Gay people r sick people. They r mentally handicapped. They r infected by bugs like mites, worms, maggots, mold and other vermin that live in their body and on their body. Everyone on earth is infected by these vermin. However, the vermin manifest themselves differently on people according to the environment they live in, the parents who raise their kids, and types of friends they have. Gay and lesbian people r very sick people and the homosexual virus they have is a corrupter. Just like a flu virus tries to infect all people who come in contact with the virus carrier, so the homosexual virus tries to infect all people they come in contact with whether adult or children. However, because rich people r infected with the disease, they tried to turn it into a lifestyle. That is how the virus used the rich people to protect itself because people respect money, which carries all of the viruses on earth.
People should hate all diseases and their sources. However, just like we cannot hate our parents or our children if they r sick, due to that these people r victims, we cannot hate them. Since we r people who hate what we see, we cannot see the virus which camouflages itself in the sick people. However, if someone has a flu, we tend to protect ourselves against the flu since flu makes us suffer with headaches, chill, cough, sneezing, and such. The homosexual virus manifest itself on both female and male by making them behave as the opposite sex, which is repulsive. Homosexuals and lesbians came to behave as the opposite sex and tend to laugh and joke a lot, pretending to be very social because that is the main way for the virus to infect others, pretending to be friendly. However, a home or a lesbo is never friendly. The virus is a killer virus and is never friendly. All infected people like to curse. As you can see, the homo and lesbo viruses enter the army, the navy, politic, and such to protect themselves and as well, they tend to be wealthy in order to multiply safely. Even then, they pretend the virus pretend to be powerless in order to get the government to protect it so it can multiply safely.
Nonetheless, we have to bypass the physical and see the virus that calls itself "gut flora" in the people. These people need help and the sources of the viruses, which exist due to filth, need to be annihilated. The viruses, all types, after they take over the people's body and mind tend to make them stupid since the host became a nest or zombie. That is what a zombie is. Even though you r repulsed by the homosexuals, and I am repulsed by the virus too, due to that we r infected by filth, all of us r somewhat a zombie of other types of infection, mainly the mold. These viruses, protista, insects, bacteria, fungi, and other vermin have no sex, even if they pretend to be male and female to mimic and camouflage.
So, you don't have to befriend a homo or a lesbo. However, shift your hatred to the bugs and other vermin in your environment by practicing cleanliness in all its form. Love cleanliness and hate filthiness. Don't eat too much sugary food and fatty foods since that cause the vermin to populate in your gut and your mouth. In reality, you don't hate your species, you hate the viruses that make them act weird. By practicing cleanliness and hating all types of bugs, which r the sources of infection and diseases, you become the opposite of filth and r no longer a passive zombie. You become a defender of mankind, a protector of your species, the mammals and a destroyer of filth. Know that these vermin have been living on earth for a long period of time and know what makes us tick. That is why they live in our gut in order to abuse us. They even use the most horrible book that exists on the planet, the religious books, to blackmail us into submission. These religious books r used against mankind as books of fear to force us to submit to the virus that controls earth and all its inhabitants. Even the doctors r afraid to save their patients. However, fearing the bugs don't prevent mankind from decaying and dying. Therefore, mankind should destroy vermin daily in their life no matter what. They keep every single child hostage and every parent is blackmailed by the virus. So whenever you see a homo, the hatred you should feel should be against the virus living in the body of the homosexual's host, and not the victim. The homosexual virus is very dangerous as all viruses r. Even when seeming friendly, the homosexual virus only has one purpose is to multiply. By corrupting as many as they can, their numbers increase and that is what all viruses do. Religion is a virus too as you can see, the viruses that call themselves "religion" only has one goal, multiplication. After that the religion virus divides and continues to multiply under different names,cultures, races, and such. That is why the planet where we live became religious, which word means re's legions or ra's legions since the planet is named after ra, the name of the infection. Buddha is an infection. Muhammad is an infection. Jesus is an infection. Yeshua is an infection. Christianity is an infection. Islam is an infection. Jehovah witness is an infection. Jewish is an infection. Homosexual infection and lesbian infection r equal to christian, jewish, moslem, buddhist, conficius, and other groups of infection. Some of them camouflage as good, but there is no good infection. Note that religions only recruits "sinners", which means that every religious people r infected by the filth virus that is earth.
So hate the right thing that caused these people to be gay. However, to protect yourselves, since the gay virus use the rich people to make gay a legitimate lifestyle, stay away from gay because they will not change, instead they try to trick others to become one of them. Just like you would stay away from a person with a contagious disease, so you should stay away from the gay disease because it is contagious.