Gay-Straight-Bisexual Alliance Formation?
2006-03-14 16:48:42 UTC
I am a junior at a public High School in the South East, and a bisexual. (For those of you who are at this point wanting to beat me over the head with a Bible or something, know this: I did not choose to be this way. It took me *several* years of inner scrutiny and the admittance of a friend of mine that he is gay before I was able to admit to myself that I am equally attracted to guys and girls. I am also a Christian, but not 'out' among my church or very many of my Christian friends, though some are aware.)
My question is this: How would I go about setting up a Gay-Straight-Bisexual Alliance within my High School? I have a gay senior friend who is very much interested in this course of action, and a straight friend who said that she would join it if we were able to set it up. I have recently come to realize just how many people of alternate sexual orientation are present at my high school, and I would like to help my friend(s) set this group up as a support system...(more soon)
Four answers:
2006-03-14 17:45:50 UTC
I'm a gay college student who works with my college's GSA. What you need to do is talk to some teachers at your school. Tell them about your desire to start a GSA. If you can get one of them behind you, you can go to the administration and tell them that this teacher is willing to be the faculty advisor to your club. Since you're in a public high school, it's illegal for them to deny you the right to form a GSA (I'm pretty sure, it might vary state by state). But in any case, talk to people in your school, talk to people in other area highschools, the more support you get the better :)

good luck!
2006-03-15 05:20:23 UTC
When I was in highschool I ended up forming something similar to this with my then girlfriend and several other gay/bi friends of ours. We ended up talking to a counselor about it and they agreed, so once a month or so we got together and were able to talk about issues that pertained to us.

boredmdguy is right, talk to somebody on the faculty of your school whom you trust and who you think would be open to the idea. Get them behind you and then go to the administration.

The first person who answered (sorry, didn't catch their name) also has a good suggestion. Try PFLAG for literature and resources. Also, I think there is a National Gay-Straight Alliance that you could hit up for information/resources.

Good luck to you!

2006-03-16 02:06:28 UTC
You may have to ask what is the school policy on forming a support group. and then find out if people would be willing to join.
2006-03-14 17:36:41 UTC

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