What are you listening to?
Brown eyes, by Lady Gaga.
Have you ever been kissed?
Of course... I've had some great ones.. And some that weren't that great..
Have you ever found any of your parents friends attractive?
Yes, I'm sure I have.. None really come to mind right now though..
What movie would you like to recommend to everyone here?
Cruel Intentions Most definitely. Or Spun.. Or High Tension
Why that movie?
Cruel Intentions because..well..it's just..it's just HOT HOT. Spun because it's a total ride. You are sucked in. It's a portrayal of Crystal Meth addicts. It's just a RIDE. High Tension because it is F U C K I N G disturbing!!
Who is one of your celebrity crushes?
Chase Crawford..James Franco.
How old are you?
Who is one Y!A user that you would like get to know better?
BIG johnson of course.. He seems pretty cool..
What are you looking forward to?
Being RICH, of course. I just think I should add, money isn't the root of all evil, it's the LOVE of money that is.
.......And I LOVE money..
Do other Y!A sections give hugs like this one?
I have no idea.. I don't get on them.. if the STD sections does I NEVER want to visit that one!!
Are you more likely to answer questions asked by someone with a real picture than just an avatar?
Not really it doesn't really matter to me.
Finally found a man you couldn't impress, last man on the Earth, hmm.. you still couldn't get this. You're delusional, you're delusional, boy you're losin your mind. All fired up with your Napoleon complex, seein right through you like you're bathing in windex...ohhhh.