What is a bigot exactly?
2010-02-15 13:07:58 UTC
I was called a bigot because I do not agree with homosexuality. I mean this was not even an argument. I just answered "Personally I do not agree with homosexuality or homosexual marriage" I did not get to finish because well, someone yelled "Bigot" to me and walked off. This has been on my mind today. I get the general idea of the definition of a bigot but what did I do? I kinda feel bad. What the heck did I do? How was I a bigot?
Seven answers:
2010-02-15 13:46:47 UTC
a bigot is the opposite of a small ot.

small ots claim to be open minded

unfortunately sometimes they are so open minded that their brain falls out of the hole in their head

the result is that they take up a flag and wave it in support of people who display historically disapproved behaviors.screaming " bigot" at anyone they disagree with.

These are the same people who join groups like peta and protest the mistreatment of " sea kittens" ( sharks)

don't worry about the person who shouted at you and stormed off they are probably mad because they realised that they were not going to get you into bed
2010-02-15 13:11:16 UTC
If you don't agree with homosexuality or homosexual marriage, then you're saying to a group of people they are wrong for who they are. (To those who say, homosexuality is a choice, ask them if that means their dad's could go out and get aroused by a guy or their moms aroused by a woman. Being gay is not a choice.) If people are wrong for things they cannot change about themselves, then you must be a bigot to disapprove of them. Gays are simply different from you, not better or worse.
2010-02-15 13:19:35 UTC

here you go

Homosexuality is simply not wrong.

Discrimination against homosexuals is intrinsically wrong. You do not have a good reason to not agree with it other than maybe 'o, its just yucky.'

Honestly, give me a GOOD reason why that does not make you a bigot, and I will gladly shove hot coals up my vagina.
2010-02-15 13:48:40 UTC

Main Entry: big·ot

Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot

Date: 1660

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

— big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective

— big·ot·ed·ly adverb
2010-02-15 13:14:34 UTC
It means someone who is hateful towards groups of people.

Unfortunately it's been misused to include people who don't share the same political opionions as homosexuals.
2010-02-15 13:16:36 UTC
Type it into your browser and the answer will shortly reveal itself.

You should remember that "Freedom of Speach" shouldn't be used to justify murder, hatred, abuse, banning of civil rights and inaccurate (and, overall) pointless opinions.
2010-02-15 13:10:24 UTC
If you aren't in possession of a physical copy of a dictionary, there are several online. Your answer is a click away.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.