2006-03-27 12:24:12 UTC
I watched a show where a guy wanted to be a girl (transgender), we'll call him Sam. So Sam began by dressing like a girl, then eventually got his "operation" to switch to female. After the operation, Sam seemed to be attracted to another female. So my question is....why couldn't Sam stay male and like women? Wouldn't that make him straight? Why make it so difficult?
Also, Sam started to wear a Gay Pride necklace. Why would Sam wear a gay pride if she is now physically a female?
Someone please explain...I am very confused.
Thirteen answers:
2006-03-27 15:48:54 UTC
Gender performance has nothing to do with sexual orientation.

You may want to read that sentance again.

How you like to dress, act, if you want to sit or stand while peeing has nothing to do with who you find attractive. Nothing. Zip. Nada. The two are unconnected. It really is that simple. They're like a fish and a bicycle. Nothing to do with each other at all.

Gender performance (how you act a particular gender, male or female) won't tell you anything about the sexual orientation of anyone. I'm bisexual, and I perform as a standard "normal" female. My desire to wear skirts and fancy earrings has nothing to do with my liking dick or p*ssy. My enjoyment of halter tops and eye shadow has nothing to do with who I want to have sex with. Nothing. None. Nada.

Sam is a woman now and she likes women. So that makes her bisexual or a lesbian, and fully applicable for wearing pride jewelry. It really is that simple.
2006-03-27 22:55:59 UTC
Being gay and being transgendered are two completely different things. Being gay means you are attracted to the same sex as your oen, being transgendered means that your biological gender does not match the gender your mind is. So it is very possible for Sam to be a tranwoman and a lesbian. She couldn;t remain in a man's body, because she did not feel like she was a man, she was a woman that was trapped in a man's body. She just happened to be a lesbian woman trapped in man's body. Contrary to some people's belief's gay men and women do not wish they were the opposite sex. They re perfectly happy with being men and women.
2006-03-28 02:34:14 UTC
Even if he changed to be a female she is a female no matter how it came about. Many les. myself include wear gay pride necklaces. Although the les community has thier own style of pride. the gay pride necklace is for all not just for one community. Sam is a les. She felt female in her heart and should not have to settle for being considered straight, but just she was born a man. Just respect her view and respect the fact she was honest with herself.
Love Panda
2006-03-28 03:05:05 UTC
Well The whole world is filled with a bunch of different people. true, he was contradicting himself and technically he is straight. But there are a lot of reasons, my first one is that maybe he didn't like living the life as a man and felt he was more, physically and emotionally, a woman. Why he would start going with women instead of men beats me....maybe he wanted to have a lesbian relationship. There are lots of posibilities and to understand his must understand him and what he has been through and how he feels.
2006-03-27 23:06:42 UTC
Well, I'm a bit confused about my sexuality sometimes too but I'm sure i'm totally happy being a man even though I'm almost gay, I like being man...

I think Sam has serious problems, in real life you got totake lots of psycological tests to ensure yourself and the doc u're ready to be a woman, maybe Sam didn't take the tests...

About sexual preferences everything's possible, maybe Sam wanted to be a woman 'cause he didn't like to be a gay man but a lesbian woman, in fact I think he's bisexual and he wanted to be a bisex woman, about the Pride neckless, he/she can wear whateva he/she wants, just like u and i...
2006-03-28 05:21:48 UTC
There are two genders, your physical gender and your brain gender. I am attracted to women, now if I get an srs "sexual reassignment surgery" then I would be a lesbian. Now since a person can't change their brain they change their physical gender to match what they feel inside. I'm sure if it were possible to change ones brain most transsexuals would. It's a hard life being a transsexual. I hope you understand the difference between physical and mental gender. I recommend you visit this website my friend Jessica has, she's a transsexual lesbian and one of my best friends. The site has everything you need to know.
2006-03-27 21:35:25 UTC
hey end of the day there are some VERY f*cked up people in this world, and if there is one thing I know about people it is that "logic" is just a made up concept to try to reduce headaches. It DOESNT work, people just DON'T make sense, especialy someone f*cked up enough to change his sex. Maybe he was a perv who wanted to get into the womens changing rooms and was obssesesed with Lesbian sex =P (as most hetrosexual males are) and wanted to get a first hand feel of what it was like! hehe.
2006-03-27 21:50:45 UTC
This is an issue that quite a few people don't have a ton of experience with, so don't let anyone give you any crap over being confused, as long as you're also respectful.

Sam is whatever she says she is. If that's a transsexual lesbian, then so be it. Besides, gender identity isn't really about sexual preference. Think of them as separate issues and it may be easier to understand.
2006-03-27 20:28:30 UTC
Sam is a gay lesbian.
Soccer Italy
2006-03-28 06:47:28 UTC
do you think its normal to feel like you are a girl trapped in a male body?? its not but its too difficult to treat such a psychiatric patient because he needs an insight first and intensive psychotherapy under hypnosis and usually it doesn't work. so they go for SRS and most of the Transgender ppl most of them don't.

its weird though, ppl think that TGs are normal and some of them are sexy. well they are literally sick, that doesn't mean that they are cheap or something, na they are abnormal and because we can't do much for them we help them to make their lives easier with HRT and SRS. just like killing a very sick old terminal man with Mercy death.
2006-03-28 12:58:47 UTC
sam isnt happy being a man,but tech i guess sam is a lesbian..peaple are way to harsh on transgen wud they feel if they had the same problems
Alex Jeveri
2006-03-27 20:32:03 UTC
you wanna explain one more time, i Mean why is there your interest in SAM
2006-03-27 20:28:38 UTC
Don't feel bad, I'm just as confused about that kind of stuff as you are!

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