If Homosexuality is wrong, then why does the Bible say the following?
2006-11-30 17:04:01 UTC
This shows homosexuality is wrong- so why do people keep saying its OK?

Romans 1:26-27 “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

And:1 Corinthians 6:9, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.”

For those of you who think homosexuality is Genetic- please see the following:
In 1993, Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute claimed to have found a genetic link to homosexuality. Yet in 1999, the results of an intensive study by the University of Western Ontario found that Hamer was in error
23 answers:
2006-11-30 17:09:13 UTC
Because many people don't believe in the Christian God and make their own choices. Ours is a non-religious society anymore. Yes, people still go to church and pray, but they are not really religious. Only few are blessed with a real connection to the deity of their choice, so most disregard him/her/it/them as not real and not connected to them in any way, shape, or form. Since there is no Big Brother watching over them, they do what they want. It is not in the Bible to fight one's nature, so if one is gay or bisexual, then one was meant to be gay or bisexual. Why would God create his children with different tastes if he didn't love them? Your God loves everyone, right? How can he be all loving if he wanted his children to hate others?

till then
2014-04-08 12:04:49 UTC
ha ha ha...homosexuals don't judge? So being homosexual is accually some sort of higher being? From what I am reading, it sounds like Christians are incapable of loving homosexuals. That is a lie. I would say that most Christians do love their homosexual brothers and sisters. However, Christians also love God, hopefully more so than any other human being. If Christians are threatened by a sinful way of life, then why is it so wrong for them to avoid the very people who promote it. I don't like gang memebers, but I'm sure they have good in them, and that God loves them just as much as everyone else. I
2006-12-01 07:02:15 UTC
To BEARABLE: I could not have said it better myself. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

That is what I have realized all along.

It is kinda like in the movie "The King and I" Jodie Foster.

The myth of the times had something to do with a great white elephant that all the children believed and were frequently told would somehow save them from attack.

Turns out, there was no great white elephant, and the myth was soon dispelled when the kids went to the island and found no such thing.

Why people continue to tell folklore stories of Santa Claus, Halloween, Easter Bunnies and other foolishness to their children, I will never understand. I never told such empty hopes to my three children, instead I instilled in them a desire to seek truth and to not be swayed or tricked by the tradtions of the fathers.

When we look at religion, the Sun God Worshipers, the Greek Mythology, and others, it is amazing to me that people today, fail to see how we have all been evolving over time, and the beliefs alone are ALWAYS REPLACED with new knowledge, or in some cases, more original, different bull s-h-i-t.

I am not a God hater, nor do I desire to disprove the bible or any religion for that matter. But what I can not understand is why people so wildly hold onto these beliefs that they were taught as a kid, when common sense alone make obvious the nonsense of the engrained belief.

I remember going through school and really obvious questions being asked, i.e. why when you eat, you have to go to the bathroom shortly afterwards?

I ignorantly, but common-sensically, said, "Uh, if more comes in, then some has gotta come out!"

The answer was correct, and it seemed so ridiculous that the question would even be asked or need to be on a test. It was simply too obvious.

The same "feels" true with the whole bible thing. Like I said, "I could not have said it better myself." BEARABLE summed it up very nicely, and as for die-hard believers, I do believe there is some existentence that we know not of, after we die, but that's just it. We know not of it, and we won't know until we're dead.

Clearly, and this is the most obvious of common sense, whatever is to come of any of us, after we die, will be. In the mean time, live "your" life (the operative word here being "your") as you desire and in the way you get the most out of it, and leave others the same opportunity.

Get out of the habit of worrying about what you SHOULD DO and start getting into the habit of doing it. In time you will come to know what "works" for you.

Remember, there is a reason why there is so much INDIVIDUALITY and VARIATION on the earth. There are different races, different trees, different varieties of food, etc. etc. This variation and difference is good. In the same way, let the variety of people, sin and different approaches to living just be.

It is not your or my job to worry about changing all flowers into the same budding rose. There is wisdom in variety, and that variety will endure forever. So don't fight it. Embrace it. And really, in the end, nobody really knows anything, except that we are here, and we are having a human experience. So why not make the most of it, instead of wasting time arguing, fighting, killing and hating. Can't imagine anything more empty than to be hating and hurting another human being just because he or she plays a different song. Now, how stupid is that?
2006-11-30 18:31:05 UTC
Because the bible is a myth babe ...evolve a little its easy god wont mind ...promise!

While we have none of the autographs of the Bible, the early manuscripts we do have have and that are known to be genuine, by the most conservative estimates, have 200,000 differences between the wording in them, and while many are not meaningful, some completely change the doctrine of the church. (Ehrman, Bart, Ph.D.; Misquoting Jesus: The story behind who changed the Bible and Why; Harper Collins, 2006 -- p. 89). less conservative estimates range up to about 400,000 -- and there are programmers now endeavoring to write a program that will be able to count the exact number of variances.

And that's only the start of the difficulties for the Bible. If you only use the Textus Receptus (Received Text) as it is printed in modern Bibles then you are looking at enormous problems anyway -- in fact insurmountable ones. The World does not have corners (Isaiah 11:12), nor does it sit on pillars (I Samuel 2:8), nor water (Psalms 24:1-2). God did not establish a solid dome over the earth (that's what firmament literally means) and he does not have a palace on top of it from which angels can come and go up Jacob's ladder -- which might be reached by the tower of babel -- and where he keeps "treasuries" of hail and snow (Job 38: 22-23). For the sake of all that is decent, you can't even harmonize the 1st and 2nd chapters of Genesis with each other, say nothing of being able to defend the Biblical creation as scientifically factual. That's no surprise though, as the Bible tells us that beetles have four legs (Leviticus 11: 21-23) and that rabbits chew their cuds (Deuteronomy 14:7). It says that pi is 3, not 3.14 (I Kings 7:23 and 2 Chronicles 4:2) and that the mustard seed is the smallest seed in the world and grows into a tree [neither of which are true] (Matthew 13: 31-32). It is hardly a font of rational thought or scientific accuracy. Furthermore these errors only scratch the surface. Try harmonizing accounts in Joshua and the telling of the same tales in timeline in Judges sometime. If you can you are more proficient than any theologian I've ever met, and I've met a few.

Late bronze age men created the OT and early iron age ones the NT. It is not surprising therefore that God cannot lead Israel to defeat Iron chariots after promising he would (Judges 1:19), and it is not surprising that the flight of Israel from the god Chemosh, after the king of a city the Jews were beseiging and that God had promised them they would overthrow The King of the city offered his own son to Chemosh as a human sacrifice, resulting in Chemosh driving the Israelites away (2 Kings 3: 19-27) -- further it is not surprising that no punishment is mentioned -- the Israelites were still sacrificing their own children, as is evidenced in several places, but most graphically in Judges 11:30-39

The long and short of it is, the Bible is a mythic book, written by bronze and iron age men who were recording primarily oral legends in written form. In any realistic sense it is drivel. You can see, just in the passages I noted above from 2 Kings -- the last vestiges of polytheism fading away. Chemosh was supposed to get power from human sacrifice, just as Jehovah did -- and that power allowed him to turn the table against Israel, despite the fact that God was with Israel.

Read the verses, read the context -- to all the things I've suggested, calm your breathing and thinking and ask yourself if this is really the God of the Universe you are reading about -- or a tribal deity, which has now evolved into the one we worship. I think you will find biblegod sadly lacking -- something the liturgical churches have been saying for hundreds of years. If you find yourself unwilling to even look -- ask yourself why? Are you willing to sacrifice the truth, in order to maintain a comfortable myth for yourself?

And if you want a chuckle, read the second, and theoretically final version of the ten commandments. They are in Exodus 34: 10-26. That is the covenant Yahweh actually made with Israel. No seething here.

Seriously, you are feeling conflicted because you have been told things that are not true -- the biggest one being that the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is a bronze age book written by bronze age men -- except for some parts of the NT that were written by early Iron age men. It is not divine, and what is says about human sexuality is greatly dependent on the sexual morales of a single culture in the 1st to 4th century CE -- 1st to 4th century I say because the root copies that we have are from the 1st to 4th centuries. Anything older may well have been -- as we can see from Dr. Ehrman's work -- changed.

Have a nice day.
2006-11-30 17:25:10 UTC
Here's why we keep saying homosexuality is OK: because the Bible IS NOT the end-all of the whole goddamn earth. Turning to the Bible is like turning to Bill Clinton's autobiography, or the label on a bottle of multivitamins or my electric heater owner's manual and saying: "Because I personally believe this thing is a holy text, then homosexuality is wrong!" No. The Bible is a great cultural artifact with great advice and great ideas, but it's still full of contradictions and stories that just aren't and could not possibly have been true. And billions of other people around the world turn every day to their own religious/cultural books which are certainly not the Bible.

And the Bible has been translated 80 times and interpreted and reinterpreted by various clergymen.

What would you say to the fact that Pope Benedict XVI is considering allowing the use of condoms in certain situations to prevent the spread of HIV? Rules change. The Bible gets in the way of common sense and saving lives. If the church had condoned condoms 20 years ago, AIDS probably wouldn't be killing off half the populations of Africa, India, and Indonesia. Here's the link to the article:,1518,450857,00.html
2006-11-30 17:09:17 UTC
People who are non-religious, or not Christians, will think it's ok. And of course those who are homosexual as well. If they're homosexual they would want to support it instead of say that it's wrong - if they think it's wrong themselves, then why wouldn't they stop? So, I don't know if there was an actual question that you wanted to ask, but that'sa few reasons why people would support it.
Sylvia Shaw
2013-12-23 18:09:24 UTC
My God.......start with Romans I verse 17th and read forward to verse 26; 27 to the end..GOD was against homosexuality.... and gave warning and simply told what happened in 26 - 27. when they chose to go against HIS word....don't dress this up.....shame on you~!!!!!!!!!
IndyT- For Da Ben Dan
2006-11-30 17:34:53 UTC
Perhaps you'd like to quote the Constitution where it says you have the right to force your religion on others. What? It's not there? Well it must be, otherwise why would you continue to insist it has relevance to others who don't believe in it?

If you think homosexuality is wrong, then YOU shouldn't be homosexual. No you aren't any more justified in harassing others with your beliefs any more than a Jew or Muslim would be justified in slapping a ham sandwich out of your hand.
χριστοφορος ▽
2006-11-30 17:19:23 UTC
The Bible say several other things that you conveniently overlooked: "Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard" ,"Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves", "‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material", "And the pig... you must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you" so aren't men who shave, people with tattoos, farmers, people with blended clothes, and football players also wrong?

Many scientific studies besides Hamer's have shown that homosexuality is genetic. and the study by the University of Western Ontario did not find Hamer was in error and stated "We agree with Hamer that our results do not exclude the possibility of genetic effects underlying male homosexuality."
2006-11-30 18:28:50 UTC
So...basically you are pointing out that either the BIBLE has false principles, or that GOD makes mistakes. Because I love Jesus, and I was not raised to hate anybody for any reason. Homosexuals do everything that so called "normal" people do. GOD Does NOT make mistakes. Do u think he's just sitting in heaven thinking to himself " Oh man, what have I done?" " Cindy wasn't supposed to be a lesbian" ? Yea...don't think so.
2006-11-30 17:52:45 UTC
Read what a Baptist minister has to say about some of these issues here:

What if Christian leaders are wrong about homosexuality?

I don't get it
2006-11-30 17:42:14 UTC
First of all Christians, I don't think are saying sin all you want your going to heaven anyway. God also knows your heart.

If your evil your evil, your gay your gay, so why we ask are people born this way???? We shouldn't questions nor condenm the hurting ecspecially for that which we do not ourselves understand. Live and let live and pray for understanding.
2006-11-30 17:36:45 UTC
Romans 1:26-27 claims that *God* turned straight people into homosexuals. Does your God really turn people into sinners, or add to their sins with even more sin?
2006-11-30 17:11:08 UTC
Your statement is based on the bible,admittingly written by man who assumes what God thinks bc it "in their hearts". Anybody who does not believe in the bible will not care about its contents.

I dont believe God OR Jesus to be as stuck up,bitter and judgemental and hateful as Christians do. God OR Jesus would not approve of the way you are deciding for him whats right and wrong. He dosent like the way you decide someone will burn for an eternity because they are attracted to someone of the same sex. What is ever so peaceful about being hateful and torturing those who are gay. According to Christians,a sin is a sin,they are all equal sins in Gods eyes. So,forget the homosexuals,look at yousef,your religous leader,your neighbor,your wife. What have you done to sin today? Oh,it dosnet matter right? Because you have a "Get out of hell free card".
2006-11-30 17:12:14 UTC
The bible also says:

-- you cannot eat pork

-- you have to sacrifice animals, burning the fat and spilling the blood on an altar

-- women have to stay hiddn during their periods

-- you must stone people for certain "sins"

...and a bunch of others. I'm betting you don't do any of those things -- so why are you picking this ONE thing to do what the bible says?

And so what if Hamer's "gay gene" was shown not to specifically indicate homosexuality? That doesn't prove it ISN'T genetic. Frankly, most of us in the world don't care if it's genetic or not -- it's how gay people are, and they're still people, so we accept them as they are. I personally don't care about anybody else's sexual habits, as long as what they do is between two consenting adults. It's NONE OF MY BUSINESS. Or yours.
2006-11-30 17:37:26 UTC
Not everybody believes in that book, so why would people who are atheists (or members of other religions) concern themselves with what it says?

There are plenty of other things that are supposedly offensive to God, and yet people dismiss them away with all kinds of excuses. Do you think that grossly fat preachers are concerned about the sin of gluttony? No, they would rather preach about the faults of others so that the stadium floodlights are not on their lives.
2006-12-01 02:47:47 UTC
If you can quote where JESUS says that homosexuals are evil, I'll believe you. Until then, all you've got is Levitticus (nullified by Jesus) and writings of Paul (who is, in fact, not Jesus).
2006-11-30 18:26:44 UTC
ok one are u mental or something and two for all we know someone was very high and thought they saw god and started making up s h i t to support that he didnt like homosexuality so maybe u need to think about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Throbington Steifenholz
2006-11-30 17:14:23 UTC
Unfortunately for you, the intricate complexities of human sexuality can not be dumbed down to mesh with your unsophisticated, black and white, superstition based world view.
2006-11-30 17:10:45 UTC
Yes homosexuality is wrong, however so is lying, cheating, etc. Along with being judgmental of others. As a christian it is not my place to judge anyone for what they do. That is God's place and each and everyone of us will be judged in the end. And he will look at our hearts. So I choose not to judge anyone! And sin is sin, God does not say that one sin is worse or less than another. God bless****
2006-11-30 17:06:54 UTC
I think you misphrased your question. It should read if homosexuality is OKAY, then why does the bible say......
Keith N
2006-11-30 17:10:37 UTC
it is not right to use words from the book of wisdom for things that we no is wrong men with men? think about it bud, you asking for gods help, your crying out.

may he strike upon you today.
2006-11-30 17:12:45 UTC
those are their decisions. We can not judge them.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.