Is it ok if I hate gay men?
2015-04-23 02:37:12 UTC
I just hate they way the act, I feel very uncomfortable when they act so feminist, yesterday I was having lunch a Wendy's and there's these two guys and one girl and then a random dude came in and one of the gay men was "ahh he's cute, I love his shoulders", ahh that annoys me and it's PLAIN STUPID when they act like women
111 answers:
Jedi Jan
2015-04-27 05:10:40 UTC
I was informed years ago in a Community Services course that I undertook that all people have prejudices in one form or another. Basically it is up to you to behave in a non prejudice manner towards those you have prejudices against though. So, in saying that yes, it is okay if you hate gay men, so long as you behave towards them appropriately; in the same manner as you would to everyone else. It may be easier for you to look into why you find yourself with these homophobic tendencies though; only you would know. If this is causing you much discomfort it may be worthwhile looking into why.

I am female and although I have not personally experienced this problem, I was annoyed by the behaviour of a persistent, would be suitor of the same sex, who would not leave me alone at a party, even though I was very direct in saying I was not gay nor interested. I put this down to an individual person thing though and not a reason to dislike other gays. A reason to be more aware perhaps. Perhaps you have been put on by one of a similar persistent nature, which can be quite offensive. Not all gays are nice! They are individuals as much as any other. If this is so then you really have to isolate that person as one unpleasant individual not one that is representative of the gay community as a whole. In the end hating anyone only causes you grief and you are far better off without having that burden.
2015-04-23 02:54:48 UTC
Yes you can hate whoever you want ... what's not okay is to victimize and discriminate against those people. So what if some are a little "feminine"? There are plenty straight men who are more feminine (although doing the "gay voice" isn't an attempt at being "feminine", it's an expression of who they are).

Loads of people comment on how good or bad people look. It just so happens to be a guy commenting about a guy ... no issue there.

Also, to get this straight ... so are you then okay with lesbians snogging in public and commenting about how attractive another woman's bum is? Because you seem to only really be hung up on gay men. You find lesbians to be sexy. does it get a rise out of you?
2015-04-24 19:16:07 UTC
As by your own admission you have it all upside down and back to front, clearly then its wrong to hate.

You say: "hate they way the act" I am sorry but gay men do not share a common behaviour type action beyond loving men any more than to say straight men have some sort of common action behaviour and so must bisexuals.

You then said: "they act so feminist"

No sorry that is not so. Few of my gay friends fit that mold. I also know some straight men who do fit it.

You next spoke about Wendys: And the problem is??? I work in a industry that employs thousands and most are males. I have often had to listen to some of these men expressing views on teenage girls who walk past us at work.

Like you I do not enjoy this as I am sure now and then these girls can hear the opinions being expressed.

In addition if your logic is sound its reasonable for me to therefore hate straight men for being into teenage girls.

You may be interested in knowing that homophobia exposes the person for who they really are.
2015-04-29 17:03:40 UTC
First off I'm 100% Straight.( Married with 3 Son's also Married ) Over the years Iv'e met and worked with Lesbian's ,Gay's ,Bi Sexual s and probably a few other kind's of Person's I'm not aware of. Never met one I hated Most of Them are intelligent and have a great sense of Humor. . I'm known to have a bit of a sick sense of Humor My Self and can mimic and imitate almost anyone once I get to know Them. Went to a party once and after a while and a few drinks I started imitating a fellow worker who is Gay. Even He said it was the funniest thing He had ever seen and everyone said I was Dead On . My personal opinion is that No One can ever have too many Friends and if a few of Them happen to be Gay that's fine with Me. Not one has ever tried to seduce Me or made any untoward advances .Just like I'm not interested in Them sexually They have no interest in Me either. So feel free to hate Them if You must but Personally I think You'r wasting Your time over nothing.
2015-04-23 08:25:55 UTC
I personally believe in marriage between a man and a woman, but I dont think you should "hate" them because they are different. Think about it. Not so long ago it seemed crazy if an African american married a Caucasian. Everyone should be allowed to have their own choice. Also, remember sometimes people are just born a certain way and they can not help it. Imagine feeling like a girl trapped in a boy's body and how painful that could be.

You probably would just want to try to hide it. Remember to love one another not hate.
2015-04-29 01:48:04 UTC
You hate gays simply because they are gay? That's weird.

Hate is not right. Some think that hate even hurts the hater more than the hated.

Homosexuals are lost in their sexuality. Many are wounded by their lack of a father or closeness to their father. Many were raped or molested in their youth. Many mistake sex with love. These, combined with the lie that sexuality is whatever you want it to be, cause some people to harm themselves through this lifestyle.

You should not hate them, but hope and pray that they turn from their lifestyle and find true love and hope and happiness.
2015-04-27 16:13:01 UTC
It's okay if you don't like the way a person acts. However, you shouldn't automatically hate a group of people based on one person's actions. Also, if you ever really announced that, you would most likely be called homophobic, a bigot, ignorant, intolerant of anyone who doesn't fit your narrow minded views on how a person should and should not act, and could also be accused of committing a hate crime if you take it farther.

Also, not all gay men are effeminate.
2015-04-23 13:54:46 UTC

I can understand your feelings of saying how they act. It's funny they just ache fir attention.

I don't see the gay women seeking this.kind of attention. Yes, they do ask this way. They try to out do a real female, but this can never happen, because she is the real deal.

They do act very irritating most of the time. But is that a good reason to hate someone? The Lord said, we should love our enemies. This guy your y enemy???

No, So, does that answer the question? I know it's very hard to like or love them. That'

s why a lot of straight guys beat them up some times. But we should not hate them.

The best this ti do is to ignore them as best you can. Really.
2015-04-23 02:47:38 UTC
Of course not since the CRIMINAL LAW is being used to deal with the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution and it is rated as an aggravated HATE crime!

Christian leaders from around the world have clearly stated their opposition to the "victimization or diminishment" of gays and lesbians, saying demonizing and persecuting them was "totally against Christian charity and basic principles of pastoral care".

Both the current Pope and Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier the Arch Bishop of Durban have said gays should not be persecuted and should be helped!

Taking one sin to indulge in intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution will never be acceptable in the eyes of God!

"We say that no one should have to live in fear because of the bigotry of others."

The Mormons poured millions into forcing through prop 8 in CA: to ban gay marriage. In August 2010 the court held that to be unconstitutional. On 15 June 2011 the San Francisco court upheld that decision because it violates the constitutional rights of citizens. On 7 February 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck the California law again finding that the California state constitution banning same-sex marriage violated principles of due process and equal protection under the law.

The court found that the ban violates equality laws to target a minority group and withdraw a right that it possessed, without a legitimate reason for doing so. Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California. The constitution simply does not allow for laws of this sort.

The Supreme Court upheld the early court decision. Thus anyone married in any state or country where gay marriage is legal is legally married in all American states and most countries in the world! The Supreme Court will rule later this year and is expected to legitimize gay marriage thriught America and strike out all the unconstitutional anti gay state legislation!

Gay marriage is now legal virtually everywhere and that will be marriage and not civil partnership!

In the UK The intolerance, bigotry and homophobia from Christians resulted in it being classed as a hate crime with severe sentences. It has led to the government framing legislation which if enacted will replace "Civil Partnership" with full marriage. France, New Zealand, Spain and ten other countries have legalized gay marriage and others have commenced legislating to do so!

The loving god works in mysterious ways.
2015-04-25 21:50:44 UTC
Well I would say it's not okay if you have a prejudice against their sexuality, but it sounds like you don't, sounds like you just hate the way they act, and that's perfectly fine. I know four gay guys, three of which are my friends. One of them is masculine and I had no idea he was gay. One of them I didn't know but now that I do know it's kind of obvious. The one that's not my friend annoys me. He always hangs out with EVERY girl in school, what he says is annoying. Don't get me wrong, I completely support him being gay. I couldn't live with myself if I was a homophobe. It's just him (nothing to do with his sexuality) that annoys me. Trust me, you don't hate gay guys, you just hate the overly feminine ones. You'll meet a very masculine gay guy that you'll probably like. Hope this helps. :)
2015-04-24 11:46:41 UTC
It is not ok to hate anyone. How about just ignore them. You probably see more gay men in a week than you realize but they do not act in an open manner. You have a right to your prejudices as long as they do not usurp the rights of others.
2015-04-26 01:50:20 UTC
Generally people who hate gay's vemently tend to have homosexual leanings themselves ,and to prove that they are not gay go around shouting that they hate gays ?normal guy's do not give it a second thought and never mention it,but gay haters keep on about it all the time,think about it ok.
2015-04-23 02:41:20 UTC
Homosexuals do not share any characteristics. My brother is one of the campest people you'd meet and he's 100% not gay. Whereas I am. You can hate whoever you want, you're still an uneducated idiot.

Edit: I wish I could reply to Olegs answer but alas, he blocked me for proving him wrong oh so many times. Why don't you stop being a coward so we can debate each other? Or perhaps you're too afraid.... And my Father was and is still in my life. He was a wonderful Father figure.
2015-05-02 03:14:19 UTC
No. But you need to see behind their some screen. There are two types of homosexulity pre- gender/ feminine type and post gender / masculine type. Feminine type isnt really feminine, they are simply plainly immature. They have a body language that is exaggerated, sign of that they are in false self, alienated from the body. Usually you will notice: 1. egocentricity, 2. self pity, 3. complaining, 4. co- complaining, 5. indulging in victims mentality, 6. role playing, 7. attention seeking, 8. gender inferiority complex- they feel inferior to you and other men in terms of masculinity, 9. over comensantory narcissism and superiority complex- in their head they think: Oh these stupid jock, these usual straight guys, I am so better than them. Masculine type is much easier to treat and to get cured, cause they usually have some opposite sex attractions- they would be what we call bisexuality
2015-11-06 10:59:15 UTC
I just hate they way the act, I feel very uncomfortable when they act so feminist, yesterday I was having lunch a Wendy's and there's these two guys and one girl and then a random dude came in and one of the gay men was "ahh he's cute, I love his shoulders", ahh that annoys me and it's PLAIN STUPID when they act like women

To answer your question, Yes it is ok to hate gay men.After all it is a choice of yours, you clearly see the abnormality and stupidity regarding the homosexuals so there is no need to be mad at it.It is your choice and you shouldn't be blamed for it.A man shouldn't replicate a woman and vice versa.
2015-04-26 09:52:46 UTC
Do you mean the lisp/stereotypical feminine voice? I don't think you particularly hate gay men. It just sounds like you don't like the way some of them stereotypically act. I'm gay myself and I find the lisp annoying too. Then again, I don't understand why some of them talk like that. I guess it depends on who's around you, but a majority of the openly gay guys I've met do have that lisp.
2015-04-24 14:52:14 UTC
Do you hate people with dark skin as well? Best to examine your hates. It is your probem to sort out. A child can be handicapped with crippled legs or spine or born gay. They have little choice in this but try to be happy. A gay person you do not recognizwe may have done you great favours in your life and career. Think of that.
Frank Barnwell
2015-04-23 09:35:19 UTC
In some abstract cases showing hatred draws, understand the difference between Gay w/ honor, and Sodomy.

gay w/ honor is a dignified relationship between two same sex individuals, and should be respected. Sodomy involves Bestiality, inter Gender Anal interactions, and many other Culturally harmful diversities. Practicing Sodomites have, and will always be a negative, and Cultural Epidermic enhancer, that will destroy any positive Culture; even since Greece and Pompeii...0423/2015
2015-04-23 02:56:59 UTC
You know that acting "feminist" is not the same as acting "feminine", right..?

Feminism is a complex ideology, that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But the bottom line is, working for women's rights and the empowerment of women.

Acting "feminine" simply means acting in accordance with what society recognizes as "proper" female behavior. It's all bullsh*t, and it's all based on stupid, arbitrary, outdated gender norms. But there you go.. That's probably what you mean.

As for hating gay men: if you want my personal opinion about it, then no, that is NOT okay! Not hanging out with (most of) them, because you don't have too terribly much in common with them, is alright. That's the way I feel about most overly macho straight dudes, and most overly girly, "let's go shopping, read Cosmo, paint our nails together and talk about hot guys, because OMG!!" type women. :-P

Not having much in common with someone, and therefore not hanging out with them, is very different from hating them, though! And in my opinion, the former is okay, but the latter is not.. The latter is not cool at ALL! How does their behavior, and who they are, in any sense affect you? It doesn't have to, in the slightest! Just let them do their thing, and you'll do yours.

Also: they're not "acting like women." I am a woman, and I don't act like that. They are acting like ONE particular version of femininity, that society has constructed. And actually, considering how they're gay men, and they're acting like that, that means they're just acting like (gay) men! Because if you're a guy, and you act a certain way, then everything you do is coming from a guy's perspective, and you're therefore acting like a guy! Even if you like to f*ck with stupid gender stereotypes, and deliberately confuse people... (Which personally, I applaud that, and I think people of ALL conceivable genders should try to dismantle them more often!)

Also, it needs to be said that FAR from all gay men act like that. There are those who do, and those are the ones you tend to spot, but.. There are also those who act neither particularly masculine, nor particularly feminine. And those that are "straight-acting", (which is another stupid word, in my opinion!), and you'd never even guess that they were gay, because their interests and behaviors perfectly align with those of any random, stereotypically masculine straight guy.

If you too are masculine in that way, you would probably get along with those guys just fine. And you could probably have a great friendship, with lots of things in common, if only you'd be willing to accept the fact that they were gay.. Actually, it is quite possibly that you're ALREADY friends with someone who's gay, and you just don't know it yet, because they haven't told you. If you always liked them, and appreciated their friendship, and they came out to you, would that REALLY change anything..? Because in my opinion, it sure as hell shouldn't! They would still be exactly the same person! Only now you would know them better, and they'd be more honest.
2015-05-01 20:31:03 UTC
My parents taught me early, there is a dumb reason why most people who hate. And you are admitting that gays have not done anything to you. They did not call you names, did not hit you, did not rape you or anyone you know of, did not kill anyone. the only reason, is inside you, why you hate them so much. When my dad asked me why I hated someone and I could not come up with a valid reason, he said that ok, don't invite them to dinner, at your house, but when you are in public, at school, work, or any other place that you have to be, and so do they, then you treat them with respect, because they may hate you for the same stupid reason and you would want them to treat you with respect. If you do or say something others do not like, would that give them a reason to hurt you, or be disrespectful. So if you have to hate, not sure why, but its your choice, go ahead, and do not invite them to dinner, but show them the respect you would want from them.
2015-04-26 23:33:05 UTC
Okay first it should say "when they act so FEMININE" not feminist. Thats different. And i would say its wrong but i can tell you that they don't all act like that and its a little rude to hate them all just because a few act like girls, Other than that hate who ya want. Just dont go around and pick on gay people because you dislike them. Thats not okay, at all.
2015-04-23 04:13:05 UTC
Speaking from a Christian point of view, it is not okay to hate anyone - whether they are gay, straight, or of any other sexual orientation. We, as humans, were not put on this planet to judge other people. We are here to create harmony and peace between each other and help each other as best we can, especially for those less fortunate than ourselves.

I don't know where your source of hatred comes from, but I can guarantee that it has nothing to do with gay people themselves. Hate begins with hurt, which leads to anger, which leads to bitterness and resentment, which can eventually lead to violence. You need to figure out where your inward hurt is coming from, mend it, and learn to accept others for who they are.

God is THE Judge. Only HE has the final say.

Deuteronomy 32:35

"Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, in due time their foot will slip; for the day of their calamity is near, and the impending things are hastening upon them."

Romans 12:19

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
2015-04-28 20:08:30 UTC
I would say that it is not OK to hate anyone for the decisions thev'e made. I don't agree with the gay lifestye and I also don't agree with a hatefull lifestyle either.
2015-04-25 09:30:40 UTC
No, it's not okay. Why? Because of your ridiculous reasons you gave. Just because a guy acts effeminate, doesn't mean you know jack squat about him. Also, most the gays I've ever known don't act effeminate. Don't hate on people you never once met.
God The Grandpa
2015-04-23 02:50:11 UTC
i met plenty of dudes i was sure were gay, ended up to be strait man who just act feminine.

and i met plenty of gays who you couldn't know they are gay unless they told you.

your perception of homosexuals is skewed and perverted.

don't get me wrong, like you i find the entire concept of homosexual relationship revolting... not just gay sex, the idea of two man emotionally involved goes against any fiber of my being. and i also hate it when people act feminine. it's just not right, and it uncomfortable to be around.

but the misconception that all gay people act feminine is inaccurate.

and hating all gay people is just evil. so no, it's not ok to hate gay men collectively.

but it is ok to not like how some of them act and behave. and not wanting to be around some individuals you dislike on a personal level is only natural.
2015-04-23 03:46:37 UTC
You obviously don't know many gay men. FEW, really, act like stereotypical women. I know MANY gay men, and most are very straight-acting. A few of them ARE rather feminine.
2015-04-24 03:14:46 UTC
It's completely fine to hate them or even be repulsed by them but NEVER look down on anyone or wrong them.Nobody can force you to like gays and nobody can force you to hate gays.

The one main important thing is to be 'civil'.
2015-04-24 05:51:36 UTC
You might not agree with it or like it, but just try to ignore or forget about it.

I am Muslim and Islam is not supportive of gays but I don't hate gays. I won't ever fully understand them because I don't know what it's like to be in their shoes, but don't hate them. Still people.
2015-04-25 16:04:43 UTC
If you hate gay men then you have a mental issue.
2015-04-24 23:13:58 UTC
I totes hate when Straight men drink their beer, are loud, aggressive, sexist, talk about women in a objectified way, talk about their bodies, their "*******" and how they just want to "**** bitches", ugh so irritating right? Like how they're in your face, boorish, and think they own everything. Ugh like so what if a gay guy just innocently said he liked another guy's shoulders like yes let's HATE ON HIM! Straight men like you need to be shot from a cannon into oblivion.
five toed sloth
2015-04-23 02:39:33 UTC
It's OK, what you are experiencing is a classic case of repression. It is time for you to accept that you are gay and step out of that closet.

Best of luck coming out.
2015-04-26 00:17:46 UTC
Is it okay if gay men hate you because you hate them?
2015-04-23 02:46:56 UTC
Hate is too strong a word to use, I believe that you just do not share a liking to certain gay characteristics..
Mireya L
2015-04-28 16:10:12 UTC
Let go think... if you were Gay, do you like to be hated? or well, let try different way... Do you like to be hated for you Hair Color? or for the way you talk? or because your family look like?

Last time I recall, none would like to be hated for any reason... I follow this "Do not do to others what you don't want to you..." yea sound familiar, but sometimes hard to understand... but it paid forward...
Serene E
2015-04-23 10:41:35 UTC ALL GAY MEN behave exactly the same way???? Dude, you're dumb and prejudiced.

Not all gay men act GAY, with high voices and wear colorful clothing.

2015-04-25 15:11:25 UTC
No, it's not. It's okay if you don't want to hang out with gay men, though. I don't hang out with gay men because every time I've tried to be nice to them they hit on me. I'm not gay so I don't have the time to try and stop their weird sexual advances. For this reason I don't hang out with them. In other words, I'm not going to ask a gay man to go camping with me, or even meet the guy for coffee. You can imagine what's going through his mind. But I will be congenial to them and treat them like normal human beings.
2015-04-29 13:02:23 UTC
Silly. there are good people in gay or straight-black or white...whatever the case they may be. You can hate what they do or you can hate them. It is up to you. I don't it like when people try to be "gangster" they way they talk, dress and walk but I don't hate them.
2015-04-24 12:47:24 UTC
no. how about you just live and let live. if some, straight, bi-sexual, try-sexual...whatever does something to you like steal your wallet or hurt your dog...then it's okay to hate that person. but just a general hate of people who aren't doing anything to you is a waste of hate. save the hate for when you need it.
2015-04-25 23:40:29 UTC
you can think and feel whatever you want, you are the only one in your own head. so as long as you are ok with you, you should be ok.

bit if you act out on those feelings of hate in any way that harms another person, that is not ok, that is wrong.
2015-04-29 00:36:47 UTC
Is it okay to hate gay men? Yes, but now that you have told everyone, they will sacrifice you for the glory of stan
2015-04-25 21:27:12 UTC
You hate gay men because you yourself are gay...happens all the time
2015-04-25 11:46:37 UTC

2015-04-23 02:43:18 UTC
It's a form of pollution having to see acts like that, hear the extreme affected voices. Homosexuality removes manhood.

I think...what **** and I don't bother swearing, then flick my eyes elsewhere, put on iPad earphones...gone!! I'm true to my values, but don't dwell on it.
2015-05-01 13:26:31 UTC
Always is right about like or dislike anything, but hate I feel is a very strong word. You can say like I always do, I dislike very much anything to do with gay men, period .

Kaleigh Leckbee
2015-04-27 09:21:07 UTC
No, it's not okay, really, just as it's not okay to hate a person for their race. However, it is okay to dislike their choice for 'being' gay, you just can't hate the person because if you really do, you're stooping to some low levels, man.
Weird Darryl
2015-04-23 10:42:57 UTC
Is it OK to hate straight men?
2015-04-23 02:40:18 UTC
Hating people for such petty reasons is a defining characteristic of having an exceptionally small mind.

Live and let live, eh?
2015-04-25 19:33:12 UTC
I'm gay and I really don't give a **** if you hate me. Hating is an opinion, and you're entitled to it. Just don't bring your opinion to me.
2015-05-01 15:41:00 UTC
2015-04-23 10:21:16 UTC
It's okay as long as you don't act out. It's silly because only you will be affected....Just leave them alone....they have as much right to be gay as you do to be hetero. Mo
2015-04-30 19:26:59 UTC

It's never ok to hate anyone, for any reason.
2015-05-01 18:39:19 UTC
Si no te sientes cómodo estando cerca de los homosexuales o el hablar sobre ellos simplemente evitalos así no los haces sentir mal ni tu tampoco.
2015-04-24 15:44:04 UTC
No bìtch. Don't hate on gays
2015-04-28 20:09:37 UTC
Maybe ask yourself why you don't like when guys are effeminate? If you're able to realize your distaste for them is rooted in dated, narrow-minded ideals and that it's absurd to follow that archaic mindset, they wouldn't bother you so much.
2015-04-23 02:45:36 UTC
Hate who you want but what have they done to you i only hate people how have been mean to me so try to loosen up a little but please don't act out on your hate by doing any thing illegal
2015-05-01 01:44:58 UTC
As long as the hate stays in your mind and you don't speak or do any hateful things.
2015-04-23 04:33:31 UTC
Why not find joy in their joy? Why look at joy and experience hate? Hate is painful. Joy is fun. It's your choice though. You can self-abuse or you can self-amuse.
2015-04-23 17:36:17 UTC
Of course you can. Homos hate homophobics and vice versa. We can hate anybody we want, and it's your opinion, but it's not good to judge them, whether it being the homos or the homophobics.
2015-04-23 02:55:56 UTC
Yeah... it sucks that everyone isn't like you, a ?

I'll bet there are heaps of other people you hate too ;)

2015-04-24 16:45:11 UTC
Then I would suggest not being around them. Just ignore them.

You can disagree with their lifestyles but you don't have the right to harm anyone.
2015-04-30 06:11:19 UTC
First off, it's NOT "ok" to "hate" anyone! Is it ok to dislike the way they act? YES! Is it ok to think that they shouldn't act the way they do? YES! Is it ok to dislike the way they try to force their perversion on everyone else? YES! To hate the person is NOT "ok" EVER.
2015-04-26 10:54:52 UTC
So when men leer at women that' s OK is it .. because it's ''normal''

because I think you'll find it's men who do that .. not women.
2015-04-25 15:03:20 UTC
It is wrong to hate anyone (except Satan and the angels that choose to follow him) . There is nothing wrong with gays acting how they want.
2015-04-27 07:12:47 UTC
It takes some time to get used to it...but they're still people and you have to accept them for who they are.
2015-04-24 10:20:34 UTC
you shouldn't hate anyone but you can hate the sin they are practicing while being gay
Tired Of Lies
2015-04-23 09:01:26 UTC
Hating anyone is wrong. However, it is okay to hate the sin itself. For example, the bible says to "hate the sin, love the sinner". This is not exact wording, mind you, but look it up. Jesus said "love others as I have loved you". He hated no one, and showed love and kindness even to those who hated him.
2015-04-23 02:41:30 UTC
Hate whoever you want. Minorities can be hated too. Pathetic people like you are why blacks can be racist towards whites but whites can't towards blacks etc
2015-04-25 12:55:24 UTC
People will tell you it isn't okay. It is okay! What isn't okay is bullying somebody or physically harming somebody.

You can hate whomever you choose its not really an emotion that we control.
2015-04-23 02:38:26 UTC
So long as it's okay that I whack you upside the head with a socket wrench for being an idiot.
2015-04-24 13:55:46 UTC
You can have your opinions but don't use them to insult or discriminate gays.
2015-04-25 11:51:30 UTC
It would seem to me that what you are hating is a very insecure and lonely part of your very own self.
Brigalow Bloke
2015-04-23 07:45:32 UTC
Most the the gays you meet don't act that way at all.
2015-04-24 17:09:32 UTC
You must be a Christian. On the one hand the Bible says you must love your neighbor, but it also says that gays should be put to death so god can send them to hell
2015-04-23 11:52:23 UTC
No because it makes you a bigot and not all gays act feminine.
2015-04-23 02:41:37 UTC
is it ok if I hate white/black/Asian/women/men? then why is it ok to hate homosexuals. STOP branding people.

'its plain stupid when they act like women?'

is it ok for women to act like women? then why do you think its wrong for homosexuals to act that way!! it is because of people like you theres so many homosexuals that face so many problems. if YOU got a problem go somewhere else, its their right to do as they please, its the very basis of our modern society to allow a person freedom. how would you feel if someone took you away to a prison for doing nothing wrong?
2015-04-25 11:40:41 UTC
Sure, hate who you want. No laws against it unless you harm someone.
2015-04-24 09:43:14 UTC
Yes, it is alright to have opinions and feelings. Although it is best to keep them to yourself or it might offend some people.
2015-04-23 08:09:40 UTC
no, you have to fit within the culture you are living in. here in london, many people accept gay people, therefore i should too
2015-04-23 02:38:58 UTC
You can hate who ever you want, it's not good for you though.
tijuana t
2015-04-25 16:53:07 UTC
Sounds like you have some issues with your own sexuality
2015-05-01 03:05:59 UTC
Absolutely if they too are allowed hatred of reader for contrary reasons.
2015-04-23 02:45:39 UTC
I feel uncomfortable when I walk into Wend'y and you say "nice ****"..

Nah.. i don't mind.
2015-04-23 23:53:06 UTC
i dont think you should hate because every person need respect if we cant respect so we have no right to hate them .if u dont like them try to make distance
2015-04-23 07:23:11 UTC
you can dislike their ways, but you shouldn't hate anybody. Except Satan.
It Is Always Now
2015-04-23 02:44:36 UTC
It's okay, as long as you keep your hatred to yourself.
2015-05-03 04:44:52 UTC
'act so feminist' lol, ok you need a good dictionary or something
2015-04-29 10:31:16 UTC
Hee hee, I like the "just plain stupid" phrase. That said, I'm thinking that maybe it is just plain stupid remarks that set you off.
2015-04-23 10:30:22 UTC
It is a natural reaction by NORMAL people like you and me to react that way because it is just plain disgusting.
2015-04-29 10:39:24 UTC
Methinks thou dost protest too much!
Angela D
2015-04-24 11:36:25 UTC
i have very little time for people who can't express themselves in something resembling proper english. so there.
2015-05-04 03:29:33 UTC
it may be ok but it wont change anything.

just let it go...

gays are here to stay..
2015-04-23 02:43:24 UTC
No God says love your neighbor but I wont say what they do is right its sin
2015-04-25 03:01:38 UTC
Yeah sure.....its your own right to hate or to like somebody

no one can force you to like them .

They disturb me too.....its just not normal or comfortable to see one dude kissing another dude or saying how cute he is.....when i see a physically grown man, i expect him to act like a man, its disturbing to see him try to look and act like girls .

god created as in a certain way..girl or a boy...its just not right to try to change what god created and accusing it as a mistake.

in my opinion....they are just mentally ill people.
2015-04-24 03:46:40 UTC
yeah you might hate someone without getting them hurt....
2015-04-30 13:53:06 UTC
I am a atheist and I shall pray for you.
2015-05-01 20:37:22 UTC
Nah, you're just a shitty dude.
2015-04-30 03:47:24 UTC
flame on, just not around me, and Jeremy wants to be your bear
2015-05-01 19:17:17 UTC
NO u dont have right to hate someone ........ let them live their own life.
Our Lord Is God
2015-04-25 18:26:25 UTC
Bro its fine
2015-04-23 03:49:09 UTC

do you mind if people hate you?
2015-05-03 10:14:34 UTC
2015-05-02 09:36:47 UTC
it is not alright; because you show try to understand their traits.
2015-04-28 19:25:44 UTC
of course they have aids after all
2015-04-26 04:27:52 UTC
Gay people r sick people. They r mentally handicapped. They r infected by bugs like mites, worms, maggots, mold and other vermin that live in their body and on their body. Everyone on earth is infected by these vermin. However, the vermin manifest themselves differently on people according to the environment they live in, the parents who raise their kids, and types of friends they have. Gay and lesbian people r very sick people and the homosexual virus they have is a corrupter. Just like a flu virus tries to infect all people who come in contact with the virus carrier, so the homosexual virus tries to infect all people they come in contact with whether adult or children. However, because rich people r infected with the disease, they tried to turn it into a lifestyle. That is how the virus used the rich people to protect itself because people respect money, which carries all of the viruses on earth.

People should hate all diseases and their sources. However, just like we cannot hate our parents or our children if they r sick, due to that these people r victims, we cannot hate them. Since we r people who hate what we see, we cannot see the virus which camouflages itself in the sick people. However, if someone has a flu, we tend to protect ourselves against the flu since flu makes us suffer with headaches, chill, cough, sneezing, and such. The homosexual virus manifest itself on both female and male by making them behave as the opposite sex, which is repulsive. Homosexuals and lesbians came to behave as the opposite sex and tend to laugh and joke a lot, pretending to be very social because that is the main way for the virus to infect others, pretending to be friendly. However, a home or a lesbo is never friendly. The virus is a killer virus and is never friendly. All infected people like to curse. As you can see, the homo and lesbo viruses enter the army, the navy, politic, and such to protect themselves and as well, they tend to be wealthy in order to multiply safely. Even then, they pretend the virus pretend to be powerless in order to get the government to protect it so it can multiply safely.

Nonetheless, we have to bypass the physical and see the virus that calls itself "gut flora" in the people. These people need help and the sources of the viruses, which exist due to filth, need to be annihilated. The viruses, all types, after they take over the people's body and mind tend to make them stupid since the host became a nest or zombie. That is what a zombie is. Even though you r repulsed by the homosexuals, and I am repulsed by the virus too, due to that we r infected by filth, all of us r somewhat a zombie of other types of infection, mainly the mold. These viruses, protista, insects, bacteria, fungi, and other vermin have no sex, even if they pretend to be male and female to mimic and camouflage.

So, you don't have to befriend a homo or a lesbo. However, shift your hatred to the bugs and other vermin in your environment by practicing cleanliness in all its form. Love cleanliness and hate filthiness. Don't eat too much sugary food and fatty foods since that cause the vermin to populate in your gut and your mouth. In reality, you don't hate your species, you hate the viruses that make them act weird. By practicing cleanliness and hating all types of bugs, which r the sources of infection and diseases, you become the opposite of filth and r no longer a passive zombie. You become a defender of mankind, a protector of your species, the mammals and a destroyer of filth. Know that these vermin have been living on earth for a long period of time and know what makes us tick. That is why they live in our gut in order to abuse us. They even use the most horrible book that exists on the planet, the religious books, to blackmail us into submission. These religious books r used against mankind as books of fear to force us to submit to the virus that controls earth and all its inhabitants. Even the doctors r afraid to save their patients. However, fearing the bugs don't prevent mankind from decaying and dying. Therefore, mankind should destroy vermin daily in their life no matter what. They keep every single child hostage and every parent is blackmailed by the virus. So whenever you see a homo, the hatred you should feel should be against the virus living in the body of the homosexual's host, and not the victim. The homosexual virus is very dangerous as all viruses r. Even when seeming friendly, the homosexual virus only has one purpose is to multiply. By corrupting as many as they can, their numbers increase and that is what all viruses do. Religion is a virus too as you can see, the viruses that call themselves "religion" only has one goal, multiplication. After that the religion virus divides and continues to multiply under different names,cultures, races, and such. That is why the planet where we live became religious, which word means re's legions or ra's legions since the planet is named after ra, the name of the infection. Buddha is an infection. Muhammad is an infection. Jesus is an infection. Yeshua is an infection. Christianity is an infection. Islam is an infection. Jehovah witness is an infection. Jewish is an infection. Homosexual infection and lesbian infection r equal to christian, jewish, moslem, buddhist, conficius, and other groups of infection. Some of them camouflage as good, but there is no good infection. Note that religions only recruits "sinners", which means that every religious people r infected by the filth virus that is earth.

So hate the right thing that caused these people to be gay. However, to protect yourselves, since the gay virus use the rich people to make gay a legitimate lifestyle, stay away from gay because they will not change, instead they try to trick others to become one of them. Just like you would stay away from a person with a contagious disease, so you should stay away from the gay disease because it is contagious.
2015-04-23 02:40:43 UTC
It annoys me and it's PLAIN STUPID when you act like _______________.
2015-04-23 11:37:05 UTC
What has this to do with you?
2015-04-25 10:07:44 UTC
i think you have to ,they are against nature
2015-04-25 21:30:42 UTC
2015-04-24 15:28:37 UTC
2015-04-28 02:26:13 UTC
2015-04-24 10:57:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.