Bible is quoted at you, throw this at them. That should confuse them for a bit.
2008-05-22 11:12:13 UTC
Main Entry: 1mor·al

Pronunciation: \ˈmȯr-əl, ˈmär-\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin moralis, from mor-, mos custom

Date: 14th century

1 a: of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ethical b: expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior c: conforming to a standard of right behavior d: sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment e: capable of right and wrong action 2: probable though not proved : virtual 3: perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect

Argument: Homosexuality is not moral in our current society because it is viewed as "wrong" behavior that goes against the nature order of life.

Excluding the Bible from the argument [The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is an abomination - this is not an interpretation, it is what is written in the book] we are left we our own personal feelings on the matter. Like murder is an act against another, some feel that by accepting homosexuality, we are acting against our society. Some feel that homosexuality would undermine and deteriorate the family structure - parents having children in an intact home. While homosexuality is not the blame for the the out of wedlock rate, some feel that it will further contribute to this problem.

Bottom line is that this is all a value judgment. Even if homosexuality did cause the break down of the traditional family, the notion of the traditional family is subject to debate.
2008-05-22 11:46:06 UTC
Morality is a a subjective issue that variates between cultures and social groups. In the belief systems of Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions homosexuality is often defined as immoral, although that's not always the case with some specific denominations.

What may be immoral to one person may not be immoral to another. There is no absolute ideal of morality or immorality that we can place homosexuality in. It's all down to the individual. Although it's hard to comprehend, even issues like murder are morally subjective.

This is why I try to avoid using words like "right" and "wrong", "moral and "immoral", because they have no fixed meaning.

Speaking in purely secular, physical terms, homosexual behaviour amongst humans is consensual, enjoyable, and beneficial to the mental and physical health of homosexually orientated humans. It takes a pretty abstract stretch of reasoning to turn it into something "immoral". However, it can be classified as such by certain social groups who hold homophobic beliefs. But who cares? Ain't gunna stop me. You?
2016-05-27 01:42:32 UTC
Because God said so lol. There!!! An Irrefutable biblical rhetoric. The God of the bible said so (lets disregard the other 3400 religions that are just as plausible). The immemorial hearsay of men always must be perpetuated as a moral objective precept and takes precedence over prevailing knowledge. I'm not sure if that makes sense but all you need to know is that God told Jesus who told a man who told another man who told another man who wrote it in a book in a foreign language and another man interpreted it and the corrupt church dictated "God said so"!!!
2008-05-22 10:59:14 UTC
Homosexuality can never be called a moral issue, because that would also mean heterosexuality is a moral issue...just writing it out and saying it aloud makes me cringe, how can they even be moral issues?!?

The homophobes won't be able to justify homosexuality as immorality without resorting to the "Bible", and as we are all in agreement here, there is significant debate and choice as to whether we should accept the Bible as "fact", given that people practice different religions in the world. (I can hear the Quran believers up in arms already.)

As far as I'm concerned, as long as it does not hurt anyone, and force anyone to do anything they don't like, then the action cannot be deemed immoral.
☼ Blaze ☼
2008-05-22 10:54:33 UTC
Your right since when did not reproducing become immoral. The only immoral thing about it that we have sex before marriage but its not our fault were not allowed to marry so who do we blame.

Your right other than the Bible there is noting Immoral about it !! Just because some people may think its unatural dosent make it imoral. I think unless someone is gay/bi or very open minded they wont understand the whole gay thing. Religion and parents that teach hate keeps a lot of people from being openminded. One day we will have the proof in the science to back us up on this argument. To me science is religious peoples worst enemy not us gay people !
Martin P
2008-05-22 11:06:00 UTC
Morality is based on a societies values. Once a society has deemed a practice moral, then that practice is no longer immoral.

Homosexuality is considered immoral because the majority of our society has said that it is wrong. It might be considered a moral behavior if society can deem it appropriate. But until a majority of people living in the same society can accept homosexuality, then it will still be considered immoral.

Homosexual unions cannot pass on children, thus genes cannot be passed on, and evolotion does not continue. This is going against nature.

If a child is involved, Psychologist have agreed that children need both male and female guardians in their lives to be properly adjusted. Although in a homosexual union, one partner is more masculine and the other is more feminine, both partners share the same sex and on some level masculinity or femininity. Thus a child will not gain the proper understanding of what it is to be a man or woman.


You miss my point. I'm not saying that society is right or wrong in justifing homosexuality. I'm just saying that society has already stated that homosexuality is an immoral behavior.

Look at another behavior, smoking. Smoking used to be accepted all over the place, restaurants, air plane's, etc... Now smoking is limited to only a few select places. You could argue that smoking was moral at one time because it was accepted. However, society has changed and denounced smoking, so you may argue that now, smoking is immoral.

As for family traditons, there are always a few cases where children are better off with homosexual parents. However studies have indicated that a traditional marriage is best for well adjusted children. Children need strong male and female role models, and more often then not, they look to their parents as these role models. A child with 2 dads will not have a strong female role model, or vise versa.
2008-05-22 11:28:00 UTC
It's not immoral, period.

To the "moron" (there's no other word) who argued that homosexual parents are immoral because of a lack of both male and female influences: Are you saying that single parents should have their kids taken from them, given the fact that there is a "lack of influence"? That's just moronic.

And have you studied children from single parent households? They aren't "maladjusted", as you so direly predicted. Placing your biases in lieu of actual scientific research is a lazy way of rationalizing your stance.
Christina W
2008-05-22 11:19:50 UTC
By the definition you provided, homosexuality is immoral as it goes against general and/or traditionally held moral principles. The majority of people do not agree with the homosexual lifestyle these people choose to take part in. If people want to be gay then that is between them and the Lord. I don't want to see any of that sick depravity which is commonplace in today's media thanks to the homosexual agenda.

chickey_soup: The question was to provide a legitimate argument for the definition provided. The definition states that immorality goes against traditionally held beliefs. Homosexuality goes against traditionally held beliefs so therefore homosexuality is immoral. I was just answering the question. The tolerance that homosexuals are supposed to known for (by their own admission) is not coming through you, deary or others who have answered this question.

To someone else that brought up parenting. There has been a recent study that shows teens growing up in a household with gay parents are more likely to be unhappy and depressed than teens from a normal home. Do some research, dear.
2008-05-22 10:54:07 UTC
I don't think there is a logical argument. You can't really apply logic to religious arguments from authority, and let's face it, the only philosophical argument against homosexuality is the natural law argument, which itself is religious in nature.
2008-05-22 10:51:51 UTC
They can't-don't bother. They always revert to the bible.

Or they start that slippery slope argument- "well whats next marrying animals?".

Oh and I forgot -"It's not natural" while conveniently forgetting there are plenty of other species which also engage in homosexual behavior. But knowing that requires being educated.

Bottom line-I'm tired of people discriminating and putting others down (including some of my friends who are wonderful people who never put anyone down) because it makes them feel uncomfortable. Don't agree with being gay? Then don't become gay-problem solved. (It's not contagious)

*sigh* It's scary how ignorance runs rampant.
2008-05-22 10:57:04 UTC
No, nobody can.

And you won't convince anybody like this. Pointing out the stupidity of their moral premises will not make anyone believe you, they'll just attack your moral premises and blindly assert they're right, and they also don't have to listen to you because you advocate satan and they're a good person and god's on their side and you'll just have to deal with it.

I wish it worked though, homophobia would have died millenia ago.
kay b
2008-05-22 11:39:25 UTC
i may not have an answer to this question but i think you are a very intelligent woman i have answer some of your other questions in the past ok (^_^)
gabriel l
2008-05-22 10:55:06 UTC
You are a logical women with common sense and very intelligent and you are expecting an answer from people that are lacking these will never get them to answer because they don't have one.
2008-05-22 11:03:34 UTC
I can't, and I defy anyone to be able to do so for you. Ridiculous!

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