It sounds like you are a homosexual troll, having a mental conflict. So, we can conclude that all gays have mental conflicts and all gays are troll. So, you must be conflicted.
The recognition that conflicts do not usually arise suddenly but develop gradually as the individual meets more and more difficult problems, as he matures, has influenced psychiatrists to make detailed studies of child development. It has also influenced them to make accurate studies of the personal and social backgrounds of adults in the attempt to trace the origin of their maladjustments. Thus, in many cases, evidence has been uncovered which shows that many maladjustments and neurotic conditions are due to mental conflicts which had their origin in childhood, but which did not cause undue emotional tension and consequent maladjustment until adolescence or adulthood.
Studies of the mechanism of mental conflicts have shown that only few maladjustments are due to a single conflict. Usually the basis for many maladjustments is the formation of a pattern of conflicts, the pressure of which causes the individual to assume either symbolic emotional maladjustment or overt maladjustments. The separation of various conflicts for discussion in this book has been made principally because they can be evaluated much more easily in this manner.
So, Bazinger, you have all of two moniker friends, even in a gay section. Lonely, huh, no real friends