First of all, you're only showing your ignorance once again by your comments show little to no compassion for your fellow man.
If you truly are a "Christian" as you claim, you would think twice about making the judgements you have here.
Secondly, you've hardly ever been "politically correct" with anyone here. Insted you have continually insulted us, called us names, posted inaccurate information, shoved your personal religious BELIEFS down our thoats. (I highlighted the word "beliefs" because not one of the things you post are based in any kind of FACT. They are merely your personal opinions.)
I was certainly given the ability to "Make children" as my SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD son PROVES!
Again, an erronious comment based in shear hatred and ignorance on your part!
The Marginal argument is to say that gays are not physiologically JUST as able to CONCIEVE children as ANY HETERO!
It's OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain that an egg/ovum and a sperm are necessary to actually concieve, so don't even start. To say that comparing infertile hetero couples to homosexual couples because they cannot concieve without outside help is in anyway "marginal" only shows your lack of ability to reason as a human being.
Please get off your high horse. If you can't even bother to correct your grammar, you will not be taken seriously. A word beginning with the letter "H" is NEVER preceded by the word "an" in the ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
This error only shows that either you're not all that proficient at the English language, or that your lack of this most basic knowledge is due to English not being your primary language.
Either way, it most assuredly shows your lack of care for your readers.
"2 gays don't make a baby."
Do we have to rehash this again?
How many times will you post erronious and completely nonsencical information which isn't even true?
"You are not in love you are in lust. "
How is it that you are so sure of this? Are you involved in a homosexual relationship? Have you ever known love at all?
Until you are in any one of OUR shoes, living any one of OUR lives, keep your filthy lies to yourself!
" That is the truth"
Who's truth, certainly NOT my truth, not my partner's truth, not the truth of ANYONE posting here.
No, it's simply your sad truth that you know NOTHING of love, it has never touched your life and you are sadly on the road to never being able to know it until you stop hating others AS WELL AS YOURSELF!
Your rants here only reflect your hatred of yourself and your lack of the ability to self love, self satisfy and self care.
"I'm saying u guys don't know how to love yourselves or u wouldnt be hurting your bodies."
Exactly how am I "hurting" my "body"? I'm curious now. You've made one completely rediculous statement after another. You have no proof, no evidence, not even a decent accusation...insted all you do is post lie after lie after lie.
I pray for your very soul!
My child is WELL cared for, thanks, but NO THANKS!
My child needs no prayers from anyone so filled with hate and anger!
My child has been a blessing, too bad you can't ever know what that means.
My child is a joyful gift and brings light and love into every life he touches.
It's a pity you will NEVER know that joy a child will bring. Your heart is hard with anger, turned to stone with hate. The only "love" you'll ever know is for Your master, the DEVIL!