Why do gay people have low IQs?
2016-02-29 04:41:24 UTC
A new study at my university concluded that gay people have lower IQs than straight males, and are barely higher than women.This leads me to believe that perhaps gays do not understand to a full extent, their primarily function in life to procreate. I feel as if they are extremely confused as to what a normal human being should be and i feel very sorry for them.
I saw the plotted raw data on a scatter diagram made from the superior minds of my fellow students and found that there was a strong positive correlation between homosexuality and low IQ. Why is this? Are they too emotional to concentrate and study well?

Serious and Intellectual answers please.
59 answers:
2016-11-07 15:23:10 UTC
People With Low Iq
2016-03-04 10:20:20 UTC
This is a loaded question based upon a faulty premise. I am heterosexual and I'm intelligent enough to notice that there is a very "weak correlation" between someone being LGBT and having a low-IQ. I have only met "one" LGBT person with low-IQ and that's because he fell into a swimming pool at 8 months old and sustained serious brain damage. I have observed many LGBT people with "above average intelligence." My gay friend Dirk is successful in real estate. The fact that you would ask the question you did makes me wonder how "low" the admissions standards are at the university you're attending.
2016-02-29 09:16:28 UTC
There are some gay people with low intelligence, and some strait people with low intelligence. There are some strait people with high intelligence, and some gay people with high intelligence. And considering that the study was done at YOUR university, it was probably flawed. But, if it were true, you also said that gay men are smarter than women so even if strait people do have a higher iq, it is probably only a few points and those few pointes were probably chance results. But, this study was obviously made up and you just gave me two points, thanxs.
2016-03-01 17:36:40 UTC
A lot of stuff on the internet is untrue. It's like television where you are fed a lot of rubbish to stir interest and controversy rather than to actually present true facts. Things like Wikipedia to my knowledge is written by internet users rather than knowledgeable people. Some people are accurate whereas others may add their own opinions which have no basis. My guess is there never was a study of differing IQ levels between gays and straights. An intelligence test on me found I was above average.
2016-02-29 09:39:51 UTC
And if you read the Wikinews disclaimer at the bottom of the page you would learn that, let me quote it:

"This page is archived, and is no longer publicly editable.

Articles presented on Wikinews reflect the specific time at which they were written and published, and do not attempt to encompass events or knowledge which occur or become known after their publication."

In other words its out of date, it is available so that for example people can explore history maybe if studying the changing views of society.

Incidentally, when considering IQ test. IQ testing is not a good indicator of intelligence.

Intelligence is a measure of how smart a person is, the fact they may know who is queen of England or the name of the 20th president of the US does not say a person is smart. It simply says they have been exposed to the information in the past and have recall which allows them to repeat what they have been exposed to.

I have known many educated people who in the arena of life skills are hopeless. Yet I have known uneducated people who when presented with a new challenge are able to find ways to solve the problem despite having no knowledge of it before hand.

Your sex or sexuality is no indication as to your intelligence.
2016-02-29 14:49:13 UTC
How big is this stidy your university did? If it's less then 5000 people I don't care as that can easily be a fluke.

IQ only test mathimatival and logical thinking which it is true men do better at, but on average women do better in creative and lottie argues fields
2016-02-29 04:50:27 UTC
What gives you away as a deceitful bigot is your pronouncement that straight males have higher IQs than women! There is no scientific study that indicates that. By the way, IQ tests are very limited in indicating intelligence. They are culturally biased and we know that there are several intelligences which your basic IQ test does not measure. I doubt very much that any reputable university would publish the kinds of data that you refer to in your questionable question.

You ask for "Serious and Intellectual answers please" but it is really hard to take your nonsense seriously and it certainly isn't intellectually honest.
2016-02-29 04:53:48 UTC
So your data shows straight men>gay men>women. Well mate, as a female scientist let me say this - I have a strong suspicion either (1) Your data is flawed or (2) Your interpretation is flawed. Given the tone of your question, I suspect both. Males aren't smarter than females, nor does sexuality have anything to do with intelligence. Show me a research paper in a high ranking peer reviewed journal that proves this and I'll be flabbergasted. Until then, bye bye.
2016-03-02 14:58:37 UTC
the study states men have a higher IQ then women. Even If I thought that there was any validity to that, what does that have to do with gay vs straight IQ's?

also there is a more complete wiki report on IQ levels that is post 2005:
2016-02-29 22:10:12 UTC
IQ tests are not a good measurement of intelligence, but my guess about why that experiment came to that result is that schooling is much more difficult for gay students. Schools can be dangerous environment for queer students. The constant fear of being outed and bullied by your peers is a massive hindrance in the learning process. Gay people aren't naturally less smart. Society just makes it harder for them to learn.

As for women, we are in a similar situation. Though we aren't generally bullied as much for being girls as much as gay people are for being gay, girls aren't encouraged to be successful in academics as boys are. Boys are expected to do well because of studies like these and because society sees men as intellectually superior when there really isn't any evidence of that.

There are so many factors at play in these IQ test experiments that you can't just narrow your conclusion down to straight men are smart, women and gay people aren't. You have to look at how society treats these marginalized people and question how it has affected their intellectual development.
2016-02-29 11:49:41 UTC
'Why do gay people have low IQs?'

'gay people have lower IQs than straight males, and are barely higher than women.'

LOL that's enough for me to decide your university isn't reliable.

Also for that study you showed from Wikipedia, for ****'s sake that study is from 10 YEARS ago.
2016-03-01 15:49:11 UTC
Leonardo Da Vinci. Micheal Angelo. Alan Turing. Oscar Wilde. Wilfred Owen. Me, my IQ is 157.
2016-02-29 15:47:08 UTC
I would say that ultimately homosexuality is a psychological issue with too many causes and implications to discuss in a brief post. However, like other mental ailments such as bipolar, schizophrenia, etc, the effects of the "illness" will have a significant impact on cognitive functioning.

I do however believe that homosexuality can be worked out via therapy.
2016-03-02 20:45:18 UTC
There have also been studies that African Americans have low IQs, but I don't buy into that crap. A person's intelligence HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with their sexuality or race.
2016-02-29 20:29:37 UTC
Alan Turing was Gay and in WW2 was the Most Brilliant computer engineer ever

Lincoln was gay and used to sleep with his Body Guard

my favorite president Clinton was never gay but never very Bright he got caught

By 1840, both Lincoln and Speed — now 31 and 26— were considered well past the marrying age. Both bachelors reportedly were hesitant to tie the knot, but it was a de-facto requirement to have a wife if you wanted to move in political circles — or at least create the perception of interest in marriage. Both Speed and Lincoln dreaded this “requirement,” as evidenced by Lincoln’s letters. Speed takes the marriage plunge first and moves back to Kentucky, leaving Lincoln. At this precise time, Lincoln suffered a mental breakdown. Historians have been all over the map as to what caused the breakdown, but it was so intense that friends, including Herndon, worried he would take his own life. Lincoln only recovered after Speed invited him to visit him and his new wife in Kentucky.

Lincoln’s most emotional and intimate writings were contained in his letters to Speed. From the time they lived together until shortly after Speed married and moved to Kentucky, Lincoln always signed his letters “forever yours” or “yours forever.”

sorry history says Lincolon was Gay or at least Bi
2016-03-30 20:26:59 UTC
Have you looked at studies anywhere else? From any other school? Other state? Anything along those lines? Many, many, many other studies show data opposite to what the scatter diagrams of the 'superior minds of your fellow students' presented. Perhaps your university happened to have that correlation, perhaps your university is an anomaly in comparison to other studies.

Next time you want to present yourself as a pretentious d*ckhole, at least do your godd*amn research before you run your mouth.
2016-03-01 12:46:15 UTC
Numerous studies from Universaties such as U of Michgan,

UCLA, Notre Dame and others dating back to the 1960s show on average females have higher IQs
2016-03-01 16:07:16 UTC
Hon, being gay has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with intelligence. This is actually proven by science, you can look it up. Or use your brain and common sense. + LGBTQA people are often bullied and so that might explain a low attendance, missed classes, and concentration difficulty. I wouldn't blame them, it's hard to do well in class with the promise of a bully waiting to beat you up by your locker.
2016-03-01 04:27:36 UTC
Actually a lot of gay men are stupid but I'm an exception as a very intelligent gay male
Fnsr Ffiv
2016-03-01 16:24:50 UTC
Men do not have higher IQs than women. There are no statics regarding this, and both genders have around the same IQs.
2016-02-29 21:03:30 UTC
A person's sexual orientation or gender identity does not determine the intelligence or deficit a person has. I can only believe something like this could come from out of print and unaccredited sources like the Family Research Institute that only the religious-right uses to pass a statistic that appears to support their beliefs against homosexuality. I can only believe that you go to a private and unaccredited Protestant Christian college that skews their studies out of sexism and homophobia.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-02-29 09:19:04 UTC
I think the study at best is flawed, at worst made up. Men have higher IQ than women, is hardly the same thing and Wiki is the Fox News of the internet world.
2016-02-29 07:34:09 UTC
I doubt that's true but even if it is it's probably because gay people are more likely to be treated like sh1t by society and end up having depression, and not focusing on school because of the societal pressures of being gay.
2016-02-29 08:37:42 UTC
2016-02-29 16:12:17 UTC
Because they're too busy fu cking each other rather than actually learning. That's why it's rare to find gay geniuses. But I'm sure you will find all of them in the porn industry. That's the only thing they're good at.
2016-03-02 04:43:29 UTC
What you pretend to be scientific and proven is in fact 'Hineininterpretierung': the way of seeking (and finding) data matching to a prejudice and leaving out anything that would be contradictory.

Acting this way is certainly not a sign of intelligence.....
2016-03-01 06:40:32 UTC
No data is 100% accurate and there is always room for interpretation. In your case I believe that you have used a very small study to back up your own unconfirmed theory and have come to an emotional and irrational conclusion.
2016-02-29 12:35:54 UTC
Ummm, if gay people were straight and procreated there would be way too many people on this planet.

Gay people adopt children that STRAIGHT couples made and didn't want.
2016-02-29 04:49:37 UTC
That is a huge generalization. First of all, this study lacks credibility. Second of all, these "studies" are conducted on a select few individuals, not the entire LGBT population. That being said, it isn't fair to use one study to label an entire group as inferior. Please, leave your prejudices at the door before you come on the internet.
2016-02-29 04:52:49 UTC
Serious and Intellectual answer: Site the study. Give evidence of this so called study. All intellectual and scholarly works site their sources. Those which do not are discounted in academic circles.
2016-03-02 00:04:41 UTC
This question leads me to believe that you can't think for yourself. You really believe that everybody's primary function in life is to procreate?! Wow. Just wow. That ignorant. They really corralled you down the chute with the rest of the cattle, didn't they?! Everybody knows that's the government's attempt to convince you to start cranking out the babies so we can turn them into suicide bombers and compete with China when WW3 starts. :-P
2016-03-01 14:08:42 UTC
if you are soooo smart, live without other people.

a measure of intelligence would cover many fields. for instance karl jung shows intelligence on an axis of intuitive and rational, to creative or analytical.

picasso was a genius in the creative intuitive sense, and tryed to experiment in the analytical creative sense.

albert einstein was a deeply analytical eprson whose thought was both analytical creative and somewhat analytical rational.

but, the major difference is one is analytical and one is creative, yet both are geniuses.

i think there are about 5-different kinds and measures of intelligence: mechanical, emotional, analytical, creative, and social are five; how do you measure your intelligence?

[1].while i might not be the fastest thing on the road, eventually, i do get where i am going.

[2]. i think it is important for man to exist, but must he be the smartest man in existence; it is only important for a man to live wisely.
2016-03-01 09:00:34 UTC
I am gay and I completely agree with that study on a GENERAL BASIS. Most other gays I know are very dumb and cannot process information logically. I, however, am smart.
2016-03-01 15:29:36 UTC
this is such stupid **** im straight and i have a average iq and about 10 gay people i know are all smarter than me
2016-03-01 08:03:35 UTC
Not necessarily. Alan Turing was a gay and he created what we call computers today. He was a famous mathematician and he decrypted codes.
2016-03-06 06:51:01 UTC
What university do you attend? Liberty College? Oral Roberts University? Trump University?
2016-02-29 06:22:18 UTC
Your IQ is imaginary. Your study is invalid.
2016-02-29 08:57:27 UTC
"Why do gay people have low IQs?"

Complete BS.

2016-02-29 18:10:47 UTC
I wasn't aware they did. I don't know enough gay people to say one way or the other
2016-03-01 13:38:48 UTC
you sure you are going to school? like someones gender is not something that effects the IQ.

"I am a creature with boobs and a vagina that likes *****." -> clever?

"Im a creature with a dick that likes vagina and boobs. "-> clever?

"Im a creature with dick that likes other creatures with *****." -> stupid?

Think like that;

You are a boy and were raised like a lady for your whole life, not knowing that you are a boy; will that effect your IQ? UHM, NO?
2016-03-01 22:31:12 UTC
It seems gays are more mature early on or they are immature drama queens. I am saying this from what I have seen.
2016-02-29 04:45:47 UTC
It's a proven fact that homosexuals have disfunctionalities in certain areas of their brain.
2016-02-29 04:53:35 UTC
Well maybe you can give us the credentials of your univercity and the title to this study honey, cause im very sure you are talking out of your ****😂😂😂😂😂
2016-03-01 03:34:35 UTC
And let me guess, if a study came out proving the opposite you would ignore it.
2016-03-01 01:31:14 UTC
Not all. Do a nation wide test at least.
2016-02-29 10:39:42 UTC
Stop talking about these wild beasts! I'm going to vomit....😷😷😷
2016-03-01 07:49:43 UTC
Because people who voluntarily choose to sin against God are stupid.
2016-02-29 12:46:27 UTC
I feel like you made this up just to piss people off.
2016-03-01 11:22:25 UTC
You should rush to the surgery and get some help
2016-03-03 18:27:45 UTC
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”
Joe van
2016-02-29 18:31:17 UTC
Because they don't entertain stupid questions.
2016-02-29 04:46:04 UTC
Check your data again.
Linda R
2016-02-29 15:22:33 UTC
Because they are mentally ill.
2016-02-29 14:16:39 UTC
This is a stupid question to ask
2016-02-29 10:52:36 UTC
must be all the headboard bashing they get up to
2016-03-01 14:02:57 UTC
Their brains are in their balls and their d**ks are in their asses.
2016-02-29 15:06:43 UTC
you sound like a closet homosexual christian
2016-02-29 09:40:32 UTC
"my university"? - dont make me laugh
2016-02-29 07:36:48 UTC
Provide me evidence for your false statements please.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.