I cry every day. That's just me. Most often, there are stories that people tell me that hit me a certain way and I will cry. I've cried at the happy stories on the news. I've cried at the horrible stories on the news.
There's also some condition where people cry at beautiful things. So, children singing, choir or instrumental classical has me in tears, paintings, scenery.
Its usually embarrassing that I cannot repeat a touching story without tears.
At home. I used to read the Reader's Digest's "Drama in Real Life", which would have me sobbing! I loved the stories. I knew better than to read them in a doctor's office in the waiting room. But I did. When I'd get to where I'd want to cry, I'd stop, look about the room, at my watch, out the window, take a few breathers, then I'd go back to reading. I'd have to do this several times before I was done reading.
I'm emotional. That's me. The other day the hospital called my husband. I could barely answer with a clear voice when I saw it was them. I started crying for happiness when all they called for was his yearly testing. (He's waiting on a kidney). I couldn't even tell him the next day that I was crying because when I started to tell him I was crying then too.
I told him, as I do hope and pray, that when we do get that call, and he goes into surgery that I'm not crying. It will be the best day of our lives and I hope I won't be misunderstood. I told my husband that since the ride is about 2 to 21/2, I hope I will be doing my crying on the way and be all cried out.
See, I'm even crying when I tell you this.