2009-02-16 14:58:47 UTC
2. What kind would you want it to be?
3. What would you do if your best friend was moving to another state?
4. What was your favorite grade during school?
5. Your hired to stalk someone and the phonebook doesn't have the persons address what do you do? Lmao.
6. "Every man is guilty of all the good he didn't do." Who am I quoting?
7. Theres a red pen, a blue pen and a black pen on the table which one do you pick up and use?
8. "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." Who said this?
9. What are you thinking about right now?
10. Favorite kind of pop?
11. Favorite sport?
12. Do you get tired of these surveys?
13. Last movie you went to see at a theater?
14. Sonic or Mario?
15. Anyone want a strawberry smoothie?
16. Can I have a hug?
17. Best thing thats happened to you today?
18. Worst thing thats happened to you today?
19. Shower or bath?
20. What number am I thinking of?
21. What are you listening to?
22. Look down. What do you see?