How often do you cry?
Yahoo Answers Team
2015-03-19 11:33:09 UTC
The Yamster admits they cry sometimes. But it doesn’t always have to be for sad reasons. Many times the Yamster has been emotional over something happy!

762 answers:
2015-03-21 05:16:22 UTC
I think it has been more than 5 years since I last cried. I'm not lying at all! I am quite a sensitive person but I'm also very phlegmatic. I find it hard to understand some emotions others feel and people have told me how emotionless I often look. I remember asking a question about two or three years ago on how to cry because I had not cried for quite some time and even till today, I haven't shed a tear. I do feel sad at times but I hardly feel the most extreme of emotions - maybe that's why I rarely cry.

I wish I could cry.
2015-03-21 18:55:36 UTC
For me, there's not an exact number of how often I cry because you will never really know the emotional limit you can cry each month of the year. There's over a million reasons I could be crying. For example, something sad could happen in a movie and I could feel bad for that character, so I end up blowing my nose and crying slow tears. Or if you get yelled at by a parent, and you go somewhere secret where no one knows you're crying. Or a loved one passed away and you will miss them being with you physically. There's more reasons to come, but those are most of the reasons I've cried through my whole lifetime.
2015-03-27 12:12:43 UTC
Really seldom.

My spouse and i truly wish I could truthfully cry much more, nevertheless I cannot. And in some cases easily sense that the item, I won't permit myself normally since My spouse and i receive all stuffed up as well as can not take in air. Then the face are actually puffy the very next day and the ones can certainly notify.

When What i'm saying is anything unpleasant together with a person, I'd personally split up a bit nevertheless My spouse and i force the item rear. Any time the mama has been put in the medical home years ago has been the last period I'd a fantastic cry.

Usually, My spouse and i in no way cry.

Used to do cry being a teenager, since I'd no manage around my well being as well as has been coping with quite challenging individuals. My spouse and i lack in which eager experiencing ever again. But I truly do feel unhappy as well as unhappy at times.
2015-03-20 07:30:12 UTC
I cry all the damn time. Could be because I am not in the best place in my life and it seems that way for over a year now but I've always been emotional and sensitive so I probably cry more than I really should. I cry when a song triggers an emotion I cry writing to myself about my situation and I cry when a commercial comes on lol. Oddly enough I consider myself a happy person! Depression is something that causes my stress and I deal with it by facing those emotions head on and cry when I feel it's gotten out of control. Be it through song or words crying is the only thing that makes what I feel real. I wish I didn't cry so damn much over stupidity and things I know I should not be stressing to begin with but when you have a heart and care about someone or thing so much disappointment and fear could really knock you down. One simple question with no one worded answer for any of us just explanations as to why we cry, seems this became answer should simply be: often.

2015-03-20 17:24:49 UTC
Very seldom.

I actually wish I could cry more, but I can't. And even if I feel like it, I won't let myself usually because I get all stuffed up and can't breathe. Then my eyes are really puffy the next day and people can tell.

If I am talking about something painful with someone, I might tear up a little but I push it back. When my mom was put in a nursing home years ago was the last time I had a good cry.

Otherwise, I never cry.

I did cry as a teenager, because I had no control over my life and was dealing with very difficult people. I don't have that desperate feeling anymore. But I do feel sad and unsatisfied sometimes.
2015-03-19 21:18:01 UTC
I cry every day. That's just me. Most often, there are stories that people tell me that hit me a certain way and I will cry. I've cried at the happy stories on the news. I've cried at the horrible stories on the news.

There's also some condition where people cry at beautiful things. So, children singing, choir or instrumental classical has me in tears, paintings, scenery.

Its usually embarrassing that I cannot repeat a touching story without tears.

At home. I used to read the Reader's Digest's "Drama in Real Life", which would have me sobbing! I loved the stories. I knew better than to read them in a doctor's office in the waiting room. But I did. When I'd get to where I'd want to cry, I'd stop, look about the room, at my watch, out the window, take a few breathers, then I'd go back to reading. I'd have to do this several times before I was done reading.

I'm emotional. That's me. The other day the hospital called my husband. I could barely answer with a clear voice when I saw it was them. I started crying for happiness when all they called for was his yearly testing. (He's waiting on a kidney). I couldn't even tell him the next day that I was crying because when I started to tell him I was crying then too.

I told him, as I do hope and pray, that when we do get that call, and he goes into surgery that I'm not crying. It will be the best day of our lives and I hope I won't be misunderstood. I told my husband that since the ride is about 2 to 21/2, I hope I will be doing my crying on the way and be all cried out.

See, I'm even crying when I tell you this.
2015-03-28 11:14:26 UTC
I cry all the damn time. Could be because I am not in the best place in my life and it seems that way for over a year now but I've always been emotional and sensitive so I probably cry more than I really should. I cry when a song triggers an emotion I cry writing to myself about my situation and I cry when a commercial comes on lol. Oddly enough I consider myself a happy person! Depression is something that causes my stress and I deal with it by facing those emotions head on and cry when I feel it's gotten out of control. Be it through song or words crying is the only thing that makes what I feel real. I wish I didn't cry so damn much over stupidity and things I know I should not be stressing to begin with but when you have a heart and care about someone or thing so much disappointment and fear could really knock you down. One simple question with no one worded answer for any of us just explanations as to why we cry, seems this became answer should simply be: often.
2015-03-20 12:31:51 UTC
I cry every now and then for no reason. Guess depression is making that happen more often now. :/ Been in a horrible situation that still keeps presenting itself. It usually all builds up and I do a big cry which I just hate, it steals so much of my energy. I also cry when a movie ends or a tv series does a series finale or when a book ends. I always want these things to keep going on forever and ever since I have enjoyed them so much. Wish some of the shows could end up like The Simpsons, but that's just me!
2015-03-22 04:40:10 UTC
I think it's been quite five years since I last cried. i am not lying at all! i'm quite an sensitive person however i am additionally terribly unemotional. I realize it laborious to know some emotions others feel and other people have told ME however passionless I usually look. I bear in mind asking an issue concerning 2 or 3 years agone on the way to cry as a result of I had not cried for quite a while and even until nowadays, i have not shed a tear. I do feel unhappy every now and then however I hardly feel the foremost extreme of emotions - perhaps that is why I seldom cry.

I want I may cry.
2015-03-24 08:46:03 UTC
yes, I cry every now and then for no reason. Guess depression is making that happen more often now. :/ Been in a horrible situation that still keeps presenting itself. It usually all builds up and I do a big cry which I just hate, it steals so much of my energy. I also cry when a movie ends or a tv series does a series finale or when a book ends. I always want these things to keep going on forever and ever since I have enjoyed them so much. Wish some of the shows could end up like The Simpsons, but that's just me!
2015-03-23 13:08:16 UTC
5 times
Nox McLane
2015-03-21 16:41:37 UTC
I still cry often, but not like back when I was younger. I used to cry 3-5 times week, in the afternoon, maybe up for a little over an hour. I deeply felt sorrow back then, and still do.

Certainly, things have changed in my life since back then. Although I cannot ascertain what has lifted my feeling of dread from the weight it used to be. Nowadays, I think it too often if I cry twice a month. Sadness is still there, but less than what it used to be, for sure.

Now, as for happy tears, I get those from good movies. I almost had one of those moments when I saw Maleficent.

And also receiving good news right after the bad. When my niece was young, she swallowed some change and had to go to the hospital. After a couple days, my sister called to let me know her daughter passed all of them coins without any trouble. That was a happy tear moment right then.
2015-03-25 11:51:56 UTC
I cry sometimes when bad things happen to me or bad things happen to other people. I don't know . . . never really thought about it. But I've cried at least twice in my lifetime all because of what happens around me.

I cry all the damn time. Could be because I am not in the best place in my life and it seems that way for over a year now but I've always been emotional and sensitive so I probably cry more than I really should. I cry when a song triggers an emotion I cry writing to myself about my situation and I cry when a commercial comes on lol. Oddly enough I consider myself a happy person! Depression is something that causes my stress and I deal with it by facing those emotions head on and cry when I feel it's gotten out of control. Be it through song or words crying is the only thing that makes what I feel real. I wish I didn't cry so damn much over stupidity and things I know I should not be stressing to begin with but when you have a heart and care about someone or thing so much disappointment and fear could really knock you down. One simple question with no one worded answer for any of us just explanations as to why we cry, seems this became answer should simply be: often.
2015-03-21 14:46:19 UTC
I used to never cry. I mean maybe 1-2 a year if that. Now that I lost my grandma (she was more like a second mom) I cry often. Sometimes not for weeks at a time and sometimes more then once a day. I am not the type of person to cry over happy things. It all depends on someones emotions and what they are dealing with in life
2015-03-22 11:13:13 UTC
It starts with a quivering lip. Or maybe blinking faster and faster to keep the wetness from escaping.

Before you know it, you're getting teary -- again.

You may be one of those people who cry at the drop of a hat -- not to mention weddings, birthday parties, your kids' school plays, and the humane society public service announcements showing those adorable dogs in need of new homes.

Or you may be the type who can't remember when you last cried.

Either way, crying often catches the often-teary eyed or the usually stoic off guard -- striking at a time or place where you don't want to weep -- and others don't want to watch you weep.

Just ask New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick, normally stoic, who got teary as he announced the retirement of his star linebacker Tedy Bruschi. Or Hilary Clinton, whose tears one night on the 2008 presidential campaign trail were splashed across TV screens.

Football coaches and politicians crying in public may reflect a society that's evolving to become a bit more comfortable with emotion. But crying in front of people can still be awkward for the person crying and people around them.

What's behind our crying? Why do some people cry so much more or less readily than others? And what's the best way to handle all those tears? Is there a way not to cry when it's totally inappropriate, such as in response to your boss declining that request for a raise? Researchers and therapists who study crying share what they've learned -- and what still puzzles them.
2015-03-21 07:15:46 UTC
I cry all the damn time. can be as a result of i'm not within the best place in my life and it looks that method for over a year currently however I've forever been emotional and sensitive therefore I most likely cry quite i actually ought to. I cry once a song triggers AN feeling I cry writing to myself regarding my state of affairs and that i cry once an ad comes on lol. strangely enough I take into account myself a cheerful person! Depression are a few things that causes my stress and that i affect it by facing those emotions head on and cry after I feel it's gotten out of management. Be it through song or words crying is that the solely factor that creates what I feel real. I would like I did not cry therefore damn a lot of over stupidity and factors i do know I mustn't be stressing to start with however once you have a heart and care regarding somebody or thing such a lot disappointment and worry might extremely knock you down. One easy question with nobody worded declare any people simply explanations on why we tend to cry, looks this became medical answer ought to merely be: typically
2015-03-20 17:44:21 UTC
Not often, I'm rarely alone at my house and 6 hours of my day is spent at school most days. So I don't really have a place to cry in peace without anyone around. But if this and a few other reasons was not an issue, I'd probably be crying very often!
2015-03-20 10:21:41 UTC
I happen to be crying as we speak. So I guess by that "coincidence", you could reason that my answer should be quite often lately! Lately I feel out of control and not much of a happy camper. As my bf and our guy friend walked out the door I yelled "bye" in a fake, happy-go-lucky voice and maybe only for the reason that I'm tired of hearing my voice sound sad. As soon as the door closed I broke down in tears and here we are!

I'm struggling with horrible thoughts, I know I'll get through them but my oh my, I don't feel strong right now.

I'm left in my bf's house alone, and although I haven't been bulimic for a little over 8 months, I'm wanting to find all the food I can and purge it, because something in me was triggered by utter sadness, and I usually have better control of my life when I'm bulimic. But I'm choosing not to! I guess I just overcame the strongest urge I've had since I quit.

Back to the question, there are times when I want tears to fall but my sadness is drawn out that there's no overwhelming moment for tears because every minute is difficult. Other many times about one tear comes out but that's it.

On a different note, I am also a bit sensitive and cry if I see someone else crying or something emotional. Not very many tears, but I get watery eyes I guess
2015-03-19 13:56:08 UTC
I've had times when I cry multiple times a day. I cry instantly sometimes with very little needed to trigger my cry, but they are vulnerable points created from past hurts etc, so it seems like I'm making a big deal of nothing when really it's something from the past being triggered, not in a memory kind of way, more in a learned emotion kind of way. It's very easy to make me cry and when I try holding it in, I'm only able to do that for a few minutes, if that. I cry even when I wish I could hold it in. Sometimes it frustrates and annoys me how easy it is to make me cry. But I'm also thankful that I am able to have that stress release, I don't want to erase crying, just wish I wasn't so incredibly sensitive (But I'm also a HSP including a difficult past) I don't have a number on how often, it depends on if I'm being triggered often or if I'm focusing very much on a subject that overwhelms me into tears. My last intense cry was on Friday but I cried a bit yesterday too.

It's not just learned emotions I think, I'm confused, maybe mostly they are, just whenever I'm in shame, (I feel shame when I should feel guilt, and feel shame when there shouldn't be a reason to) whenever I feel rejected or ignored even though I wasn't, and other things, the emotions become so strong and overwhelming that I physically need to cry. Actually feeling rejected sometimes puts me to shame, (feelings from partially school, and partially parents as a child, repeated over and over for a long period of time, most of my childhood) I'm disabled for my mental health problems, in my job before I cried so often I couldn't take it anymore, I was exhausted of being exhausted

Sometimes I feel like it's more like a brain chemical disorder I've had since forever (remember as far back as 4 years old being this way) than a learned emotion/reaction, but in time I just connected it more with those events because they were the negative factors around me at the time so they've become my shame/rejection triggers, but I've always been more automatically shame prone and it's always been overly active

And I can see more positives in my sensitivity though, like enjoying the things I enjoy very deeply and being very artistic :)
Sohail Sayed
2015-03-20 06:31:28 UTC
I don't cry a lot but i am very weak person, i shake when i m arguing with my parent and i usually say sorry and try to end the fight even though it's someone else fault. As a adult i only cry if i am watching a sad movie or anime(not on all sad scene, only on which i can relate). Last time i cried was 8 months ago when my step-father and i had a very serious fight and i haven't talked to him since and i don't plan to

I have become stronger this 8 months,both physically and mentally and i also became a little asshole and strict but i think i am the same person as before. In order to cry less in your life you need to not give a **** and keep yourself busy in a productive way and try to stay away from thinks that make you angry or sad.
Still Standing
2015-03-20 07:35:21 UTC
I cry probably two or three times a week. Thats an average. I cry when anything strikes me as sad enough , weather it be for myself or someone else or the condition of the world.

I feel many emotions that I cannot always define , but when i am emotionally bursting , i will cry. Its a really good cry because when I am in that state i am so overwhelmed with emotion i need a release even though it is a good overwhelming.

I cry at times when i say haven t seen a loved one for a long time , then we meet again so happy that i cry. I cry over many things that touch me in a good way. Crying for me is very healthy , even if i am crying for a sad reason ,I always feel better after ward. It is I am guessing a release of any kind of powerful emotion.
2015-03-21 15:19:25 UTC
I used to never cry, from about age 5-13, and now I cry about once or sometimes twice a month. Little things affect me very much, but I get freaked out by the idea of crying in front of people. I probably haven't cried in front of anyone since I was very young. So when I'm upset I just hold it back most of the time. However, when I do cry it can be multiple times in one day.
2015-03-22 07:11:58 UTC
I don't cry very often anymore, at least not the long sobbing heartbroken crying. That happens when I feel like my life is falling apart and I just need to let out all the frustration that I've bottled up somewhere... More often, I cry for sad and/or happy movies, videos, songs, stories. This is good crying, reminds me that I still have a sentimental, caring heart.
2015-03-20 20:35:06 UTC
I made a terrible career choice 11 years ago which has very negatively effected my life since, so I usually tear up when I think of that. So, once or twice a month. Now there are certain scenes in certain movies that make me go off like a lawn sprinkler. Now get this, I'm a 43 year old man and I weigh over 300lbs. I've lived a tough, manly life and I'm 100% heterosexual. So, in my opinion, if I'm crying about things, so is everyone else. Ha!
2015-03-23 01:58:26 UTC
In the last couple of months about every other day mostly because I have no one to really talk to especially that I trust and that understands me and that can actually help me? I am a big strong intelligent man but I am not afraid of showing emotion or stopping to ask for directions! Crying cleanses you and relieves stress as well makes other take notice that you are upset and may need some much needed attention or to leave you alone all together, I am tired of being alone and there is no body that sees me cry of which I am now doing
2015-03-23 05:39:27 UTC
Yamster sounds like an ungodly combination of a rodent and a yam. I hate it. It DOES makes me want to cry knowing that such a stupid creature would want to have me freely give it information about myself that yahoo is likely selling to a large corporation. You know what? When the economy has been crumbing world wide and families with children are evicted from homes that banks own and have no good reason for keeping empty beyond greed and hate. Making millions of families scared and hungry and lacking in thing that easily could be provided for them while also employing them decently and not in part time so that they could have health insurance for their families. Letting 'human nature' take it's course and it will leave a body count and no one f--king cares if it isn't them getting burned and GD yahoo has the nerve to ask if people cry and how often, I'd rather be shot to death in the streets than answer such a sick and stupid unfeeling uncaring inhuman question while watching the whole of the world's, save the worst of mankind, who think this is a joke. Burn me alive. No tear will fall.
2015-03-19 15:49:25 UTC
I cry a lot. However, being that I cry a lot I usually don't bawl my eyes out. Typically it might be just a quick silent cry. A few tears here and there, but nothing to serious unless I'm really stressed out or sad. However, the last time I cried within this week was in my World History class while watching The Lost Battalion. Lmao, sometimes I just get so emotionally moved by events and whatnot.
2015-03-20 18:58:45 UTC
Around 2/3 times a years
2015-03-22 09:18:22 UTC
I think it varies from person to person. For me personally,i only ever cry when things/problems pile up so much it becomes overwhelming. This being because i have a tendency to keep things to my self and keep looking forward and then there comes a point where i just break. Its really dependent on the time and circumstances,i will cry either quit often or pretty much never at all. But i do have an emotional imbalance.
2015-03-21 02:53:30 UTC
Almost never cry in front of people, I do cry when it's just myself though. Last time I cried in front of other people is probably over an year and a half ago but I cried probably 2 month ago in the shower. Although I'm what people call teenage and inexperienced(I'm 13 and I admit in many ways I am young and reckless) but I have seen quite a lot and I do understand more things than average kids at my age which is probably why almost I never cry in front of other people.
2015-03-20 10:16:25 UTC
How often do I cry? I don't plan my cry times. I have had a lot of hardship in my life

and I have pretty much been cried out. I have tears often because I care about things,

people and their circumstances but I try to help rather than sit and cry about it.
blue skies
2015-03-19 18:45:57 UTC
I cry very much. Sometimes, I'm on the verge, and sometimes I bawl my eyes out, and other times, there are just tears forming and/or falling, at a slow and/or rapid pace, depending on the mood/trigger.

For instance, today I felt like crying a few times, but didn't really cross the threshold to where I was actually crying.

However, the other day, I cried before work.

I'm just rather emotional.

Wouldn't have it any other way, though.

Better to be sensitive, than insensitive.
2015-03-21 18:55:10 UTC
Well I am a sensitive guy and not very strong. I don't get bullied or anything and I have the best friends but when something happens I can't really defend m self cus tears start to come and I hate people seeing me cry, but if someone try swinging then of course I am gonna bring them to the ground, I play football and I am pretty good im just not bigger like the other guys. Anyway I have to pretty much cry for everything. When I am sad, happy, mad, etc.
Rick G
2015-03-23 05:51:24 UTC
I used to not cry often. Then a little over two years ago, I almost lost my foot. As a result, we had to make some changes in our family. My wife had no one to care for her at night. My tears have been almost constant since then. Later that year, I lost my wife, after 40 years of marriage. Now, just thinking about any of the events over the past 2 years can bring tears to my eyes. I now cry when songs make me sad, or happy. The news of the horror that humans do to their fellow brings tears to me. The great love that some show to others in times of crisis or need, also makes me cry.

I guess I have broken a dam that keep me from crying for decades. Even as I type this, my eyes are full of tears and they run down my cheeks.
2015-03-19 17:29:51 UTC
In my opinion there are 3 types of cry: the sad cry, the cry of joy and the cry of mood.

The first cry, "the sad cry" is the cry, that I cry every time I'm hurt, which brings all the emotional thoughts to my mind and makes me wanna cry more. This is the most common one in people and also the worse one.

Next up is "the cry of joy". I have never cried "the cry of joy" in my entire life, although I would like have that cry someday but the feelings never comes. This one is secondly common after the sad cry and the sweetest cry of all the other cry(s).

Last one is "the cry of mood". This cry is the cry when you don't know why you are crying. Many people don't have this kind of cry, but some do, which is why it's the rare cry. Also this is the 2nd worse cry after the sad cry.

I believe crying is good for you body and you should cry on some occasions or at least be sad. I have cried two types of the cry(s) mentioned above, the sad cry and the cry of mood. The sad cry comes to me every month or two and kills all the good thoughts in my mind and sometimes pulls me into depression. And as for the mood cry, I only had it once and I don't even know why. That is why I call it "the mood cry".
2015-03-19 17:49:07 UTC
I barely ever cry. Used to as a kid when I fell and scraped myself, or when someone yelled at me, but now, not even the death of my family dog made the tears come. It's weird. I didn't cry when my girlfriend broke up with me a few months ago either, though I did cry a few years ago when my first girlfriend broke up with me because it was the first time I was rejected. By this point, it would honestly probably take a family member dying to make me cry. I don't know why, I guess it's just important that I stay strong, and I see crying as being weak, but I know it's not. Just weird.
2015-03-22 17:57:05 UTC
I cry over beauty more than anything else. I was crying joyfully watching Kinky Boots (musical play about social acceptance of LGBT), I cry when I think about stuff in museums too deeply or when I see a thematic play or ballet. I cried when I saw Dracula done as a play by Hungarian people, for example. I understand about the loss of Transylvania and they had a Serbian woman playing a Hammered dulcimer, a huge one. It was so gripping. When I was a child I associated my feelings of "out of control" with not crying enough, so I'd sit down and think about bad things until I "got it all out." Then I was fine for a while and much better about meeting life's hardships with equanimity. I think it's embarrassing when I cry in public, but I also think that if I didn't do it, or if I could control it, I'd lose part of what makes me human.
2015-03-20 18:23:08 UTC
I find it difficult to cry because that is the way I was brought up. I did cry when I was a young boy and everyone said that I was a girl. I had to be a man at ten years of age. Real men don't cry. Only gay and weak men cry all the time.

However, I have reached that level of emotional maturity where I do get teary eyed and emotional.
2015-03-23 03:15:42 UTC
I never liked to cry so I would hold it all in but now I get emotional easily. I cry when a character in a book dies, I cry when I realize that I have not cried for a long time and I cry when I'm exited. Overall, I believe crying is a natural thing!
Sam P
2015-03-22 04:27:20 UTC
3-4 times a year
2015-03-20 08:34:03 UTC
My life falls apart almost everyday, and I feel everyday the world is coming to a end because of the many things that destroy me that I cannot control over so I cry. I cry because nothing for me is ever going right. So I would say I cry often. I'm so stuck being between emotional and detached...
2015-03-22 10:39:42 UTC
Since I laugh a lot, I cry every week from funny stuff I experience in real life or things I watch on the web.

But when I'm seriously down and somehow manage to shed tears from it, that kind of crying happens maybe once every 4-8 months.
2015-03-24 01:54:38 UTC
I cry each currently and so for no reason. Guess depression is creating that happen a lot of usually currently. :/ Been in an exceedingly ugly scenario that also keeps presenting itself. it always all builds up and that i do an enormous cry that I simply hate, it steals such a lot of my energy. I conjointly cry once a picture ends or a tv series will a series finale or once a book ends. I invariably wish this stuff to stay occurring forever and ever since I even have enjoyed them such a lot. would like a number of the shows may find yourself just like the Simpsons, however that is simply me!
E Girl
2015-03-20 09:44:10 UTC
I cry every day. I have always been overly sensitive about things. If I hear beautiful music, see something beautiful. I feel sad often and cry from feeling inadequate, sad.I thought that I was weird and would be made fun of to admit this, until I looked on here and saw how many others show their emotions through tears. I would have to sum it up by saying that I cry every day by things that overwhelm me/either for good or sad.
2015-03-23 07:08:14 UTC
I cry very often. Little things here and there touch my heart and I just can't help but let the tears fall. It isn't like I am some sissy man or whatever you'd like to call it. I just cry when I see someone struggle, or someone less fortunate than myself. Last week, while I was at work, a lady, probably in her mid-fifties, roll in with her wheelchair. As I looked out, as her husband helped her struggle just to get a sip of water, my eyes teared up, and I almost cried out loud. Crying is not a bad thing, it is our body's way of saying that it feels bad. Whether this feeling bad is for yourself or for other people, sometimes it causes even the strongest of us to tear up. Often we cry out of joy or out of pure love. Tears fall in both the good and the bad times. A child's birth may cause a new mother and father to cry. The death of a loved one causes tears of pain and despair. A young lady may cry when finally proposed to... Crying often occurs in my life. (Sorry got a bit carried away.)
2015-03-19 14:10:05 UTC
I cry when I feel very sorry for little kids that are really special and need a better life...I do not mean always foster home, and adoption is always out. when someone says good things about my singing, my heart almost cracks and I cry. when I am thankful I cry. someone or something has to point to those things before I cry. so my crying depends on outside sources, except being thankful, but that has to be extreme. so I only cry once in a "unspecified" amount of time, and I have no better answer. sometimes I cry in church.
2015-03-20 08:15:43 UTC
Crying is essential for relieving stress, like releasing some tensions by opening a valve on a pipe about to burst. You feel better after crying, in other words. To cry when happy is to show that you're human, and it's just human nature to be happy or sad to the point of crying. We're not robots!
2015-03-22 17:13:05 UTC
Quite often tears are brought to my eyes, but rarely do they make it out.

In middle school, I'd cry about twice a year. The crying fit could last an hour.

This year, I cry about once a month/every two months.
2015-03-23 08:41:13 UTC
I cry almost everyday. Sometimes there are days that go by without a tear, but then again there are days when i cry and cry and cry. Sometimes i even cry for no apparent reason. I get these depressing thoughts of how worthless i am and how i would make it alot easier for people if i just ceased to exist. Even now i feel like crying thinking about it.
2015-03-20 19:55:10 UTC
It's funny that I'm seeing this right now, as I'm crying. I logged in to ask for coping skills to help with OCD and anxiety, and the first thing I see is.. well... a nifty little venting box. I cry too often. I cry when I wish I could hurt myself, I cry when I hate myself for wishing that, I cry when I realize how often my little habits annoy those around me, and I cry when I realize that I'm stuck with these disorders.Obsessive-compulsion, anxiety, and depression help to wet my eyes when they've met a drought. Sometimes I love myself, sometimes I pity myself, sometimes I loathe myself, and sometimes I just don't care. These "just don't care" days are the happiest I have. They're stable. They're the days when I know that my serotonin and dopamine levels have met one another in harmony. When I love myself, I have to immediately hate myself to balance it out. It's almost like a reflex. When I hate myself, I have to pity myself and vice versa. It's frustrating and pathetic. I'm not saying I'm never happy or anything like that. We all have our highs and lows. It's just that, with depression, the lows outweigh the highs... A lot.

I don't really cry when I'm happy. I don't want to ruin my happy moments with tears, so I save them for a rainy day.

I hope no one's hoping to get an "It'll all be okay" out of me, because I'm a terrible liar. I can't guarantee that everything will get better; I leave that for those lucky enough to be delusional. I can, however, promise you that that those tears will eventually dry, be it sooner or later than you had planned.
2015-03-19 14:16:07 UTC
I always cry at sad movies and tv shows. My son always hands me the box of kleenex and sighs. Yep, mom is crying again. Then I cry when I have flashbacks to my childhood. Good or bad. I try and keep in the present, but it's not easy, I also cry when good things happen. I cry when I read a sad story on yahoo news or a book that has a sad scene. I cry when I see something in nature that's beautiful. I cry at funerals and births of babies. I cry when I feel bad or sad. For years I held it in and it hurt my soul. Now I let it out and feel so much better. Yes, I cry. But dang it, I laugh, too.
2015-03-23 03:32:48 UTC
I cry a way too often then i really should... i mean i cry for any little reason so i would say maybe... if you want me to sum it up in an approximate number, then like 48 times a day or just one really big on at the end of the day
♡ Bambi ♡
2015-03-19 21:01:16 UTC
I rarely feel sad enough to cry, so I only end up crying once or twice a month. I have no idea if this is normal. It seems like most people cry much more often.
2015-03-21 11:47:06 UTC
Not very often but like I do cry once in 2 or 3 months and that is always because of my brother...
2015-03-21 12:03:38 UTC
I haven't cried in 8 years, since I was still a kid. People say it's good to let your emotions out, well I do somewhat agree, but I'm good at staying content. Anyways i'm not really bothered by physical pain, and I doubt there is anything emotionally that can actually bring me to tears. I just don't believe that crying is an action that happens past childhood, I don't even believe i'm capable of it anymore.
2015-03-21 12:35:53 UTC
I cry often, but it's always alone. I grew up with my dad blowing up at me if he saw me shed a tear, so I don't cry in front of anyone except myself. People think I'm mentally strong, but truth is, I'm super emotional.

Right now I'm not in the best place mentally (recovering from a lot of mental disorders) and am not living in a supportive environment, so I've been crying a lot...
2015-03-22 21:58:42 UTC
I used to never cry, but now I cry like every other night and sometimes during classes I'll start crying, especially in gym. I'll need to go to the office and my music teacher(s) will have to stop whatever they are doing and help me recover. It's really awkward, but I can't help it. I have also had many deaths in my family and my parents are divorced. My mom just talks about how much she hates me and that I was just a mistake and then goes smothers my sisters with hugs and kisses (idk if she does this because I'm emo or what). Then when I'm over at my dad's, he just spoils me with stuff, and then sends me on my way. It's not what I want I just simply want someone to love me. So really, because all the things in my life right now, I like excessively cry.
2015-03-22 16:59:49 UTC
I go through phases depending on how crap my life is, if I'm going through a really hard time il cry 1-2 times a day like 5 days a week. If I'm going through a good time, my life still sucks and I would cry about 1-2 times per week. My life sucks and its so inconsistent. I can't wait till my life is just consistent and the things I cry at are the things normal people cry at.
2015-03-21 20:05:54 UTC
I used to cry about once a month. But about a year ago my dad died and it was pretty hard! Now i cry a few times a week! I seem to be a lot more emotional! Used to movies never made me cry, but in the last year I have cried in watching a few movies! So I cry about 3 to 4 times a week now.
2015-03-22 23:40:27 UTC
I don't really have a specific time when I cry...everybody is different and they have times in their lives where they cry about certain things. I used to have a problem where I couldn't control my emotions so I'd be crying every single day ;( but now I probably cry like once a month...
2015-03-20 09:35:31 UTC
Maybe I cry once a week now. There were times in my life I cried more often, when I was youger or when something devastating happened around me. I usually feel better after crying, so sometimes I force myself to cry by paying closer attention to my feelings. That works for me.
2015-03-22 16:34:25 UTC
10 years
2015-03-21 19:45:12 UTC
I cry quite often for no reason. I can be driving down the road or cooking dinner, taking a shower, talking to my dog, or to my husband, or friend and I will cry. and the reason for my crying is in 1992 I had a brain Anursymn. I cry at the funniest movies and laugh my self into tears watching a serious movie.
Emma L
2015-03-21 17:42:41 UTC
I cry pretty much daily, in some cases multiple times a day. I'm not myself. I'm just screwed up emotionally with so many reasons and stories and memories that it's almost hilarious, even though most people think I'm an attention whore with bulimia and stuff. I get a ton of ignorance about it, which doesn't make the depression better, but I don't think it will ever be better.

On a random note, anybody know how to tell my generation that they're so stupid and they irritate me so much?? Thanks.
2015-03-20 00:19:34 UTC
Since starting at sixth form im crying 3/4 times a month which averages out at at least once a week due to stress and too much anxiety, ive always been an emotional person but it seems to be getting worse with the situations im in due to school.
2015-03-19 14:58:49 UTC
It varies from one season to another. I cry more easily when I'm grieving some type of loss, and I tend to get at least a little depressed most Februaries, due to how much I hate the cold.

Last summer and fall, my sister and I realized that our aging mother's mind does not work right anymore. We have both grieved somewhat for the loss of who she used to be. So recent months I've been weepier than usual, maybe 7-8 times per month, on average.
2015-03-25 22:49:13 UTC
I don't know if I'm just extra sensitive but I cry about 1-2 times a month actually when I'm going through a hard time
Ruth Barron
2015-03-22 13:44:06 UTC
Once or twice a week probably. Actually, crying is GOOD for YOU and it's HEALTHY emotionally. Keeping your emotions all bottled up is NOT HEALTHY! This can cause DEPRESSION (It's TRUE!).We are HUMAN BEINGS and we don't need an EXCUSE to CRY. It's part of WHO we ARE. It's HOW we express PAIN (or HAPPINESS) we FEEL. I'm pretty sensitive myself and often cry when I think someone is being MEAN or HATEFUL for NO apparent reason.
2015-03-19 11:39:42 UTC
Not as often as I feel like crying. Tragic events make me feel like crying, but I usually don't unless it's something that affects me in some way. I used to cry when I saw anything extremely sad or tragic, even if it was in a movie or a book. I think I'm all cried out. I still feel the pang of empathy towards such things, real or fictional, but i take it in stride now.
2015-03-20 10:20:53 UTC
My first spanking was one week after I was born for ... crying. I don't remember this incident. My dad told me about it and he was too young to parent.

My father felt like crying was a way to punish parents for disciplining their children.

I don't cry at all . For years if I laughed too hard at something I would laugh and cry at the same time which was alarming to those around me. Then I would sob for no apparent reason.

I went to therapy and still cannot cry and it makes me jealous when my Irish friend cries at sad movies and sobs telling a sad story.

I wish I could cry because it is such a good release.
2015-03-21 07:58:58 UTC
I'm the type that tries with every ounce in my body to NOT cry - and I do the exact opposite. I'm a very emotional person that WILL cry (happy or sad) at anything GIVENNN I am alone. No matter how happy (ex wedding) or sad the situation is, if ANYONE is around me, you will not see tears. Instead, you will see me wave my hands like a fan in front of my eyes. I don't know why that it is. Oh well
2015-03-26 17:35:35 UTC
Very, very rarely. In fact, when I see other people easily crying without hesitation, I'm just like "how did they do that?!" I'm not sure if I'm just somewhat unemotional or what...but it takes a lot to make me cry. I literally need like a three month buildup of negative emotions & thoughts, in order to shed one single tear. Not really sure what that says about me as a person?? And sometimes when I get drunk (which is very rare) I cry, but I really wouldn't consider drunken crying as "real crying", see that I would be under the influence of alcohol and my judgement would be clouded. Like I said, its quite rare.
2015-03-19 17:39:40 UTC
Never. I was raised to believe that men don't cry. I learned at a very young age that crying was for babies and have not cried in 40 years. I do not know why, but I find no need to cry. Whatever the trouble, tears will not solve it or change it.
2015-03-21 19:46:12 UTC
Sometimes I cry every day.. Sometimes it's only once a week. Still, it's really common. I'm a teenage girl so hormones probably play a part in that. I cry in just about every movie I watch.. if it's a good movie, anyway.
2015-03-26 19:09:34 UTC
I used to cry every single day and night, for years in the orphanage. Now however I do not cry often, mostly only when watching a really sad movie.
2015-03-19 16:57:25 UTC
So often, I cry at night mostly. I don't really know why but its something innate. My advice is if you dont normally cry and now are suddenly crying think about why and how often because it might be a symptom of a hormonal imbalance.
2015-03-21 11:02:31 UTC
I don't cry about stuff that goes badly for other people and those films people cry about because i have a lack of empathy for other people. I don't usually show emotion really but i do cry on the inside. I usually cry on the inside when one or more of these circumstances occurs:

1) My dog tries to slobber on my skinny jeans :(

2) When girls find me attractive/try to flirt with me/ try to get close to me

3) When a girl sits next to me when they could sit somewhere else

4) When im in a group conversation with people and they talk about relationships they're in or have had, especially when they ask me if ive had a relationship before (feels awkward for me)

5) When i run out of cookies

6) When i cant go to a metal/harcore gig i want to go to

7) When im not in a mosh pit/wall of death at a gig

8) When i cant go to the gym to lift

10) When things i want to buy online are out of stock

At least one of these things occurs on a daily basis -.-
2015-03-20 14:35:42 UTC
As an animator, I cry in movies. Don't know why, but I am very emotional and it shows in my work as well. So when I see a great, emotional film, I completely break down.

The last film that did this to me was The Imitation Game. Man that had me cross-eyed for some time.
2015-03-19 14:28:56 UTC
I've heard that not being able to cry is a disease that needs to be treated because the eye ducts need to cry (have liquid going thru them) to protect the eye.

Many years ago I had cataract surgery and I make sure that every so many months that go by I see a sad flick so that I can cry for the purpose to clear up my vision. It's like washing the windshield.
2015-03-22 21:35:14 UTC
I can't remember the last time I've cried. Many years for sure. Even when subject to painful emotions or events (such as losing someone) i don't cry. Don't get me wrong it is sad and i feel sad but it never goes to the point of crying. I simply keep it inside and i express it through writing, music or simply playing a video game waiting for it to pass. Being a male i guess it is more harder for me to cry.
2015-03-21 01:07:47 UTC
Not as often as I'd like to. I'm a very sensitive person, and things effect me highly, but I was taught to stuff anger and control reactions to things as much as I can, in order to keep peace, so very often when I'd like to cry or just hull off and destroy a room I don't.
2015-03-23 00:13:42 UTC
I'm a teenager in highschool so I cry about 2-3 times a week!
2015-03-19 23:16:55 UTC
Probably once every couple months. I don't cry that often anymore, but if you had asked me a year ago I would've said everyday as I was going through a really hard time. It all depends, really, but nowadays and prior to my rough year last year I'd say a few times a year.
2015-03-24 09:06:59 UTC
I'm not lying when I say I cry a lot. Crying is a rather normal thing I do. But I always make sure no one is around when I cry.
2015-03-20 11:25:10 UTC
I cry all the time i am crying right now because of the question now on a good day i cry about 6 hours a day and on a bad day or my tv wont come on i cry about 9 hours a day.. i'v been seeing a dr. for my crying then i stop man love it then got a DR BILL now i am reeling crying..
2015-03-21 13:56:45 UTC
I cry like everyday because of family matters and i'm only 12. At school, i feel like crying because of the bullies. I feel no one likes me except my best friend and my brother. I also cried today not even 20 minutes ago. I am not weak related to other people but the things around me depress me so much.
2015-03-20 18:16:13 UTC
I haven't cried since 8th grade. I didn't cry when my mom got cancer because that wouldn't help the situation and would only upset her. Crying can help relieve some stress but is ultimately useless. I have dry eyes to help others do the same. In order to be a good leader I have to appear strong to those who look up to me. I kept dry eyes and helped my mom keep faith through out her battle against cancer. She beat it in less then 3 months and we are all happy. The strongest parents don't cry in front of their children because it startles and upsets them. Staying calm in saddening situations helps others get through it. But I do admit crying is acceptable if a love one were to die. Something extreme like that is acceptable but a breakup with someone you were with for 3 weeks is something I see as unnecessary and too emotional.
2015-03-20 15:06:12 UTC
I cry a lot. By a lot i mean A LOT! My life has been getting hard lately because of other people. I need to cry because i feel like crying makes your feelings much better and i lets everything out.
2015-03-22 17:15:19 UTC
You all want to know how much I cry I cry about the stupidest things like back in 3rd grade in art class the sub teen girl said she will help me she did not I kept asking never got help almosed cried I cried when someone said I was writing love notes when it was a friendship not because these JERKS KHLOE V JOSH B AND LILLY W where in my bffls desk and reading the not I have not actually cried in a month so I am going strong
Bill B
2015-03-19 19:36:40 UTC
As a 67 year old male brought up in England, I am not prone to crying easily, although I can get a bit teary if I read of something very poignant, and especially with animals suffering. That's about the one thing that gets me, as a great animal lover.
2016-02-10 08:47:03 UTC
My spouse and i truly wish I could truthfully cry much more, nevertheless I cannot. And in some cases easily sense that the item, I won't permit myself normally since My spouse and i receive all stuffed up as well as can not take in air. Then the face are actually puffy the very next day and the ones can certainly notify.
2015-03-21 13:27:05 UTC
I cry almost everyday. i just feel a need to let out emotion. I don't think it is good to hold everything in. I'm not a depressed person I'm just very emotional. And I have moments where I think of really sad things in my past and my present and I cry about it.
Thomas William
2015-03-22 02:27:05 UTC
Sadly enough, I tear up a few times a month. A very happy person, outgoing, creative, respected, and fearless, I am not tearless! When I think of all the men and women who die every day protecting clueless selfish greedy unappreciative others, it strikes me senseless. The other day I wikipediaed my Grandfather and the other Doolittle Raiders who volunteered to join that response to Pearl Harbor, realizing their selfless donation to American Moral, and the suicidal nature of that mission, the fact that it succeeded with so few casualties still amazed me! Total Raid casualties: 3 KIA: 2 off the coast of China, 1 in China; 8 POW: 3 executed, 1 died in captivity, 4 repatriated. But those facts I had memorized from the age of 10. It was when I read this new fact-On May 19, 2014, the United States House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 1209, a bill that would award the Doolittle Tokyo Raiders a Congressional Gold Medal for "outstanding heroism, valor, skill, and service to the United States in conducting the bombings of Tokyo. I want to personally thank the United States House of Representatives for bringing tears to my eyes, tears of pride, tears of hope for the future of our fractured government, for recognizing heroes from 1942 with a Congressional Gold Medal in 2014. You can punch me in the face, but it will break your hand, you can call me a woosy online, but doubt you are brave enough to do so in person, because real men cry, humans exhibit emotions naturally. Are you human? Or just afraid to admit you care?
2015-03-21 09:03:08 UTC
I cry when i am put under lots of extreme pressure and i just want to let it out by myself. I also cry in sad movies, i just love the way that although you know its fake, or maybe based off true events, you just feel the need to cry. If it is with a character of for a character it brings it to life. And i enjoy the feeling.
2015-03-20 21:55:49 UTC
I don't cry often but when I do, it's for good reason. People like to stereotype women as cry babies who cry about makeup and friends, but that's not true. When I cry, it's about topics like animal abuse and my very sympathetic predisposition. I can't help it. I always fall into others shoes sometimes.
2015-03-20 12:22:59 UTC
There used to be a time when I would cry like EVERY SINGLE DAY. I would tear up for everything man!! Now I am trying to not cry so much lol. LMAO I cried watching Naruto
2015-03-19 14:22:54 UTC
Almost never. I'm not bragging out of masculinity, I feel like crying would often make me feel better but I almost never can. Last time I cried was when a serious relationship I had fell apart. I cried two or three times that day. But after that, no matter how bad it still hurts, I can't cry anymore. I feel sad sometimes, sorrowful, depressed, but it is almost never enough to bring a tear.
2015-03-20 23:54:34 UTC
A little bit often. As you know, the discrimination in the class of the senior high school in China is very serious so that I have been laughted at for over 3 years. When I'm trying to refute them, they always shouted, "F*** you 'Small White Pig'(I'm not fat!!!!! And this is Chinglish), get away!!!" So I sleep in tears every night. I tried to find someone to conform me, but they always don't reply me. Only once, my father said, "You connot notice the appraisals of the others. If they theat you as a pig, then you treat them as a pig too." But it's no use. Because of I do not resist, they laught at me and discriminate me more and more often... So that I go to school in tears, go back home in tears, sleep in tears and even wake up in tears. Only weekends and holidays can make me happy because I "Finally get away from their noise"... As for the other time (work days), I just like suffering.
2015-03-21 09:46:45 UTC
Quite a lot, when i'm having a bad day and i'm at school, i just go to the toilets, cry for a good 10 minutes, get it out of my system, put on a brave face and act like it never happened.
2015-03-23 11:05:50 UTC
I hardly ever cry. I might get sad but never cry. Last time I cried was a week ago but before that it had been 2 or 3 years.
2015-03-20 04:44:50 UTC
I wish I could cry. I cry maybe once per ten years or so. Oh I just remembered - my eyes fill with tears when I am touched by a movie but I don't call that crying.
2015-03-20 11:20:03 UTC
I don't cry that often but Iv'e recently have had a death in the family so Iv'e been crying more, at least twice a week now.
2015-03-24 22:39:13 UTC
I cry half a dozen times a day. Whether its something that moves me, or someone just cracks me up, or I really miss someone and am reminded of them. This is not an exaggeration. I don't even consider myself that emotional, crying is just a response to any amount of emotion for me.
2015-03-21 16:58:40 UTC
Often I'd say. I'm sensitive and emotional when it comes to kindess and cruelty. Annnnd basically everything in between. So I cry a lot, but it's never like people know I do
2015-03-20 13:06:41 UTC
Hi Team Yahoo! You always have the best questions, keep it up! I need to admit that I rarely cry! Crying stand for weakness to me and I really hate being weak in any circumstance. I am pretty good at holding it and these days, only really sad scenes in movies can make me sad and cry. It’s done very discretely though!
2015-03-20 18:43:09 UTC
Like once or twice a month and thats bc i get more angry than sad and when i cant hold things in anymore i let it out while im alone because i dont like to cry in front of ppl i hold some stuff in that i feel doesnt need to be let out. But not everything i try to stay emotionally healthy i wanna be and stay happy i dont wanna be hurt sad or mad all the time.
george b
2015-03-20 20:24:25 UTC
Everybody cries.You can cry without shedding tears.Some people never show their feelings but are crying on the inside.Every time you are depressed you are crying on the inside.When you are happy you are laughing on the inside.Whether you decide to share it with others is a personal choice.Hope this helps.
2015-03-20 16:30:36 UTC
I am a male, age 21, and do not cry often tbh. The last time i cried though was not too long ago. I cried when i saw the movie Fury, starring Brad Pitt. I shed a few tears in the end.

2015-03-20 20:53:57 UTC
Sometimes only cry and also depending on the situation . Often cry when watch a movie or drama that touches our emotions and also got the sad news or get the happy news .
2015-03-20 20:40:37 UTC
I wish I could cry more, but unfortunately I just can't. Whenever I feel like crying, nothing really comes out. Don't get me wrong, I'll dry cry and look like I'm about to let loose a waterfall of "screw it", but alas, tis not to be.

So, very little. Seldom.
2015-03-21 08:16:17 UTC
I cry 2-3 times a year probably. I'm going through a really shitty phase in my life and loads of people also treat me like crap everyday. I have Aspergers and it's hard. I think I have a good reason to break down sometimes.
2015-03-23 12:52:20 UTC
5 times :(
2015-03-21 14:17:58 UTC
I don't cry a lot if at all the last I cried was 7 years ago at a funeral but then I was in tears I couldn't see. Since I can't recall crying.
2015-03-21 18:54:12 UTC
Very often its embarrassing. normally I don't even cry in real life situations, but like if I hear a really sad song or see someone crying in a movie, I will start tearing up or eventually sob
2015-03-23 10:54:53 UTC
Almost everyday, I hold all my emotions in while I'm around people, I don't like to seem upset or sad or anything, I want to seem like a person who doesn't cry, so when I'm alone I just let everything out, and cry.
2015-03-19 23:46:28 UTC
When something or someone touches my heart. I find my eyes tearing up regularly and when I hear God speak something so tender to me and remind me of something someone has done or hear that someone did not make Jesus as Lord of their life and they have passed on then I really cry.

when I am missing my Mom who is in heaven I get so teary eyed or when I see someone in need and I cannot help them with money I pray for them at least. It is the next best thing

when I see a darling baby I get sad because my son is 40 yrs old but he will always be my baby.
2015-03-25 22:14:16 UTC
Every now and then, i have been crying more than usual. i am very sensitive and get hurt very easily and just thinking about the awful things in the past and how awful people can be to me and just treat me bad at first sight and to the world really put me to tears and breaks my heart. Oh how i wish to live in a peaceful angelic world with no judgement or nastiness, just compassion and harmony. I hope i will reach that place one day.
2015-03-19 15:39:02 UTC
This is not a good thing - since 18, I have cried twice in my life. Once when I was really drunk and tripping on mushrooms (we were all talking about really sad stuff) and once when my wife and I had a really bad fight, about 20 years ago (married 27 years now.)

I was raised that boys don't cry. I am an extremist personality and I took it to heart. Have never cried at a funeral. Never at a movie.
2015-03-22 21:13:22 UTC
Hi, I often cry because my life is too much sorrow-full. There is no enjoy in my life. I am an alone in the world. So I can not share my sadness with any other. I shocked from my lover and he never loved me but I could not understand his mind. I loved him with my heart but he hit me to leave. So I often cry...........
2015-03-22 22:22:45 UTC
Maybe once or twice a year, I'd probably cry more but from a young age I was conditioned that crying only earns ridicule, which only spawns more ridicule, into an infinite cycle of sadness.
2015-03-20 14:29:23 UTC
I have been crying every single day. I am currently pregnant which means a much higher sensitivity to everything than usual, but even when I was not pregnant - I have been a very sensitive person my whole life. Only now, there s a fun new twist - I cry when I m sad, angry, happy, you name it!
2015-03-21 11:59:24 UTC
I used to not really cry at all, like once or twice every six months, just a guess. Now I'm doing it a few times a week. I don't know why. My new meds maybe?
2015-03-20 14:05:57 UTC
I cry when theres a loss in my family or when people stress me out. Due to me being autistic/asperges

being around people frustrates the **** out of me. If people stress me out I tend to get upset. I also cried when

I was over tired having going to work and look after my child as a single parent can be enjoyable and rather exhausting. I have had a traumatic life and a postive one to. Sometimes my daughter who is seven years of age makes me cry as she can be hard work sometimes. It is ok to cry if your sensitive and it's okay to cry and let things out if you really have to. If i get very upset I usually reduce my tears by trying to be positive and

think of happy thoughts. Other than that I only cry if it is neccasary. `I cry with laughter at realy funny things like comedy that can be really funny as that is such a better feeling than crying its self. If something really good has happened to me that i was least expecting I can happy tears. Sometimes I can cry cutting to many onions, and when I have split from my boyfriend, and usually if that happens my eyes start to sting.

I can be such a strong person at times and only cry when its absolutley neccasary
2015-03-21 01:19:22 UTC
I'll keep this a little bit short and simple. I rarely cry, but I do once something very good happens or something very sad happens. I cried when my friends whole family who I thought of as a family went to america. Well the happy one's I think it's a little bit too embarrassing to share it with you guys.
2015-03-23 00:28:11 UTC
I often read sad parts in stories just so I can cry. I started to like crying ever since my mother died 2 years ago. (I'm 16)
El cabrón
2015-03-21 10:56:59 UTC
On and off, all night- (pretty much, every bloody night, for about the past twenty-four years, or what have you, give or take, since my first love broke up with me- no word of a lie), then, I cry myself to sleep every night, without fail, over that same bloody thing. I'm used to that way of life now though. Peace and love. Be lucky.
2015-03-20 14:08:17 UTC
I love crying and feeling raw emotions. I actually try to cry like every day just so things don't get built up.
2015-03-22 08:56:27 UTC
What makes you cry, and why does crying come easily to some people but others ... Either way, crying often catches the often-teary eyed or the usually stoic off ...
Alex Nero
2015-03-19 19:30:32 UTC
Due to unhappy events in my life,I learned to generally stay neutral emotionally.I don't get overly happy,or overly sad.However,there is an unintended consequence to my internalization of emotions.Occassionally,while listening to a song or watching a movie,I suddenly get a rush of emotion and end up shedding tears.It seems that the emotions I suppress do come out eventually.I guess I'm human after all...
2015-03-21 06:00:00 UTC
i think it depends on whats going on in my life. when im going through a really bad time, i can cry at least once a day, yet other times it can be weeks! besides everyone is different, and as our lifes change, we change how much we cry. i don't beleive anyone who says they haven't cried for years unless they have a problem with their tear ducts because no ones life is that perfect! you'd have to be an emotionless phycopath to never cry!
Lt Kije
2015-03-19 15:37:13 UTC
Quite often. I was fine until I retired. I suppose I was too busy to bother with emotions and then I suddenly found myself "not enough to do". I made a pilgrimage to St David's Chapel in Edinburgh Castle and found my Grandfathers name on the memorial and burst into tears. He was one of 20'000 who died on 1 July 1920. Since then I have found myself crying often particularly when "innocents" were involved. I have became a pacifist ever since.
Brak Hates Hillary Clinton
2015-03-19 13:35:49 UTC
Not as often as I need to. There aren't very many things going wrong in my life recently. I've had a lot of good things going on, so I haven't had a reason to cry.
2015-03-20 12:15:31 UTC
Lately it seems more than usual. Just yesterday I was watching 'Belguims Got Talent', a dog was singing along to Whitney Houstons 'I will always love you' and it just hit me with everything that's happened in her family, (mine too) I just cried like a baby, especially when the dog hit the high notes when Whitney did. I'm about to cry now just thinking of it...
2015-03-22 13:14:02 UTC
Like 3 times a month a past experience will haunt me an I cry myself to sleep
2015-03-24 09:33:27 UTC
I am 16 and have not cried in about 4 years. Which was when I fell from about 8ft and smacked my face on the floor and broke one of my arms. I don't really ever cry even when my nan passed and my grandad passed I didn't cry.
2015-03-23 14:40:44 UTC
I don't usually cry more than once a month or once in two months, but lately I've been crying alot more than usual because things are getting tougher. However, I think its a good thing because its making me stronger each time, because I tell myself to stop, suck it up, that its stupid to cry. Maybe that doesn't sound good because, I think I'm becoming heartless.
2015-03-22 08:21:37 UTC
I cry very often from what I feel, not from sadness but from happy feelings, a sad movie, babies being born make me especially cry, graduation's from school, weddings, and a triumph that someone overcome. I am very emotional and find this world is feel of emotional feelings.
2015-03-20 13:19:55 UTC
Very rarely I was brought up in the old myth That grown men don't cry they just get on with things it isn't true of course because Jesus wept so if you are a crier just do it I am sure it will do you GOOD
2015-03-20 05:30:56 UTC
I cry every time I read a stupid query in Answers. In fact I'm crying right now as I respond to your question. Have a blessed day !
2015-03-22 08:37:32 UTC
I don t have any set times that I cry. lol It s good for you to do it though, both for your mental health and eye health since it cleans your eyes and tear ducts.

I cry when a favorite character dies in a show, I cried week before last and this last week a lot after my grandpa passed uh, well...>_>; I cry over those touching speeches like a big baby in anime and stuff all the time, which is a bit embarrassing. lol
2015-03-21 09:25:05 UTC
I usually do not cry, I really have to get hurt for me to cry, but then in that case I isolate myself in a corner to cry because I do not like people to see me like that. Lately I cried a lot but inwardly because someone who is supposed to love me and take care of me did not treat me as he should have done and he hurt me constantly, every day, without even paying attention to my pain. Now I am appeased because he is far from me. But when he will come back, I think my heart will cry again... This is the end of our love story. It is sad but this is the life.
2015-03-23 08:40:58 UTC
I cry of a lot of things. Mainly from stress and heart ache. Although I also cry of happy moments as well. One time on the news this girl got ran over to push her little sister out the way and save her. She lost her leg and her neck was broken. It was so sad but I mainly cried because it was so touching and the whole time I was thinking about my little sister and how much I love her.
2015-03-21 05:09:49 UTC
I cry every day, every second. I feel very for my dad's social status he is well known in the city you know with more popularity comes more threats he will not let me out to play with my friends and lets of problems for me i cry every second outside i am crying but inside i am dying also laughing at me
2015-03-23 09:58:05 UTC
I don't cry that often. I only cry if i get into a fight with someone i love. If i do happen to cry, my dog will snuggle with me and make me feel better;)
2015-03-21 16:52:07 UTC
I cry at least 5 times day
2015-03-21 12:56:02 UTC
I cry bout once every week and half it releaves so much pressure and you don't have to use your friends to burden with what they may think as minor stuff. I also let lose by screaming top of lungs in pillow feels good to. relaxing in hot tub and crying also lets pressure off.!!!! oh buy dishes at thrift store for .10 then take em to basement and break off wall crying also feels good specially when your pissed you feel much better instantly!
2015-03-22 03:59:53 UTC
When i listen to Power Ballads and feel happy or when i am running sometimes i just start crying it's amazing.

I make my guitar cry too that's a different kind of blues though :-)
2015-03-20 03:13:09 UTC
It´s definitely not a question of how often, it depends on the moment. It´s true stress can be so bad it makes you cry and also the emotional or sensitive person that you are, how everything affects you.
2015-03-21 00:56:05 UTC
I am very sad but I rarely cry since Ive gotten older. Even when Im at my lowest I find it is almost like I have subconcioussly quit crying......which I don't know if its good or bad.
2015-06-26 12:07:04 UTC
Not a whole lot, though I do have anxiety and sometimes I get so anxious I cry, but I tend to take things more seriously when I'm so anxious. It makes me a better person.
2015-03-20 10:01:56 UTC
It depends. Im a very emotional person so i cry easily, break ups,or even stress. Its good to have a nice cry every once and a while, let it all out dont hold it in.
2015-03-20 06:33:35 UTC
I cry when I attend funerals even though their is no relation with the dead or the bereaved

I cry tears of joy when I see others achieveing and getting rewards

I cry watching TV

I am a very sensitive man
2015-03-25 08:06:23 UTC
On average, about once to three times a year. I don't cry every time I'm upset, but when I do, it's in private.
♥♥ KotaKoti ♥♥
2015-03-21 04:48:38 UTC
I cry every day. I am a very emotional person. I cry when a song touch me. I cry when I see something beautiful. I cry when I see someone in pain...

It was a blessing when I discovered the waterproof makeups. Before that I was crying and the makeup trickled and blurred, I looked like a panda! rs...

2015-03-21 20:10:53 UTC
Sometimes, but about 1-2 times a week
Quintin Greige
2015-03-21 14:10:36 UTC
Never. I left crying when I was a child. If a problem exists, I search for a way to solve it, or leave it alone. Crying serves no purpose.
2015-03-20 14:11:36 UTC
Not very often, but I do. I cried the other day at the end of a rather loud argument.

I cry when something is very sad, and sometimes when I am absolutely overjoyed.
2015-03-22 18:00:16 UTC
Very often for any reason. But I don't make noise when I cry. I just sort of choke up and tear up.

Sometimes, though, I find it embarrassing.
2015-03-20 17:14:27 UTC
I am a dude and i cry one or twice a year try to keep it at 0 sometimes is good to cry just do it where nobody is watching
2015-03-21 08:11:23 UTC
2015-03-22 17:25:56 UTC
I cry all of the time. I'm hella easy when it comes to crying.A movie or show can get me so quick. happy and sad things make me cry so fast, I don't mid though. In fact, in a weird way i kind of enjoy crying,
2015-03-22 08:47:46 UTC
2 - 9 times a day
2015-03-23 15:10:16 UTC
Cried after 12 years since in my early teens. Could never cry no matter how sad or hurt I was.

Got hit in the balls while playing soccer- nope, finger nail of right toe came out in cycling accident- nah, fallen from the motorcycle & the motorcycle fall on my hip while doing a tight cornering- started laughing at my own stupidity & shouting in pain, & there are many more to cheer you guys up.

But recently, when my 5 months old daughter could not sleep due to some minor flue & was crying incessantly, I took her in my arms from her bed & she started to smile at me with tear in the eyes & running nose. I could not notice anything more & my tears started to roll down my cheeks.
2015-03-19 22:49:24 UTC
More and more as I get older. I didn't cry often when I was in my twenties. But something about aging makes you grow way more sensitive.
Robert M
2015-03-23 13:30:17 UTC
EVERY DAY since the BUSH family got into office! And the local Michigan ECONOMY TANKED over it! When I lost my FOLKS and the neighborhood turned into a HIGH CRIME ZONE! I lost SEVERAL cars to theft with NO police help at all! I cry that AMERICA is going BACKWARDS in nearly every way and we are LOSERS at the PUMP. OUR country seems to be more PURITANICAL and RACIST than ever! and we STILL are about TWENTY YEARS behind the Germans for CAR making! OUR ROADS are ALSO made the poorest in MICHIGAN! I also cry over POLITICS and the LOUSY choices we have! In MICHIGAN many schools and even hospitals are CLOSING. Many neighborhoods are USELESS and WORTHLESS! In MICHIGAN the LAWS are OUTRAGEOUS and favor the district courts! EVERY ONE can be a FELON here in just a few short months! I even WEEP over bad health reports!
2015-03-22 03:14:45 UTC
I don t cry that much at all. I most certainly don t cry in front of others but sometimes before I go to sleep or if I m in the shower then I ll cry. Only if I m by myself
2015-03-20 17:04:01 UTC
Rarely. Last time I cried was about 6 years ago. From time to time my eyes start watering for no reason . Maybe my soul is crying
2015-03-20 04:37:57 UTC
I cry when i'm hurt! And i hate to cry because it hurts~ other than that i don't care so i cry less, maybe 1 time in 2 months! ughhh i dont know but after i cry i become so angry!
2015-03-20 08:56:55 UTC
Not that often, actually. I used to be a lot more sensitive but I don't cry that much anymore.
2015-03-21 20:34:42 UTC
Before 6 years after that i 'm never cry.
2015-03-21 01:56:49 UTC
1-4x a week. I don't cry out of sadness, I cry out of anger and rather than lashing out I've learned to silently cry. This way I don't physically or emotionally hurt anybody when I'm hurting.
2015-03-23 11:55:05 UTC
I've cried 5 times in the last 10 years. I honestly do not think any more than that. A couple times for my golden retriever passing away and a time for both my grandfathers and probably one other time.
2015-03-20 18:20:06 UTC
I often cry 1 or 2 times per month.I tend to feel like crying when someone yells at me. I'm such a pussy. :l
2015-03-24 01:42:23 UTC
I'm a still water runs deep, rarely cry out, but inside I'm drowning in my brain chemicals I considered as tears.
2015-03-22 23:12:22 UTC
I am 55 years old and I have not cried since I was twelve years old. I do feel like crying sometimes, like when my family members have died, but it doesn't happen.

When I was young I was all ate-up with being manly, so I may have shut that emotion off permanently somehow.
2015-03-22 01:36:14 UTC
Not often but yes I do cry around once or twice a month.
2015-03-22 08:11:50 UTC
I have cried three times in the past 10 years


Sinking of the Ferry in Korea

Isis beheadings
2015-03-21 02:53:16 UTC
whenever I am sad and down; I do sit and cry all alone. ever if you are a strong person; you will cry with your circumstances; especially with your healthy; life and even thinking of your future. But, strong belief in God will make you happy. I do sing songs when i start crying; after few lines of singing; i fell like i am comforted by my God. God bless you.
2015-03-20 12:38:07 UTC
once every 2 weeks?

I usually cry mostly from movies, or something touching on TV.

I used to cry alot when I was struggling with depression...would depend where you are in life.
2015-03-21 03:35:25 UTC
When i feel i'm being oppressed or discriminated, but i don't cry in public, that ain't happening, i fight with every breath comes in and out of me but when i get alone by myself i cry a little ...
2015-03-19 16:03:33 UTC
I cry probably more often than anyone. I just can't help myself. I'm crying right now as I'm typing this.
A Simplicity
2015-03-22 05:22:04 UTC
I feel like crying every now and again for no reason at all, Im Male nearly 20
Big V
2015-03-20 10:53:16 UTC
I rarely cry. If I'm crying someone close to me has died, is really ill or I am in pain. My wife says it's not healthy. She cries all the time and says it's refreshing.
2015-03-19 22:52:44 UTC
The first cry, "the sad cry" is the cry, that I cry every time I'm hurt, which brings all the emotional thoughts to my mind and makes me wanna cry more. This is the most common one in people and also the worse one.
2015-03-21 00:56:46 UTC
2015-03-20 11:02:24 UTC
I cry so easily LMFAO

BY EASILY I MEAN at MOVIES, tv shows etc.

but unless i'm watching those, I don't REALLY cry. I literally only cry when my mum yells at me lol (if I haven't watched a sad movie and whatnot)
2015-03-22 06:19:15 UTC
Once a week I guess, but that's mostly because I forget to take my pills once a week and the only real reason I cry is because of anxiety, not because I'm sad. Anxiety including overwhelming anger and frustration.
2015-03-20 12:12:19 UTC
As much as i need to. Crying lets out held in emotions. You should cry when you feel like thats what you have to do.
2015-03-22 17:44:46 UTC
I cry whenever I poop. Sometimes it is too big and it hurts my anus. When it hurts my anus, tears just slowly roll down my cheeks (my face cheeks, not my butt cheeks.) Sometimes my butt cheeks sweat though.

Also, I cry whenever I run over a chipmunk on the road. They just come out of no where and before I can react, I feel that small bump on my wheel and I look in my review mirror and see a flattened rodent.
2015-03-23 04:01:09 UTC
Way too often. i actually almost started crying this moment because a client yelled at me over a mistake someone else made.
2015-03-20 08:39:48 UTC
A few times a year I suppose; I won't hold back the tears if I want to cry though
2015-03-21 21:42:32 UTC
I cry only when someone has the ability to get under my skin. I cry because I feel weak and angry, I'm truly afraid of anyone who has that much power over me.
2015-03-23 08:10:08 UTC
I only cry now days to TV programs, anime or shows which are very well made. But I only do if i'm alone watching them.
Zher Tahir
2015-03-21 02:20:32 UTC
Sometimes I cry when I watch a movie, otherwise I never cry for nothing
2015-03-20 17:55:29 UTC
Everytime. Silent cries. Almost everyday.

Suicide thoughts, parents abusing me, bullies, and the things that I hate so much, I have to cry about them.

One thought. Finished.

Crying for me, is like shooting my emotions and thoughts into the face of the world.

Doesn't solve it everytime. Only like, for 10 minutes or so for something really bad like someone special dying.
2015-03-22 09:41:50 UTC
I used to cry after every bit of emotional (at the slightest) moment I'd find myself stuck in, and actually I haven't cried a bit this month so you could say I'm improving.
2015-03-19 18:05:34 UTC
I only cry when I'm sad, but most of the time I cry from laughing so hard these days :' D
2015-03-24 20:47:14 UTC
2015-03-23 08:55:26 UTC
Lot. But no always. Like in the morning people used to see I'm happy but at the night I will crying on my pillow. Trust me, it feels good if you let your emotions out.
2015-03-19 23:56:34 UTC
I now cry at least once a month. The last time I cried was the 13 March, 2015.
Dee D
2015-03-19 14:21:59 UTC
Not often because I have dry eyes!...I do get sad often, but I have happiness too. I had some tears in my eyes this morning learning of a betrayal in the family, and the death of 3 people I knew!
2015-03-22 07:43:12 UTC
I did cry as a toddler, no need for it now though. Crying solves nothing and is about as effective sollution as praying. (Nothing fails like prair)

Much better to do something about what makes you cry than waste water.
2015-07-08 01:29:59 UTC
I cry everyday because I'm alone and I was abused and abandoned by everyone I've ever known
2015-03-19 11:37:52 UTC
I tear up, but the last time I actually cried, dab dab, was several weeks ago on my way to an interview when a Canadian Honker took off in flight right into my trucks grille:-( feathers everywhere:-( I prayed immediatley he would be okay:-) I was only goin round a sharp corner maybe 5 mph..he was dazed when I looked in the rearview, then he was gone:-) but that broke my heart:-( I didnt get that job lol, puffy eyes???
2015-03-21 23:36:30 UTC
Maybe 0 to 1 times a month.
2015-04-03 09:53:54 UTC
I cry every blue moon depending on what I'm thinking about and that could be maybe 3times a month.
2015-03-22 17:49:08 UTC
I cry at weddings, funerals of friends, and at sad movies (the last one was "American Sniper"). Sometimes I cry when my husband is especially sweet and surprises me with something special. Other than that, I'm not a person who tears up easily.
2015-03-26 01:26:25 UTC
I cry everytime someone breaks my heart. Especially when someone who is given the power to break me breaks me. But I dont cry oftenly. The last time I cried was 2 days ago.
2015-03-19 15:48:14 UTC
I cry a few times a month
2015-03-19 11:43:04 UTC
According to my psychology class women cry on average of 3-4 times a month, while men cry on average 0.5 times a month.

I haven't cried in a few years.
2015-03-19 11:39:01 UTC
I cry everyday when someone hurts me. Im just depressed. People like using me, I never had a boyfriend before. I am a nun. I cry right in my Gods arms, carresing his shoulder <3

God and Ariel marie <3 Forever
2015-03-21 07:12:03 UTC
I just cried like an hour ago, because my hamster died, but I cry like an average of 4 times a week.
2015-03-20 20:37:34 UTC
I cry all the time. I would say at the very least, 4 times a week. I cry for almost every emotion too... If I am happy, sad, angry...
2015-03-20 15:16:49 UTC
Very rarely. Currently, maybe once or twice a month. But I've been through depression, and at that point, I cried several times a day.
2015-03-21 09:28:28 UTC
Only when I watch/listen to certain music - thus crying for me is a controlled state and not something which comes easily.

When I think of all that the Greeks have given us and how our very Western Civilization is based upon their ideas and no on else: then I think too how shabbily

we have treated them and how some people call them lazy.

Yet through it all the Greeks have decided to make Lord Byron a Hero of Greece.

For myself, every single citizen of Greece is a hero in these difficult times.
2015-03-23 04:16:01 UTC
Every time I play High School Musical: Senior Year
2015-03-20 00:21:13 UTC
2015-03-20 04:02:42 UTC
I am 45, but I have not cried for more than 25 years, because I had a head injury in a car crash that stripped me of emotions. I haven't laughed, either. When told Dad died, I just said, "Really? How?", but I was calm. Same for my grandmothers.
2015-03-20 18:16:11 UTC
I'm very sensitive, so if someone really hurts me, my eyes do my thing, crying. And, most people at my school HATE my guts, so they tease me often and i cry.
2015-03-20 11:02:41 UTC
Hardly never. I usually cry 1 time a month for about 20-30 minutes. RIGHT before my period; PMS! The rest of the month, neh. Very self-contained and logical overall.
2015-03-21 11:15:17 UTC
Not very often, but I'm definitely an emotional guy. I can get upset easily, but tend to try and just calm down and not over react.
2015-03-21 18:59:37 UTC
I didn't count how often i cry. But i cry when someone, especially closer one, hurt me. I don't stop crying.
2015-03-20 13:02:36 UTC
I cry sometimes when I listen to emotional songs and the videos with them. Rihanna by Diamonds made me cry because it reminded me of a crush -.-
2015-03-20 09:49:23 UTC
Whenever i feel like crying it's when something goes wrong or something doesn't go according to plan. I don't let depression get the best of me.
2015-03-19 13:58:59 UTC
As a guy, I do. Whenever it is touching moments in my life.

For example, I had my first love and I got emotional because it felt good.

Another touching moment was when I heard a song that was well-put together, I teared up. A REAL man cries and is not afraid to die.
2015-03-22 11:46:13 UTC
2015-03-22 00:05:54 UTC
2015-03-23 00:55:46 UTC
I have Not cried since March 1945 when i saw My mate his Mum and Dad and sisters being removed from the

Rubble left by a V2
2015-03-22 10:43:39 UTC
I cry every time I get Period. Because I see the blood and I hate blood.

I cry when my Man beats me!

I cry when I go to sleep because I know my man is cheating on me with my mother. In the next room. I CRY when my cat farts and my dog and cat are fighting. I cry when my cat shits everywhere in my house because I have clean it., I cry when I have to cook. I cry when I have to WASH MY KIDS DAMN CLOTHES. I cry when I drive to the grocery to spend money. I cry when it rains. Its been almost everyday. I cry when I **** my pants. I CRIED WHEN MY OLD MAN GAVE ME AIDS. I cry when I see myself in the mirror because I am 406 pounds. And I want to lose weight.

2015-03-20 07:57:05 UTC
I do cry often in secret whenever I am depressed or thinking of somebody whom I love died and remembering him/her.These days I cry more as my mother died due to cancer and it makes me cry when I remember her pain and suffering.
2015-03-21 23:22:31 UTC
Not much I tend to hold my emotions in but deep down im crying inside
2015-03-23 09:21:29 UTC
I used to not cry but this year has been rough and I've cried more days then not.
2015-03-19 19:06:35 UTC
I only cry when I'm really depressed/ stressed out and when I think about bad times.
2015-03-20 14:19:15 UTC
I cry whenever I feel like I need to...I cry a lot tbh though since I get frustrated easily.
2015-03-21 02:59:40 UTC
I lock myself in the cubicles at school and cry to myself each day. I feel like everyone hates me at school and that I'm a worthless piece of s#*t.
2015-03-21 05:01:24 UTC
I cry each day... Sometimes it is the wind, sometimes I am happy, sometimes I am angry or I think of sad things. Each day tears come out and sometimes I can't even realise or find a reason...
2015-03-22 16:01:59 UTC
I cry when I need to or when I need to convince somebody of something, sometimes I also cry when I read something sad in a book or see something sad in a movie
2015-03-19 23:35:31 UTC
I could have written Spunkynut's answer. I also cry at injustice and when good things happen to deserving people. Hope your husband get's his kidney.
2015-03-21 15:13:35 UTC
It's been about 15 years since I cried
2015-03-19 13:46:21 UTC
Candidly, while I do oftentimes feel as if I could cry, I ordinarily just proceed with life's events without actually doing so.
2015-03-20 10:19:14 UTC
When I remember my friends who killed themselves.

Then I cry like hell seeing questions that many report

asking How can I kill myself?

With over 80 answers.That should make even a rock cry.
2015-03-22 10:43:07 UTC
It's very hard for me to cry, if I do. I have sit, sit and think hard before it clicks in. I am usually an emotional eater, so I comfort towards food.
2015-03-19 20:25:08 UTC
I cry only when I am fed up or if I am like really mad but I don't cry in general unless something is REALLY bothering me.
2015-03-21 06:08:56 UTC
I cannot cry since my horse rolled on me 1999 (head injury) its really hard to express my grieving when someone close passes

away or just really upset I exericise to relieve alot of the pressure and I get alot of headaches!!
2015-03-23 02:43:07 UTC
Actually not much now.

I was bullied and cried like every week when I was younger but now I'm so much stronger and things aren't as big of a deal anymore.
2015-03-23 04:25:50 UTC
I cry about every single night cause im alone and depressed so I need to let my feelings out
2015-03-22 15:33:03 UTC
I cry every time I feel sad or hurt. I used to cry all the time, but since I've gotten older, I've gotten less sensitive.
2015-03-23 03:25:29 UTC
There are some difference in men and women cry. women can cry about everything, for example when they are bored, when someone betrayed them, when they fell in love. But men can cry only for love and death, its common concept.

I'm male and i can't cry when i'm angry, but something is bad inside me, my heart is spoiling, but i used to cry for love and death.
2015-03-22 06:23:34 UTC
Veeeeeeeeeery often, like.... almost every day? I am a very soft creature and it is not difficult at all to make me cry
2015-03-20 15:33:34 UTC
4 times a month
2015-03-20 02:43:16 UTC
i cry a hell of a lot, i just cant help it, im extremely emotional, im not someone who cries with happiness, i do cry with laughter though, the main reason i cry is if someone or thing is upsetting me at work which ive just let build up and build up till eventually i crack over the edge with emotion thats just me though, and probally alot of people are the same
2015-03-22 05:04:22 UTC
I cry when something big happens in my life, GOOD OR BAD. Emotional heavy moments that I can't prepare my self on.
2015-03-24 07:31:07 UTC
I no longer cry it's like I ran out of tears.
2015-03-22 15:33:35 UTC
I cry about 800 time
2015-03-24 06:15:31 UTC
I dont really cry. The only times I cry is when people scold me and when I am in pain. I seldom get the two nowadays.
Angie Marie
2015-03-21 20:40:52 UTC
I cry over everything when I'm emotional-whether it be anger, happiness, or sadness. I may or may not have just cried over losing my favorite pair of nail clippers twenty minutes ago.
2015-03-21 13:12:35 UTC
Never, i cry by making other people cry. It makes me feel better on the inside to make fun of other people.
2015-03-21 05:59:31 UTC
I cry when people like you remove my trolls and 10 points
2015-03-20 20:42:42 UTC
I don't, I'm really mentally strong so even in situations where something happened what should make me cry I usually don't.
2015-03-21 12:15:22 UTC
About 3-5 times per year, so every few months.
2015-03-22 22:49:08 UTC
I cried this year, after 3-4 year. In my entire life I must have cried 5-6 times.
2015-03-20 10:37:33 UTC
Crying is a natural express for those who are very sensitive. I am also cry.
2015-03-24 11:49:06 UTC
when I dont get at least 6 hours of sleep, so maybe once a month I dont get my usual 8 hours and end up crying over nothing
2015-03-19 23:07:14 UTC
I hardly cry, for some reason it makes me feel weak and I grew up with the idea that crying is unacceptable.
2015-03-19 17:08:38 UTC
Rarely, I used to cry the normal amount what ever that might be, but my husband can't handle it and gets annoyed. Now he cries more than I do.
2015-03-24 12:19:59 UTC
I never cry. I just become upset instead of crying
2015-03-19 13:40:54 UTC
not often. sometimes when that person comes and I can no longer deal with the stress then I do cry. but not often
2015-03-23 06:45:18 UTC
2-3 times a month.
2015-03-20 22:13:11 UTC
Not really much out of sadness, but I do tear up when I yawn or rub my eyes when its itching- but I'm not crying
2015-03-22 14:38:58 UTC
Every once in a while when I can't hold it in and/or I really need to. That's just me. Also when watching sad movies (like Marley and Me) that's when I need a box of tissues.
2015-03-23 14:01:17 UTC
Not very often, but when I do, it's for a good reason.
2015-03-22 13:58:22 UTC
I watch sad movies to make me cry whenever I'm really in the mood to cry
2016-10-18 13:57:27 UTC
To be honest, daily since I'm getting depression, but my favorite teacher died so now I have a reason, but I know she's in a better place!
2015-03-21 12:01:57 UTC
I used to cry every day of my life.

up until 5 years ago.

now I rarely do.
2015-03-25 01:21:11 UTC
I haven't cried since 3 years
2015-03-20 13:35:22 UTC
I cry a lot, it doesn't take much to set me off unfortunately i'm what my dad would call a basket case.
2015-03-24 04:49:06 UTC
I cry approximately every 10 minutes.
2015-03-20 06:41:06 UTC
Seldom, the last time I can remember was the night my Dad passed away back in 1983. I went to have a few drinks late that night and when I got home, I lost it and let it all out.
2015-03-21 18:49:19 UTC
I don't cry all the time,just occasionally. But yeah, man don't be afraid to cry. It ain't a bad trait, it just makes ya human.
2015-03-22 20:29:16 UTC
At least once a day. I live with the most awful people in the world--my sister and her family. They took me in after my husband died and I needed surgery, but they treat me like I don't exist. They ignore me, and I've been suicidal pretty much the entire time I've been here. I beg and plead with them to not treat me so badly, but they blame me for everything and continue to ignore me.
2015-03-22 18:32:06 UTC
About once every 2 days
2015-03-23 11:33:56 UTC
about every other month. 5 or 6 times a year
Meghan L
2015-03-23 10:27:44 UTC
No more so than any other woman, but I haven't tracked a frequency.

Over New Year I had quite a moment when my boyfriend & I were in Cozumel. One evening he led me out to the beach, knelt down & asked me to marry him. I managed to stammer out a Yes, then I burst into tears, fell to my knees & we held each other.
2015-03-19 22:56:45 UTC
I realy don't cry I'm real tough and don't show my emotians like most but because I'm pregnant I'm a dam cry bby lol
Sristi Puri
2015-03-27 22:27:29 UTC
I cry every night..sitting alone thinking about my bf..its a horrible situation..when somebody leaves you without reason.. and only you can do is cry
2015-03-21 10:49:43 UTC
Have not cried once since getting Divorced 18 years ago. Best thing that could have happened was the day She got out of My life.
2015-03-21 23:42:45 UTC
All the time, it is how i get off steam. Like if I can't do something right I cry about it and just keep trying. It like weirdly refreshes my brain.
2015-03-25 15:38:24 UTC
Almost every night. But I'm a weak soul and its been a rough year. It's easing up now.
2015-03-22 20:43:33 UTC
i don't cry for hard things like funeral,death or any heart breaks but i cry for very happy things,when i hear a good song which shows me heaven and cute things i cant stand
2015-03-21 13:43:54 UTC
I can't remember the last time I've cried, actually. I never seem to cry anymore. I'm not sure why though. I just...stopped.
Bad Speller
2015-03-22 22:51:26 UTC
I am very emotionally person if I hear the word hungry I immediately brake to tears I remember the war and the starvation . I stave Olmos to death and I so hundred of dead day I have problem with food I have three refrigerators fool of food and I cant not stop buying food. my wife scream on me all time. avery 6 months I empting all my refrigerators and I give all the food to all my tenants,
2015-03-20 03:26:51 UTC
I cannot cry. But sometimes it happens automatically. When I feel very mental pain or I get neglected by others, water from my eyes comes automatically.
2015-03-22 11:45:05 UTC
Probably once a month or every other month. I used to cry all the time but not so much anymore.
2015-03-19 23:00:29 UTC
i often cry when every time i feel sad, happy for someone success and emotional over things that touches my heart. i cried many times if i was hurt but i only keeps it for myself. (and every time i remembered the moments we had with my late sister who died in cancer..this was a fighting sad story of her illness)
Hữu Chương
2015-03-20 03:38:13 UTC
When I feel sad and lonely, I often stay at home alone, but not cry...
2015-03-20 10:16:44 UTC
Whenever a sad event happens I cry especially in the scene in Bambi where his mother gets shot
2015-03-20 15:54:23 UTC
not much...but i feel like crying alot, i just can't...but today i nearly started crying today because i was actually thinking about how no one likes me except my bestfriend (not really i just call her my bestfriend bc if anyone was my bestfriend it'd be her) and just thinking how much i love her, and wish to be like her and stuff..i think it was like a week ago i cried for the first time in a year...
2015-03-21 12:00:30 UTC
I haven't cried for more than a year as far as I remember. I am not really emotional and even when I'm in an emotionally charged fight, my emotions are anger, resentment,etc.
Stan M
2015-03-20 16:45:24 UTC
I am 25 and only cried 4 times in my life.
Taylor Sinclair
2015-03-20 10:27:01 UTC
I hardly cry. Last time i cried was yesterday. I was crying of laughter.
2015-03-20 09:26:03 UTC
I cry inside at least once a day.
2015-03-20 18:14:05 UTC
A lot, almost always when someone that's important to me hurts my feelings. I also cry when I'm angry, not just when I'm sad.
2015-03-21 21:46:34 UTC
weekly. I've found myself crying over the same reasons over and over again. I'm embarrassed but yeah it's the only way I can feel better.
2015-03-21 20:10:55 UTC
At least once a day. Of lately my cries have been silent and with-in. This gives me peace and strengthens my drive to continue fighting to be remembered when all has returned to which it were at the beginning of time
2015-03-22 17:53:37 UTC
like 12 times a week
2015-03-21 14:20:16 UTC
i cry very often because i always get into fights with my parents and brother
2015-03-23 05:04:05 UTC
The older I get it I cry VERY often.
2015-03-23 14:21:05 UTC
Everyday for atleast 2 hours
2015-03-19 13:51:38 UTC
I cry whenever atheist report monkeys are about, good old Religion & Spirituality category.
2015-03-24 12:26:15 UTC
I cry quite often .. i get emotionally touched so fast
2015-03-21 15:57:19 UTC
2015-03-21 05:18:00 UTC
I usually cry when i watch a sad video.
2015-03-22 04:06:14 UTC
I cry now and then, but i am regularly touched by a story or a scene to the point my eyes moisten up.
That Wife
2015-03-19 16:34:33 UTC
Hardly ever because it's unfeminine or something and also since I always like being a tough, smart person who doesn't let anyone do anything to me at all.
2015-03-22 12:55:08 UTC
Well, for me it's probably once or twice every two weeks. Wish I cared less about everything around me. But because of my experience, I'm capable of helping others...
2015-03-21 17:30:24 UTC
About once every 8 years when a democrat government is elected.
2015-03-20 02:04:10 UTC
about 2-5 times a month, depends
2015-03-22 01:42:57 UTC
Very rarely, though I cry more tears of joy than sadness I think.
2015-03-22 09:03:33 UTC
Four times a week ._.

And sometimes i cry bcuz of silly things, like seeing a fat person running ._.
2015-03-19 14:25:54 UTC
atleast 1-2 times a week
2015-03-23 12:09:52 UTC
I don't cry. That's for babies. I think people who cry are wasting my time. Toughen up. Boring how shallow people are.
2015-03-20 09:29:33 UTC
I cry when somebody hurt me. I cry when I feel negativity around me.
2015-03-22 11:34:17 UTC
not very often but earlier today my uncle died and I crien, don't even make a rhyming joke about that, im too sad. AND IF you downers have nothing good to comment on, pls don't comment
2015-03-20 12:17:55 UTC
I used to cry a lot when I used Yahoo mail. The people who run Yahoo have their heads up their asses and site functionality is crap, crap, crap!! Even here on YA there is ample evidence of the fumbling stupidity of the people running it. You guys are really, really terrible!
2015-03-21 07:30:44 UTC
At times when I watch a heart warming movie or something like that. Perhaps once every two weeks.
2015-03-19 20:49:30 UTC
Never. I am a 13 year old girl that has not creed since I broke my leg when I was 6.
2015-03-21 15:05:53 UTC
I cry myself to sleep every night
2015-03-19 17:09:01 UTC
Every when I watch the news about Syria or Gaza which shows images of people in terrible living conditions.
2015-03-20 18:32:19 UTC
I don't cry because it's a sign of weakness.
2015-03-22 11:03:14 UTC
The Yamster should be crying over such bad grammar.

"The Yamster admits they cry sometimes."

Huh? Your English teacher is crying right now.
2015-03-24 08:53:29 UTC
I cry once in a while
2015-03-20 08:19:33 UTC
i dont want cry for ever but i like to cry when i eat crying foods
2015-03-19 11:34:40 UTC
I cry every time I post a snide comment on Religion & Spirituality. Sure, they might be funny comments, and you might laugh at them, but never forget that I am crying, both inside and out.
2015-03-20 22:01:15 UTC
i cry once in a while,at one point i never cried really.and now i realize that crying can actually make you feel great internally because you release pain that is in the inside of you.
2015-03-23 01:35:13 UTC
Whenever I feel like crying.
2015-03-23 15:22:12 UTC
Not very often
2015-03-19 21:27:11 UTC
Día por medio en la presencia de Dios, pero es llanto de gozo, y algunas veces es un llanto en el que derramo todo mi pesar hasta que no queda nada, ni un poco.
2015-03-22 14:11:03 UTC
A rough average of about once every 2 months.
2015-03-21 00:56:50 UTC
When ever I am experiencing a life moment that I cannot control. Or when there's a sad movie.
2015-03-22 21:36:56 UTC
Sometimes if I see something sad like on TV or in a newspaper but most of the time I do not
2015-03-20 07:52:36 UTC
Does crying on the inside count? Because from the inside I have some tears and sadness, but not all the time. Everybody has his/her moment(s) of tears.
2015-03-20 16:17:36 UTC
All the time, life is painful and the only way I can let it out is by silently crying.
2015-03-20 16:58:47 UTC
Too sad to cry
2015-03-20 17:49:43 UTC
More often than usual lately
2015-03-20 04:50:30 UTC
Many times when I know im behind on work.. i end up completing it on time and getting a good grade but its just all the stress of getting there that always gets to me.
2015-03-20 09:16:35 UTC
Whenever I feel thankful for having mom, sister, and step dad, strangely. It just hits me sometimes that I'm so blessed to have them and specifically them in my life. I feel like I'm taking the gift of time for granted although I'm so thankful for everything...
2015-03-20 08:32:59 UTC
i cry every other day at least. if i dont cry for a few weeks i get weird and emotional like when boys say that they need to masturbate. my need to empty my tear ducts incase i get blue(eye)balls
2015-03-20 13:07:14 UTC
I cry twice a month when I receive my Gas & electric bills... that's about it
2015-03-26 08:47:27 UTC
I cry compulsively, gunshots every night, ambulances, gangsters, drug dealers, etc. "No future for this young Black Male" is what echo's in my mind and GAD and anxiety is what messes me up even more.
2015-03-21 22:38:04 UTC
Last time I cried was at the end of Pokemon Red Rescue Team. That was some powerful ****.
2015-03-19 21:21:37 UTC
i rarely like very very rarely cry...but if u see my life till today...whenever i cried in these few 4-5 yrs...its due to deep sadness & hurt broken heart...due to insults...& that too for no reason at all!they call me ugly mad etc. which hurts...but due to love & happiness also my eyes whichever thing touches my heart..i do...its very hard for anything to make me stories of devotees & god...or some 1's pain eg.i cried 1st time in a movie which was attacks of 26/11...& also few emotional subjects...i do like those moments like once i sharing a story of god blessing a demon was making me cry in love so i somehow hide my face & told...its rare but whenever it is,its epic!:)
2015-03-20 09:38:58 UTC
Often because I have regular problems
2015-03-23 10:00:46 UTC
I rarely cry. I don't cry, I get angry instead of crying out. my emotions were pretty bad.
2015-03-20 10:40:04 UTC
Haven't cried for months
2015-03-20 15:32:10 UTC
I used to cry a lot, but not so much anymore.
2015-03-21 22:17:49 UTC
Hardly cry
2015-03-21 15:42:34 UTC
I cried a lot, but I forget how many times. The last time it was about 2 years ago
2015-03-22 00:52:22 UTC
My Step Granddad died last week. I didn't cry. I spent time thinking about his kind hearted cheerfulness.
2015-03-23 10:19:54 UTC
I dont cry much but when i do its cause of something serious and that's ok.
2015-03-21 08:58:05 UTC
Almost never. Last time I cried was like 10 years ago
2015-03-21 09:58:36 UTC
I cry myself to sleep every night, sometimes I don't even sleep at all.
2015-03-20 10:38:06 UTC
Not very. I haven't cried for 10 years.
2015-03-21 16:47:12 UTC
i cry often when I'm high. Whether it's cause I'm happy or sad
2015-03-21 10:04:54 UTC
I haven't cried since 3rd grade, I'm not sure why but I just don't cry.
Gabriel Uriel Lim
2015-03-22 02:34:24 UTC
like, once in several years? well, i actually can count how many times i cried in 17 years of my life, lol. reason is, when i cry, my enemies can see my weaknesses and use that to break me, so.. i try to hide all of my emotions.
2015-03-21 05:59:14 UTC
Once a week as I am always told to never show the person who made me cry that I can be sensitive.

"Let no man drag you so low as to hate him." -Martin Luther King Jr.
2015-03-20 16:31:19 UTC
Not very often, but that's just me. I wish I did more.
2015-03-21 08:14:20 UTC
I cry every night and am crying right now. I'm 15 and just discovered "Marfan syndrome." My genetics suck and my mom doesn't love me.
2015-03-19 15:30:14 UTC
A few times a year.
2015-03-19 16:26:55 UTC
I cry in my heart only. Too old to shed tears
2015-03-22 07:50:33 UTC
Not even once a year, maybe twice in 10 years when something really horrible happens.

We are all different how we handle things.
2015-03-23 14:04:07 UTC
Rarely, the only time i find my self crying is during a sad movie, or something that i can t accomplish/overcome.
2015-03-21 08:54:58 UTC
I cry every time someone like barack gets elected !!
2015-03-19 20:25:05 UTC
Last time I cried was in 2007 when I had surgery without anesthesia or any numbing agent.
2015-03-22 11:53:50 UTC
Not very often
2015-03-20 15:27:24 UTC
Hardly. Only if something is very emotional do I ever cry.
2015-03-19 17:18:22 UTC
2015-03-20 03:54:40 UTC
I cry when I find somebody crying.
2015-03-23 04:56:40 UTC
Never cry at all
2015-03-21 15:55:38 UTC
1 or twice every 2 months
2015-03-19 19:21:12 UTC
I've shed many of tears and sometimes have cried. It depends on the emotional side of your own experience or someone else's.
2015-03-22 09:05:01 UTC
I cry a lot when I'm on my period. I just get very, very sensitive. And I get hurt easily.
2015-03-25 13:48:00 UTC
I cry everyday
2015-03-22 14:05:11 UTC
I just cried when I heard that seven children died in a fire in Brooklyn NY because of a religious belief of using a hot plate on the Sabbath that caused the fire ...they r on their way 2 b buried in Israel awfully sad....even the firemen were crying.....
2015-03-19 20:37:54 UTC
2015-03-21 09:47:22 UTC
well i fell in bad mood or when i be angry or sad i cry but it's a long time that i havent cry because i feel that iam good !!!
2015-03-21 10:21:39 UTC
I like pie. Crying doesn't relate to pie unless it's a sad pie. :( Sad pie face.
2015-03-19 17:55:03 UTC
When I'm not in school about once every other week.

When I am in school, multiple times a week.

College sucks, man.
M!ckey James
2015-03-21 00:22:01 UTC
Im crying now. Sometimes I get all lonely. I dont have anybody.
2015-03-20 03:38:36 UTC
all the time. even when I'm not crying I'm crying whilst crying because I'm crying *cries*
2015-03-22 05:07:53 UTC
Not very often, but I do try and find happiness in all things, which helps.
2015-03-19 17:35:15 UTC
Honestly speaking and to be frank with you, I have not kept any account of it so far. In future, I will write in a Register whenever, I do like this.
2015-03-20 01:31:33 UTC
I cry every single day. I'm pregnant, though, so just about every emotion I feel makes me sob.
2015-03-23 17:13:38 UTC
Once a month and I'm a girl
2015-03-19 18:45:56 UTC
Sort of a lot but nothing compared to how much I used to. Probably once a week
2015-03-20 16:56:46 UTC
3 times a year maybe
2015-03-21 15:43:12 UTC
I cry everyday. My friends hurt me
2015-03-23 15:23:09 UTC
i cry most often

it makes me look


i cry when i like

and i cry when they die

2015-03-20 17:10:29 UTC
I will willingly admit that I cry at least once each day.
2015-03-21 05:09:03 UTC
2015-03-23 10:42:40 UTC
My allergen to dust makes it impossible to cry. Th e dust clogged up my tear ducts. I only shed a few tears when I yawn.
Mohamed Rshed
2015-03-21 04:59:02 UTC
i cry once every year maybe or more last time was 7 months ago
2015-03-21 01:30:38 UTC

very often and easily cried a lot

properly my strong influence of Pisces
2015-03-19 19:04:30 UTC
I cry once every couple days i guess
2015-03-21 13:21:59 UTC
over 9000
2015-03-20 05:06:33 UTC
every month :| before and during my period!!!! i think most of girl same to me ...

in that times my mind automatically review memories and explore theme from depth ...

i try to control it with make busy myself but it come to me during night! however i prefer night for cry!

i know it must be hormone changes in that times and every girl have to get along with this unpleasant feeling ...

i want everyone know its the most important reason of being moody!!!!!
2015-03-19 14:29:40 UTC
not often in the last 5 years about 3 times it helps being passed menopause you are way less emotional
2015-03-19 16:01:56 UTC
2015-03-20 08:29:43 UTC
I dont cry much unless I am really sad.
2015-03-19 13:52:51 UTC
I cry every day. Sometimes from bereavement, and always when people without integrity gloat when they get their way.
2015-03-21 22:39:40 UTC
Very often
2015-03-22 18:32:08 UTC
I am not sure, If I feel sad or upset, I might cry
2015-03-19 18:23:19 UTC
yes. around 5 times every 10 days. (life pressure)
2015-03-23 13:36:45 UTC
I cry daily but usually it's nothing I wouldn't want to experience, that is emotional tears not just sadness but intense feelings that I welcome.

Sometimes it happens with music, or at church. Sometimes it happens when I'm reading or watching TV. I welcome tears. They are healing!
2015-03-22 17:36:13 UTC
When I don't expect it, the tears come whenever a certain song is played, a touching scene in a movie, loving yourself enough to let go of bad associations--i.e. people who drag you down, gamblers, drug addicts, felons and so forth.
2015-03-23 14:57:50 UTC
A few times a year.
Ramon Curley
2015-03-20 09:56:29 UTC
More then I care to admit. It is also a very good relief to me. It seems to help me get a better grasp of my circumstance and it also helps me to see the world in a somewhat better outlook.
2015-03-21 10:21:00 UTC
i dont really show my feelings at all and i dont cry at all n i can't remember when i cried plus i dont cry in front people at all as i always hide n keep my feelings inside as i always be like it and people keep tell me its not healthy to keep feelings inside but i always have be like it
2015-03-26 19:38:58 UTC
Well, I really don't cry that much.
2015-03-20 11:44:56 UTC
I rarely cry
2015-03-19 16:58:05 UTC
Barely. I prefer to emit tears only when necessary, such as the death of an certain individual or animal for example.
2015-03-21 16:54:43 UTC
i cry every 1 second
Ali Gibani
2015-03-20 09:46:41 UTC
last time i cried was when my grandma died.... the other time i cried was when i was 6 and a car ran over my foot crushing (disintegrating) every bone in it... i am now 16. i guess i answered this 10 years to the day... i rarely cried as a infant...
2015-03-22 00:40:06 UTC
Every Day
2015-03-21 18:46:56 UTC
Couple times a week
2015-03-20 10:01:12 UTC
Look I can tear up just watching Lassie chew the head off of a rabbit she just caught.

So what is the relevance of your question.
2015-03-19 14:03:15 UTC
Seldom. Probably not since my father passed away in 2008.
2015-03-21 07:36:48 UTC
I never cry
2015-03-19 20:18:16 UTC
A lot! I'm always sad. I would say every few days
2015-03-21 21:18:22 UTC
Never. I'm a man.
2015-03-22 22:08:58 UTC
Once a week, I listen/ sing to Sam Smith in the shower and let it all out
College Football Is Like Quidditch
2015-03-20 09:43:42 UTC
Not often and I feel my eyes drying out because of it.
2015-03-19 14:54:59 UTC
Not very often, only when I'm very sad or depressed
2015-03-20 20:03:22 UTC
A lot. So often that my eyes dried out.
2015-03-20 18:46:09 UTC
i stop crying because there is nothing worth to cry in this sick world
2015-03-22 06:23:38 UTC
I never cried since my childhood but few times I cried alot.As someone said .I like to walk in the rain so that no one can see my tears :)
2015-03-20 16:17:00 UTC
Not for a few years now, can't actually remember the last time.
Hatsune Miku
2015-03-20 15:27:47 UTC
I cry a lot. I'm really sensitive ;-;
2015-03-21 12:35:40 UTC
a lot I cry for attention
2015-03-23 08:44:43 UTC
Actually I'm a crybaby person.
Sassy Flirty Blondie
2015-03-19 17:49:23 UTC
Every few days. It’s kind of sad (no pun intended) because every time I can’t remember the last time I cried it means I’m about to.
2015-03-22 17:39:50 UTC
Every other day. I'm a very emotional person. Sometimes too emotional.
2015-03-22 19:22:27 UTC
My grandfather (who was more like my father) died. Now I cry almost every night.
2015-03-22 05:09:00 UTC
I cry almost everyday about the future
Anik Hossain
2015-03-19 18:37:22 UTC
Now a days , i dont cry. but i also cried when my mom was in hospital.
2015-03-20 04:07:45 UTC
never. but I think its because im anorexic. Apparently people subconsciously stop eating as a way to block emotion...I reckon its true, as soon as I start eating I feel emotional again!
2015-03-22 06:29:48 UTC
i cry too often
2015-03-23 10:05:35 UTC
Whenever I'm in physical pain or when boys insult me.
2015-03-21 05:43:09 UTC
I cry every few weeks.
2015-03-20 10:20:09 UTC
Never, I'm not a cryer, unless something really bad happens.
2015-03-19 22:03:01 UTC
i cry over 9,000 times per second when i realize that most people in the world are religious nutjobs.
postal p
2015-03-19 17:37:42 UTC
Usually when a close friend, or family member dies, it is very sad. I will shed a tear on those occasions.
2015-03-20 23:41:54 UTC
I am not usually cry.although the life is also make me sad, yet i all think i can do it .And my friends always tell me their unhappy storys because i can give they a happpiness sentense.that is good !:)
2015-03-19 11:39:40 UTC
Every single day, I have kids, sometimes I have to cry because the t.v. is too loud.
2015-03-20 09:53:19 UTC
Every April 15th.
2015-03-23 09:07:42 UTC
i like to cry to get the think that i want, like littlew boy, i dont like to see other cry, i feel sad. may Allah make them happy.
2015-03-23 00:16:32 UTC
I dont cry normally.. but yes when I feel lonely I do..
2015-03-21 12:07:30 UTC
Every time Al Sharpton makes the news.
2015-03-21 23:28:08 UTC
At least once every school day. Sometimes on the weekends too, but that is not as common.
2015-03-20 10:36:13 UTC
I cried all day yesterday over March Madness...
2015-03-21 06:11:06 UTC
When I take a look at my Checking Account balance.
2015-03-21 09:45:25 UTC
i dont cry that often
2015-03-24 04:20:48 UTC
i cry but never in front of people
2015-03-20 06:52:27 UTC
As often as jason isnt here
2015-03-21 09:05:37 UTC
i cried a lot in my childhood. but now it is difficult to cry with any situation.
2015-03-22 12:27:20 UTC
When I'm having an anxiety attack or if I'm missing my boyfriend
2015-03-20 09:09:16 UTC
I only really cry when I m drinking or drunk.
2015-03-20 15:01:47 UTC
i'm crying right now so does that answer your question
2015-03-21 11:06:20 UTC
I don't cry that often anymore. ;)
Katie M
2015-03-20 15:51:11 UTC
I hold in the tears alot, but maybe a few times a month I would.
2015-03-20 10:24:55 UTC
i probably cry a few times a week. i think its good for you, its helps release stress i find, its therapeutic to me.
2015-03-23 06:36:20 UTC
Not often.
Rodney James
2015-03-21 11:46:49 UTC
Not often.
2015-03-21 13:38:02 UTC
Every night before I go to sleep. I have a lot of issues...
2015-03-21 15:03:32 UTC
Not very often at all!
2015-03-23 07:49:16 UTC
Last night after the news about the Midwood, Brooklyn, NY fire which killed 7 children.
2015-03-20 20:34:42 UTC
The last time I cried was probably when my grandmother passed away when I was 13.
2015-03-23 12:05:42 UTC
About once a year
2015-03-20 12:12:17 UTC
Its been a number of years ago. If I ever do, it will be out of view and no one lese will witness the event.
2015-03-20 08:54:12 UTC
Not too often
2015-03-21 01:38:09 UTC
"I'm not crying on Sunday" -- Mary Lambert.
2015-03-23 12:01:12 UTC
Don't count
2015-03-20 12:53:43 UTC
Every time I'm asked that question.
2015-03-19 19:09:01 UTC
Every time I'm sad
2015-03-24 11:30:28 UTC
i cry at least once a month
2015-03-21 22:02:43 UTC
I've cried only when I broke my arm and knuckle.
2015-03-20 17:22:06 UTC
Lots because of when things personally happen to me
2015-03-23 14:44:00 UTC
i cry alot i cant get a job i cant drive and i cant get a girlfriend and everyone around me makes getting girlfriends so easy and everyone around me is having a ******* baby and getting married
2015-03-23 07:24:11 UTC
i rarelly cry
2015-03-19 17:05:28 UTC
Not often.
2015-03-23 11:12:51 UTC
Only when they find a cure for ebola. I can't get any more African's sick :(
2015-03-21 18:00:39 UTC
Almost everyday. Last time I cried was yesterday.
2015-03-20 15:32:14 UTC
I cry very much.
2015-03-21 11:58:02 UTC
alot i cry over stupid things, because im really sensative to what people say to me
2015-03-21 22:54:59 UTC
cry me a river
2015-03-22 14:51:38 UTC
Once a week
2015-03-26 04:00:03 UTC
I cried lastnight! Haha
2015-03-22 16:43:19 UTC
yes I cry
2015-03-21 14:06:23 UTC
Not very often .But, I laugh when someone has a misscarriage.
2015-03-22 15:17:09 UTC
Whenever my dad yells at me for something my sister does and blames on me which is everyday
2015-03-23 00:06:00 UTC
Often ,when i needed.
2015-03-21 04:58:00 UTC
I cry if I am angry or realy happy I sob if I am sad
2015-03-21 09:13:51 UTC
Not often.
2015-03-21 12:52:00 UTC
I cry evri time
2015-03-21 19:05:12 UTC
Every day, into a bottle of wine
2015-03-19 17:09:17 UTC
Every time I sing
2015-03-21 21:51:02 UTC
I just cried a few hours ago, because of my trials
2015-03-23 10:23:27 UTC
I don't have eyes to cry...... Yet I am always watching you......
2015-03-22 17:20:57 UTC
Never. I am Ron Swanson
2015-03-19 19:54:35 UTC
Never. I have blunted affect, meaning I show little or no emotion to anything.
Gregory B
2015-03-19 20:50:56 UTC
Emotional displays are vulgar and childish. "Wotan put a hard heart in my chest"--an old Viking boast.
2015-03-22 08:06:05 UTC
I have tear ducts of stone. I have never cried once in my entire life. *** at me bro.
2015-03-21 22:06:02 UTC
Every time I'm asked a silly question! ;)
2015-03-23 08:48:50 UTC
Nearly everyday now
2015-03-21 03:02:29 UTC
Not very often at all, really.
2015-03-21 09:37:07 UTC
i cry a lot
2015-03-21 14:23:50 UTC
It depends if it's a deppressing year or not.
2015-03-25 18:12:29 UTC
Everyday. When i have a crush that i cant talk to because I dont know how.
2015-03-20 09:10:20 UTC
i cry every night nearly
2015-03-23 10:34:15 UTC
About once a month
2015-03-20 15:10:32 UTC
1.8 times every 8 years divided by 4.7.
Lida Niake
2015-03-22 18:14:36 UTC
i cry all the time, you aren't alone if you do too.

it's a common emotion
2015-03-23 02:12:44 UTC
It is very rare case but my heart is full of sorrow then it occurs
2015-03-20 10:57:22 UTC
I don't cry that much.
2015-03-21 19:00:44 UTC
maybe twice a year if that. I occasionally feel a tear coming though.
Nina =^.^=
2015-03-22 16:27:09 UTC
Depression affects me least twice a day I would say
Md. Hossain
2015-03-20 23:34:49 UTC
my heart is so hard. for this cause i can't cry
2015-03-24 13:04:30 UTC
It's been a week since the last time i cried. NEW RECORD!!!
2015-03-19 17:58:11 UTC
i cry every night... its like i think of the past.. then i start crying..
2015-03-19 14:39:20 UTC
One eye blood and the other cry ,this is what human have .
2015-03-21 00:53:03 UTC
About once a month
2015-03-22 11:03:36 UTC
I am dislike to cry .
2015-03-22 15:18:39 UTC
Never. Im a strong person
2015-03-19 13:41:59 UTC
As much as SpongeBob finding out he is fired!
2015-03-23 00:20:45 UTC
This is depressing. We should all be thankful for the life we have. It kills me to see everyone saying these things.
2015-03-20 22:07:35 UTC
four times a day on a good day
2015-03-22 04:09:42 UTC
Everyday because life is stressful
2015-03-22 04:13:22 UTC
i cry a lot
2015-03-19 14:54:32 UTC
Every time I see Obama on TV.
2015-03-21 03:15:27 UTC
Cry! i can't, I don't know why.
2015-03-22 22:31:19 UTC
Not very often, only when someone dear to me dies.
2015-03-20 08:17:53 UTC
Every single bloody day
2015-03-19 13:50:55 UTC
Every time I read a question on here that begins with "Could I be pregnant..."
2015-03-20 14:31:33 UTC
Once or twice a year
2015-03-22 20:19:53 UTC
Every day
2015-03-24 21:03:51 UTC
I want to cry now...
2015-03-22 02:19:58 UTC
Once every two weeks
2015-03-21 07:49:42 UTC
Weekly perhaps. But I am upset a lot of the time.
2015-03-24 11:39:32 UTC
weekly since I started college
2015-03-22 10:10:09 UTC
Isn't this considered chat? Yep, delete my answer, you hypocrites!
2015-03-22 11:17:36 UTC
I've cried whenever I have felt like it.
2015-03-22 18:57:02 UTC
Every time I open my wallet & see that moths have eaten all of my money !
2015-03-21 11:31:40 UTC
Once in a while
Blue Jay
2015-03-20 21:43:21 UTC
Every time i receive my credit card bill
2015-03-23 14:17:44 UTC
haven't cried in a year
2015-03-22 11:40:43 UTC
When we are down. Many times from the heart.
2015-03-20 18:19:07 UTC
Maybe once a year
2015-03-21 15:43:00 UTC
Like once or twice every year.
2015-03-19 14:41:55 UTC
I cry everyday. why? im sad
2015-03-21 04:12:23 UTC
Everytime i feel an intense heartbreaking feeling ..
2015-03-20 05:11:54 UTC
Only when I masturbate. I need two tissues when I'm done.
2015-03-21 09:11:43 UTC
Once in a while
2015-03-20 03:50:04 UTC
Every day
2015-03-23 15:46:34 UTC
The more you cry, the more salt you give to earth.
2015-03-23 07:11:39 UTC
I cried whenever i felt lonely. i hate being outcasted and i also hate when someone that i loves ignore me :(
credo quia est absurdum
2015-03-21 14:59:47 UTC
Only when I realize just who and what our president and his cohorts represent
2015-03-21 14:51:11 UTC
I usually cry when i am angry
2015-03-20 10:13:16 UTC
well I only cry when someone hurts me deep in my crag emotion...
2015-03-22 17:09:39 UTC
Every time I see a stupid question like this .
2015-03-22 06:14:36 UTC
Once or twice a month. I try not to overdose it.
2015-03-23 10:15:19 UTC
Only when I see your face, so many, many times!
2015-03-21 22:16:37 UTC
Cant remember when last cried
2015-03-22 07:40:43 UTC
Only when a family member or close friend dies..
2015-03-22 10:57:18 UTC
A lot
2015-03-19 20:49:59 UTC
not very often
2015-03-21 06:53:15 UTC
I cri evritiem
2015-03-20 13:12:38 UTC
No too often.
2015-03-22 17:25:53 UTC
everytime I remember that tupac is dead I cry
2015-03-22 10:54:29 UTC
Nice question.
2015-03-22 17:12:22 UTC
I have never cried once in my entire life.
2015-03-20 10:27:45 UTC
Only when my eyes water from eating hot sauce. :s
2015-03-22 11:18:02 UTC
Probably like every two is stressing
2015-03-20 04:16:26 UTC
Whenever my loved ones hurts me.
2015-03-22 22:49:07 UTC
5 months ago, every day. thanks too family problems and stress. after completely changing my attitude and outlook on life, i can't remember the last time i cried.
2015-03-23 12:30:24 UTC
I'm autistic, so rarely ever.
2015-03-21 06:38:49 UTC
Well i dont cry .
2015-03-21 16:01:41 UTC
a lot my life is crazy and I love enmotinal tv
2015-03-19 15:38:36 UTC
Every freaking day of my life.
2015-03-19 16:23:16 UTC
2015-03-22 07:12:36 UTC
2015-03-19 14:45:43 UTC
about once every 20 years or so.
2015-03-21 18:41:25 UTC
It has been a long time...
2015-03-21 06:38:34 UTC
About once every two or three months, maybe.
2015-03-21 16:55:35 UTC
With my freaking menopause, it's every freaking day. (go figure)
2015-03-22 06:32:52 UTC
I shed tears only when I yawn.
2015-03-20 19:15:00 UTC
I water the earth once a day.
2015-03-20 05:54:05 UTC
I dont know but the last I cried is because of my boyfriend..
2015-03-21 19:56:57 UTC
Rarely, I can;t remember when I last cried.
2015-03-22 21:27:07 UTC
Every now & then. Depends on the situation & if its that time of the month lol
2015-03-20 07:13:50 UTC
Why do i cry?
Billy Ray
2015-03-22 16:17:33 UTC
Every day I feel sad.
2015-03-22 20:59:53 UTC
All the time.
2015-03-20 09:54:11 UTC
2015-03-19 17:28:07 UTC
2015-03-22 02:45:51 UTC
Don't know
2015-03-21 19:26:51 UTC
Everyday sometimes for STUPID STUFF I can't help it
2015-03-21 05:57:24 UTC
Almost everyday.
Your The Best Friend
2015-03-21 21:18:24 UTC
the team you might be in is not the team you wanna be in? i don't know

God bless alll in Jesus name AMen
2015-03-19 21:26:35 UTC
when i want to cry.
2015-03-22 12:17:04 UTC
Almost everynight.
2015-03-22 10:35:01 UTC
it depends on the mental situation of a person,which varies from person to person
2015-03-19 18:31:03 UTC
Not often.Maybe once or twice a year.
2015-03-22 12:11:09 UTC
I try not to cause it makes me look weak.
2015-03-21 08:05:02 UTC
twice a week
2015-03-23 15:55:58 UTC
I cried today morning. :/ Maybe once a month.
2015-03-21 08:43:08 UTC
It dependa if something hurtful happens i do
2015-03-24 23:24:22 UTC
more than i should

i'm one sad little girl
2015-03-19 21:17:27 UTC
Once a year or so.
2015-03-23 15:49:20 UTC
I don't
2015-03-21 10:24:44 UTC
I NEVER CRY. I fap though.
2015-03-19 20:45:16 UTC
honest answer ; not as often as I should.
2015-03-22 18:10:47 UTC
Every few weeks or so.
2015-03-21 12:26:19 UTC
Sadly, a lot
2015-03-19 16:59:33 UTC
Maybe once every other week
2015-03-22 15:26:14 UTC
When I believe the time is right.
2015-03-20 22:12:53 UTC
Everytime your mother doesnt let me hit dat.
2015-03-23 10:38:17 UTC
every time someone is being nice to me out of the ordinary :)
2015-03-22 06:50:43 UTC
Everytime i feel bad.
2015-03-22 12:53:06 UTC
coming off anti-depressants so nearly every day.
2015-03-21 08:17:53 UTC
liek i cry every time :P
John S
2015-03-23 06:58:58 UTC
only when a family member dies.. or a sappy movie
2015-03-21 08:22:37 UTC
Are you free? If you were free, you would do something useful ealse.
2015-03-23 16:04:09 UTC
not very often :( get it
w m
2015-03-22 19:11:05 UTC
every time he yamster tries to manipulate me(haha)
2015-03-23 08:16:16 UTC
Not a lot
2015-03-22 09:36:14 UTC
i cry quietly
2015-03-19 22:31:58 UTC
for me maybe 4or5 time a week
2015-03-20 17:15:40 UTC
I asked this question before you, douchebags.
2015-03-21 10:06:11 UTC
Hardly ever.
2015-03-20 12:37:46 UTC
Everyday... I get bullied, but whatever!
2015-03-20 14:20:45 UTC
All the time I have always been sensitive
2015-03-22 06:11:35 UTC
'I'm British, I don't cry!'
2015-03-20 12:34:52 UTC
once a month
2015-03-20 13:32:25 UTC
Every day.
2015-03-20 10:28:48 UTC
Whenever I feel sad, alone, disappointed or angry.
2015-03-19 18:24:55 UTC
meh hardly

only when im sad
2015-03-21 07:38:56 UTC
Every time.
2015-03-19 19:43:42 UTC
Well depends in my mood.
2015-03-20 11:27:49 UTC
2015-03-22 03:11:14 UTC
2015-03-20 23:44:45 UTC
evrytime i watch a korean drama..... so like every day
2015-03-20 07:39:46 UTC
once a month, when I feel down
Joseph the Second
2015-03-21 22:17:31 UTC
As Seldom as I can get Away with. ;)
2015-03-23 14:52:10 UTC
all the time
2015-03-22 20:40:31 UTC
haha nah
2015-03-19 16:14:03 UTC
everyday because my girlfriend domestically abuses me.
2015-03-23 05:34:56 UTC
whenever i need to let the juice out brah
2015-03-19 21:32:02 UTC
i cry when i will sad..or i do wrong path..
2015-03-20 05:10:17 UTC
8times at least daily
2015-03-20 15:30:13 UTC
I dont remember when i cried for the last time....
2015-03-22 11:01:33 UTC
every day when i think of how sad my life is
2015-03-19 23:05:38 UTC
I cried only when it belongs to my emotions....
2015-03-20 10:05:14 UTC
Sometimes, when I feel so sorrowfulness.
2015-03-22 01:11:48 UTC
almost never, unless something really sad happens.
2015-03-23 01:17:07 UTC
2015-03-21 06:08:40 UTC
when im fill with sadness and regrets
2015-03-21 09:12:12 UTC
once every few months maybe
2015-03-22 16:44:46 UTC
once every few years maybe
2015-03-23 02:50:39 UTC
2015-03-21 02:28:50 UTC
probably once a week
2015-03-22 06:19:25 UTC
Never, because I am hard.
2015-03-22 15:00:51 UTC
all the time I would say at least5days a week..
2015-03-21 22:08:26 UTC
2015-03-20 16:08:17 UTC
Just now. I was hurt.
2015-03-19 14:37:50 UTC
once or twice a year
2015-03-21 21:45:52 UTC
a lot, im very emotional
2015-03-23 04:16:35 UTC
at least once a month.
2015-03-20 00:49:25 UTC
Oh no, I've got a taste for fried onions now. Don't make me cut them, PLEASE.
2015-03-21 14:43:42 UTC
yesterday when i nearly overdosed
2015-03-23 21:27:45 UTC
when ever I'm saD
2015-03-19 22:40:40 UTC
all the time. at least once a week.
2015-03-23 05:55:26 UTC
Why would I tell the likes of YOU?
2015-03-21 18:56:28 UTC
i cri everytim

and when my black and green alien homies die
2015-03-21 05:51:19 UTC
almost never and I don t really know why
2015-03-19 23:00:58 UTC
When im sad.
2015-03-22 16:10:08 UTC
a lot
2015-03-21 05:13:36 UTC
rarely, i am hardly emotional
lost 1
2015-03-22 18:59:43 UTC
don t care anymore, haven t for some time.
Media Express
2015-03-21 12:20:55 UTC
when I get beaten at school,
The Amazing
2015-03-20 14:35:35 UTC
at least once a day...
2015-03-21 06:38:53 UTC

2015-03-21 05:59:22 UTC
2015-03-20 02:02:26 UTC
every day. my parents beat me.
2015-03-20 18:03:15 UTC
2015-03-20 07:54:43 UTC
2015-03-20 08:00:36 UTC
2015-03-21 22:44:38 UTC
not very much
2015-03-19 16:36:55 UTC
every day
2015-03-21 22:11:35 UTC
im crying right dying....
2015-03-20 16:38:47 UTC
once a year!!
2015-03-20 04:24:35 UTC
when i get so much hurt
2015-03-23 05:46:43 UTC
maria sousa
2015-03-20 08:50:08 UTC
every day
2015-03-19 11:59:49 UTC
Not very much

Just over boring questions

Please pass a tissue ;)
2015-03-21 01:02:37 UTC
once or twice a week :)
2015-03-21 17:54:23 UTC
2015-03-20 13:21:12 UTC
when ever I feel like it.
2015-03-20 05:57:59 UTC
not a whole lot
2015-03-21 10:23:02 UTC
almost never honestly
2015-03-23 10:51:56 UTC
every day... I live in brazil..
2015-03-23 15:27:06 UTC
rarely....only when I get my penis caught in my zipper.
2015-03-22 04:49:23 UTC
almost everyday
2015-03-22 04:49:43 UTC
when I was busy
2015-03-19 22:26:32 UTC
when i always get bored
2015-03-22 08:42:55 UTC
a lot more than I should
2015-03-21 23:10:50 UTC
never cuz im not a *****
2015-03-19 11:35:38 UTC
not as much as Athiest when they hear the truth.
2015-03-20 07:05:40 UTC
2015-03-23 23:54:28 UTC
so much hehe
2015-03-21 11:59:22 UTC
when i get hurt
2015-03-19 16:30:35 UTC
every month
2015-03-23 17:17:03 UTC
rarely, but I have
2015-03-21 07:58:04 UTC
seldom! -- not very often!
2015-03-21 14:09:20 UTC
2015-03-24 15:33:16 UTC
A lot....inside my head. I feel the tears flowing....and I ask them to please stop.
young wizard
2015-03-21 22:03:21 UTC
depends on the mood!
Egy Pain
2015-03-22 07:51:39 UTC
when i start overthinking :D
2015-03-19 23:36:35 UTC
not much
2015-03-21 14:07:43 UTC
2015-03-21 18:52:44 UTC
Haven't in a while.........................
Not an Obama fan
2015-03-19 18:00:22 UTC
only when OBAMA SPEAKS
2015-03-21 13:46:50 UTC
2015-03-21 11:25:28 UTC
2015-03-22 08:16:23 UTC
2015-03-22 18:00:09 UTC
never really
Al Capone
2015-03-21 18:05:36 UTC
2015-03-22 10:47:10 UTC
2015-03-21 04:17:13 UTC
when i am sad
2015-03-22 19:31:05 UTC
2015-03-20 12:35:11 UTC
all the time...
2015-03-21 10:55:55 UTC
ima man... a real man... idon...idon...Cry!!!!!
2015-03-20 16:42:46 UTC
err day.
2015-03-20 16:33:15 UTC
used to be alot....
2015-03-26 08:48:46 UTC
2015-03-22 12:25:01 UTC
2015-03-20 19:23:47 UTC
more than i should
2015-03-21 04:50:49 UTC
2015-03-20 14:28:40 UTC
2015-03-22 11:13:58 UTC
Tony Doan
2015-03-22 11:12:36 UTC
2015-03-20 17:30:22 UTC
2015-03-20 00:04:58 UTC
2015-03-23 10:01:26 UTC
**** you yahoo
2015-03-21 22:58:02 UTC
Linda Parker
2015-03-20 13:07:03 UTC
My time......... loudly
2015-03-22 09:28:15 UTC
I cry every day i dont think is healthy but idk
2015-03-24 11:39:27 UTC
never .
2015-03-23 14:32:45 UTC
2015-03-22 10:34:37 UTC
2015-03-20 18:22:40 UTC
2015-03-21 05:41:24 UTC
2015-03-20 06:16:42 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.