2012-11-15 18:43:45 UTC
I've had a few boyfriends and one girlfriend. With the guys, the cuddling and romantic stuff felt weird and awkward to me. With the girl, it felt more comfortable, and I enjoyed it more. I only really fantasize about girls (I haven't had sex, but I only can imagine enjoying sex with a female). I admit, I do rather like David Tennant from Doctor Who, but I think it's more in a admiring way. Sort of like I want to have a conversation with him, not anything romantic. (Not that it matters. He's famous and too old for me, ahaha). I have a crush on my female friend, and the only crushes I've had on guys I know were way back in elementary school. I would rather have a lesbian relationship than a straight one.
Could this be a phase? Or do I seem to be rather gay?
Any opinions would be appreciated, but no hate please :)