I am a 17 year old guy. I think I am gay but then again I think I am somewhat confused. I first came out October of 2012 as gay but then my sister thought I was bisexual and it really confused me. Part of me thinks I am gay and another part of me thinks I am bisexual. The reasons I think I am gay, is I always knew I was different. I liked to play with girls more than guys, I always did girly things such as playing with barbies. I even used to but a ball up my shirt and pretend I was pregnant. I was and still am a somewhat feminine guy. Not to say that straight guys can't do those things. I am very confused. The reason I think I am bisexual is because I still find women attractive. I can even get turned on by anal straight porn, however if it's vaginal straight porn I can't. I am attracted to women, and I could have sex with one or something but I don't find the female genitalia attractive whereas I do for men. So how could I have sex with a women but not find her vagina ugly. One of my good friends thinks there's a part of me that just hasn't excepted the fact that I am gay. Another reason that might play a role is that my psychiatrist is pretty sure that I have borderline personality disorder and that could play a part on why I might be confused. In the end though, labels don't really matter and I know that, but I still want to know if I am gay or not. If I was bisexual, I would NEVER have sex with a women. I would simply deny my feelings and only date men. It might sound crazy, but I actually want to be gay. Sorry, but I don't want to be bisexual. So am I gay or just confused?