Hi everyone :) my name is Rainy, I'm a 20 yr old bisexual. I have not come out yet, for several reasons, mainly because my parents are hard core relgious, and i fear my life if i were to express it, but i will,,,maybe in a couple years, anyways the real issue, is to everyone out there im just anothr straight girl, that is open minded. kisses other girls at parties. Now i've had boyfriend and such, and one girlfriend(which no one knew about...she was straight too, and has a boyfriend now...by the way still claiming to be straight...even to me! lol) my point is i am head over heels madly in love with this girl...let's call her NORAH...i love everything about her, she is my identical person. we have similiar taste in pretty much everything. she's talented, i'm convinced she'll be on broadway some day. Hands down, the smartest girl i know. and most of all, she's beautfiul. I'm the outgoing sarcastic social type,but around her i freeze, shes just so beautiful and deserves to be with someone who will appreciate her for just how amazing she is. really. you know in those cheesy romance movies where there's the typical zac efron and angelina jolie type, perfect looking, and they are head over heals for eachother, everything matches in every way, and your like..what bullshit haha. well i'm ******* efron and she's angelina! hotter even! now here lies the problem ...she's straight and has a boyfriend. which shes always having problems with. when we first became friends, i never had any inclination towards her..in anyway..no love at first sight..because deep down she intimidated me, but then one night we went on this school trip and she was grabbing me,(perfectly sober) and we got >...< this close to kissing. she even grabbed my hand for a split of a split second, we talked for hours and hours, and she even told me how she's kissed tons and tonssssss of women! she was deff flirting people,!! grabbing my hair and ****. ever since then my feelings changed, then she had moments of pure alienation. dry and cordial. its been several months and now we're considered "good friends" we've had sleep overs, the works. she tells me about her guy problems, as do i. so we're there. she even cuddled with me when i slept over.(a friendly cuddle people) but nothing ever like that first couple weeks we got to know eachother. the signs were booming!! anyhoo, now after seeing how creative, and well spoken and just beautifully perfect she is, i find myself thinking about her, almost everyday. can i somehow, get her to fall in love with me? i already got one straight girl (cool girl status haha) but this isnt even about a game, i just want to kiss her lips, once. i can give her all the things shes desired from a guy and more. any tips on how to persuade her without coming out myself.???? thanks guys.