They accept that being a gay or lesbian is not a choice, but don't respect that bisexuality isn't as well. Pretty much every myth on this site is what they believe, and they openly tell me: For that reason alone i NEVER told them, but my mum found out rooting through my post a few years ago before i left home. They were important documents that were for MY eyes only, so i was pissed off enough about that, but then she kicked off and my older brother laughed in my face. I hate them both, but i love them as well. It's just they're both so arrogant that it doesn't matter whats in front of them, what they believe is right. What can i do? It's getting that bad that i don't want them near my daughter, for years i believed that i was making the choice to be hated by them and 'friends' Believing that i deserved their hate, just because they had me believe it is a lifestyle choice, but who would choose to be hated by their family, a family who respects gays, lesbians, transgendered etc, but not bi's.