2011-02-17 11:31:14 UTC
These people do NOT claim that ALL people who are queer have chosen it. Just that THEY themselves did. Neither do they claim that being queer is somehow a BAD thing. They are actually very proud of their queer identities, and wouldn't want it any other way. So I was just wondering: why do some of you people hate that so much?
Sure, maybe YOU don't believe they actually chose it, but that they were really queer all along and just didn't know. I get that. However: is it really all that threatening that *they* disagree? And shouldn't THEY have the right to identify in whatever way THEY see fit, as long as they let us do the same thing without trying to pigeonhole us? If their statement was that ALL queer people choose to be queer, I can see why you would be p*ssed. However, they are only talking about THEMSELVES, so what is so bad about that? I just don't get it...
I guess one fairly obvious think you MIGHT say is that they're giving queer people a bad rep by claiming that SOME are able to choose it, and thereby giving homophobes + transphobes an easy way to attack us, considering how they're always pushing the "it's a choice for everyone!" argument. However, I personally think whether or not it is a choice is completely irrelevant. What matters to ME is that homosexuality does NOT freaking hurt anyone, or impact anyone who is NOT in a gay relationship, and should therefore be fully accepted! THAT is what we should attack them on. NOT on the whole "nature vs. nurture" issue. Even if it WAS a choice for everyone, which I know it isn't, it wouldn't matter, because there would still be absolutely NOTHING wrong with it!
Thoughts..? Agreements? Disagreements?
I'd love to see your opinion, no matter what it is. =)