2008-11-18 15:30:12 UTC
Providence, Rhode Island, founded by Roger Williams, became a prosperous community. What was the household of an average citizen there like? Look at the partial inventory of the items in the estate, or property a deceased person leaves behind, for John Smith, a providence miller who died in 1682.
An Inventory of the Estate of John Smith, Miller of Providence, Deceased
In the upper room of the dwelling house-
Two bedsteads with the beds and bedding
In the lower room of the dwelling house-
One bedstead with the bed and bedding
A small piece of homemade cloth
A frying pan
Two guns
A chamber pot
Two small old pewter platters
Two basin and three porringers
Two spinning wheels & old cards
An old Bible, some lost and some of it torn
Four old chairs
Several wooden dishes
Four old spoons
About two pounds of tallow candles
The corn mill with house over it, and all such other things as do belong to it
The seventh part of the saw mill adjoining the corn mill...
How many people lived in the Smith household?hat led you to this conclusion?