In the beginning, my wife didn't know about my crossdressing, and like you, I was hiding it all along... One time, I went to Tokyo by myself and I visited a crossdress studio to have some fun! I felt like I was in heaven to be so feminine for a day. I went to another crossdress studio that also had a shibari (Japanese bondage) mistress to satisfy my "bad girl" fantasies. And of course, while at the studios, I had photos taken of me. When I came home to Sapporo, I guess she "suspected something", looked through my suitcase while I was at work, and confronted me when I came home. Through her tears, she asked me who the girl was and where did I go to take shibari photos... and me, well, what else can I say but to come clean and tell her that the girl in the pictures, tied up hanging in ropes, was really me... I think you can kind of imagine how awkward and silent that night was in bed...
Gradually, she learned about what is crossdressing, and today, I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones with a still loving and accepting wife. She sees how happy and relaxed I am when I change into a skirt or dress... I feel so free... I don't do it everyday, but she let's me wear anything I want around the house and we've even gone lingerie and cosmetics shopping together before. We're like 2 best girl friends when I'm Christine.
One of the things that really hurt her the most was the fact that I didn't tell her earlier... It didn't bother her so much that I was wearing women's clothes, because what's the problem really? It's just fabric in different colors, patterns, and cuts. But what was so upsetting was that I had hid a secret from her, I had lied to her, I betrayed her trust... And likewise, she felt so ultimately guilty for having looked through my personal things and discovering something she truly had no idea about. If I could rewind time and do it all over again, I would have told her and avoided all the turmoil that followed.
I honestly know how you feel... And I don't mean to boast with my story, but I just wanted to show you that there *are* wives who are accepting and where you can live a happy (and balanced) life. My wife and I have had more than a handful of "long talks" about crossdressing and whether or not I really wanted to be a woman... It's not easy... Actually, maybe I'd categorize it as down-right difficult... and it takes a long time with a lot of compromises.
I don't know if your wife is accepting or not, only you can tell, but you can always ask her indirect questions like when you see feminine looking guys on TV or in a magazine, ask her what she thinks of his style, his hair, or whatever. Just be very subtle about it (not bombard her with questions about it everyday), and over time, you can get a little idea of what she thinks about it.
I did find one good website from Y!A before (link in the source below)... It has a lot of good articles to read through, for both the husband and wife. Good luck, have fun, and be safe! (^_~)/