Are people confused? That is a pregnant lady, not man, right?
2009-01-12 06:33:04 UTC
You can alter it all you want, but if you insist on maintaining your female body and giving birth, then I feel you are a woman.

Transgenders and everyone else, what's your opinion?
49 answers:
Amy R
2009-01-12 06:41:52 UTC
If you are going to transgender, I think you should do it, rather than dabble in it. I think if someone is going to be a man, they should become a man. Keeping your female fixtures so you can bear children later as an option is twisted enough (men don't do that) but deciding to contact major papers about it and news programs is just stupid. I mean, if they just wanted to have a kid, why get all the publicity unless they wanted to make their baby join a freak show rather than a family? I think the guy should have just said he was putting on weight -only his doctor had to know the truth. People cover up normal pregnancy all the time - but he has to get naked photos taken? Yeah, right - he's not Demi Moore once he has some business added. Yknow?
2009-01-12 07:38:53 UTC
Who even cares? I think giving birth is beautiful, I don't care how it happens, you're bringing life into the world and that's an amazing thing.

I think if he believes he was meant to be a man, he is a man.

I don't know much when it comes to transgendered or transsexual people, but at least I try my best to show them some respect. He was just born into the wrong body, I really doubt he would ask for something like that.

He might have kept his uterus, but he had chest reconstruction and took testosterone to help him look more like a man, so are you saying that even though he looks and acts and BELIEVES he's a man, he isn't simply because he has a uterus? Mentally he was always a man and that matters more to me than the body he was given.

Oh, and also, he's legally male.

It's silly that everyone's being so hateful towards these people, I cried when I heard the story. I wish them all the best and I hope people learn some more about love (or at least tolerance.)
2009-01-12 08:58:12 UTC
First off... medical technology for female to male reconstructive surgery is pretty primitive. A lot of that is because there's little money to be made in developing the procedures since transsexualism is a relatively rare condition. Since all the cissexual people want to complain about transsexual people not being "real" until they get their genitals rearranged, why don't they step up to the plate and improve the surgical procedures, make them cost-effective, cover them under insurance (for companies with group insurance, the difference in cost ends up being less than 50 cents a year per person; they probably spend more per person on coffee).

Second, what makes cissexual people think that they deserve to have a corner on the reproduction market? I've seen plenty of people who have no business having children popping out kids left and right. MR. Beattie and HIS wife appear to be far more stable and able to provide a safe environment for their children than many people. Having genitals typically congruent with your gender does NOT give you the right to tell somebody who doesn't that they don't have the right to have a child.

At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter... Mr Beattie and his wife are having a child (again) and your (or my) opinion really doesn't make any difference.
2009-01-12 08:50:02 UTC
He's a man that happens to have been born in a female body. And what he does and does not decide to do with his body is entirely up to him as long as he's not harming anyone.

The only concern I had when I first heard this story months ago was that the testosterone he'd been taking might cause complications for the baby. But from what I've heard the baby is perfectly fine so no worries.
2009-01-12 11:05:08 UTC
The words man and woman refers to gender, where as male and female refer to sex.

Man is somebody who regardless to what they were born physically has masculine traits, and identifies as such. It's how the mind thinks, and functions.

Woman is somebody who regardless to what they were born physically has feminine traits, and identifies as such. Again, it's how the mind thinks, and functions.

Male is somebody who has male genitalia, produces much more testosterone over estrogen, and typically has a more triangular body structure. This is the body physically.

Female is somebody who has female genitalia, produces much more estrogen over testosterone, and typically has a more hour glass body structure. This is the body physically.

He is a man because he identifies as a man. If it were not for his being pregnant publicly you would never have thought of him to be female, or a woman in any way shape or form.

His wife is unable to physically give birth, so he's using what he has in order to start a family. The entire adoption process is completely, and totally messed up so I can understand why they might not want to go that route. That, and it costs much more than any sort of fertilization would.

There is a documentary called Transparent about FtM (female to male) people who have given birth. They either were on hormones then had children, or started hormones after giving birth. It's a wonderful film, and gives insight by MANY people that have gone through it instead of just one person.

Some in the film are homosexual men who were impregnated by their boyfriends/fiance/partners.
2009-01-12 10:07:58 UTC
The case of the transman who has been giving birth is very unusual and out of the ordinary for transsexuals. Most people transition because they want to rid themselves of the characteristics that make them like the sex they were born as.

A transman with the objective of being completely male would feel disgusted with having a vagina and breasts and a soft, slender body. Bearing children should seem like something any man, trans or not, would not want to endure as it is the ultimate expression of womanhood. So I can see why he causes confusion to people asking the question why would he give birth and is he really a man at all?

The more people (like homophobes and fundies) fight to try to keep gender and sexuality lines clearly defined and stagnant, the more others will fight to blur those lines. I think this is part of Thomas's objective, to not to clearly fit into a single gender role or category. But at the same time, he is also just being himself and doing what he thinks is right for him. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
2009-01-12 06:47:47 UTC
Well, I'm not much on gender, I think people are just who they are, and gender is either societal or a state of mind. So if someone is in the state of mind of a man, than sure, call 'em a man. However, I also believe in science, and sex, male of female, is quite different than gender.

So know I don't believe they should be flaunting it around as a 'miracle' the way that they are. This man's internal organs are in fact female, and he chose to keep them that way, there for you have a simple act of nature, a womb carrying a child, not a pregnant male.
Bre Grosche
2009-01-12 07:38:43 UTC
The thing was, his wife was unable to produce children so he kept his female reproductive organs in order to have a kid. What is so wrong about that? Trying to have a biological kid? And he is in the process of becoming a full man I believe as he has a penis and no breasts and takes hormones and has facial hair.

Actually, I don't think the family is going to have such a hard time like when the girl grows up. They seem like a happy family, by the time she is grown up enough Thomas is probably going to have completed his transition. I saw all three of them in an airport in Portland, Oregon, and they both seemed very happy and loving towards their baby girl.

I feel that anyone born in the wrong body (gender) will be what gender he or she decides to be. Why not let people be happy with who they are? Its not like its going to directly affect you, live and let live.
2009-01-12 09:35:06 UTC
I'd love to give your question a star but honestly it is some of the non-bigoted answers that deserve the stars!

In this world this is the least of the things we really need to concern ourselves with. Ok, maybe I'd give you a star if you could tell me the rest of the world is so overwhelmingly depressing that you can only focus on this.

You got some really great answers here. I hope by the end of the run of this question you will have learned alot! I hope you are able to choose which are the good answers!
2009-01-12 07:02:47 UTC
I think that a FTM that is an individual born female but male in their head and transitioning hormonally,he had chest surgery too has a right to consider himself a man if he wants even if he has gone through childbirth and kept some of his female parts.Its unusual admittedly but I would still consider him FTM.In terms of biology it is not amazing as he born with female parts carrying a baby.Ive seen pictures of him in magazines and he looks male.He has had his breasts removed and a hairy chest,I dont know of any female that has that.

Also many Trans people would be at various stages of transition,they may not have had all the surgery they still have the right to have their choosen gender identity if they so wish.
2009-01-12 08:15:17 UTC
He was born a man, in a woman's body.

I don't think gender has to be black and white. What he wants to do with his body is his choice - and I don't think we have any right to say that it's wrong or weird. It was his choice, nothing to do with us, and I have no problem with that.

What I DO have a problem with, however, is the fact that he insists on making himself and his family into a freak show. He has no respect for his children, they'll most likely suffer as a result of all the media attention.
2009-01-12 07:06:55 UTC
Since it pleases Thomas Beatty to be referred to as a man, I'm, happy to do so. And if he have babies, sure, why not. There are worse things happening on this planet.

He obviously doesn't really subscribe to the whole "I am a man" concept though. Giving birth has been traditionally regarded as womens' work. Gender-wise, he should be identifying as "queer" or "noyb", tbh. By being such a self-publicist and doing something so blatantly at odds with the gender role he is claiming, I feel he is doing some harm to the cause of getting transsexuals to be taken seriously.
2009-01-12 06:45:16 UTC
I'm amazed at anyone giving birth, but to answer your question... I would say if you maintain your female body and give birth you are a women. If you go through surgical changes and you no longer have the physical body of a woman, you are not a woman.
2009-01-12 20:33:28 UTC
To save on having to do allot of typing read Radgal's answer, she said every thing I would've said myself.

Way to go Radgal you get a thumbs up from me girl friend
Troy H
2009-01-12 10:04:38 UTC
I think He should be able to give birth as many times as he wants. And yes, he is a man and has been since his birth in spite of the body he was born with.
2009-01-12 06:51:49 UTC
Does it HAVE to be black and white? It is what it is - and that's something that has never happened before (to my knowledge). He was a woman - who decided to become a man - but wanted to keep the female reproductive parts - so he could have a child. (Probably because society is too weirded out to let transgenders adopt)

It was a first - so it made news.

It is what it is. Accept it or don't. But it is what it is.

My friend Esmerelda will NOT always be a man. I never even knew her as a man. She's a woman to me. And I'm sure her boyfriend sees her that way too. Sorry - but you feeling that Esmerelda is still a man really doesn't matter. Everyone who knows and loves her - sees her as a woman - and so much more!!!!
2009-01-12 06:45:21 UTC
ya your right but theres people like Jeffree Star who have lived their whole lives acting like women, and their mental state is that of a women, but when it comes down to the reproductive system, they are as they were born. didnt u hear about the "man who gave birth"? She was born as a female, had a surgery to become a male on the outside, and was injected a child into her ovary. that was weird.
I'm Not Here
2009-01-13 00:52:56 UTC
Ok i will say this first, i have NO problem what so ever with gays or lesbians (i happen to be Bi)

But i think that (and this is very crass) if your born with a vigina you are a woman till the day you die.

Whether or not you have a outer sex-change, the inside is still a woman.

I am very sorry if this offends anyone, it's just what i think.
Tell Merry
2009-01-12 07:44:59 UTC
Though technically this person is a woman, if I ever met him, I would call him by the name he wants.

Don't let these small things bother you.
Reef Blastbody
2009-01-12 06:51:29 UTC
Knowing some transgendered people in real life, I cut the person some slack and let them be which gender they identify with. It doesn't hurt me in any way and it makes them feel good. Life is too short to worry about such nonsense as far as I'm concerned.
2009-01-12 06:51:12 UTC
i wouldnt judge it like that, and to get a sex change like most surgeries takes time, money, and planning. a sex change cant just happen overnight she might not have had enough money to complete the sex change who knows, if i were you i would learn more about transgendered people instead of judging one based on what was on the news, just because it was on the news it doesnt mean that the reporters know all the facts
Wandering Jay
2009-01-12 09:08:17 UTC
He's a man, and it isn't about your feelings.

You're the one who is confused.
Rachel H
2009-01-12 07:10:49 UTC
have some more respect for transgender people

they didn't want to be born in the wrong gender of body, but they were

the only reason Thomas (last name?) had the baby instead of his wife is because she couldn't have it, so he did instead
2009-01-12 07:08:58 UTC
if he wants to be refered to as a MAN then you should respect that. That is what he chooses and not you.

it is possible for a man to be pregnant saw it on the discovery channel.
2009-01-12 06:46:12 UTC
As far as I understand it, HE is/was pregnant because his wife is unable to be.

I used to believe it was a money-making publicity stunt, but I researched and found out how wrong I was. They're just a couple who became parents using the best method available to them, and essentially it's no-one's business but their own.
2009-01-12 06:39:44 UTC
yes we all got that point a long long long time ago

its just that seeing a person that looks like a man carrying a child is like your eyes are playing trick on you and if you didnt know his genetic make up you would visually see a pregnant man
An Inconvenient Thinker
2009-01-12 06:50:58 UTC
I agree. It's not like a person who was born biologically a man is preganant--it is a biological woman. Although I am not transgendered, I really don't get it. If you feel like you are a man trapped in a woman's body, then why would you want to be pregnant? It is a sad commentary on our society that this situation is getting so much publicity.

If it is no one's business but their own, then why have they made the rounds on the media circuit? You can't have your cake and eat it too.
2009-01-12 07:01:59 UTC
The headline "Pregnant Man" sells more papers.You dont know you have been conned until you read th small print.
Divine C
2009-01-12 07:04:50 UTC
a man cant be/get pregnant or carry a child in his womb.this is a lady wanting to live life as a man.
2009-01-12 10:30:37 UTC
Only the individual gets the final say in what gender they are regardless of what everyone else thinks.
squirt :]
2009-01-12 07:47:09 UTC
abizzell4hire- nahh you shouldn't. if i have enough liquor in me i can stand up and pee too, and im a girl. ;]
2009-01-12 07:18:07 UTC
i dont think its anything amazing, and its only been on tv because he looks like a man. He is a man, according to the state and according to his wife.
2009-01-12 09:32:40 UTC
Men don't give birth!! You can take away or add any body parts you want but that doesn't change who you biologically are. She is a pregnant woman who wishes she were a man. It is that simple!
2009-01-12 06:56:59 UTC
HE is a MAN.

He was born a guy, but he's really a girl.

HIS wife can't have babies so they want kids. Big deal.
2009-01-12 06:58:05 UTC
To be honest, I have more issue about two women having a baby unnaturally.

Infertile couples, regardless of sexuality, should adopt.
Nicky B
2009-01-12 07:02:09 UTC
yes to being a female no to being a woman...ask before you show ignorance and past judgement on someones lifestyle
2009-01-12 06:38:31 UTC
I also fail to be amazed by someone born with a uterus who is pregnant.
2009-01-12 07:34:16 UTC
I've always thought that was stupid. It's not a pregnant man, it's a pregnant woman that looks like a dude. He kept the organs necessary, and now, pregnancy.
2009-01-12 06:39:57 UTC
I completely agree! Just because she's living as a man, doesn't necessarily make her a man, let alone a pregnant one! When I first say the story on TV, I thought it was a joke. Born a woman, sex change to a man and suddenly...a pregnant man? I don't think that's how it owrks. If that is how it works, then someone needs to fix it.

By that logic, I hsould be able to live as a woman, but still stand up to pee. Could I get as much TV time as they did by being the first woman that could stand and pee like a man?
2009-01-12 09:32:05 UTC
It's a woman who had her breasts removed(there's visible scars). She took male hormones and still has all her working female reproductive organs. She decided to have a baby so everyone wants to call her a man to give it more sensationalism.
2009-01-12 11:06:30 UTC
yes, its a woman, declaring herself a man doesn't make it so anymore than declaring herself an eagle is going to help if she jumps off the empire state building. .
2009-01-12 06:40:49 UTC

just because a lady cuts her hair short and calls herself a man does not make a it a scientific miracle that she got pregnant.
hippie chick
2009-01-12 06:40:16 UTC
technically it is a woman. she is in the process of becoming a man but is pregnant.
2009-01-12 06:39:25 UTC
Thomas Beatie is a woman who lives as a man. takes hormones to promote a deep voice and hair growth but retained female reproductive organs. It is not possible for a male to be pregnant.
Child of God
2009-01-12 07:04:49 UTC
I feel the same way. A woman is always a woman and vice versa no matter how much money you spend to change your body and hormones, etc. A woman putting on baggy clothes and saggy pants do not make her a man. Neither does a man putiing on a dress and heels make him a woman.
2009-01-12 06:43:07 UTC
HE is a she.... I feel exactly what you feel. He choose not to alter female parts, therefore, he is not a he but a she.

Can you even imagine how screwed up those kids are gonna be when they get older.. WOW.. thats a disgrace to do to someone.
2009-01-12 06:39:22 UTC
Unless we are in their shoes, I don't feel we get to pass judgment on anyone else.
2009-01-12 07:41:39 UTC
Yea, sure.
2009-01-12 07:01:21 UTC
I completely agree with you.

Furthermore, incest/homosexuality/beastiality/child sodomy... all these things are so wrong... what happened in today's society that makes people suddenly need to be TOLD that??

Sick stuff.

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