if you are soooo smart, live without other people.
a measure of intelligence would cover many fields. for instance karl jung shows intelligence on an axis of intuitive and rational, to creative or analytical.
picasso was a genius in the creative intuitive sense, and tryed to experiment in the analytical creative sense.
albert einstein was a deeply analytical eprson whose thought was both analytical creative and somewhat analytical rational.
but, the major difference is one is analytical and one is creative, yet both are geniuses.
i think there are about 5-different kinds and measures of intelligence: mechanical, emotional, analytical, creative, and social are five; how do you measure your intelligence?
[1].while i might not be the fastest thing on the road, eventually, i do get where i am going.
[2]. i think it is important for man to exist, but must he be the smartest man in existence; it is only important for a man to live wisely.