Ignore the boys; it makes them cringe when you talk about SRS.
However -- your fantasy of being "the beautiful damsel in distress on TV" is a fantasy about a situation that does not exist. Being female means your opinions carry less weight, you make about 70cents for every $1 a man makes, you're likely to be expected to do more work for less money, and if you marry, the guy will expect you to hold down a job AND do all the housework and cooking, unless you are remarkably fortunate. Oh, and if you adopt? Until the kid is old enough to be out of diapers, most men will figure that's your job, too.
I think you might try cross-dressing, you might be one hell of a drag queen. As far as pursuing SRS, that means counseling because the procedure is not reversible.
Talk to a gender identity therapist.
This is a site for young people (under 35) to discuss the issue
Here is a list of gender therapists to see who can help you get started in working out the issues
Here is a list of educational sites that can help you learn about the issue
On this site you can find a list of people who fit into society perfectly
Help in transitioning
A Surgeons Site
Source(s): YA user kathryn white, thanks!