First to answer the question. There's nothing wrong with liking TS porn but if you're addicted and would like to cut down or stop then you might try finding a new hobby that isn't masturbating or get in an actual relationship =)
Second of all Erica, I generally agree with you but everytime I see you say that most or many of the people in trans porn are really gay men I want to ask where you're getting the information to come to that conclusion. Is there a study I haven't heard of about who is participating in TS porn? Or maybe you've personally talked to a large sampling of people who participate in TS porn and they've told you they see themselves as gay men? If so could you provide a link to the study so I can read it? I'm genuinely curious. If such a study exists I'd like to take a look at it.
Are there gay men posing as transwomen in TS porn? Undoubtedly. Have I seen anything to make me reach the conclusion that the majority are really feminized gay men? No.
And even if the majority are feminized gay men I fail to see what is wrong with TS porn. I'll definitely agree that it plays a role in the discrimination that transwomen face and I don't like the stigma it helps to re-enforce. After all I have to live it the effects of that stigma everyday. But I'm not convinced that the harm of TS porn goes further then the stigma around it. And the stigma surrounding a group or activity isn't enough to declare that group or act in and of itself to be "bad" or "wrong."
I'll give an example. In Victorian times tan skin carried a stigma because people with tanned skin were poor people and farmers that couldn't afford to hire people to do their manual labor for them. So they were constantly working in the sun thus why they would have tan skin. Back then fair skin was a sign of wealth and prosperity and everyone with tanned skin were lowly peasants to be looked down on.
Does that make tanned skin bad or wrong? I certainly wouldn't think so. The problem here is one of perception.
The same goes for TS porn. If you can demonstrate harm caused by TS porn that isn't related to the stigma around it I'm all ears. But until that harm is demonstrated I'll continue to argue that the problem with TS porn is people's perception of it and not the act itself.
I'll say it again. I don't like the stigma that TS porn helps re-enforce and it's unquestionable that that stigma makes the lives of transwomen harder. But the response is not to condemn TS porn or the people that participate in it or to make sweeping generalizations about how those people do and don't identify.
We must work on educating people and changing their perception of us so they realize that most of us aren't all about sex and don't want to be in porn. We must make people realize that TS porn isn't representative of what it's like to be with a transwomen or to be a transwomen. The same way a porn where a pizza delivery boy comes to the door and winds of having sex with the person he's delivering pizza to isn't representative of what it's like to actually deliver pizza or be a pizza delivery boy.