Does anyone think that your sexuallity can change based on how you were raised?
2020-11-26 17:21:34 UTC
First let me just say i'm 100% not judging anyone and i apologize if it may seem that way, i'm just curious.
I have two questions and here's what i mean with that, i do belive that people are born this way but i also see it like this, some girls might be born bi and let's say she has two moms so by growing up that way do you think that person would grow up wanting to be with another girl more then a guy or without even considering a guy? i belive that a lot of people can have different percentages of their attractions. So someone can be born straight but have a 10% attraction towards the same gender and so on and so fourth.. some guys may prefer masculine girls and some girls may prefer feminine guys and some people are just in between those two.
I mainly wanna hear opinions from your perspectives on this :D and again i really hope that this isn't considered offensive! i wanna learn more about it.
Nine answers:
2020-12-01 19:52:32 UTC
Whom do I contact about Jews and freemasons (aka homosexual devilworshipping Jew-masons) killing 70 million in Soviet Union by gulags, famine, or shooting squads? How can Russian Orthodox get some justice?

Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Ioann Snychev was poisoned/murdered by Jew Putin (aka Shalomov) because he refused to work for Jews. KGB poisoned Putin; Putin died in 2007; now doubles (who wear latex masks) pretend to be Putin. Medvedev is David Aaronovich Mendel. Jews murdered Tsar Nicolas 2nd's family; Jews bled them for six hours according to ritual.

Tsar Nicolas' family was sacrificed by Jews (they bled 6 hours); their remains were burnt; their blood drank; ashes from remains were sprinkled onto 50 hard-boiled eggs (dish called scido Amafreikis) [50 egg shells were found outside the place of ritual murder]. Also, decapitated Tsar's head (which was grey ... hair turned grey when he saw his kids being knifed).. Ritualistic murder... (blood libel is same thing as anti-Semitism ... a lie by Jews to flee justice). Jews came up that Tsar's family was shot. Tsar appeared to warn that

whosoever worships false remains will become possessed by demons (this just happened like a decade ago ... maybe less)… Jews collect heads of leaders because they believe in reincarnation.

How about Jews coming up with a mocking holiday April 1st because resurrection of Jesus happened on that day? Jews came up with mocking holidays 23 February (Day of Soviet Army) which was capitulation by cowards in Tsar’s army… or March 8 (international Woman’s day) which celebrates lesbian/prostitute Klara Tsetkin and Rosa Luxembourg.

Three biggest saints in heaven (in this order): Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, and Tsar Nicolas 2nd

Four biggest sinners in hell (in this order from the bottom of hell moving up to our level): Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin

You could joke that Marx is a bigger sinner than Engels because Marx fooked Engels but how is Lenin a bigger sinner than Stalin when Lenin was fooked by Zinoviev (even by Bronstein once)?

Lenin's brain was the size of walnut. He had syphilis. Was alcoholic. Born from incest degenerate family. Was in insane asylum. Wife Kruspkaya was probably lesbian 'cause what normal woman would stay with him?

According to Russian Orthodox researcher Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

1)sodomy (69, anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, orgies, hand job, bj, even all non-missionary positions between husband and wife, etc.)

2)insane asylum

3)physical deformities in kids (eyes looking at different angles, wolf jaw, rabbit lip, horse foot, different length limbs, etc.)

all these accompanied by drug/alcohol abuse

Jews have like six times more degenerates than other nations because they don't have monkhood. Jewish degenerates become politicians (or similar high rank in society). In Germany during Hitler time, it was eight times. Hitler, Stalin (aka Jugashvilli which means son of Jew), Roosevelt, Churchill were all Jewish degenerates. Hitler had many Jewish coworkers as homosexual partners. Stalin was expelled from seminary for sodomy.

A few centuries ago, angel appeared to Orthodox Christian community and said not to buy from Jews at bazaar because it's sprinkled with blood (something like that)

Those were facts… and now for some Conspiracy Theory: Elimination of comments on Yahoo Answers means that Project Pogo is completed. Now, Project Zyphr will initiate in winter. They will turn off electricity for a few days to gather dissidents into underground concentration camps. DRONE WITH SCOPOLAMINE will drill a hole in your window and once gassed you will come out to them yourself. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will make phone calls and posts on social media as if it were you doing it (and no one will notice that you’re gone).

The remaining people will be chipped. Only marked people will receive food in closed stores. So, when people sign up for food, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable mark of the beast. Hide within 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Serafim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics.
2020-11-27 20:31:16 UTC
Some people are born to be homosexual because they inherited a wrong Chromosome before they were born that makes their brain believe that they can only be sexually attracted to the same sex.  No one can be made a homosexual by their upbringing.  Most people have at least a little bisexual in them and those exposed to some same sex sexual fun can become relaxed and open to it but the truth is deep down they are still attracted to the opposite sex and will form a relationship and family with the opposite sex..  Homophobia is a taught thing that came out of religion and the belief that no one should have sex for pleasure and only do it to have babies.  In countries like Thailand they never were controlled by European countries and so they are quite relaxed about having a bit of fun with the same sex and it is considered just part of sex.
2020-11-27 15:09:10 UTC
Definitely. There is still no evidence that homosexuality is entirely inborn.

“Adult children of lesbian parents less likely to identify as straight, study finds

They're "significantly more likely to report same-sex attraction, sexual minority identity, and same-sex experience" than the general population.”

The article says “the culture has evolved enough that these young people feel free to explore who they are."

That seems to be the rationalisation for every increase in the number of people reporting non-heterosexual attraction. The problem is that it's not testable and therefore not science. Nobody knows the % of LGBT in closet 50 years ago. If you don’t know that number, how can you say X percentage of people had always been been homosexuals? 

The LGBT population keeps increasing. In the 1990s, they said it was 2 percent. In the 2000s they said 4 percent. 5 years ago, they said 8 percent. Now it has reached 10-15 percent. Some surveys by GLAAD show 20-30 percent of the millennials identifying as LGBT.

It depends on treating as dogma the idea that sexual orientation is an inborn trait.. In fact, genetic twin studies, although they confirm that there is a genetic component to sexual orientation, also show that it is only partially determined by genetics (and sexual orientation in women less so than for men). So it is indeed possible that repeated exposure of younger people to the idea that they need to "discover" and “explore “ their sexual orientation could be allowing neural pathways of non-heterosexual orientation to be reinforced that would otherwise have naturally been pruned away during development. Yes, it's likely that all along there have been people who were primarily attracted to others of their own sex, but the fact that such people have likely always been a part of human populations tells us nothing about the intrinsic distribution of the total population between heterosexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality.
2020-11-27 04:13:01 UTC
Not in the slightest.
2020-11-26 23:54:13 UTC

Yes some uninformed (uneducated on the topic) people do think that.    

Additional detail:  Your 3 points.

1) You speak about a bisexual girl with two mum's.    You over simplify things as the child will be as nature defined her, this is why so many gay people are gay despite them being raised by mixed sex parents but lets just play the game and say yes its very likely that this girl will prefer to find a same sex partner.  

To that I would ask,  whats is the problem with that outcome.  Same sex or opposite sex,  why would I be distressed one way or the other. 

2) If a person you know you identify as being straight but then you find they have a 10% attraction to the same gender,  that is not straight, it is bisexual.  The fact you or maybe even they did not identify this before hand does not eliminate it.  

I suspect there are a lot more bisexuals in society than any of us will ever know about.

3) I was a little lost with your comment on feminine guys and where you were going so I left it alone.
2020-11-26 22:53:57 UTC
"let's say she has two moms so by growing up that way do you think that person would grow up wanting to be with another girl more then a guy or without even considering a guy?"

Maybe? I think she would definitely be more comfortable being with another woman since her moms would accept it no problem. A bi person with a homophobic family might stick with people of the opposite gender. 

Its kind of irrelevant though because its not really changing their sexuality. They are still bi no matter what gender their partner is.  
2020-11-26 22:42:33 UTC
Not really, whats in you will come back out sooner then later
2020-11-26 18:13:38 UTC
Studies have been done on the kids of same sex couples. The kids are no more or less likely to be lgbt than anyone else. Therefore, since most people are straight - their kids mostly are straight. Only about 10% of people are gay. The one difference between kids raised by same sex couples and those raised by straight couples is that the kids of same sex couples grow up with an understanding that their are different types of families. 
2020-11-26 18:06:32 UTC
I think life experience can determine what seems right for each person. Everyone is different.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.